Re: My big boy Gable
Lol, Leslie! My husband did the same thing with our Chihuahua, Doree. That was when he was he was told he should get her fixed for like the millionth time. She was 11 when he finally agreed.
I know I am probably overreacting, but he drinks loads, pees loads and I don't know how he holds it in all day...maybe yesterday was just too long since he wasn't let out again after 7am, and I got home late. He still needs his thyroid level checked since it was off back in November and my vet said we should check it again in 6 months.
So, that's the plan for now...and I will try not to panic.
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.