(((((HUGS from us!!!)))))
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(((((HUGS from us!!!)))))
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(((HUGS))) I was thinking of you in the last 24 hours and here you are!! I just love the story of the little bird and Corky.
Hope you're taking good care of yourself....
Thank you everyone for your love, hugs, and understanding. I am so thankful that I found such a wonderful, caring family. I would have been lost without all of you. Even though Corky had cushings for over three years, thanks to your help and knowledge, Corky had a good quality of life up until all of the changes happened. They were not related to cushings.
He really was a very special little boy.
(((((((HUGS))))))) to all of you.
I can't believe that it's been 6 months since I released Corky. A day doesn't go by that he's not in my thoughts. I still cry off and on every day. I sill miss him very much.
About 2 weeks ago I saw my neighbor's Boston Terrier. He's not quite 2. Thats' the first time I saw him since Corky was going for his walks. He started jumping up giving me kisses. He reminds me so much of Corky. Their markings are almost identical. That was hard on me.
I am finally starting to get my life back in order. I joined a senior center and started taking Zumba, Aerobics, and Bone Builders classes about a month ago. There are so many activities to do there. The people are great.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you that are going through difficult times and also with those of you that have lost a furbaby.
My heart goes out to you, my dear friend, and completely understand how you feel. Forever they live in our hearts filled with deep love.
Sending huge and loving hugs to you, Lori
So glad to hear you are enjoying your new activities:)
I feel for you...I know how it feels to miss our little ones - I lost 2 of them 4 weeks apart and it took me 5 years to get Penny---
Know Corky is always in our hearts!!!!!!!!
love and hugs xoxoxoxo
Ah Terri... I understand so well. Sending hugs. Big ones. Love too, Kim
I still say the best way to cope is to get another. I've lost four and each time another followed right behind. I fear dispite the pain I can't live without them. Even the time between them is increadably harder
I'm like incompasitated. Worthless. But that's just me. It still takes forever to get past it but a least there are a few smiles too. Can't live without the friendship of a dog.
Gee Cindy.... Five years. And two so close together. Man.
Anyway I hope your doing ok Terri.
Dearest Friend,
It is so hard to lose such a huge part of your life. Baby steps until you can handle more. we all love Corky and none of us will forget him either. You both are always in our hearts.
I will say I had a big smile at the thought of you doing Zumba and Areobics. You go girl!!!!!!!:D:D:D I am glad everyone is so nice and you are meeting new people.
I love you and I think about you all the time.