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Thread: Hi all, foster girl with Cushing's

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Default Re: Hi all, foster girl with Cushing's

    Thank you again Marianne.

    I know these exams are useless, and i am so angry cause Lucy was stressed for nothing and i still have to pay for the right exams. The only thing that i know for sure is that I ll never go back to that clinic again.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Default Re: Hi all, foster girl with Cushing's

    Ηι all, just an update from sweet Lucy.
    She had no improvement with cushing's , just the same, but unfortunately her leishmaniasis got worse, she was bleeding from nose last days, a usual sign of advanced leishmaniasis. We did some blood work for that and also for cushings . I am afraid she will need to take miltofesin along with vetoryl,, I am afraid how her tiny body will respond with 2 strong meds that have a lot side effects.

    The only happy news is that i officially adopted her and she will be part of our family and i ll not have to worry about her future any more.

    Hope you are all ok. Matina

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Hi all, foster girl with Cushing's

    Oh Matina, it makes my heart sing to know that Lucy is now officially yours!!! Bless you for all the love and care that you give her. I’m so sorry, though, to hear that the leishmaniasis seems to be worsening. I’m sending all hopes and healing wishes for her recovery, and we’ll always be here for you if you just want to talk things over.

    Please give Lucy many gentle hugs from her family here,

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Default Re: Hi all, foster girl with Cushing's

    Hi all! Marianne thank you again for you nice words. I feel much better and relaxed now that Lucy is part of our family and i know she ll always be safe and have the care she needs.

    She finally had an ultrasound and also did some extra some blood work , including electrolytes (no vet told as before) . Electrolytes were all in normal levels which vet suggested is a good sign that the dosage is still ok.
    The ultrasound findings were as i was expecting

    ( I tried to translate from greek as best as i could)
    -Symmetric enlargement of the adrenal glands
    -Findings of gallbladder mucocele.
    -Chronic pancreatitis.
    -Possible degeneration of the splenic parenchyma (haemosiderin deposition).

    We had seen signs of pancreatitis last 2-3 months so she is already on special diet (kibbles for pancreatitis and low fat food only)

    Good news, her kidneys were fine, so the leishmaniosis is not affecting her organs yet.

    Hope you are all ok. Matina
    Last edited by medusa; 06-17-2024 at 10:10 AM.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Default Re: Hi all, foster girl with Cushing's

    Hi everyone, it has been many months since i last wrote...
    we have a new ,very cute, foster boy in a wheelchair and with 2 doggies that need extra care, time has been limited.

    Sweet Lucy is still here, and she is much better. After summer we finally found an experienced vet and she had all proper exams, blood pressure, acht tests,urine tests etc.
    We changed 3 months ago from one 15 mg dose in the morning to a split dose (10 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the afternoon) and as it seems it worked better for her. Her belly is gone, ALP is down, her blood pressure is also lower (it was quite high) and also the last ACTH test confirmed that indeed the dose is working.
    Her leishmaniasis is under control also and she has no side effects from any of the treatments , so we are optimistic about future.

    Hope you are all ok, Matina.
    Last edited by medusa; 02-26-2025 at 06:22 PM.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Hi all, foster girl with Cushing's

    Dear Matina,

    It’s wonderful to hear from you again, and especially to get this great report on Lucy! You’re doing such a fine job of caring for her, as well as the other dogs you’ve welcomed into your home. Bless you for taking on the care of your newest little foster boy!

    Things have remained pretty quiet around here since you last visited, so it’s especially good to hear from you again and with such good news to share.

    Please do give all your dogs a hug for me, and we’ll always be grateful for additional updates on how you’re all doing together.

    Best wishes always,

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