View Full Version : Charlie Brown, fourteen-year-old beagle (Charlie Brown has passed)
07-16-2009, 08:02 PM
I'm very happy to have found this forum.
We have a very wonderful fourteen-year-old beagle whose only health problem, up until a few months ago was a gall bladder that flared up twice. The problem was controlled totally with Actigall (Ursodial).
However, about a month ago, Charlie Brown was diagnosed with Cushing's. We were not surprised, given his age. His cortisol levels were high enough (I don't know what they were) that his vet didn't think Anipryl would help. He was put on Vetoryl - 30 mg./day. He weights about 28 lbs. At first, he seemed to do wonderfully on the Vetoryl, but after only twenty days on the drug, he seemed to be having cortisol withdrawal. He would not eat or drink, had muscle tremors, and was lethargic. We stopped the Vetoryl and his tremors had subsided by morning. We took him to the vet who kept him overnight for IV fluids as he was just beginning dehydration.
He was off Vetoryl for three days, they we stated him back on it every other day, but after about a week, he developed the same symptoms. We immediately took him to the vet and he had a very mild pancreatitis. He was in the vet clinic for two days, getting IV metronidazole and amoxicillin and fluids. He did not need pain medication. By the next day, he was active again and eating, though they only fed him very small amounts throughout the day.
Charlie is home now and finishing up his antibiotics. He seems to be doing well, but we know we have to get the Cushing's under control. We would love to get an ultrasound, but we don't have the money for that at the moment. As soon as we do, we will.
My question is - what course of action would you recommend at the moment to get his rising cortisol levels under control? Are there some dogs who simply can't take Vetoryl? I hope this is not the case with Charlie. He really doesn't seem too bad, but I can see he's had a lot of muscle wasting, poor guy.
Thank you.
07-16-2009, 08:30 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Charlie Brown.:)
Some dogs do seem to have this sort of problem with Vetoryl but almost always it is either that the dose is wrong for the dog OR that they do not actually have Cushing's.
If you could get the results of all the Cushing's-related testing that Charlie Brown has had and post the results that would be great. Also what signs and symptoms of Cushing's did Charlie Brown have - things like voracious appetite, increased urination and drinking, big pot belly, muscle weakness (particularly in the hind end), feeling the heat and panting, hair loss and thinning skin, frequent infections etc are common symptoms of Cushing's although most dog won't have absolutely all of them.
Now a couple more questions: How much does Charlie Brown weigh? And is Charlie Brown a dog that badly stressed out when at the vet - I ask this because this can cause false positives on Cushing's tests.
Apart from the Vetoryl and the Ursodial is he on any other medications or has he been on any other meds in the last six months and does he have any other medical conditions.
Also when Charlie Brown had these recent problems what sort of testing was done - where his electrolytes checked and was an ACTH stimulation test done to check his level of cortisol? If so, would you be able to post the results of these tests too?
07-16-2009, 08:44 PM
Hi Alison,
Thank you for the welcome and the information.
Charlie weighs about 28-29 pounds, however his normal weight has been 34 pounds for years.
I don't have the results of his tests here, but I can get them from the vet.
He had a voracious appetite, was drinking more than twice the amount of water that he should have been, was having "accidents" inside when he never had them before. He panted only a little. His coat is not thinning, but he had an IV in January because he ate some oatmeal he shouldn't have when we were gone and the hair has not even begun to grow back. The only infection he's had is pancreatitis last week, but we caught it very, very early and he's recovering wonderfully. However, he's off Vetoryl until he finishes his antibiotics.
He was taking 30 mg. of Vetoryl once a day. He is also taking Ursodial for his gall bladder or it backs up. He doesn't get upset at the vet.
He did have an ACTH stimulation test done and while I don't have the results (I can get these, too), the vet said on a scale of 1 -10, his cortisol was about a seven in terms of severity. She thought he was experiencing cortisol withdrawal the first time, and she also thinks the pancreatitis was just incidental. He's getting older and Cushing's lowers the immune system.
Thank you so much for your post. I didn't even know this devastating disease existed until a few months ago. I'm very grateful for any help and suggestions as I'm not great with medicine, but I'd do anything for Charlie. I know all of you feel the same way about your best friends.
07-16-2009, 09:01 PM
It is usual for a dog on Vetoryl to have an ACTH stim test done around 10 days after starting. Was this done?
