Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
My dear big sis and special friend,
I second what Dr. R. said. You were the BEST mommy to Corky, and he knew that deep inside. He proved it with his love and loyalty through so many years, and you should always feel good about yourself for the wonderful life you gave your boy, and for pouring all your heart, soul, time and love to him which he didn't receive from his previous, terrible family.
You are an awesome MOM...Chin up..
Love you dearly...Jeanette and Princess
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
You were an amazing mom to Corky Terri. He was so lucky that he got a second chance and ended up with you.
Love and many hugs,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Corky knew he struck gold when he was given a second chance and came to live with you. You were the best mommy ever!! You gave him all your love and all the care he needed. You did everything you could for him and he knew that. The time he was with you was the happiest years of his life!!!
Love you and Angel Corky xo
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
It's 13 years today that Jay and I brought Corky home. It's also 4 months since Corky was set free. I miss him very much. He was my life after Jay passed away. He was with me 24/7. So much of my time, everyday, was devoted to my little Corkster.
He was such a sweet, loving, gentle little boy. One time when he was at the park, a fledgling had fallen out of a tree. Corky picked it up ever so gently in his mouth, and he put it under the tree. As time went on, when we were walking around the park, a little bird would follow us around the park. It would try to peck at Corky, but it never touched him. It was as if the little bird was trying to thank Corky for helping it.
I'll never understand why Corky had to go through so much in his life. He never hurt anyone or anything.
Thank you Jeanette, Ellen, and Cindy for your very kind words.
Many of you know that I'm still not reading posts. I still think of you and your furbabies often. I am still in contact with several of my dear friends.
I'm going to light a candle for Corky. I'm also goiing to light one for all of our K9C furbabies, those that are with us, and those that have been set free. I love all of you.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Big (((((hugs))))) to you Terri -
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Huge loving hugs from me as well.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I am here too, Terri! So today marks a double "homecoming" for Corky. The day he first joined you and Jay together. And the day he rejoined Jay once again. It must be so hard for you to be separated from them both. We understand that you need this time for yourself, Terri. We will welcome you back on the main forum with open arms when you are ready to rejoin us there. But for right now, I hope you know that you have a special home, too, right here on this thread. With your k9cushings family alongside you. I always rush here to see what you have posted. :o
Sending lots of love,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Love and hugs Terri
Angel Corky...love you
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi sweetie,
Today there is a party going on up "there". Corky and Jay are singing and dancing their hearts out while others we love who are also "there" hop, howl, yip and yap along in unison. All this singing and dancing is creating a mighty wind, a warm and loving wind, that is being funneled out straight to wrap around you so you know you are always remembered, always loved, always appreciated...and never alone.
I hope that you will soon feel this warm, loving wind gently drying your tears and filling your heart with happy memories today and every day to come.
Many hugs,
HA! If you look closely, every now and then a little bird lights on Corky's head and bends over to look him in the face, causing Corky to grin cross-eyed! :D
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Awww, sweet Terri,
The story of Corky and the birdie will always remind me what an innocent, gentle, loving soul Corky truly was. Simply precious! God Bless You, Jay and your FOREVER DOG:) Corky, today and always.
We love you with all our hearts...:)
Jeanette and your sweet niece Princess
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
(((((HUGS from us!!!)))))
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
(((HUGS))) I was thinking of you in the last 24 hours and here you are!! I just love the story of the little bird and Corky.
Hope you're taking good care of yourself....
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you everyone for your love, hugs, and understanding. I am so thankful that I found such a wonderful, caring family. I would have been lost without all of you. Even though Corky had cushings for over three years, thanks to your help and knowledge, Corky had a good quality of life up until all of the changes happened. They were not related to cushings.
He really was a very special little boy.
(((((((HUGS))))))) to all of you.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I can't believe that it's been 6 months since I released Corky. A day doesn't go by that he's not in my thoughts. I still cry off and on every day. I sill miss him very much.
About 2 weeks ago I saw my neighbor's Boston Terrier. He's not quite 2. Thats' the first time I saw him since Corky was going for his walks. He started jumping up giving me kisses. He reminds me so much of Corky. Their markings are almost identical. That was hard on me.
