Much love and hugs ♥
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Much love and hugs ♥
Hi Guys! I know our dear family continues to shrink, and ever fewer chairs are needed at our holiday table. But I can't resist opening up the doors to our holiday house yet another time. I confess I do it largely to please myself, because even in the midst of hard times, the holidays still hold such a special place in my heart. And I *do* love to blab -- that's how I got my name after all ;-). So now that the doors are open, I'll undoubtedly keep right on talking throughout the holidays, even if it's just to myself :-)))))))))))))
It's a perfect golden evening here in Georgia, I've got my Halloween mantel decorated, and most of my candy bought. I plan to also buy my orange and purple pansies next weekend to set in pots on our front steps alongside our jack-o-lanterns. So that's about all the prep that needs to be done.
Of course the big elephant in the room is that nobody's here to wear the orange collar. For the first time in 30 years. Yep, that's hard. But we'll put it out, regardless, and set it on the front table. Right by the door. Right where the spirits mingle on that special magic night. We're to the point where we're starting to think about adding another furbaby to the family during the coming year. For now, though, it's still just a thought. So the coming holidays will suffer from a huge absence, for sure. But it remains a gift to be here to honor our memories and to celebrate the days that are still given to us now.
So "Happy Halloween" in advance, to all our K9C family. And of course, please know, if it's *not* a happy Halloween for you -- this is the place to come and talk. That's why our holiday house was built in the first place. Always to offer a safe place to talk for our family.
Holiday love to all,
I've been slowly decorating...Sibbie hates Halloween so no more animatronics. I'm letting Josh have the ones he wants and the rest I'm going to sell or donate. He's 15 now and he's got a busy social life that doesn't include hanging out with his grandma (LOL). So this will be a very trim-downed Halloween. I am perfectly fine with it! I have Lena's Boo shirt hanging on my mantel with the other decorations.
I think I told all of you that Doree, hubby's 18 year old teacup Chihuahua, died New Year's Day and we were down to two dogs, which was very manageable. No matter how many times I said that, I suspected hubby would get another against my wishes...and he did. Of course he involved Josh in his scheme and they came home one Sunday afternoon in May with a two month old, 1.8lb Tricolor baby apple-head Chihuahua. I was furious (again). He is not well enough to handle a puppy, and I was sure that Sibbie would kill her, but she didn't, so now Sibbie and Cooper have a little sister who I named Raina (LOL!) She's an adorable monster, who makes me laugh even though she's chewing on everything, eating whatever she finds, and annoying the crap out of poor Cooper. She's such an odd shape, her head is not as big as other apple heads, but she's long with these little legs and she slips out of every halter I've gotten for her. I can't let her loose in the backyard because we have grape vines and grapes are all over the place and I know she'll eat them. Walking her is an adventure where she thinks it's an "all you can eat buffet"! I'm constantly pulling things out of her mouth, while making sure she doesn't back out of the halter. She doesn't like clothes either and I have all these cute dresses and sweaters I want her to wear, but she tries to rip them off. She is definitely not wearing Lena's Boo shirt on Halloween!
But Sibbie seems to love her and Ray Ray loves her big sister. Actually, she loves everyone she sees, and gets so excited when the mailman, UPS, FedEx and Amazon come to the door. I think maybe I will be able to sit on the stoop with her and hand candy out this year like I used to do with Lee. So maybe Halloween won't be as bad this year, especially since Gable got sick Halloween 2021 and he will be gone two years 11/2. I still miss him and Lee terribly...
The holidays will be different, Raina is so curious about everything and loves packages (she thinks everything is for her). I'm going to have to get scat mats to put around the Xmas tree...and if she gets any of my Annalees or stuffed decorations, their toast! She's so bad when she's bad, but so adorable when she's good...I hate to admit it, but I love our new baby! She's very smart, understands a lot of words, and has gotten into routines very fast. She also knows that Sibbie is the boss, the Queen and number 1 in this house...and I am Mommy.
So Happy Halloween to all of you from all of us!
Oh Joan!!! Welcome to little Raina!!! I’m hoping against hope that you *will* be able to hand out candy with her this year — that would be sooooooooo grand! And reading about your adventures with her also gives me hope that maybe we’re not crazy to think about getting a new puppy ourselves. I’ve been advocating for rescuing an adult smaller dog, but hubby’s heart is set on one more Lab puppy. Ever since COVID, he’s been working from home and he could finally share the responsibility for raising a puppy. Which he *thinks* he wants to do — I’m not so sure he’s really aware what all’s involved! But when a boy wants a puppy, it’s kind of hard to say no. So as I said before, we’ll see…
But in the meantime, I can’t wait to hear all about Raina’s first holiday season!!! She sounds like a little pistol, for sure. But how sweet that Sibbie loves her. I remember how worried we were as to how Peg would react to Luna. Peg had been such a wild child herself beforehand. But after we brought Luna home, Peg really turned into a Momma dog and took her little sister right under her wing. Their relationship together was so sweet. So it sounds as though the same may end up being true for you guys.
OK, I’ll definitely be anxious to hear a holiday report from you ;-). I know that Gable will never be far from your heart on Halloween, but I bet he would be loving his new little sister, too. And he’d be so glad that you’ll have some new holiday joy.
Sending tons of hugs from my Halloween house to yours!
P.S. Does Raina ever calm down enough to sit in hubby’s chair with him? She may be too much of a wiggle-worm right now, but it sure would be sweet if she ever does…❤️
Oh Joan!
