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Thread: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Lena is now an angel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Lena is now an angel

    My teacup poodle, Lena was just diagnosed Dec. 7. She is only 6lbs. Has all the classic symptoms which snuck up on us as she is going to be 15 in March and we attributed them all to her age. She started on 10mg of Vetoryl and it seemed to work within a few days, but the symptoms are all returning. We increased to 20mg and now it is up to 30. Testing again this coming weekend. I am heartbroken! She has been my baby since the first day I saw her. She has an adrenal tumor, which is inoperable. Does anyone have any suggestions on diet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    Hello Joan, and welcome to you and little Lena. I have only a moment to post, but I wanted you to know that I've moved your post in order to create a thread that is your very own. This way, it will be much easier for our members to reply to you directly.

    We're very glad you've found us!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    Thank you, Marianne...I wasn't sure where to go. I am crying all the time and just want to hear from others who might help me get through this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    Hi Joan, Welcome to you and Lena.

    30 mg. is a boatload of Vetoryl for a 6 lb. baby. Please post the results of all of her ACTH tests. I am concerned about such a high dosage.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    Oh, I'm nervous! The vet said it was okay to go that high. She's only been on 30 since 1/21. I just called them and asked them to fax me the test results. How do I post them after I get them? I knew it...I thought it was too high!
    Last edited by Joan2517; 01-26-2016 at 03:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    DO NOT PANIC JOAN!!!!! . BREATHE!!!!!! We just want to check a few things. Starting recommendations for Vetoryl is 1mg. per pound. Cortisol can (and often does continue to drop) the first 30 days of treatment. Lena has just been diagnosed. Her Vetoryl has already been raised twice. This is a red flag waving wildly to me. We ask a bunch of questions for clarification. TRY NOT TO PANIC!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    They haven't sent it do I get it to you when they do? If they don't send it to me by tonight, should I not give her the pill in the morning?
    Last edited by Joan2517; 01-26-2016 at 03:53 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    Hi again, Joan. I'm so glad Kathy's had the chance to greet you, and now I'm back again, too, to talk some more. First of all, as Kathy has said, please don't panic and please do not alter Lena's dosing at this point. We are just in the process of learning more about her situation and her testing history. One of the things we do know is that dogs who suffer from adrenal tumors may end up needing higher doses of the Cushing's medication in order to control the symptoms caused by adrenal overproduction. So this dose is not necessarily the wrong dose for Lena -- that answer will depend upon a combination of her behavior and also the monitoring testing.

    When you get the test results, this is what we are looking for. ACTH stimulation tests are performed to monitor Vetoryl treatment, and what these tests consist of are two different values: a test of baseline cortisol taken before the administration of a stimulating agent, and then a second cortisol measurement taken one hour later. So in terms of the lab report, it will look like a baseline or "pre" cortisol reading, and then a second or "post" reading. It looks as though Lena has been taking the Vetoryl for almost two months now along with a couple of dosage increases. So if you can give us the dates and results for any ACTH tests, that will be great.

    Also, can you tell us more about the diagnosis of the adrenal tumor? I'm assuming she has had some abdominal imaging performed. Is the reason why the tumor has been deemed inoperable based upon her age, or upon factors associated with the tumor size/location itself?

    In terms of Cushing's symptoms, can you also tell us more about little Lena is outwardly doing?

    Thanks so much for this additional information,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    Hi, Joan & Lena! When you do get the ACTH results, the easiest way to give us the info is to type it in a post here in your thread as you won't be able to attach any documents. When I post ACTH results, I just type:

    Pre 3.4 ug/dL (or nmol/l which is more common if you live outside the U.S.)
    Post 7.8

    If Lena is on any other medications/supplements other than Vetoryl, we would appreciate your letting us know what they are and why they were prescribed.

    With regard to diet, most Cushing's dogs do well on low protein/low fat food but we can talk more about that later.

    Again, as Kathy wisely advised, TAKE A DEEP BREATH!
    Judy H. (Always "Maggie and Abbie's Mom" & now "Sadie Sue's Mom")
    Venice, FL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Lena, Teacup Poodle w/ adrenal tumor - Vetoryl

    I just sent a whole message that didn't get sent...

    She had an ultrasound and it showed a sizeable tumor on her right adrenal gland over the kidney and vena cava. Then they did the low dextrose test, which showed adrenal Cushing's.

    She has had symptoms for about a year, I think. They didn't happen all at once, but crept up. The panting, not wanting to cuddle anymore, peeing in the house, slipping on the wood floors, not climbing stairs anymore, drinking a lot of water, eating like crazy; the potbelly, warts, an eye infection, her tail didn't poof after grooming anymore; she was always hot, when she used to love to lounge around on the deck and soak up the sun. Some I went to the vet for, but the rest I thought was just her age.

    The Vetoryl seemed to work right away, but then she started drinking and peeing again within 2 weeks. The belly is getting bigger and she seems to be breathing harder. I have put her on kind of a diet, same food, just less.

    Everyone keeps saying she seems fine, but I know her better and she's not. I don't know what to do!

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