Happy birthday, Apollo!!
Happy birthday, Apollo!!
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.
Happy, happy birthday from me, too! I’m guessing all our sweet babies are joining in the K9C Angel celebration!
Big hugs to you, though, Sonja. Big hugs on this bittersweet day.
Always in loving memory. Always.
I cherish my memories of Apollo and his little red stroller. Happy birthday big guy!!
Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!
Happy Birthday Apollo.. I know you are celebrating along with all our other fur baby's that are with you.
Judi & "mah boy" Keesh
Thank you all for your beautiful posted. I think I may hear them celebrating.I call the. God shots. Our angels say hi in different ways. Thank you. Lena was a real little angel. I did not think anyone would post. Bless you my sweet earthly human Angels.
Last edited by apollo6; 10-13-2018 at 11:26 PM.
Hi Sonja,
Stoppped by and saw updates on our Apollo’s thread.
Red strollers, hummingbirds, doxy themed anything are just a few triggers that always bring back memories of our handsome, proud boy.
All the memories are held so dear.
My best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am sure Zoe and Apollo are feasting away, while watching over us. Zoe is probably hogging the turkey legs!
addy, zoe and koko
My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton
Memory is the power to gather roses in the winter
thank you my dear friend.
Yes hold on to the good memories. I am sure our two little rascals are having fun while watching over us. Ever now and then I will see a hummingbird, my heart skips a beat and fill Apollo is saying just checking in Mom to see how you are doing. Take care my warrior sister.
It has been over 6 years since my boy, Apollo passed. Yesterday. You were on my mind a lot. I was reading notes to God to help me fill the hole and pain of your loss . You were so brave, courageous, dignified trying to fight this disease for as long as you could. I don't know if the guilt I feel about what you went through will ever go away.There is a hole and place in my heart and soul that only Apollo fills. You brought me so much joy, love, laughter, support. My sweet ,loving, regal, brave, little boy. Always in my heart and soul. I know every time I see humming bird, you are saying hi, Mom, and I get goose bumps. Take care of your sister Karma, Zoe(don't get to fresh with her ) love always your Mom
Awww, Sonja...sending you many,many hugs.
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Angel Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.
I’m sending you my warmest thoughts, too, Sonja. I can’t believe how quickly the years fly by, now. But the passage of time does nothing to change our memories or the ache of our loss over those we’ve loved so dearly. And always will love. If only we could have just a few moments back to show them how much they mean to us. I guess we just have to trust that they do know. They just have to. And so our K9C family will always join you in honoring your sweet, brave boy. So that he can know how much he will always remain loved. And Sonja, we are always right here by your side.
Thinking of you, and Apollo, this morning with such fondness. Thank you so much for continuing to return to us.