Beloved Zoe
Darling, I cant write this now. You know Mama, all fo a sudden the words will spill out and not stop. I will be back to write to you. I though perhaps I should put the first chapter of our book here but now it seems inadequate. For now, my darling, kisses to our head, holding you to my chest, feel me breathe in and out and then run, my darlling Zoe, and go to my Dad. He will love you until we meet again. He has listened to my prayers for you so many times. I will scatter your ashes on his grave on your birthday. Then I know I can always go where you will be together. He is a great Dad you will love him.
addy, zoe and koko
My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton
Memory is the power to gather roses in the winter