Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Huge hugs to you, beautiful lady! You are such a blessing in my life - there are no words to express just how special you are. You laugh with me, you cry with me, and you remind me how much fun it is to be a little devil. ;) I think those two fellows who watch over you with such fierce love and protection also poke that little devil at times just because. :D
Blessings to you all this day and every day to come.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you Sharlene. The same to you.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Leslie, my very dear friend, I feel the same way about you. It's fun to be devlish at times. :D I'm sure that Jay and Corky lend a helping hand. :D
I love you bunches. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
The thought of a very dear friend having to face a very difficult decision floods my mind with the decision I had to make for Corky. We love and have loved our furbabies very dearly. Take care and love those that are still with you.
Those that are at the Rainbow Bridge will always be in our hearts and in our memories.
I miss you so much my little one, but I know you're still here with me.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
They most definitely remain in our hearts, sending huge and loving hugs to you, dear Terri.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I'm sending huge and loving hugs back to you my dear friend.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dear Terri
Think about you and sweet Corky often. Apollo and Corky are looking down on us with their paws around each other, protecting us.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi Terri,
Thinking of you and corky. I always want to say corky the corker. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I also think about you and Apollo. I know our boys are watching over us. I'm sure they're having a great time together.
Thank you for thinking of us Sharlene. Corky was a corker. He was a little character. :)
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I've thought long and hard about this, but it's time that (Angel) Corky and I said good-bye for a while. I want to thank all of you that were here to see us through this long journey. It was because of you that we survived.
If anyone feels they need to contact me, please feel free to do so at jtlc@cox.net. For those of you that have my phone number, please feel free to call me.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
We understand Terri and I wish you and Angel Corky well on your future journey's.
If you ever want to stop in and just say hello. We will always be here for you.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
(Angel) Corky and I are saying good-bye to a wonderful family. It was 5 years ago last month since we joined the original forum. It's time to sever all ties. I will be deleting Corky's pictures tomorrow. Take care everyone.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Oh Terri, I hope you will change your mind about deleting Corky's album. I do understand why you may feel it is time to leave us, but I am saddened that you will not be leaving his beautiful picture here for his family to always share in his memory. I realize I am putting you on the spot, so you do not have to write anything more here unless you want to. But please do know how much Corky has always meant to us. And no matter what you decide, we will always hold you both close to our hearts.
Fare thee well, Terri. We will miss you so very much.
With love and my best wishes, always.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I love you, Terri, and completely understand your need to leave the forum. You and I have talked about this many times....and you know I may need to follow suit some day. We have to heal as we must. These wounds will open on their own without connections that take us back to better days, to those final horrible days, without the reminders in our face. You and Corky will always be family here, always. You both will be remembered with love and joy.
BUT you know you ain't gettin' rid of ME! :p
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
dear Terry
You have been there so many times for me. I think of you and Angel Corky often.
Love always
Sonja and Angel Corky.
You will be missed.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terri, I just wanted to come back and tell you that I realize it is selfish of me to ask you to leave Corky's photos. You absolutely need to take care of yourself, and do whatever brings your own heart the most comfort. With or without a photo, I'll always remember Corky dearly. So please go ahead today and do whatever feels right to you, with no worries about us, OK?
Sending many more hugs to you on this bittersweet day of parting.
Truly, take good care and know you will always be loved here.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
It's 3 years ago today that Corky (AKA Corkster) became an angel. I love him and miss him so much. I always will. He was the sweetest, most loving, gentle little boy. He will always be in my heart and in my memories.
Tribute To A Best Friend
Sunlight streams through window pane
Unto a spot on the floor...
Then I remember,
It's where you use to lie,
But now you are no more.
Our feet walk down a hall of carpet,
And muted echoes sound...
Then I remember,
It's where your paws would joyously abound.
A voice is heard along the road,
And up beyond the hill,
Then I remember it can't be yours...
Your golden voice is still.
But I'll take that vacant spot on the floor
And empty muted hall
And lay them with absent voice
And unused dish along the wall.
I'll wrap these treasured memorials
In a blanket of my love
And keep them for my best friend
Until we meet above.
-Author Unknown-
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
What a beautiful tribute to your sweetie pie!!!!!!
He will always be remembered here.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Oh Terri, thinking of you and Corky with love. Thank you so much for sharing this sweet poem and for allowing us to join you in honoring our sweet boy. Today and everyday!
