View Full Version : 11 y/o Boxer mix with possible Cushing’s

09-13-2022, 08:35 PM
I’m Emily and I’m new to this forum. My vet suspected Cushing’s last year after verifying symptoms and doing the ACTH stim test. We couldn’t afford to do the low dose dexmethasone suppression at the time to confirm or get my dog on Vetoryl. We have been using Selegiline for that and his dementia, but it appears that his symptoms of Cushing’s aren’t getting any better. My husband and I are hopefully going to be able to do this test now and get our Sully some relief. He’s an 11yr old Boxer mix and is the sweetest boy. I am so thankful that this forum exists and will be using this for support and resources to help us learn more about this condition.

09-15-2022, 10:15 AM
Hello, Emily, and welcome to you and sweet Sully! You’ll see that I’ve taken the liberty of making a copy of the reply you posted on our “Checking In” thread, and created a new thread here that’s your very own in the event you’d like to talk with us some more. If so, this way it’ll be easier for us to directly reply to you.

I’m sorry that Sully is troubled with the symptoms of Cushing’s, but we’ll be glad to share our thoughts and suggestions if you proceed onward with diagnosis and treatment. If I may ask, is there a reason why your vet felt that the ACTH results were insufficient? Did Sully test negative on it? The ACTH definitely returns more “false negatives” than does the LDDS, so when a dog has symptoms that are consistent with Cushing’s, it does make sense to move on to the LDDS in the face of a negative ACTH.

As I say, if you’d like to do so, we’d love for you to tell us more about Sully’s history and current situation. Or you can take your time, and wait to talk more later on. Either way is fine! But I just wanted to offer you the space to talk here at any time you wish ;-).

In the meantime, best wishes!

09-15-2022, 10:18 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum. It would be very helpful if you could type in the results of the ACTH test and also any blood work with just the HIGHS and LOWS with their reference ranges, along with the symptoms you are seeing with Sully. How much does he weigh?