Another vote for getting checked out. Concussion can be really nasty please look after yourself.
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Another vote for getting checked out. Concussion can be really nasty please look after yourself.
Dear Addy-
My gosh...that's awful.
You know, friend of mine, I have noticed over time that you continue to go to work when I would not. The place will really survive without you for a day or two or three. As Sharlene pointed out, you should not be sleeping for hours after a concussion and you definitely should find out if it is a concussion or not. That IS what workman's compensation is for. :cool: I am so sorry this happened. You need to take care of yourself now. If you were playing for a football team, they would not let you back on the field until a thorough checkup had been performed and that there were signs to indicate when it got better.
I am sending along the pink bubble wrap. I'm not needing it right now.....although we all know that is subject to change really fast! :D
Don't just chuck December. It's been bumpy for you recently, but I remember some really fun times as well. I was in a Christmas store earlier this week and I saw this huge selection of bird ornaments and I immediately thought of you. I think you are really missing Zoe, that this is a hard time of year for you, and that you will get through this, as well. Even though you don't feel like it all the time, you are like the Energizer bunny. You are a woman with such strength and I am proud to have you for a friend.
Now go to the ER!!! :)
It’s complicated :( cant talk about it.
It takes me 2 days to make up work for every ½ day I miss. I cannot keep up. So the pain of missing ½ day of work is worse than going to work sick. Missing 4 days of work is a nightmare for me when I come back.:mad::mad:
I read they have to do a Ct scan and diagnosing concussion is hard.
I thought I would give it 3 days and see how I feel. tomorrow is 3 days.:):) Maybe it will be better tomorrow.
Okay, so no one covers for you if you are gone and it's worse when you get back as you have to try and catch up. That is sucky.
In the mean time, we will want a day 3 report on how you are doing. :) Cause you know, we care. :)
Please don't mess around with this. It can be serious! I had a brain injury several years ago. I was hit on the head by a flying ball and was knocked out cold for over 4 min. Talk about terrified youngsters! The paramedics arrived and transported me to the ER on a backboard. I was not given a choice. As it turned out, I had a concussion and a spinal injury. I had killer headaches for several months. The only thing that helped was packing my head in ice to reduce my brain swelling. That was 18 years ago. I still get severe migraines. Supposedly they are called by chemical imbalance in my brain, but I don't buy it. I think they are related to that injury.
Please get checked out ASAP! We worry. :o
I will, I will file the report today and go to urgent care, I am worried about the dizziness and pressure on the top of my head and temple.
Thank you!!!!!:pJust cuz we care. Please keep us updated. xxxxoooo
Dear Addy that is not a good sign.
Will be praying for you. Take care of yourself. You should get a cat scan as well as an ex- ray to see if there is bleeding or bruising of the brain.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
Blardy hell girl!! Honestly, you are a bit of a disaster magnet at times :eek: god it hurts when you whack your head like that. Sounds like you saw stars and still dizzy, so glad you are getting it checked out Addy! Hopefully just a bit of bruising to your noggin!! Hope you have put a big flag on that shelf so you don't do it again! Is must be busy time of year in your line of work too, so can understand you not wanting to miss it then suffer the repercussions of going back to an awful pile of work... but with concussion as I am sure you likely know, you might just need to rest up a bit! Well I guess the only good news today for you is IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!! :D BUT no girlie drinks for you until we know your brain is not bruised!!! xxx
hmm, and not sure you should be driving till you have the all clear on the concussion issue. Although I know that will just make your life harder :( Course if you were off work anyway with work comp, then...... :) :) :) :)
I do hope it isn't anything more than a hard knock, but i'm glad you are going to have it checked out. Best be safe.
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