Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
A small way in which we can honor those we have lost is by lighting a candle in their honor. Gratefulness.org grants us the ability to light candles and compose short messages. We are also given as much time as we want to meditate on why and for whom we are lighting our candles. Candles may also be lit to offer support or gratitude. Each candle will stay lit for 48 hours. Here is the link to the candle lighting site:
When you first compose a message for your candle, be sure to include either "K9C" or "k9c" somewhere within the body of your message if you'd like your candle to be "searchable" along with candles lit by other members of our family here.
At any point in the future, if you want to view candles lit by yourself or other members of our family, first click on “View All Candles.” Then type K9C (or k9c) in the search field in the upper right hand side of the candle lighting page.
All candles with messages containing K9C will show. It is then possible to select each candle to read the individual messages.
When you create a candle, one of the prompts asks if the candle will be part of a group. At this point, click on “No.” As long as you’ve included “K9C” in your message, any candles lit by our members will show up together in the K9C search field.
However, please know that it is entirely your decision as to whether or not you want your messages to be read by other members of our family. If you prefer, of course you can always light your candle privately by not including the K9C identification. Please light your candle in whatever manner brings you the greatest comfort.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Thanks for the reminder and the URL. I will do that!
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Thanks so very much for the candle site.
I have used it often and the more I view it the more special it becomes to me.
Hugs. Scott
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Thank you for this; it is a very nice gesture....there is no "religion" per se for our pets, which I find sad. If I ever go to "Heaven" and none of my pups are there, I want out! :)
I'll be back to the main site in a week or so...I just need to take a few deep breaths after several days of heartache.
Jeff and Angel Mandy
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Take all the time you need Jeff. I will light a candle myself for your girl.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
This is so wonderful, reminds me of the days when my mum and i went to church and lit candles for sick people in our lives .. my candle is burning for my girl Ebonie ..
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Thank you so much for the link. I am still so much in pain and missing my lil chuey. I will make me so happy to light a candle for him with the help of my friends from this site. Thank you all for your love and support...
Chuey's mom
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
an excellent site, thank you
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
What a beautiful site to bring to the forum. xo
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Originally Posted by
Squirt's Mom
A small way in which we can honor those we have lost is by lighting a candle in their honor. We have a page at Gratefulness.org set up under the name of K9C where we can light candles, plus there is space to write a short message and sign your name with each candle lit if you wish. You are also given as much time as you want to meditate on why and for whom you are lighting your candle. Candles may also be lit to offer support or gratitude. Each candle will stay lit for 48 hours.
Our page can be found at: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/...m?l=eng&gi=K9C
Thanks for offering this page where we can light candles in honor and memory of our beloved pets and Thanks for lighting one for Sugar. She told me that she is happy and not to cry. I am trying. Jean
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Thank-you for this sight. I miss my sweet "Dee" so much. My house is so empty. I am sorry for all of you that lost there loved one. I have to believe she is in a much better place and I will be with her again.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Thank you for helping me remember Benji when he was enjoying his life
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
My sweet Alivia. I miss you deeply. I cannot still believe you've been gone a year. Max misses you so much, too. We'll always love you baby girl.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Can't get onto the candle lighting site... it is now saying it doesn't exist.... is this a glitch?
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Judi, it's been a while since I've been to the candle site and it is all different now. I don't see any candle groups at all, just individual candles now. :(
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Something could be going on but try more than once by going back and forth, it will eventually get you there. At least so far.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Hmmm.... Our K9C Page loaded just fine for me. No problems at all. :confused:
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
I get a message "Page not found" and the same whenever I follow a link to Gratefulness.org candle site. Weird.....:confused::confused::confused:
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
I get the same error message. :( :(
And yes, it seems as though the new candle lighting page is set up differently and only on an individual candle basis. Perhaps one of us can contact the organization just to see whether group pages can still be set up in any way....
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Mine getting me there even faster now. :rolleyes:
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Originally Posted by
My sweet Ginger
...try more than once by going back and forth, it will eventually get you there.
Hey Song, what do you mean by "going back and forth?"
