Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dearest Terri,
Sending my continuing (((HUGS))), love and any measure of comfort possible. I think it's beautiful that you felt Corky tap you, and I truly hope that your heart was filled with joy.
Much love my very dear friend,
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thinking of you Terri ...((( hugs ))) Catherine , Ken & fur babies ..
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you my very dear friends. I really appreciate it. I love you dearly. Words can't express how I feel about all of you and what you all mean to me.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terry, I haven't posted in a bit but want you to know that you and Corky are never far from my mind.
Big hugs and much love,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you so much Glynda. You are such a dear friend. You've been here with me since I first joined our family.
I don't expect everyone to post on Corky's thread. I know so many of you are here with me and for me. There's just times when I need to express my feelings.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dear Terri,
I am so sorry I have not had much time to check in on you.
I think about you all the time and miss our little trooper.
Always in my heart dear friend,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi big sis,
:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Love ya, Jeanette
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I luv ya bunches lil sis and my very dear friend Addy.
This is my last post for awhile. I have a few things left to print, and then I'm taking a much needed break from the forum. In January, it will be 3 years since I joined the original forum.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi Darlin',
We all need breaks from time to time. Please take care of yourself and know you are always in the hearts of many, wrapped in loving arms all the time.
Love ya,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dear Terri,
I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't admit that I am sorry to read your reply. Because I will miss you while you are away -- very, very much :o. But I totally understand that it is time for you to take a much-needed break. Take good care of yourself! And we will welcome you back at any time, even if is just for a quick update. And without any question, we will hold you and Corky in our hearts while you are away.
Sending many hugs, today and everyday.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Have a relaxing break....come back soon!
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Originally Posted by
I luv ya bunches lil sis and my very dear friend Addy.
This is my last post for awhile. I have a few things left to print, and then I'm taking a much needed break from the forum. In January, it will be 3 years since I joined the original forum.
Terri I'm so sorry i missed you! I hope you come back some day and see this. I remember you. I see your posts often in my threads. I can never thank you enough for being there for me. I wish I had been there for you too. I understand how Corkys passing is chasing you from here. I couldn't even look at pictures of Mira after she died. I hope your memories of Corky become manageable soon for you. You were so kind to me at a time I could hardly think straight let alone tell anyone just how much it ment. And now you may never see this this. I'm so sorry.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
My continued (((hugs))) Terri.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I miss you and love you, my dear friend. You and Corky are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I hope, when you are ready, you will come back to us. We need you here.
In the meantime, give yourself the time you need to heal. We will continue to send love, prayers and energy your way.
You are a very special person and I will miss you greatly while you are away.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terri - Love you and miss you!!! I was thinking of Corky yesterday - I spent the afternoon at my friends and she has a little Corky named Mia --- Love and Hugssss to my friend!!! xo
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terri Thinking of you and wishing you prayers and love on this Christmas ----- Love you Cindy and Penny xoxox
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you my dear friends.
I came back today to light a candle for Corky, and I saw the posts. I'm hoping that after the holidays I might be able to come back more often. I'm having a very difficult time right now.
I hope that all of you, your families, and your furbabies have a Merry Christmas.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I want to share this with you. I've said all along that Corky had a great IMS. Today I got a letter in the mail from The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Foundation. Dr. H. made a donation to them in memory of Corky.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terri - how wonderful is that of Dr H!!!! You were blessed with a very special IMS for sure - she is a beautiful person inside and out!!! What a special honor for your Corky -- he was loved by so many people and will never be forgotten -
We love you Angel Corky
love always xoxoxox
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hello big Sis,
Now that's a very honorable thing in our Corky's memory...YAY Corky...You are a beautiful shining star up above, and we continue to treasure your sweet soul.
Love you Terri and your little boy too.
xo Jeanette and Princess
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
What a beautiful and loving tribute to our sweet Corky...GOD bless Dr. H!
Sending huge and loving hugs,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Oh, what a touching gesture! The Corkster touched everyone he met and left a lasting impression in all our hearts; now that love will reach out and touch others.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Sounds like Dr. H and Corky had a lot more in common than just a doctor/patient relationship.....big hearts and big character.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Oh Terri,
Now that is truly special, as special as our Corkster. How proud you must be of our little trooper, to have touched his doctor so.
love and hugs,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
This was a wonderful tribute to Corky. I believe Dr. H. had a special place in her heart for Corky. She had tears in her eyes when he was released. She even gave me a hug. She is a very caring person.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Hi Terri,
Saw your were on and I thought about you!! I hope you are doing a little better. Oh how I know how you feel. I cannot believe it has been a year since I was where you are now. Our furbabies are having a great time romping in the grass and just feeling GREAT!!! :D
Please take care and let us know how you are doing!!! :)
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Have not been on the forum for some time but I do come back to check on you. What a wonderful gesture from Dr. H. I miss you and the Corkster so much. Please let us know how you are doing. I pray for your heart to heal, my dear, sweet friend.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you Marie and my dear friend Carrol for checking on me. I'm doing a little better, but it's really hard not having Corky with me. It's been 3 months now, but it seems like it was just yesterday. I love him and miss him so much.
