Candles for our family
In addition to lighting candles to honor our babies at The Bridge, candles may also be lit to offer support, prayers, well-wishes, and hopes for any pup who is having a tough time. Candles may also be lit to say "Thanks!" for something. You may even light one and leave it blank, the reason staying between you and your candle.
Our candle page is a way for us to honor our babies as well as each other, to remember, to share, a way for our family to grow closer. Here is the link to the candle lighting site:
Previously, we were able to create a "group" page that was dedicated solely to the candles of our members. has recently revised their website, however, and we now need to follow these steps in order to find and view all our members' candles on a single page.
When you first compose a message for your candle, be sure to include either "K9C" or "k9c" somewhere within the body of your message.
At any point in the future, if you want to view candles lit by yourself or other members of our family, type K9C (or k9c) in the search field in the upper right hand side of the candle lighting page.
All candles with messages containing our family's initials will show. It is then possible to open the candles to read the messages.
After opening a candle within the group, use the back arrow to return to the group rather than clicking on "Back to Candles."
This way you can dip in and out of our family grouping and also quickly see how many candles are lit.
Last edited by labblab; 06-23-2015 at 05:09 PM.
Reason: To add new candle lighting link.
"May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"
Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.