Re: Miss Peggotty
Hello my Angel Peg. I can barely believe it, but five years have now passed since we last hugged and kissed you. It was five years ago today that we set you free.
It was on a Monday that we had to say goodbye. On the day before, though, I remember the four of us out in your backyard. Daddy and I were so worried about you, but you still managed to get out the door and we all sat together for a while on your soft green grass. Daddy and I are just now back inside after giving Luna a Sunday bath out there. She isn’t able to make it upstairs into the tub anymore, so we were waiting for a sunny warm day in order to bathe her in the yard. Today was the day, and I couldn’t help thinking about you and remembering you with us on that other sunny June morning.
Sadly for us, Luna’s hind end is growing ever weaker, just like your’s did. For the moment, though, she’s still managing OK. But do be ready for her, Sweetheart, when her time comes. I know that you and Barkis and Grandmother will be right there when she’s ready. That’s the one thing that gives me peace at the times when we see her struggling. You always took such good care of your little sister. You would have been such a wonderful momma dog if you’d ever had puppies of your own. I know you’ll always be there for Lunie when she needs you.
I love you, Sweetheart. My beautiful shiny black dog. Forever and always in my heart.
Re: Miss Peggotty
Oh Marianne...this has brought tears to my eyes. So sweet, so sad, so many memories. I am watching Gable the same way you are watching Luna. He is struggling with getting up, sliding on the floor, just like Lee. I know the time is coming, and I am dreading it, but as long as he still seems happy, loves going out and just laying down watching the world go by, and playing as much as he is able with Cooper, I am going to hope for more time. I may start him on some Cosequin? I'm not sure if that's spelled right.
I can't believe it's been five years, for both of us, just a few months apart. I loved your beautiful, shiny black dog the way I loved my Lee, and now Luna and my big beautiful boy, Gabe.
Many, many hugs and kisses to you and Luna from me and my pack....
Love, Joan.
Re: Miss Peggotty
Oh Marianne, these anniversaries are so bittersweet especially when those who have gone ahead are standing by for another who prepares to face that Journey across the Bridge. But there really is a comfort in knowing all those loved ones are together and watching over us, waiting for us when our time comes at last. It's hard to believe it's been five years since Miss Peg had to leave this life. Seems like only yesterday she was here with us all, brightening our days with stories of her life with her family. I know it's even more unreal for you and hubby. I pray your heart is filled with joyful memories of that time together.
Re: Miss Peggotty
Sending huge and loving hugs ♥♥♥
Re: Miss Peggotty
Thank you so much, my dear friends. My Cushing’s family has meant the world to me during these many years we’ve been together. This is the first place I turn to, both in happiness and in sorrow over my furbabies — over *our* furbabies thanks to the special love we all share! I know you always understand everything I’m feeling without words even needing to be spoken. I’m so very grateful that you’re here.
Thank you again, today and every day.
Re: Miss Peggotty
Hi Marianne,
Read your heart wrenching post and also became teary. Yes. the time passes much too quickly. There is never enough time with them. Sending love and hugs across the miles.
Re: Miss Peggotty
Oh Kathy, thank you so much. Sending hugs right back at you…!
Re: Miss Peggotty
I am so sorry I am late Marianne!!!! I know your sweetie pie is watching over you!!!! I am in tears reading your wonderful post.
Big ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
Re: Miss Peggotty
Hello again, my Sweetie Peg. It’s been a while since I’ve written, and I’m a few days early for your Rainbow Bridge anniversary. But I’ve been thinking about you so much lately, and especially remembering our lives together. Lunie has joined you since last I wrote, and I know you’re taking such good care of your little sister. But I do miss you — both — so much.
I think you’re so much on my mind because we just now had the backyard redone, and you would be loving it so. After you left us, we had so many problems back there. Your soft grass died away, as did a couple of big trees. We started having really bad erosion, too. It wasn’t nice to be back there anymore, and we kind of let things go because Luna was getting too frail to head back there anyway. But the erosion had gotten so bad that we had to do something. So last month a crew came and brought in dirt and leveled the ground and put in brand new sod. It’s really starting to grow in, and I know you would be loving it. In my mind’s eye, I picture you racing around back there once again, just like when you were a puppy. What wonderful days those were. How I would love for you to be here with us to run and play in this new soft green grass.
As you can tell, I’m really missing you today my sweetheart. But it helps to be able to come and write this little note of remembrance. I’ll never forget our days together. Forever in my heart, my shiny black pearl.
Love always,
Re: Miss Peggotty
Awwww, Marianne, the memories, sweet memories. I too have been missing my Lee and Gabe very much. Maybe it's because it's been so nice out and they were always with me. Now it's Sibbie and Cooper who will sit with me all the time. Raina has outgrown the excitement of exploring and eating whatever she used to find and would rather stay in with her Dad, which is fine because I can relax instead of running after her yelling for her to "Spit that out!" or "Raina! What are you eating??" (lol!)
We will always have these precious memories of them...