Happy Birthday Darling. We love you forever.
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Happy Birthday Darling. We love you forever.
Happy Burthday Zoe!! And a skip, hop and a bark to you! Xxxxxx
Happy birthday, sweet beautiful Zoe. Apollo make sure you give Zoe a hug and birthday cake.
Love always Sonja and Angel Apollo
Happy Birthday, sweet Zoe. Your loving memory lives on in our heart, always.
Happy Birthday Zoe, flying free on wings in Heaven....
Happy Birthday Zoe. x
Happy Birthday Zoe!
Never to be forgotten
Sharlene and molly muffin
Happy Birthday you skippering hopping gorgeous ball of fluff!! You have struck a chord with all of us who continue to follow your stories... Sending your Mom a big hug today (((ADDY))) xxxxx
Happy belated birthday, Zoe. Arf, Arf!!
Darling, look at all the birthday wishes. I am missing you very much tonight. My arms ache to hold you and bury my face in your sweet fur. Oh, to see your beautiful face one more time, my darling Zoe.
It has been two months since I lost you and the tears still fall with a lump in my throat.
I think perhaps I may have to not come here for awhile. Maybe it would be better, I dont know, Zoe. Sometimes the pain is overwhelming. I see your sweater hanging in the closet and I stop for a moment thinking you are coming home one day. Then reality sets in. But for that brief moment, you are alive in my mind, just for a second, the clock turns back.
Zoe, my Zoe - just know I love you, my little girl. My beautiful dog.
OMG 2 months, how can that be. It does not seem that long.
If you need a break sweet, you go for it. You know where we are, maybe some time without having to read sad stuff on here might help. Of course we will miss you, just promise to come back at some stage or send us a message to let us know you are OK!
BUT, it is FRIDAY!!!
My dear Addy
I so understand what you posted. Being hear reminds you of the pain. So if you need to rest and take a break do so.
My sweet Addy and beautiful Zoe.
Hug Sonja and Angel Apollo.
Oh Addy,
Reading the sadness is hard for me too. :o Grief still overwhelms me often and it's been almost 10 months since Buddy crossed over. If you think a break might help, please take that time. You will be dearly missed, but I understand. I miss hearing about Zoe too. There are so many things that always made me smile. A few favorites are potatoes at the bathroom door and hop skip and bark at meal times. Zoe will always live on in our hearts and memories. Xxxxxx
Just sending you some big hugs Addy.
As you have told others so many time.
I care.
It is hard to come but it is her legacy and I also care about all of you and all of our pups.
We love you, Zoe, Koko and hubby too. :p Yes, we are family, but sometimes family needs a break from each other. You would understand that if you had my family.;)
Love you lots!
I love you and am sitting atop your shoulder. I am holding your hand firmly. If you need to slip away for awhile, I will wait until you are ready to return. I know and understand your pain and your grief. It feels unfathomable. If you can picture that in your mind instead as a symbol of how powerful and deep the love you and Zoe had for one another was and is. Right now it is just very raw. You are walking through the very hardest part. There are no short cuts, unfortunately. You have so many angels here who love and support you. Take care of yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Zoe would want that for you.
Thinking of you and sending love and (((((((hugs)))))))
Addy, I so understand about how sometimes it is so hard to come here. I feel the same way (as I sit here now in tears). I also feel that it is only here that people truly understand the loss we are feeling and understand that it is something we will never fully get over.
Sending you hugs.
That's so true, Mary Beth.
It is so true, MB. The other day we had a birthday party at work and I mentioned something in passing about Zoe. I rarely speak of her at work now so I could not believe how cold everyone got and quickly changed the subject almost as if she was taboo.:mad: It only drove home what I already knew - I have lost all respect for that company and need to move on.
So I know you will understand: after a weekend of battling a sudden appearance of ants in the house- which we get every few years when we have a super wet cool spring, I sat down finally last night to watch Masterpiece theatre. I love the Selfridge's mini series. All of a sudden Zoe's presence flooded the room. I turned to hubby and said "Zoe's here" Hi Zozo".
Zoe has not come to me in a long time but she came to say hi last night, no doubt in my mind.
Baby girl, love of my live, forever in my heart; you would be so proud of your brother now, he is such a good boy, even on his walks when he sees another dog. Daddy and I still talk about you every day, you are with us every single day in our memories and hearts so you will never, ever be forgotten. You have our love always.
Hi Zoe!
I have no doubt that if you felt her, then she was there. HUGS!
Whether they understand or not, human empathy says that one should be patient and understanding when those who have experienced a painful loss. grrrrrr
Eh, Karma will end up biting them on the tush one day.
Hi know exactly what you mean. I said in another post I feel like I have four dogs but only two are physically here. I feel tommy and Tammy around me all the time especially my tommy who left seven months ago. Still miss their physical presence tho.
I am glad you feel her close by, that's so nice.
I think your workmates are like that as I bet it just makes them feel very uncomfortable and they have their own hangups about death and grief they find hard to articulate. Speaking to someone who has gone through such a loss is very hard for some people and rightly or wrongly a coping mechanism many have is avoidance and unfortunately that sounds like the approach they took with you. I bet they feel for you Addy, but some people are just better than others at handling it and talking to others about it. Or else they are cold hard ba******* and you should get your tush outta there pronto!! :D:mad:
Dear Addy
Most people are so ignorant about the precious life of our babies. That is why we band together to validate, love,support each other and our fur balls. We are family,all over the world, small, big, young old, all breeds of dogs.