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
You must be still having that problem. Earlier, when I came to the strange screen, I just simply hit the back button. Doing the same thing each time when I saw that wrong screen and eventually I was able to finish it all the way. I don't seem to have that problem anymore tho.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
This is definitely bizarro world...! :eek: :confused: :confused:
When I click on our original links or the links embedded in your replies, Kathy, I am taken to a "Page Not Found" on a totally new and different gratefullness.org webpage. If I click on the new "light a candle" tab on the homepage, it takes me to a new and totally reconfigured set-up. I'm sure this is also what is happening to Judi and Leslie, too.
Maybe you and Song are somehow still linking to the original pages being stored in your cache?? I dunno, but I'll bet if you initiate a brand new search and go directly to the gratefulness.org homepage, you'll see the new set-up that we're describing.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
I cleared my cache. I am linking to the old page through a shortcut on my desktop, on my iPad. I can still add candles and view those of other members on our page. I'm not going to try to get in the other way because this works for me.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Sure wish I could join you there. :o
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Hmm, wonder what's going on but I still get the old version. :rolleyes:
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Currently there are five candles burning on our old candle lighting page. Four of them have high flames. They have been lit recently. There are at least a few members who can still access that page for now.
There are two candles lit to honor Keesh, one to honor Husko, one to honor Aggie and the one I lit this afternoon to honor all.
I don't know why some of us can access it and some can't.:confused:
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Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
I have had no problems accessing the old one at all. Here is the screen shot and I see no changes you mentioned Marianne.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Well now, this keeps getting curiouser and curiouser (as Alice in Wonderland would say! :rolleyes:).
Kathy or Song, do the candles for Keesh seem to be from Judi and are the flames fairly high? If so, that is weird since apparently it has been at least 24 hours since she has been able to access the site. So they should be less than half high by now. I keep thinking you guys must have some shortcut to a historically archived version, but that doesn't explain why you can still actively initiate a new candle now.
Too strange!!!
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Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Terry, I just now saw your reply and screenshot. Here's a screenshot of the new candle-lighting page as of this moment. It is now universal without any groupings. And for instance, if you search for a currently listed candle for Keesh, there is none there. Too weird!!!
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Oh well, no more candles for me either this morning.
Only getting ' page not found'. :(
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Yes, here is the dreaded "Page Not Found" for the link to our original K9C candle page.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Yes! That is what I am seeing, too, Marianne! So sad. But I am looking for another site where we can have a group setting for our babies. So far, no luck tho. :( But I do have an idea...let me see if it is doable. ;)
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
I will also go ahead and email the site administrators to see whether there is any way in which we can establish a group page on the new site.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
What about this.... not sure if they would appreciate us.. but I sure don't see why not http://thecenterforhealingarts.com/light-a-candle/ I'm going to light one anyway.
Didn't work.. will try again.
Nope.. candle won't light.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
My old candle page link finally went out too.:o:o:o:o:(:(:(:(:eek::eek::eek::eek:
The new one really sucks! The best part of the site was the unity of our family here. To be able to light a candle and visit the candles of our other pups too. The fact that they were all there together. Therefore, we were all there supporting each other. This new page will not work at all! :o:o I AM NOT HAPPY!!!
I kept a candle burning for Buddy on the old site for an entire year and never let one burn out. When one got low, I lit another. After the year, I continued to burn one every few weeks. Even now, approaching his second anniversary, I will miss lighting a candle for him. Such a loss.:( Such a loss for us all. I am not the only one. Many of us have found peace through visiting our candle page. So sad!:(
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Yup.... I felt I was close to "mah boy" when I could light a candle and tried too not to let one go out before lighting another. This sucks big time.
Re: Candles in honor of our babies at The Bridge
Tonight there will be a candle lighting for Rex the Husky(I know not Cushy babies but in memory of ALL dogs). I will be lighting a candle for my beloved girl Patches and for Rex as well. We have a husky mix named Bradley who was Patches furbrother who misses her dearly. May all our cushy babies run free at Rainbow Bridge where there is no more nasty Cushings or anything else but happiness! Bless you all.:)