Congratulations on the new addition to your family!!! Raina sounds like a sweet sassy girl!
After Harley and Bear passed I had adopted 2 rescues, older poms, and when I was ready to have another furbaby the rescue places told me that I had to put a fence up in order to adopt, so adoption wasn't for me, and now I have Jax and he sure he is the light of my life. I hope that in time you'll find a furbaby, that furbaby sure will be lucky to have a loving home such as yours!
Ahhh, thanks Lori! And I gotta ask whether you'll get to spend time with Misty on Halloween? I remember her being a sweet little wolf a couple (or more?) years ago. I sure wish I had a little trick-or-treater to borrow for the evening...!
Thanks, ladies!
Marianne, my friend out in East Hampton got a 5year old German Shephard when her 8year old died of Lymphoma last year. She was a breeding dog and the owner didn't want to breed her anymore. This was the first time my friend had gotten one that wasn't a puppy that she could train herself, or that she had gotten from the Monks (already trained). Ossa was not used to being inside, she had been kept outside in a kennel, but after some minor mishaps, Ossa has settled in and Connie is very happy she took her. Her Gracie was a wonderful companion and she was devastated when she had to be put down. She lives by herself out there and when the Summer people leave after Labor Day, she is quite isolated, and she was worried about not having a companion. It worked out very well.
I had Misty twice this week, she stayed overnight, boy she wears this ole girl out!! She's back with her dad now so I probably won't see her for two weeks, she said she's dressing up as a cheetah for Halloween, hopefully her dad will send some pics!
What good news, Joan! Raina sounds like a real hoot! She will keep you young...or crazy one. :D I can relate to a degree. In my case there is NO ONE ELSE I can blame but myself. I seem to have a new dog tho I am trying veryveryvery hard to make this NOT so. You've heard the old good deed goes unpunished. Let me tell you a story.
Alaska is solid white with 3 gray freckles on one ear and is one of the bully breeds, a Pibble, and, true to her nature, she is a sweetheart. Alaska started out life with one of my neighbors. He loves her and she him but due to circumstance beyond his control he was unable to care for her as she deserves. She has NOT been abused tho. She was loved but love is not enough. They moved in almost 2 years ago when Alaska was a puppy...and I started talking to the young man (15 at the time) about letting me find her a home. About 3 weeks ago he came over and gave her to me. He said he had thought about all the things I had talked with him about and decided I was right....she needs more and deserves more. (Plus he's had time to mature a bit. 😉 )
I had a home lined up for her for ages. They love Pits, know the breeds, have had them in the past, and currently have 2. They came over and met her 3-4 days after Alaska became mine and fell in love with her and she them. They called a few days later and told me they wouldn't be able to take her after all. The woman knew she was facing a major surgery in Nov or Dec but they had time to get Alaska settled in before that happened. However, in all the testing that is done for the big surgery they found her gallbladder had to come out, which happened about 3 weeks ago. So this recovery will run into the major surgery recovery and they simply couldn't take it on. Her hubby works 10-16 hours a day and usually 7 days a week so it would all be on her to manage the dogs. Just too much and I understand.
So I am searching for a GOOD home for Alaska. She is 2 years old, very smart and loving. In the short time she has been here she has become house broken, crate trained, and learned to walk on a leash (pretty good LOL). She is also FULL of energy! Which means she is too much dog for the old ones in this house. She needs someone who can run with her, play Frisbee with her, and so on. She also needs more room to run than my little yard in the mobile home park can provide.
She needs someone who will love her as much as I do, or more, and who will provide for her every need.
This is basically what I posted on Facebook about a month ago. One interested person and the lady brought her back the next day....just as well tho because I had decided the home was not right for Alaska (a hoarding situation based on photos she sent me). Another lady interested but hubby says no way in you know where. LOL Meanwhile I am falling more and more in love with her and she me. She's been in my life since they moved in...coming over to play with Bud or just to visit. So if ya'll know anyone who would give her a great home let me know. She deserves so much more than I can give her.
I have to say I was really worried about her hurting Bud in their play because it is SOOOOO rough and he's getting close to his double digit years but she's the one getting torn up! At first I'd tell Bud to be careful, she'd rip his face off. Now I have to tell Alaska to be careful or Bud's gonna rip HER face off! ;):D They have so so much fun together and I no longer worry...they can hold their own! Alaska has also proven to be exceptionally good with the visitors that come to stay. I still dogsit. ;) I've had one client say they didn't want their dog around a Pit but everyone else trusts me enough to remain with me. And Alaska has been soooo good. She wants to play with them at first naturally but quickly learns which ones are too small and which ones can play with her...or are fast enough to give her a good run! LOL
I've been kinda weepy here lately and like the coons when it came close to time for Squirt to leave, I wonder if Alaska came when she did for a reason. Bud showed up when I was recovering from the cancer and not sure of my future. Coons and maybe Alaska? But she needs more than me and she has to come first. But I have a feeling she will help me through the coming holiday season. Crazy can do wonders! :D:o:D
What a wonderful story, Leslie! Some things are just meant to be. Raina is getting into our routine, and is fitting in really well. She's an adorable devil and gets away with whatever she wants to. So far Sibbie is still the boss, and Rai listens to her. She still annoys Cooper, but she loves him and after driving him crazy chewing on his cheeks and ears, she will settle down and wash his face and eyes before she cuddles up to him and sleeps. Too cute!!