Dogs are often very sensitive to Vetoryl in the first month of treatment and if a problem is going to show up it will often be at around the 3 week mark.
It could also be possible that what appeared to be a reaction to the Vetoryl could actually have been the pancreatitis starting up - the signs and symptoms of low cortisol/cortisol withdrawal and pancreatitis can be very similar.
The usual procedure for when a dog goes low during Vetoryl treatment is to stop the drug for a week, do an ACTH stim test to check that the cortisol levels have recovered and to start on a lower dose. The way you give a lower dose is usually to give a smaller daily dose rather than go to every-other-day dosing. Vetoryl is available in 10mg caps (although this size may not yet have FDA approval) which makes dose adjustment much easier. If you cannot get hold of the 10mg caps readily then getting your 30mg caps compounded into smaller doses is also a possibility and quite a few people have done that.
How are his Cushing's symptoms at the moment?
07-16-2009, 09:20 PM
No, the ACTH test was not done at 10 days. Our vet said because of the expense we could wait a month, but I wish I would have known what I know now and not waited. I would have scrimped that $210 from somewhere to have it done.
The vet did tell us that when he's finished with his metronidazole and amoxicillin, we can have the Vetoryl compounded to a lower dose, and I think that's what we'll do. And this time, I'll insist on the 10-day ACTH test. It's expensive, but these are our babies. Members of our family. I had no idea cortisol withdrawal could occur until it seemingly did.
Right now, he seems very alert, he's not having accidents in the house, his bowel and bladder habits seem normal, he's eating. He's drinking a little more than normal, but not terribly more, and it's quite hot and humid here. Just beginning to pant a little. He has a lot of muscle wasting, though and weakness, though he can still walk around for which I'm very thankful. But he does seem tired and he's a little below his normal weight.
I need to call his vet tomorrow as he'll be finished with his antibiotics on Sunday. I think we'll go with the lower dose and insist on the 10-day ACTH test.
Thank you so much for your help. It's very much appreciated.
07-16-2009, 09:36 PM
I am wondering how "cortisol withdrawal" was differentiated from low cortisol - the symptoms are very, very similar although with low cortisol is often much more severe. According the Dechra (manufacturer of Vetoryl) one way of discriminating is to test the electrolytes. They say if the electrolytes are normal then it can be assumed that it is "cortisol withdrawal" rather than the cortisol being absolutely too low. This may have been how your vet made the diagnosis of cortisol withdrawal.
It does seems that older dogs are a bit more likely to suffer from cortisol withdrawal than younger ones.
It is likely that his 10 day stim test would have shown good results but that the Vetoryl continued to lower the cortisol (this often happens) and it got to the point where he began to feel bad because of this. Another thing that could have affected things is that when a dog is sick they actually need a bit more cortisol to cope with the physiological stress (a normal dog's adrenals just pump out extra) and because the Vetoryl was artificially curbing the cortisol production he couldn't make this little bit extra and so started to feel bad for this reason as the pancreatitis developed.
Usually a test is done at 10 days and another one at 4 weeks and then three monthly thereafter as long as the dog is doing well on the dose - this is Dechra's recommendation. I have heard that some vets do skip this 10 day test because of the expense and in many cases this probably does work out ok especially if the owner is vigilant - as you were.
Here's a link to some info on Vetoryl (Trilostane): You'll find links to information from Dechra there.
Harley PoMMom
07-16-2009, 09:40 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
Welcome to you and Charlie Brown, altho I am sorry for the circumstances that brought you here, I am glad that you found this forum with these amazing and knowledgeable people.
Altho I can't offer you much advice I can give moral support and do alot of hand-holding. :D
My Harley is an Atypical cush-pup and these people have helped me tremendously and now Harley is doing much better.
Just know you are not alone and we are here for you and Charlie Brown.
07-16-2009, 10:46 PM
Dear Gabrielle,
I want to welcome you and Charlie Brown, as well! Alison has already given you excellent advice, and I agree with the gameplan of a lowered dose and ACTH and electrolyte testing at the ten-day mark. As Alison has said, ideally you might actually want an ACTH performed prior to beginning the Vetoryl again. A few dogs do go into a sort of "remission" after beginning treatment and experience an extended period of lowered cortisol levels during which time they should not be medicated. But the testing costs are certainly an issue. And since you will be watching Charlie so closely, I know you will again discontinue the Vetoryl (even prior to the ten days) if he gets into trouble again.