I am finally starting to get my life back in order. I joined a senior center and started taking Zumba, Aerobics, and Bone Builders classes about a month ago. There are so many activities to do there. The people are great.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you that are going through difficult times and also with those of you that have lost a furbaby.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
My heart goes out to you, my dear friend, and completely understand how you feel. Forever they live in our hearts filled with deep love.
Sending huge and loving hugs to you, Lori
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
So glad to hear you are enjoying your new activities:)
I feel for you...I know how it feels to miss our little ones - I lost 2 of them 4 weeks apart and it took me 5 years to get Penny---
Know Corky is always in our hearts!!!!!!!!
love and hugs xoxoxoxo
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Ah Terri... I understand so well. Sending hugs. Big ones. Love too, Kim
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I still say the best way to cope is to get another. I've lost four and each time another followed right behind. I fear dispite the pain I can't live without them. Even the time between them is increadably harder
I'm like incompasitated. Worthless. But that's just me. It still takes forever to get past it but a least there are a few smiles too. Can't live without the friendship of a dog.
Gee Cindy.... Five years. And two so close together. Man.
Anyway I hope your doing ok Terri.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dearest Friend,
It is so hard to lose such a huge part of your life. Baby steps until you can handle more. we all love Corky and none of us will forget him either. You both are always in our hearts.
I will say I had a big smile at the thought of you doing Zumba and Areobics. You go girl!!!!!!!:D:D:D I am glad everyone is so nice and you are meeting new people.
I love you and I think about you all the time.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi Terri,
There is a geriatric Boston at my vet's who's mom passed and she is in need of someone to love her. You and Corky came to my mind the second I saw Tasha and I burst into tears there in the hallway with her in my arms. Tasha's mom passed recently and she needs a home for the remainder of her days, which will likely be with us if she hasn't found a home by the time we move into our house. I can't stop thinking about Tasha and her situation, and when I think of or go see her, I think of you and Corky so I just can't leave her there.
I tell you this so you know that Corky lives on in the hearts of so many, that he touched others so deeply, that he will always be with us. So you know that the love and devotion the two of you shared will be carried on in ways you may never know about.
I am so proud of you for tackling life through your pain and I know your little man is, too.
But, seriously, ZUMBA???!!??? Have you seen how those folks move???? I tried it once and found it was much easier to keep up after I collapsed on the floor. :p
Many hugs and much love,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi Terri :)
It's so good to hear that last update...I am so proud of you for actively picking up your life eventhough it is so hard to do :) After Sogno passed, it was only 3 weeks later that Yunah entered my life..and at that time that was the right thing to do. After Yunah passed I needed several months to move on with a new dog in my life... It's different, every time and one has to do what is best for them :) And again, I am very proud of you for doing exactly that...
Have lots of fun with the Zumba and other classes..:D All our best,
Saskia and Mhina :)
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you so much my very dear friends. You have always been here for Corky and me. I think about all of you. I enjoy chatting with so many of you.
Our furbabies do remain forever in our hearts. Lots of love and hugs to all of you.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dear Terri,
I am so glad you are out there taking Zumba and meeting new people. I should be doing the same, but work gets a little in the way.
It was great hearing everything you have been up to.
In your own time will be when you are ready for a new furbaby. There are times I think I might have gotten Ella to soon, but I wouldn't change a thing, except not having so much stress with work.
Take care and hugs always!!!
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dear Terry
I think about you and our beloved Corky often. Go for it girl with Zumba. You have inspired me to give it a try.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi, Terri,
I haven't been here very much and I'm trying to catch up with everyone. I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. I'm sure life without Corky has been a big adjustment. Just seeing his picture brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad you are keeping yourself busy and I hope time is healing the wounds some.
Wow! Zumba?! You are ambitious! Have you considered getting another dog? There will never be another Corky, but you have so much love to give...I'm sure you will know when the time is right.
Take care of yourself.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY my little one! I'm sure you're having a great birthday with all of your friends, new and old. I love you and miss you very much.
Firsts are the hardest. There will always be triggers that set you back. I can see Corky opening his presents. He was so cute when he opened them. I'm making his steak for his dinner. I know he's watching me to make sure I make it for him. This was his special dinner on his birthdays.
