Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
Thanks guys... at the risk of insulting my kids, I feel like I'm an expectant mother and in love with him already. Just read on their website these specific therapy dogs are for PTSD and anxiety plus do a lot of other things..... works for me. Can't wait to take him grocery shopping or for that matter anywhere else.
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
OMG, this is wonderful news Judi! and timely, just when you need a best friend in your life and in your new home. I think it's awesome.
We'll want pictures!!!
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
The best news ever!! So happy for you!
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet boy. 18 years ago you came into this world and made us laugh, entertained, surprised us and waking up to you everyday was just the greatest pleasure. Oh how I miss you and the precious time we had. You were the very best thing that happened to me hands down. I would give almost anything to see you just once more. Mommy has to go.... the uncontrollable crying has started. Love you sweet peas.
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
Happy Birthday Keesh. Keep watch over your mamma. She needs you to be her protecting spirit.
Hugs Judi
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
Happy Birthday Keesh! And I am so happy for you too-tears of joy from PA!!!
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
I have tried 3 times to post and been thrown off.... I give up
Re: "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog
Judi, I sure wish I knew why a few of you are having this problem. Until it gets sorted out, can you try composing your post “off-site,” and then copying and pasting it into a reply? That would only take a moment or two — hopefully you’d have enough time to complete that task before getting bumped...