Re: Beloved Zoe
Happy Thanksgiving, baby girl. I hope you are chasing rainbows and eating lots of turkey. Two years ago today was the start of the decline. I thought the pain would be less this year but find that terrible ache in my heart.
So in honor of you, feisty darling, I put on my brave face and will celebrate you and all of our Thanksgivings.
Lol, Zozo, it is beyond weird this year and I cant even find a basket for the dinner rolls, I must have given them all away.
But in spite of the newness and strangeness, I count my blessings, my best darling.Your beautiful memory and Our love and bond being one of them.
The rhythm of life continues, just that we now dance to a different beat. Time goes by so quickly, how the dance will change again.
Love you more than I can ever express, my baby girl. Thank you for playing beauty parlor with me and for loving your bows.
Daddy and Koko love you too. Koko is the "popular dog" the kitten next store loves him, the older dog two doors down loves him too, it is so funny. thank you for teaching him so well, my brave girl, always in charge and correcting bad behavior.
Koko won't dance to Golden Oldies, only you.
Re: Beloved Zoe
Dear Addy
The holidays remind even more how much we miss them, the rituals we only did with them. Every time I see a dog that looks like Zoe, I gulp and think about her. Our beautiful brave Zoe. Always loved always missed.
Sonja,Apollo,Karma, Ariel
Re: Beloved Zoe
Merry Christmas my darling. If memories were presents wrapped in beautiful paper and ribbons, I would have many under the tree.Miss you so very much, little girl,
Daddy needs you to lick his back to cure him. Remember how you cured his carpel tunnel by licking his wrist everyday?
He didn't need surgery, only your love and healing tongue.
Koko has a case of the itches, I'm hoping it is a lone flea bite, it has been so warm it does not even feel like Christmas.
Kate is finally home, our world traveler. You loved her so. One of the few people you didn't try to bite:rolleyes:
Oh my Zoe, thank you for being my soulmate, love you forever, the pain of losing you overwhelms sometimes to this day.
Have to go my darling.
Love you for eternity
Re: Beloved Zoe
Re: Beloved Zoe
In loving memory of Zoe.
Re: Beloved Zoe
Hugs! As the years pass the holidays become more bittersweet. In the space of only two years, my husband and I have lost three pets. Yet our household is full once again, alive with our toy poodle and three cats. We mourn and we celebrate. May you have a blessed 2016.
Re: Beloved Zoe
Remembering our sweet brave Zoe. Tomorrow it will be the day, Feb 23,2014 that Zoe passed. Always in our heart,and minds. My dear warrior sister,Addy, thinking about you .
Love Sonja, Apollo
Re: Beloved Zoe
Thank you dear sister. It has been up and down with emotions. I tried very hard to tell my brave, strong darling that I would honor her memory with happy thoughts, many endearing memories but an overall sense of loss started a few weeks ago, something I can't get rid of.
Remember, my darling how Koko would hide from the vacuum cleaner and you would attack it?
Remember, my darling how Koko needed help solving his puzzle and you grabbed it, banged it against the stove then tossed it in the air- puzzle solved?
Remember my darling, how daddy would sing "how Zoe comes marching home" to you while you so determinedly pulled him down the street while I trailed behind with Koko?
Remember our chicken walks, our special time just you and me and sometimes the deer would follow us?
Remember beauty parlor and red bows with your red velvet coat?
Remember clicker training and all the tricks you would throw at me?
Remember my laughter at your antics?
Remember my undying love and devotion?
Remember me and what we shared and I will always remember you.
Never to be forgotten, always dearly loved, my very special Zoe, the most beautiful dog I had ever seen.
The most beautiful dog I love and always will with all my heart and soul.
We celebrate your life and remember, beautiful face at the door.
Re: Beloved Zoe
Remember dancing through the house to the oldies. :).
Zoe will always be special to us all but to none more than you our dear Addy.
You and koko and your hubby and mom and Zoe are all family to us and we treasure you.
Re: Beloved Zoe
Joining you in honoring your sweet girl ~ In loving memory of Zoe