Thinking of you and Corky. Take care
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
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Thinking of you and Corky. Take care
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Terri,
Time goes by so quickly... You were such a loving mommy to "The Corkster" Big (((HUGS)))
I will looking in the sky this evening... looking for his special star and remembering how he always made me smile.
More hugs.....
Sending love Terri. Kim
Thank you so much my very dear friends for your kind words, love, and hugs. They are very much appreciated. Yesterday was tough.
In many ways losing my Corkster was harder on me than when Jay passed away. Jay's passing was expected, as he was on home Hospice care, but Corky's happened so quickly. He was my baby.
Dearest Terri,
When I read your post I thought how can that be? It has been a year? Dear special friend, Corky is always in your hearts and all of ours. This is a hard day for you and really shocked me at the length of time as it seems only like yesterday when we lost our little trooper.
I hope with all my heart that you truly are living life again, Terri because you deserve a wonderful life and that would be Corky's wish for you.
so many hugs and love being sent your way. I too miss my special little nephew. Perhaps that is why the sky looks so glorious tonight. It is pink and orange and a wonderful blue, a riot of colors that makes your heart pound and skip a beat. I think it was Corky wishing us a bright tomorrow and saying, "Im all right".
Thank you my very dear friend. i really miss Corky so very much. I lit a candle for him and Jay earlier today. I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything, but letting Corky go has really taken its toll on me. I love you bunches.
Big (((((hugs))))) Terri!
(((Tons of hugs and love)))
Terri, thinking of you and Corky this holiday season.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
love you Terri, I will always remember my nephew. I hope you have found peace. I miss you.
Dear Terry
Thinking about you and Corky. Love you
It is hard.
HUgs Sonja and Angel Apollo
I just lit a candle for Corky. He would have been with me 14 years today. I still miss him very much.
I'll never forget the first day Jay and I brought my Corkster home. He was in the backyard exploring. He had never seen a pool before. At that time, we had a solar cover on the pool. Before we knew it, Corky was trying to walk across the solar cover. Jay had to go in the pool to get him before he went in the water. Needless to say, the solar cover was soon taken out of the pool. After that, Corky wouldn't even go on the pool deck.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts, love, and hugs. I think about so many of you.
Big ((((hugs)))) Terri. I know your little guy is with you still.
I still smile everytime I see his picture.....
Oh, Terri,
What a special day this is! I hope it brings you many warm memories and happy smiles.
Much love and many hugs,
Remembering sweet Corky with love today and always. Sending you huge and loving hugs, my dear friend.
Thinking of both of you with lots of love.
We miss you sweet boy, but remain in our hearts forever.
xo and tight hugs, Auntie Jeanette and cousin Princess
Love you and Corky both, Terri
Love and hugs from Kim to you and dear angel Corky. RIP sweet one.
Oh Terri, remembering Corky -- and thinking of you -- with lots of love!
Thank you my very dear friends for your love and hugs. Corky was very special. I wish he was still here with me, not just in my heart and memories. He was such an important little boy in my life. I know he misses all of you, especially his favorite aunts. I'm glad his picture still makes you smile, John. I have so many pictures of my Corkster in the house.
I love you all very dearly.
Thank you, Kathy. I know that Corky will always be in my heart and my memories. On the thread I posted on, I just wanted to say that there are times when surgery is not an option, and that treatment does work.
Thank you Trish. Corky crossed the bridge 1 year and 8 months ago. He will always be in my heart and in my menories.
I love you dearly, sweet lady. You nor Corky are never far from mind and never out of my heart. I know Jay is setting up a birthday party for Corky that will resonate with joy through the realms, wrapping you in their love. You are such a special person, a Blessing to all you come in contact with. I know you are an amazing Gift in my world.
Thank you my very much my dear friend. You have been a very special part of my life for many years. Your love and friendship mean the world to me. I'm sure Jay is still spoiling our little one, as I will also be doing on his birthday - a nice NY Strip Steak. :)
So good to see you Terri. :) Thanks for continuing to share your wealth of experience.
Corky, the gift that keeps on giving. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Big (((HUGS))) Terri .
Thank you Sharlene, and thank you my dear friend for the hugs. (((HUGS))) back to you.
Oh Terri, it is so good to see you back with us again today. I know Corky is proud of you for adding encouragement to our new member, and he's probably pricking his ears and drooling at the very mention of that yummy-sounding steak. :o
Sending my warmest wishes across the miles,
I too have been very blessed with having the privilege of having you and our precious Cork in my life. the same goes for every single one of the beautiful members and their special babies here. You and Corky will always have my heart dearest big sis.
We love you with all our might.
Tight hugs and licks from your little sis and niece Princess (well the licks are from your niece--lol:D
Ps: NY strip--yummmmm:p
Thank you so much Marianne and my dearest Lil Sis. You have both been very special in Corky's and my life. I'm glad the licks are from my niece and not you lil sis. LOL!!! :D:D:D
Terri, how wonderful to see your green light on and hear your voice.:)
I cant meet a Boston without thinking of our Corky. He will always live on in our hearts.
I hope things are going well for you dearest friend.
Thank you my dear friend. We'll talk soon. I hope all is well with your furbabies.
Oh Terri, it is always wonderful to hear from you. Just wanted you to know that you and sweet Corky are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am sure our dear boy will be delighted that you will be eating his favorite food in his honor on his birthday. Sending you super huge hugs and love, Lori
Corky always loved a good steak. He ate more than I did. I don't know where he put it. :)
I love you my dear friend. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs.
They truly leave footprints on our hearts ;)
((( hugs ))) Terri
Catherine ...Lara & Natcho
Thank you Catherine. They really do.
HAPPY16th BIRTHDAY my precious Corkster. You will always be loved, and you will never be forgotten.
I'm lighting a candle for you. I also have one lit everynight at home.
Awwww, Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!
Hope there are steaks galore for you to share with all your buddies at the Bridge...:o :)
And many hugs to your mom.
Happy Birthday Corky, pass out all the steaks, I may just eat one in honor of your birthday!!!!