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Thread: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings - Ginger has passed

  1. #401
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Bless his heart..please thank him for his understanding. You have a good man my friend. Thank you for lighting the candle for me.. much needed and much appreciated.
    Blessings, Colleen

  2. #402
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Hello all! Hope this finds everyone doing okay.
    I am at 129 weeks as of last Sunday that my sweet Ginger has been gone. Today was her birthday.. her 3rd in Heaven. Gosh I miss her terribly. I know I always will and I know "Anniversary days" ( I hate calling them that), will always be hard. I don't think we ever really quit doubting our actions and decisions. The regrets... the why didn't I do this... they will always haunt me. I talk with her every day, reassure her just how much she was loved, how special she was and how very much she is missed. And I share my mistakes I feel I made with her and tell her I am sorry. If nothing else, it helps me feel a little better.
    But her birthday, and the day she passed will always be difficult and very emotional. I accept that.
    Update on my husband... he is coming along. Healing well. I am encouraging him to get out with me amd walk around the store some or outside and do a few blocks to the post office or up through town. We only have one street that is town really, what business is here is on Main Street. So it is nice to walk up and around and down through town. We only live a block off Main Street. So he is getting his strength back, I think the more he will walk, the quicker he will regain his strength, he tires easily still. All I can do is pray and encourage..
    Okay, I have rattled on long enough... praying you all have a safe Labor Day weekend. Stay healthy and be blessed.
    Blessings, Colleen

  3. #403
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Joining you in wishing a happy heavenly birthday to precious Ginger. Sending huge and loving hugs.

  4. #404
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Thank you so much. All are welcome and needed.
    Much love and hugs back.

  5. #405
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Count me in, too, Colleen! Sending my belated birthday wishes to Angel Ginger, and sending virtual hugs to you. I’m very relieved to hear that your husband continues to heal, but I realize it remains a journey for you both. Maybe the coming of some cooler fall weather (hopefully *really* soon for us all!) will make it far more pleasant and rejuvenating to get out and about. I really cannot believe it’s already Labor Day weekend. It seems like only yesterday that I was planting all my summer flower pots, and now they’re all pretty much maxed out <SIGH>. But overall, right here we’ve been spared most of the horrible extremes that have plagued so many folks lately, and for that I am most grateful. Anyway, I send my best wishes your way, as always!


  6. #406
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rural central ARK

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Belated Happy Birthday to our precious Ginger! I hope my Squirt didn't steal all her birthday cake!

    I am very glad to hear your hubby is up and doing better. Walking is good for you or so I'm told. I don't have anyone forcing me to test that claim tho so remind him how lucky he is to have you at his side. I pray he continues to improve and regain his strength.

    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  7. #407
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Hell0 my friends! Just checking in and checking up on how everyone is doing!
    Yesterday was 139 weeks wirhout my sweet Ginger. Gosh the crisp fall days can surely hit hard. I do think it was Gingers favorite time of year! She loved finding the deepest leaves to walk through. Sometimes all I could see was her little head! She was such a character! I have 2 pictures of her when we were living back in Colorado when I was raking leaves. One, she is sitting in the middle of a big pile I had raked up. The second picture she hopped up on to and in the black trash bag I was filling with leaves!! She sat there pleased aa punch!
    I sure cherish those times... cherish every day I was blessed to have her! I still struggle with the guilt, the shoulda, coulda, woulda's.... I most likely always will.. perhaps we all do in our own way. I am still learning that it just has to be a part of my life now. There is no wrong or right when it comes to grief. As long as we do no harm. The guilt... I try to sort through, but it only shows me my failures even more. I cannot change any thing. I talk with her every day.. I see her everywhere I go because she was always with us. It is heart warming to know we never left her alone, but heartbreaking that she isn't here to still be enjoying all the things we did. I can talk about her and the memories easier at times, which is improvement. Other times I just cannot and that's okay. A love as we shared, as many of you have shared with your babies, shouldn't be easy to get over or put away. The happy and the hurtful are all part of living and loving, loving and loosing.
    What an honor to have known the love of a pet, the love of my Ginger.
    Blessings to each of you, hugs, Colleen

  8. #408
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Hi, Colleen! You probably don't remember me--it has been several years since I posted here re my journey with my beagles, Maggie and then Abbie. I am sure they greeted Ginger when she passed and they have all formed a fun beagle pack. I am now here with my third beagle rescue, Sadie Sue, who was recently diagnosed with Cushing's. I just wanted to touch base and encourage you to keep remembering all the good times you had with Ginger.
    Judy H. (Always "Maggie and Abbie's Mom" & now "Sadie Sue's Mom")
    Venice, FL

  9. #409
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Hi Judy. I do remember you and Maggie and Abbie! I am glad you have another, Miss Sadie Sue! I am so sorry about her diagnosis of Cushing's! My Ginger stsrted off with Addison's and within a few years it went into Cushing's, which, from what I have read is the mirror of Addison's. Ging had a good, long life for all she went through. I think it was just having to make that decision, never being through it before and not being sure we made the right decision at the right time. It was just so, so much at that time. We second guess everything.
    That said.. I am trying to hold on to the fact that "Death ends a life.... not a love!" I am sure your Maggie and Abbie greeted my Ginger.. she never liked being alone. We never left her.
    Blessings to you and Miss Sadie Sue.. I check now and then so if you need an ear, I am here.
    Blessings to all, Colleen

  10. #410
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Greetings one and all and Merry Christmas! I pray you and your fur babies are all doing well. 146 weeks, my third Christmas with my beautiful little Ginger beside me. Oh how she loved Christmas. Mainly the cooking and baking I did, but she also loved ripping up paper and cardboard. It was fun to watch her tear off the paper for a single little Milk Bone! I loved wrapping up little things like that for her and stuffing a few down in her stocking. She would always get a new "baby"(stuffed animal) and a new blanket some years. So many precious memories I cherish. We have had a red bird( Cardinal) visit us quite often she Ginger passed. A lot of times on a Sunday and it was a Sunday we had to say goodbye.
    I still want her back, miss her terribly. But I wouldn't want her to suffer any more. I know she is free and waiting for me.. that is what I hold on to. Just checking in and wishing you and yoir a Merry Christmas and wonderful New year. Blessings always, Colleen

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