I come home tonight and he can't walk. He has no coordination and can't move.....
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I come home tonight and he can't walk. He has no coordination and can't move.....
Oh no!! I'm so sorry! I'm so hoping there's an emergency vet you can take him to see. Since his labwork was all normal on his last check, I really don't know what would hit him this suddenly. Please do let us know what is happening and we will be sending all our healing thoughts to Milo!
We did his blood tests last night. They were within the normal range. The standard platelets are quite high. However, in the biochemistry, there are elevated liver parameters:
SAT 150.1 (<=50)
ALAT 121.1 (<=90)
GGT 18.7 (<=6.4)
They gave him an antibiotic for the urinary tract infection and told me to start giving him Vetoryl. They think the walking is related to a neurological problem (pituitary tumor).
Sadly, I’ve been wondering about that myself. Yesterday I looked back in your thread to see whether Milo likely has a pituitary tumor rather than an adrenal tumor, and based on the original ultrasound it looks to be pituitary. If so, an enlarging pituitary tumor can indeed put pressure on the areas of the brain that control hunger, thirst and coordination. That’s what I suspect happened with my own Cushpup. After a few months of successful treatment, he fairly suddenly stopped eating and drinking along with some other neurological problems. Unfortunately, the only way to diagnose an enlarging pituitary tumor for sure is through expensive imaging of the head, and the most common treatment here in the U.S. remains a series of radiation treatments. My husband and I chose not to put our boy through all that, and we ended up releasing him when he would no longer eat or drink at all.
I don’t wish to frighten you with my own story, but it is true that I started wondering the same thing about Milo. I surely hope this is not the case and that the antibiotic will help him feel better. As far as the elevated platelets and liver readings, those are all common with Cushing’s. So I wouldn’t worry about those too much.
I am sending many more healing wishes, and please continue to update us, OK?
Unfortunately, Milo is not getting better. When I leave him standing, he can't take a single step. If I don't give him water or food from my hand, he won't reach for them. Yesterday he was with me at work because I was worried about him falling somewhere at home and staying like that all day.There is a problem with the swallowing reflex. Unfortunately, his doctors who looked after him are gone and I keep coming across some who don't make any adequate decisions.
I might have to let it go........
We've been through so much together and now I'm just devastated...it's so hard to see him so lethargic and just lying there....
I’m so very sorry to read this. What you’re describing sounds so similar to what I experienced with my beloved boy, and I’ll never forget how hard I tried to make him eat or drink. With the water, it’s just as you say, it was like he just couldn’t remember how to lap up the water and swallow. I was so desperate to help him, but couldn’t figure out how.
I know how hard you’re trying to help Milo, too, and I so wish I had some answers for you. Please know that, no matter what happens, we are here to support you always. My heart goes out to you and to your sweet boy as you face these hard decisions ahead.
This is so sad...I would be a basket-case. I hope he recovers.
Hello everyone,
Milo is still with me <3
I found a neurologist and he examined him thoroughly. He has a disorder of the peripheral nervous system. He maintained a low temperature of 37. We started giving him L-thyroxine for his thyroid gland and he started to stand on his feet. His temperature is now 37.8 :) For the urinary infection, we did microbiology and found that he has Escherichia coli.I've been taking him to work with me for ten days so I can watch him and also because he can't stand up on his own.
Because he has been eating only chicken meat for 4 days, he is not akal. Now we need to look for a solution to this problem.I hope for further improvement.(I would be glad if someone has an idea)
What are your thoughts on supplements for cognitive impairment?
I have one more question.
I took one 30 mg blister and gave it to a pharmacy to dispense it to me. Half will put them in the original capsules, but the other half will be in their capsules, which they think are big.
I'm a little worried, considering the prescriptions, but I'm already looking for options to make it financially profitable for me. The difference is huge :(
I’m so relieved to hear that Milo is still with you! I very much hope that he’ll continue to improve now that he’s being treated for his thyroid and for the urinary tract infection.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any advice to give you about supplements. However, as far as the Vetoryl, as long as a pharmacist is doing the repackaging, I’m hopeful that will work out well for you. We definitely recommend that people not try to open the capsules and shift the powder on their own. But a pharmacist should be better equipped to do it properly. And given the cost of medications, we surely understand how every bit helps.
Continued best wishes to you both. I’m so hopeful that Milo will soon be standing and moving around again all on his own.
Hello again,
small upgrade:
Milo is currently undergoing laser therapy on his spine to improve his walking.
But I notice something else: a kind of grunting that makes him wake up abruptly and want to get up. This happens during sleep usually. He had an EKG on his heart and listened to his lungs and they were clear. Could it be some sort of laryngeal paralysis or tracheal collapse perhaps?