View Full Version : Lucy 12 y/o Beagle-Atypical-Enlarged Heart

07-26-2009, 06:12 AM
Moderator's Note: This thread has been reposted for Joyce from a visitor message

My 12 yr old s/f beagle (Lucy) was diagnosed in Feb 09 with A-typical cushings after an operation to remove a perianal adeoma. She's been on 3mg Melatonin 2x/day and 1/2 tsp flax hulls daily. My reg vet noticed a heart murmur so I took her to a veterinary cardiologist for an echocardiagram. She was diagnosed with "chronic valve disease, moderate to severe left atrial enlargement." She's been showing no signs (coughing, panting) and her A-typical cushings seems to be under control. Also she has lost 9 pounds since April after my vet told me she was overweight. She now weighs 30lbs.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has dealt with an enlarged heart after being diagnosed with A-typical cushings? The doctor put her on 5mg Enalapril daily. I am interested any homeopathic remedies if anyone has any advice on this. I read about co-enzyme 10; taurine and L-Carnitine; and fish oil for heart disease.

I would appreciate any help or advice .. Thank you!

Joyce (Lucy's mom)

07-26-2009, 06:59 PM
Hi Joyce,

Sorry Lucy is having issues,

It sounds pretty good for you on the Cushing's front and you are following a standard treatment upon first diagnosis of Atyipical Cushing's. It would be very helpful to us to know what tests and results were used to arrive at the diagnosis.

I really think the heart take front seat and it sounds like you have good Drs. there.

I use fishoil/flaxseed oil interchangeably, I have no experiece with the Q10, the taurine or the carnitine. I use the fishoil/fso as systemic anti-inflamatory aids and can report annecdotal benefit personally, in my wife and also in Moria.

I do not think your heart issue is related to the Atypical Cushing's.
