View Full Version : K9 diabetes forum

Remy’s Mom
06-25-2023, 01:36 PM
Been awhile since I’ve been here. Does anyone know if the K9 Diabetes Forum is still active? I haven’t had any luck getting on and don’t see much in the way of recent posts. Remy’s Cushings is well controlled but his Diabetes has been a nightmare. Hoping to find others with diabetic pets using the Libre sensors!! Thanks in advance!!

06-25-2023, 04:14 PM
Greetings to you and Remy! Yes, as far as I know, K9D remains a functional forum. However, it’s true that their activity level has slowed *way* down in recent months. In honesty, we’ve been victims of the same situation here. It seems as though message boards like our’s have really declined in popularity in comparison to Facebook groups. I personally think that’s very sad because I believe message boards tend to offer the opportunity for much more organized individualized conversations. But of course I am biased in my opinion!

Turning back to K9D, though, I’m registered over there as well as here, and I try to monitor for any Cushing’s questions that may come up for members that both our forums share. Over the past year, there’s been one thread in particular that I’ve posted on over there myself. However, it’s probably been a month since that member has posted anything new, and I agree with you that there has not been much recent activity in general.

I just now bopped over there, though, and I think I’ve found your original thread:


If you’re having trouble logging in once again, let me know and I can pass that info on to the site owner. If you are still able to log in, I do believe you’ll still get at least a couple of replies from folks over there if you post your new questions. As I say, I’ll keep monitoring over there as well. And by the way, I’m so glad to hear that Remy’s Cushing’s has remained under control — that’s wonderful news!


Remy’s Mom
06-25-2023, 10:05 PM
Hi Marianne,

Thank you for reaching out. I haven’t been able to log in to K9Diabetes. I agree with you, these forums are invaluable and I much prefer them to Facebook. Thanks to information here, Remy’s Cushings has been well controlled at the lowest possible dose. His diabetes is another story. I am hoping to find others using the Libre continuous glucose monitor sensors. They have been critical to monitoring Remy’s complicated diabetes, but lately they have become very inconsistent to the point I feel his data is very skewed. My stress level is to the moon. My sweet boy is 14 now. He is blind due to cataracts which we had planned to remove but, between his diabetes issues and chronic hypertension we had to cancel the procedure. Fortunately he gets around quite well and we do have the hypertension under control again. The diabetes is another story and I am desperate to hear from others using the sensors. I can’t possibly stick him as many times a day as he would require. Technology is great…..when it works and not so great when it doesn’t!

I would appreciate it if you would reach out to the administrator so I can log on again to K9 Diabetes. I didn’t see many recent posts but maybe someone will be around. Thanks again for your help,

Claire & Remy

06-25-2023, 10:30 PM
Hi again, Claire. I just checked and found this page by which you can contact Natalie, the K9D site owner and administrator. It’ll actually probably be better if you submit this form yourself so that she can correspond with you directly about the problems you’re having in logging in. If you don’t get a response, let me know. But I’ll bet she’ll soon be in touch with you.


Also, in the meantime, I just saw this warning she posted in April about the Freestyle Libre system. I don’t know whether this includes the equipment you’re using, but I wanted to give the info.


Good luck, and as I say, I’ll keep my eye out for you over there. And do let me know if you don’t soon hear back from Natalie.

Remy’s Mom
06-26-2023, 04:21 PM
Thanks so much. I did reach out to Natalie and hopefully she will respond soon. I saw her notice about Libre systems which involved lithium battery issues in the readers and fires or overheating. We’ve been using a smart phone for Remy for awhile now. I sure appreciate your help.


07-01-2023, 08:39 AM
Hi again, Claire. Just wanted to check to see whether you’ve been able to make connections yet with Natalie. If not, let me know and I’ll see if I can reach her another way. In the meantime, continued best wishes to you and Remy!
