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Thread: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

  1. #1
    mytil's Avatar
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    Default In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    We will always remember and honor you both and know you are together.

    Patrick and Rags


  2. #2
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    Through the years since we lost Patrick and and his little girl Rags, many loving tributes were posted on our previous website, Unfortunately, most of them have been lost to us. However, here are the tributes that remain, to remind us always of how much Patrick and Rags have meant to us.

    Always in loving memory of this special pair of souls ~


    Posted by: acushdogsmom

    Beloved little girl Rags and Patrick, I think about you often and I miss you both very much.


    Posted by: labblab

    It was one year ago today that Rags set off for the Rainbow Bridge. I feel certain that if Patrick was still with us, he would want his little girl to be remembered today. But he went, himself, to fetch her just one week later. Making their final crossing of the Bridge together, they remain what they have always been, true companions of the heart. I will be lighting two candles tonight, honoring the awe-inspiring love and dedication that they shared. And hoping that, this Christmas, Patrick's heart is at peace.

    In loving memory of these two sweet spirits,
    Marianne (forever Barkis' and Peg's mom)


    Posted by: SachiMom
    12-23-2006, 11:41 PM

    I can only repeat what Cushy has said. I miss you both more than I care to admit. Today I again have tears, not as many as last year, maybe next year it will be easier, I know eventually it will. I keep your Mom in my prayers, we lost a dear friend, but she lost her son. Watch over all of us.
    ~ Mary Ann


    Posted by: we3dogs

    And now, one year ago today...
    I never posted to Patrick but read his posts about beloved Rags. His love and devotion still touches my heart today. As Mary Ann said, this forum lost a friend but Patrick's mom lost her son. That is a loss that never fades, weakens or becomes a lighter load - ever. My thoughts and prayers are with Patrick's family today.
    I just reread Mary Ann's "The Reunion" that is in this thread. Can't you just see Patrick and Rags together and feel the love?


    Posted by: Mom2Misty

    I will always miss Patrick and Rags and treasure the fond memories of them, but I know they are as they should be...together and taking care of each other. Peace forever my dear friend and precious companion.

    Shelba and Misty


    Posted by: mytil

    I do think of you two often - I see both of you in the photos all the time. This site and our members will never day we all will see you again.


    Posted by: Loraine

    Bless you both in the safe Hands of the Lord. May you be together always.

    Loraine (Coco's Mum forever, Zedley's new Mum)


    Posted by: mytil

    It has been two years since Rags lost her battle and her devoted and loving owner (and very valued member of this forum) Patrick passed away too on Jan 1.

    What a wonderful life they had together. I think of you both often and miss you both. I know you are both together still and always will be.

    Always In Loving Memory and in Honor of Patrick and Rags

    Terry (always Clancy and Mytilda's mom and now Myclan and Cyda's mom)


    Posted by: labblab

    Thinking of both Patrick and Rags today, as so often over these past two years. I will never, ever be able to think of this Board without thinking of the two of them. Spirits released from us here, but joined together forever on the other side of the Bridge.

    Always in loving memory of Patrick and his little girl, Rags ~
    Marianne (forever Barkis' and Peg's mom)


    Posted by: SachiMom

    Two years. The pain and sorrow from your loss is still here in my heart. True, there are days when I forget. But every night your mom is in my prayers and will be forever. I just hope you and Rags are up there watching over the cush pups here. Some need a little more help than others, but I'm sure that you can figure out which ones.
    ~ Mary Ann


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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    I did not know either, but I do know they both touched many.

    God bless, and rest to you both.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    For those of our members who are just learning about Patrick and Rags, they were early members of our original ezboard website. Patrick adopted Rags at an early age, and cared for her with love and devotion throughout her life. She was diagnosed with Cushing's when she was already a "senior" lady, and Patrick dedicated himself to learning as much about the disease as possible. He kept incredibly detailed notes about her symptoms and treatment, and did everything within his power to keep her well and comfortable. In December 2005, her age and her illness finally overcame her, and Patrick made the heart-breaking decision to release her from any suffering. We knew he was devastated, and we ourselves were devastated to learn one week later that Patrick was also lost to us. Knowing how committed Patrick was to this group, his mother, with incredible kindness in the midst of her own pain, emailed our site owner to let us know of his death. We never learned any specifics. But I feel privileged to have "known" him during his life. Patrick was a remarkable man, and the love and companionship that he shared with Rags will touch my heart forever.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    With deepest sympathies on the anniversary of Patrick's and Rags's passing.

    Last edited by Franklin'sMum; 05-02-2011 at 07:04 AM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    I didn't know them either, Marianne, but it was special of you to post this. It means so much to know that members of our family and their furbabies are remembered.
    Love and hugs,

    Terri and (Angel) Corky

  7. #7
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    Patrick and Rags ~
    Time has passed, yet the tears still come.
    We lost you both four years ago and the hurt was deep. But a year ago we lost your history. And that hurt is deep. We can no longer go back and read and smile at Rags' antics, or share in her troubles. She was such a trooper, one that has yet to be matched. I know your mother stopped by several times to read the tributes and am sure that they brought her some comfort, knowing how you and Rags touched and helped so many. I still keep your mom in my prayers, as we lost our friend, she lost her only son.
    Watch over the pups here, as well as care for the ones up there, until we can do it ourselves once again.
    ~ Mary Ann

  8. #8
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    Thinking of you both, Patrick and Rags. Another year has passed, but we will never forget. Holding you in our hearts, today and always.


  9. #9
    mytil's Avatar
    mytil is offline Administrator and always In Loving Memory
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    I will always keep both of you in my heart. Keep well you two, I know you are together.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: In Loving Memory of two special souls - Patrick & Rags

    Patrick and Rags. Two special souls, always remembered and a friendship forever cherished.

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