Sending many hugs across the miles,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
thinking of you bother and remembering Corky with much love.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I love you so and know your sweet boy is watching over you with all the love he can muster. He and Jay are taking excellent care of each other...and they both get a good laugh when you bounce off a wall. :p
Many hugs my dear friend and always love from my house to yours,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you my dear friends. I love all of you. I'm sure they are laughing, Leslie. :)
(((((HUGS))))) for all of you.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Think about you and Corky a lot,dear friend.
Sonja,Angel Apollo and Ariel
Hugs and love always.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thinking of you and Corky.
Sending big hugs your way. It is nice to see you pop back in.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you Sonja and Sharlene.
I also think about you and Apollo. Give me a call when you get a chance. I have to tell you about Dena.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Corky, aka Corkster, became an angel 4 years ago today. I still miss him so much. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about him, talk to him, and shed some tears. He was my baby. I'm so thankful that he was with me for so many years, and that he lived longer than his expected life span, especially with all of the medical issues he had. I love you my little one.
For Corky
I'm sending a dove to heaven,
with a parcel on its wings.
Be careful when you open it,
it's full of beautiful things.
Inside are a million kisses,
wrapped up in a million hugs.
To say how much I miss you,
and to send you all my love.
I hold you close within my heart,
and there you will remain.
To walk with me throughout my life,
until we meet again.
---author unknown---
Thank you for all your help and support. It will never be forgotten.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
You and Corky and Jay are in my thoughts and prayers always but especially today, my dear friend. Time has no meaning when it comes to our babies - four years is as a day and four years is as a century when missing them so. I know Corky watches over you every moment of every day, loving his mom with all his being.
You are an amazing woman and I am so blessed to call you my friend.
Much love and many hugs, dear one,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Oh Terri, what a beautiful poem with which to honor your precious boy. As Leslie has said, time really has no meaning when we measure the depth of both our sorrow and our joy. I am so touched that you have returned to us today, and are allowing us to join you in remembering "our" Corkster.
Many blessings of peace and comfort, and always in loving memory of both your sweethearts ~
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you so much for sharing this poem Terri!!! Tears flowing here. I know both of your loves are keeping an eye on you!!!
Big ((((((hugs))))))
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you so much Leslie, Marianne, and Terry, for your very kind words and thoughts. I know my boys are watching over me. Time eases the pain, but it never goes away.
I did put a couple of pictures back.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
We all remember Corky with such fondness and you too of course. :)
Thinking of you and Corky with a special smile.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Oh Terri, the poem is so beautiful and such a wonderful tribute to dear Corky. His memory lives on in all of us as he touched us all so much, just as you have. We love you and our sweet boy, the Corkster.
Love and hugs, Lori
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you so much, Lori. Corky was a very special little boy. Thank you for your very kind words.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dearest big sis,
Heartfelt poem to honor our little special boy. You gave each other the love filled years to last a lifetime. He will always be a part of our lives to our K9 family here. Love you little stinker nephew. I hope you and The Princess are best friends now.
Love you big sis. Tight ones
xo Jeanette
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you my dearest lil sis for your very kind words. I know the little stinker and The Princess are having a good time together. Corky is taking good care of his cousin.
I love you very dearly. (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))
Big sis Terri
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dear Terri
Remembering our little solider, Corky with love. I would like to imagine Corky is healthy and enjoying running around having
Fun with Apollo, watching out for us. Such a sweet little soul. Missing them always.
Love Sonja,Apollo
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
They both were, Sonja. They are whole again and are having fun running and playing. They will always watch over us until we meet them again. Their spirit is always with us.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Five years ago today, on Fri., Oct 28th, Corky, AKA-Corkster, went to be with Jay. I still miss him very much. I know he is still with me.
I'm Still Here
Friend, please don't mourn for me.
I'm still here, though you don't see.
I'm right by your side each night and day,
and within your heart I long to stay.
My body is gone but I'm always near.
I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart
as long as you keep me alive in your heart.
I'll never wander out of your sight-
I'm the brightest star on a summer night.
I'll never be beyond your reach-
I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach.
I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around
and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond,
The cool clear water in a quiet pond.
I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring.
The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
The first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine.
When you start thinking there's no one to love you,
you can talk to me through the lord above you.
I'll whisper my answer through the leaves in the trees,
and you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.
I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep,
and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
I'm the smile you see on a baby's face,
Just look for me friend, I'm every place.
Author Unknown
For those of you that have had to say good-bye to a beloved furbaby, I'm sorry for your loss. They are always with us.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Our precious Corkster, and you, will always be remembered with love by your family here, Terri.
Much love, dear friend, and many hugs,