Re: Holidays can be hard...
Yes, I know...I don't want to take ours down, not that Doree noticed it anyway. Luckily it's an artificial one and I can keep it up for as long as I want. The poor little girl was in so much pain. I am so glad that he finally agreed to give her some peace.
And you are a comfort to me, Marianne, you always have been.
Cooper had blood work done Friday. He's gaining weight, drinking a lot, constantly hungry...and guess what? It looks like it might be Cushing's AGAIN. I'm still processing...what are the odds of having three different dogs, three different breeds, and Cushing's. ALK 1966, ALT 226. The vet wanted to do the LDDT, but I can't afford all the testing and meds this time around. I'm not even sure it's really Cushing's. He's always been hyper and nuts, so I'm going to put him on a diet, start walking him to get the weight down, and see if it makes a difference. He's almost 15 and the stress of taking him to the vet for testing (on both of us) would be too much.
Like I said, still processing...
I miss my big beautiful boy, and I miss Lena. I'm still in Doree mode, thinking I have to check on her, listening for her to move around in the playpen, trying to decide what to make her for dinner to get her to eat. Then I remember I don't have to do any of that anymore, and my blood pressure goes back down, and I feel guilty because it's a relief. The stress of watching her get worse and knowing that she must've been in agony, was so hard, but he wouldn't see it and he didn't want her to go.
I've been having a hard time getting my thoughts together to put here. It's like they're swirling around in my head and just won't land (LOL). Everything is changing, and I don't like change.
Thank God the holidays are over...but I'm still not taking down the tree
Love you!
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.