Don't discount feeling Zoe was there. Strange things have happened to me also. The lose never goes away. As a friend said to me " our babies are always here,because we keep them in hearts until the day we die. "
They leave an in-print on us forever.
Hugs and love Sonja and Angel Apollo
Their ignorance is their loss. Their rudeness has no excuse. Do not let them live rent free in your head for one second. Don't let them bring you down nor let them change how you are. I'll take one of you against ten of them any day of the week and we'll climb mountains together. :)
Darling Zoe, it felt so strange not to see your name on my card but I knew it was from you as well, no matter what. You came to visit last on a Sunday so I did feel you with me today. I brought out the beautiful card dearest Sonja made. Daddy and I set it in the living room on the table so we knew you were near.
Koko was a good boy during dinner but he is so quiet:):):)
Grammy came, she has not been here since you died. She misses you too, she loved you so much. Kate is home from college and got a 4 point grade average, Zoe your big sis is such a hard worker. Funny, when we first brought you home the 3 people you liked in the family were, Grammy, Kate and Uncle Jim, the rest you tried to bite. I always thought your first mom must have been an elderly woman with a son and granddaughter and that she must have died or had to move to a home and then you went to a really bad place until I found you.
Darling, I love you with all of my being forever and a day, for always.
ever and ever until the end of time. You will be my best little girl, my heart and soul, a part of me that will only die when I pass on to find you.
Good night sweet girl.
Addy - you are such a wonderful writer. I just read all of this in one fell swoop. I cried and laughed with you - the chicken walk. I always remember you talking about your chicken walks with Zoe and now know what you were talking about. :) Zoe was such a smart, beautiful dog and you were blessed to have each other. Hugs to you my friend :)
I just love reading your posts. Such a great writer.
I can not believe it has been almost 3 months since our sweet Zoe has passed. Even though I never meet her, I still miss her and reading about her. Zoe watch over your Mom and Dad.
Love always Sonja and Angel Apollo
three months
Precious girl I loved you so
my face against the sweet smell of your fur and
the sound of your breath whilst you were sleeping
Little dog I laughed so hard
as you pulled the towel from my wet head or
waited patiently for chicken walks
Darling Zoe I miss you still
our life together, your love and mine
my heart to yours, two souls together
Forever, I remember… My Zoe
Oh faithful friend sit by my side and dream of younger days
When white coat was thick and soft, not sparse and thin
Your eyes not fogged with age.
Oh faithful friend sit by my side and dream of younger days
When legs danced in circles, not stiff with pain
Your voice a whisper now.
Oh faithful friend lie with me now for just a few more days
Spring nears, rain falls, tears of sadness
As you slip, slip away
Oh faithful friend, my broken heart for all the coming days
Come to me in my dreams
Always now a memory
Oh faithful friend, my love
My Zoe
Hi Zoe. Hi Addy. Sleep tight. Cuddle. Spoon. Just be as one, at peace.
Hi Baby Girl Zoe,
It is almost summer and I keep looking everywhere for you. You did come to visit again the other night. All of sudden your spirit flooded the room and I said "Oh, Hi Zozo" without even thinking until I realized you were not really physically there.
We are taking your brother patio dining today to Port Washington. remember how you loved to go there? Remember when they kicked us out of the patio because you barked at the server? And do your remember on Zoe days how we would go to Starbuck's patio with the clicker and chicken treats to practice so we could try patio dining again?
We try to do these same things with Koko, Zoe, in your memory, but it is just not the same. We take him to Sendicks to look at people like we did you and we take him for car rides and places to walk, just like we did every weekend for Zoe Day.
Darling, I don't think I will ever stop crying over you. I asked Daddy, how can someone miss a little dog so much?
Just wanted to come to tell you it is summer now and the long, cold winter is gone, washed away with the change of seasons, washed away by my tears over you.
I love you so very much Zoe and I miss you so very much every day.
Dear Addy
Understand all to well,how much you miss sweet Zoe. She will always be in your heart and soul. Your writing is so beautiful and moving to read. The poem to Zoe was so moving.
Love,hugs Sonja and Apollo
The yellow raincoat lay on the chair near the back door. I stopped for a moment, seeing it. It is so you, dear little one. I remember it was pouring the other morning, raining so hard, I brought it out to put on Koko. He hates coats, only one he will wear is his old ragged puppy coat, hardly fits him anymore.
I had thrown the raincoat on the chair after we came back inside, I just forgot to put it away. Tonight, there it was.
I sit now, with it clutched to my heart, holding it dear, as it was yours, Zoe. I smile, not cry, remembering.
Always in my heart.
love you so,
:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::c ool:
Having read that, I have this large smile on my face.
How beautiful.
Sonja and Angel Apollo
Darling Zoe,
We hit the 4 month mark, I had a few bad days and then I realized why. That I have now live for four months without you seems impossible.
We cleaned the pool today; your brother sitting on his lounge chair, watching. Daddy and I remembered how that first summer you fell in the pool in the shallow end. Daddy has the grill going and we keep looking at the back door, expecting to hear you bark. You always engaged us so much. We loved that about you.
Koko goes for his annual tommorrow night. Watch over your brother for me darling. Keep an eye out from heaven, ok? I'm alittle scared to take him in. I guess I am just gun shy now.
Love you more than words can say, little one. Miss you every single day.
Beautifully said.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
You need to be strong!