Take care everyone.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Happy Birthday Corky. Although with a great sadness in my heart, you still make me smile.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi Terri,
Those firsts are rough. :( Thankfully, they only happen once and when that first is behind us, the second is a tiny bit easier. The firsts bring so much pain roaring back it is difficult to imagine that could ever change...but it does. Time gives our hearts and souls a chance to find those memories that bring a smile to our face and a hint of that familiar joy in our hearts.
I think of you and Corky at least 10 times a day through living with Tasha. I understand a little bit of the magic in Boston Terriers now and can only imagine the fun you and Corky must have had over the years, and how that face could make your heart swell.
Many hugs dear one,
Happy Birthday, Corky!!
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Happy Birthday, sweet Corky.
Remembering you today and always with love.
Sending huge and loving hugs to you, Terri.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I know Corky is thanking you for the birthday wishes. Thank you for the hugs.
Bostons hold a special place in my heart, Leslie. Corky was very special. I know things get easier as time goes on. I have one more major hurdle to jump.
I'm glad the Corkster still makes you smile, John. It must be the sweet smile on his face. :)
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Belated Birthday Wishes to Corky!!:D:p:)
I hope you are doing well!!! Miss you!!!:)
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Happy birthday Corky!! Much love being sent your and Terri's way.
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
It's a year ago today that Corky went to a better place. As I'm writing this, the tears are streaming down my face.
Even though much of that day is a blur, some things are still so vivid in my mind. As I was petting Corky and talking to him, and giving him lots of hugs and kisses, he tried to stand up on my lap, but he quickly put his little head back on my arm. A little while later, he tried to stand up again. His face was so close to mine, as if he was trying to give me a last kiss, but he couldn't do it. He put his head back on my arm and looked up at me. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was asking me to help him. He was asking me to let him go, to set him free. When I told Dr. H it was time, she asked me if I was sure. I told her that I was sure for Corky, but not for me.
I finally went to see Dr. H a couple of weeks ago. She told me that our furbabies let us know when it was time, and that Corky was ready.
I was very blessed to have had Corky in my life for so many years. Even in spite of all of Corky's medical issues, he surpassed his expected life span. He had a good quality of life up until the end.
I added a few more pictures. One of them is a special poem that a friend posted on FB.
I want to thank everyone again for all of your help and support. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dearest Terri,
My (((((hugs))))) are coming your way. I know little Corky is with you today and always. The dignity of your boy along with the amazing life memories hopefully will let you smile a bit through the tears. He is an amazing dog and you are an amazing Mom.
We will always remember your boy
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi Terri,
The pics are great and I love the poem. Corky was a handsome fellow and you can see the TLC he got every day of his life.
I know you have missed Corky terribly and have struggled to make a life without him. But I also know you are doing just that now - getting out and living and loving life, finding new interests and friends. I know Corky is so very proud of his mom and continues to watch over her with such love. He simply could not have had a better mom or friend than he had in you.
Today is one of those "firsts" we all have to face at some point...and the "firsts" are so very difficult. All the memories come flooding back, good and bad, bringing with them the emotions that are once again fresh. Please be extra good to yourself today, grieve as you need, and remember you are not alone, not ever alone.
Much love and many hugs,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
my dearest big sis and special friend,
I am remembering our precious little boy and you today and honoring the special bond between you, the wonderful life you gave each other. it is beyond words.
I love you both with all my heart, and think of you very often and fondly--you are both my forever treasured family.
Tight hugs to you today mostly, and always, and hope its an all pizza, arbys, steak, twizzlers day in remembering Corky.
Xoxo Jeanette and your sweet niece Princess and family
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
My dearest friend, Terri,
Thinking of you and our sweet Corky today, sending tons of loving and huge hugs, Lori
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I remember when I lost Mira and I was so upset over all the things that followed it. Then Leslie put a name to it. Just as she did above. It's hard I know. All these "firsts". The second anniversary of my Mira's death is about six weeks away. I've thought of it many times. And I know it will be a sad day. But I don't fear it as much as I did the first time around. I'm glad you came here to share your hurts with us. Putting it on paper and knowing someone else knows what your feeling... helps a lot.