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Thread: Our 9 year old mutt, Penny, in the dx process - sweet Penny has passed

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    If Penny were my dog, even if her cortisol is within range, I would stop the vetoryl and see if it makes a difference. Stopping it for a while won't hurt her. Constant diarrhea puts such a strain on them. If the diarrhea gets resolved then start her back up.
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clio, CA

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    Update on Penny. At the end if December we did a great battery of tests ($$) and absolutely everything came back normal. We switched her food to Hill’s I/D and her diarrhea resolved. She ate that regularly along with her meds (reduced her dose of Vetoryl) and her Stim test showed therapeutic.

    However. A few weeks later she refused her food again. So we gradually switched her back to her old food. Good news no diarrhea. But night pacing and agitation was driving her and us nuts. This has resolved by lots of nightlights and a baby gate to keep her in our bedroom at night. The vet thinks her diminished hearing and eyesight plus the possibility of minor dementia is the reason for the pacing.

    She has recently stopped eating well again although she still eats some. No diarrhea. She won’t take her pills regularly either. But pill pockets loosen her stools. She is losing weight. At this point we are just keeping her happy and can’t quite figure out where she gets her energy. She likes to go outside and sniff the world. In a few months she will be 15. Our goal is her happiness and to make the right decision before she has a crisis. I don’t want her to go through any pain or suffering.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rural central ARK

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    I'm glad the testing all came back normal! That is always a relief even in the face of changes like those you mention. My Squirt developed dementia and started pacing in the late afternoons. She walked for hours on end...just like humans with Alzheimer's will when they have sundowners. It is hard to watch but as long as she was enjoying her food and being outside and able to interact we kept on fighting. The day came when she refused to eat or drink even when I put food or water in her mouth and I knew she was telling me she had had enough. I think your sweet Penny will let you know when she is ready to move on as well...tho we never are ready for that day. Just love her and make as many memories to cherish as you can now and know she loves you and trusts you completely.

    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clio, CA

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    Thank you, Leslie

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clio, CA

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    RIP sweet Penny.

    Penny had a seizure this morning and we decided it was time for us to let her rest in peace.

    Thank you to everyone here for the years of support you have given.

    Mahalo nui loa,

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    I'm so sorry, Nancy. Rest in peace, sweet Penny...
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    Oh Nancy,

    I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your beloved girl, Penny, and my heart goes out to you and your family. Please know we are here for you and always will be.

    With Heartfelt Sympathy, Lori

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rural central ARK

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    Dear Nancy,

    I am so sorry to hear about sweet Penny's passing. It is very hard to make that decision but I have no doubt it was made from a place of deepest love...and Penny knows that as well. Now she is watching over you with the same devotion you watched over her all those years. One day when your job here is done it is my firm belief you will hold her in your arms again, never to be parted.

    Please know we are here anytime you wish to talk.
    My deepest sympathies,

    Rainbow Bridge

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies who has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….

    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Our 14 year old mutt, Penny

    Dear Nancy,

    I join the others in telling you how sorry I am about your loss of sweet Penny. You have always done your best to make sure she was as healthy and happy as possible. And now, as painful as it must be for you, you’ve given her spirit the final gift of release from a body that has reached its end. Thank you so much for returning to let us know, and for allowing us to join you in honoring Penny as well as your lives together. You rescued her the day she came to her forever home with you. And now she’ll forever remain safely tucked in your heart, as well.

    Please do return to us at any time to tell us how you’re doing, OK?

    Sending many hugs to you from across the miles,

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