I've tried to come on and post some things about Corky, but I haven't been able to do it. I'm going to try now. There are some things that most of you don't know about Corky.
On February 28th, it will be 13 years since Jay and I brought Corky home. When we went to see him, he never went near the lady. He came right up to Jay and me. He was only allowed in the back yard or in their family room. At night, he was put in a cage far away from anyone. He was malnurished and had never been for a walk. On the way home, he was laying on my lap. He was shaking so badly that his teeth were chattering. The only time he was in a car is when they brought him home as a puppy. I kept petting him and telling him that it was okay. We changed his name to Corky on the way home.
It didn't take us long to realize that Corky had been hit. If he would see a fly swatter, a newspaper, or a magazine in our hands, he would jump up on the chair, his ears would go back, and he would start shaking. At first, when we would try to pet him, he would back away. He wouldn't let us touch his nose to see if was cold and moist or warm and dry, if we didn't think he was feeling well. Eventually that changed. It didn't take Corky long to realize that he could trust us, that we loved him, and that we would never do anything to hurt him. He became the most loving, cuddly, snuggly little boy. He always had to be near us.
I can't post anymore right now.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terri, bless you and Jay and Corky. Now and always.
With loving hugs from across the miles,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
(((HUGS))) That's a great start in telling us things about Corky....he sure came to a great home from such a lousy beginning. No wonder he always wanted to be near to you two....he was in a very special place and he knew it.
Take care Terri and hope you'll post some more when you can...
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I am glad you are able to share things about dear Corky. Always here for you when you are able to share more.
Love and prayers to you dear friend
Your angel is watching over you always xo
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
My dear, sweet friend,
I know how difficult it was for you to come talk to us about your sweet boy right now.
Today was a magical day for you, Jay and for Corky - it was a day when you all realized just how much you needed each other as a family; a day when you and Jay saw how much this little boy needed you; a day when you both saw how much love that scared little guy had hidden inside.
It was the day Corky came to be; the day he looked into your eyes and knew you were the one who would save him, fight for him, and love him like no one else ever could. He looked deep inside your soul and saw that spot that only he could fill. Corky was drawn to you like a moth to a flame - and the flame of your love filled his little soul to overflowing from that day on, and will continue to do so for all time.
You are such a special lady to so many, Terri. I consider the day we met to be one of those magical days in my life and I love you dearly. You are so strong and brave and always filled with love and laughter. You are a blessing in my life; I can only imagine what joy you brought to Jay and Corky.
You are never alone, Terri. You are surrounded by so much love every second of every day.
Many hugs,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Dearest Terri,
I don't know that I can say it any better than Leslie just did. You were always there for so many of us no matter what. How many times did I call you in a panic? And we would talk forever and then end of laughing about things.
Even though I never met Corky I felt I knew him through your posts.
You are the strongest, bravest person I have ever met. Your heart is so large and my own life made so much richer for having you in my corner.
I know it is hard for you now and I hope that pain eases somewhat.
Truly Corky's larger than life spirit was drawn directly from you.
I miss you dear friend and I need you too.
All my love,
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Checking in again, dear Teri. I miss all your posts and, of course, Corky belonged to all of us so I miss him too. I hope you are taking care of yourself. Please find some peace in knowing that you are such an important part of the family here and everyone is standing beside you during this difficult time. You know that if there was any way I could change things, I would. But all I can do is send much love and many prayers your way.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Thank you my dear friends for all of your very kind words, love, hugs, and prayers.
Thank you for lighting the candle for us Marianne. I saw it when I lit one for Corky.
Leslie and Addy, I feel the same way about you. You can call me anytime Addy.
Thank you for always checking on me Carrol.
All of you have a special place in my life and in my heart.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Sending you huge and loving hugs, my dear friend.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terri -
I wish I had all kinds of great things to say. Leslie always says such awesome things. I am thinking of you. I remember you handing me strength when I didn't think I could wake up in the morning...you will have my eternal heart.
Many hugs.
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
Terri and Corky
Thanks for being Reggie's earth and guardian angels today. He really needed you and you came through in a big way. Corky always did look out for Reggie so I am not surprised at all that he still is.
Much love and gratitude
Holly and Reggie
Re: Remembering Corky with Lots of Love
I met with Corky's vet yesterday. I wanted to thank him personally for taking such good care of Corky for so many years. We talked about 15 minutes.
Dr. R. told me that Corky's internal organs were shutting down with everything that happened to him in such a short period of time. It wasn't just his kidneys and the internal bleeding. I now have closure knowing that there wasn't anything any of us could have done to help Corky, and that it was a good thing that it happened so quickly. He said that it was a true act of love by letting Corky go in peace.
Dr. R. had such positive things to to say about Corky and me. He also told me that I did a remarkable job in taking care of Corky, and that he didn't know many people that would have done what I did for my little one. As I was getting ready to leave, he gave me a big hug. Dr. R. is a very special, caring vet.
Thank you my dear friends Lori, Lynne, and Holly for the love, hugs, and your very kind words.