Re: Beloved Zoe
Love the hand holding, thank you so much:) Marianne where did you find the photo?
Leslie, I have to be so concerned about my asthma, I could hardly move my peak flow meter.
So far just alternating from feeling too "dried out" in my sinus area to feeling better. The coughing is not so severe and straining.
No weird things yet but I have kept my brain occupied while resting, trying to find a new doctor.
So far day one not so bad:o:o
I feel like such a wimp:rolleyes:
Re: Beloved Zoe
Yay, so glad you're feeling even a bit better!!!
I'm so glad you like the photo! :)
I plugged "holding hands" into a Google search, and then clicked on "Images" and this was one of many sweet and beautiful ones that came up. There are a multitude there, so we can even rotate pics and hold new hands every single day if we want to. ;) :D
Re: Beloved Zoe
dear Addy
so sorry feeling the way you do. Hope you feel better. Check on my in loving memory, video I did. My brother has horrible allergies and can get an asthma attack if he doesn't watch it.
Love Sonja
Re: Beloved Zoe
So glad that you are feeling even a little bit better.
Yes absolutely you need to be careful of your asthma, that is nothing to fool around with as you know. They have you on antibiotics too right for any secondary bacterial infections? My friend, myself and my husband all had to take antibiotics before our bronchitis cleared up and my friends kept coming back as I told about that earlier.
hand holding is available anytime!
love ya
Re: Beloved Zoe
Don't think I can take the prednisone again, I have had zero sleep
Re: Beloved Zoe
A good friend who periodically needs pred pulses says that, no matter what the time of year, she always gets spring cleaning taken care of during the spurts :o. Nothing like waxing the floors at midnight...:eek:
Seriously though, so sorry that you cannot rest. That is not good. :(
Re: Beloved Zoe
I haven't had much sleep for a week but now I have had zero sleep.
I'm worried about how worn out I feel and then there is the pressure from work to be there Monday. I almost 63, it is getting harder to do this.
I coughed all night and my ribs and stomach muscles hurt.
I was always told by my original asthma doctor that I should not take a cough suppressant. Every once in a while a doctor will tell me to take it.
Not sure what to do.
Re: Beloved Zoe
Addy--I am so sorry you are having such serious health problems. I know from personal experience how difficult, if not impossible, it is to focus on work when dealing with insomnia. Being a perfectionist, I hated making mistakes (and not even realizing it until someone pointed it out to me). My turning point came when I almost fell asleep when driving to work. Please take care of yourself.
Re: Beloved Zoe
Thanks, I just need to stop this cough and wheezing, if I get 3 or 4 hours sleep I can cope.
I just read about 30 articles on treating bronchitis and in an asthmatic.
I think I see the mistake I made. I should have started the rescue inhaler right away to keep my airways open. I did not realize bronchitis causes mucus in my airways.
I need to find a good doctor to discuss this asthma stuff with.
I feel better emotionally right now. Knowledge always helps:)
I need to get well fast, the painter is coming Tuesday and will be here a week, gosh what will those paint fumes do to me n Koko, we will have to sleep at a hotel, I think.
We are painting the whole house two shades of gray and refreshing the white woodwork. I hope that appeals to the masses!
Re: Beloved Zoe
OH remembered something I learned when I last had so much mucous - fruit helps a lot. Eat as much as you can tolerate, skins when possible like grapes, apples, etc.