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Thread: My big boy Gable - sweet Gabe is now at peace

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Lol, Leslie! My husband did the same thing with our Chihuahua, Doree. That was when he was he was told he should get her fixed for like the millionth time. She was 11 when he finally agreed.

    I know I am probably overreacting, but he drinks loads, pees loads and I don't know how he holds it in all day...maybe yesterday was just too long since he wasn't let out again after 7am, and I got home late. He still needs his thyroid level checked since it was off back in November and my vet said we should check it again in 6 months.

    So, that's the plan for now...and I will try not to panic.
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Thyroid can cause the same symptoms as cushings, so it's possible the thyroid is still off. So IF there is something going on, that is the first thing I'd want checked based on prior testing, but you know, if I haven't gone since early morning and had to hold all day, we'd be in a world of hurt too. ROFL!!!
    I'm leaning towards that and thyroid based on what you have told us about Gabe. Big boy have big bladders. Big girls too, lord when my golden lost it in the house, i thought a pipe had broken somewhere!!!
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Joan -- my Abbie had two accidents recently in the house and it turned out to be a UTI. Two weeks of antibiotics and no more accidents. As others have said, just take it one step at a time!

    Also, I wanted you to know that Abbie is my second Cush pup. My first, a beagle named Maggie, was very, very ill the last two years of her life. I waited a little less than a year after her passing (at the age of 13) to adopt Abbie who was 7 at the time. Fast forward a few years and Abbie was diagnosed with Cushing's. Did I want another dog to get Cushing's? No. Do I regret adopting Abbie? Absolutely not. Because of this forum, I was so much better prepared to deal with Abbie's situation and I knew that the best place for me was right here.
    Judy H. (Always "Maggie and Abbie's Mom" & now "Sadie Sue's Mom")
    Venice, FL

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Quote Originally Posted by molly muffin View Post
    Thyroid can cause the same symptoms as cushings, so it's possible the thyroid is still off. So IF there is something going on, that is the first thing I'd want checked based on prior testing, but you know, if I haven't gone since early morning and had to hold all day, we'd be in a world of hurt too. ROFL!!!
    I'm leaning towards that and thyroid based on what you have told us about Gabe. Big boy have big bladders. Big girls too, lord when my golden lost it in the house, i thought a pipe had broken somewhere!!!
    That's what I thought too! I even looked up at the ceiling. He was so upset..i felt so bad for him.
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  5. #25
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    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Quote Originally Posted by judymaggie View Post
    Joan -- my Abbie had two accidents recently in the house and it turned out to be a UTI. Two weeks of antibiotics and no more accidents. As others have said, just take it one step at a time!

    Also, I wanted you to know that Abbie is my second Cush pup. My first, a beagle named Maggie, was very, very ill the last two years of her life. I waited a little less than a year after her passing (at the age of 13) to adopt Abbie who was 7 at the time. Fast forward a few years and Abbie was diagnosed with Cushing's. Did I want another dog to get Cushing's? No. Do I regret adopting Abbie? Absolutely not. Because of this forum, I was so much better prepared to deal with Abbie's situation and I knew that the best place for me was right here.
    Thanks, Judy...I am hoping for hypothyroid, but he's my boy and we'll deal with whatever it is. It's weird because the first time I heard of Cushing's was when I brought him in a couple of years ago for diarrhea and the vet noticed his hair loss on his lower back, but nothing showed in the blood work then. Lena must've had it at the time, but I didn't look it up, or I would've known that she had all the symptoms.
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    I left work a little early today because I had to bring some work to my boss's house, rushed to pick up Sibbie at my husband's office, sped home so as not to leave Gable too long...and everything was fine. Cooper had peed where Gabe had let loose the other day, but I can handle that.

    He was so happy to see me and when he went outside, in the pouring rain which he hates, he stood there with his leg up and peed for at least 3 minutes...the poor guy. It seems pretty dilute to me.

    In all the worrying about him, and getting an appointment first thing tomorrow morning, I completely forgot that I was supposed to go to an Easter Pancake Breakfast with my daughter and grandsons tomorrow! Jess is mad at me, I think...but I've done this breakfast thing for probably 6 years and Gable is my priority right now. I have to find out what's wrong. He's sleeping at my feet right now, and he's very gassy...pew!

    I might still make the Easter Egg hunt if we don't take too long at the vet.

    I sure do hate missing that $5.00 breakfast of pancakes, eggs bacon and sausage, though...
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    So it looks like hypothyroid...


    ALK Phosphatase 328
    ref range 5 - 131

    Triglycerides 714
    ref range 29 - 291
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Hey Joan, when you say it looks like hypothyroid, did Gable have a low T4 result? That's the result that would be specific to hypothyroidism. I don't mean to alarm you, but elevated ALKP and triglycerides can also be associated with Cushing's.


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Oh Joan, sorry I don't usually read these posts so I didn't realize all this was happening to poor Gable! And poor you gosh I hope you get to the bottom of all this soon. And if it is Cushings, everyone is here by your side supporting you. Plus you have so much knowledge about this and will be a great advocate for Gable. Huge hugs and love to you all.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My big boy Gable

    Quote Originally Posted by labblab View Post
    Hey Joan, when you say it looks like hypothyroid, did Gable have a low T4 result? That's the result that would be specific to hypothyroidism. I don't mean to alarm you, but elevated ALKP and triglycerides can also be associated with Cushing's.

    Yes, he did, Marianne...that's what these results are from.
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

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