We'll be anxious to hear how he does, so please continue to update us whenever possible!
Again, welcome and best wishes to you and Charlie Brown!
07-24-2009, 09:43 PM
Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome and the help.
I haven't been able to post because I've been so busy.
Charlie went to a specialty clinic, MedVet, and he had an abdominal ultrasound that showed he had an 18mm adrenal tumor in his left adrenal gland, with no vascular involvement.
However, he also has a strange mass in his chest that both the vet and the radiologist feel is NOT a tumor, but they have no idea what it is. The radiologist said it could perhaps be a deviated trachea, but his older X-rays show no deviation, so unfortunately, that's not it.
It is strange, but Charlie is off all medication at the moment, yet even with a 18mm adrenal tumor, he won't eat or drink. We're having to support him with syringes of 50% water/50% Pedialyte and syringes of Nutri-Cal. Tomorrow, we're picking up broad spectrum antibiotics at the vet as he may have a UTI and an appetite stimulant. If we can get him feeling better, our vet wants to put him on Lysodren. I'm terrified of such a strong drug, but she feels he's not a good candidate for surgery. He'll be fifteen in late November, so he's an elderly dog, though he seemed more like eight until the Cushing's struck. He was very playful and active.
We wonder what the mass could be in his chest near the trachea. No one thinks it's cancer or that his adrenal tumor is cancerous. I wonder if it could be a swollen lymph node in the chest? An infection? However, the vet said it would not affect his treatment whatever it is.
She is also VERY puzzled by his refusal to eat or drink. With an adrenal tumor that size, his cortisol levels should be so high he'd be eating everything in sight, and he just won't eat at all. He looks at food and seems to want to eat it, but then he won't.
Has anyone here ever heard of a Cushing's dog that refuses to eat or drink?
Thank you to all.
07-24-2009, 09:50 PM
Has Charlie Brown had an ACTH stim test performed lately? And has his kidney function been checked?
It is possible (although not that likely) that his cortisol is actually still very low from the Vetoryl treatment and this could be why he doesn't want to eat.
If he has had a stim test done lately (or any other blood draw from his neck) then there is a possibility that the mass could be a blood clot as a result of this. We have seen that happen with one dog here - the clot dissipated over the course of a few days if I remember rightly - but it did give everyone a fright.
PS: There is no need to fear Lysodren - used appropriately under the guidance of an experienced vet it is very safe and effective. Both Lysodren and Vetoryl are powerful drugs and need to be dosed and monitored properly to be safe and effective. You do want him feeling better, eating well and to have had a stim test showing at least normal cortisol levels before starting on Lysodren.
07-24-2009, 10:06 PM
Hi Alison,
Thank you so much.
No, with all his other issues - Charlie had mild pancreatitis, which he seemed to overcome well - he hasn't been on Vetoryl for some time and hasn't had a second ACTH test. He did seem to come out of the cortisol withdrawal well, though, and was eating until he came down with pancreatitis. We were waiting for his Vetoryl to be recompounded at 15 mg.
The vet said his kidney numbers were good. Not those of a two-year-old dog, of course, but good. He wasn't in kidney failure by any means. The radiologist said his liver was showing some changes due to the Cushing's, but only the changes he would expect to see, and the vet said the same thing.
I don't think he's had any blood drawn from his neck, but the blood clot is interesting. I'll mention it to his vet. Thank you for telling me.
Thank you, too, for the reassurance about the Lysodren. I'm sure the vet doesn't want to start him on Lysodren until he's feeling better and eating and drinking well, and I'll make sure an ACTH test is done so that his cortisol numbers are high enough to tolerate the Lysodren. I don't want him to be thrown into Addison's.
Some people have told me that it's essential to keep prednisone on hand when treating with Lysodren. I wondered how the members here felt about that.
Thank you so much. While it's nice to have company in this, and people more knowledgeable than I, I'm just so sad that any dog and any dog lover has to go through this. Cushing's can be hard to get a handle on, I'm finding out. I wish everyone the very best.
07-24-2009, 10:17 PM
If he has had any blood drawn from his neck he will probably have been shaved over the vein - so you should be able to tell.
Yes it is essential to have prednisone on hand when treating with Lysodren - and it's actually not a bad idea when treating with Vetoryl either. If a dog does go a bit too low on cortisol a dose of pred typically has them feeling much better within an hour. As long as the low cortisol is picked up quickly, no more Lysodren is given while the cortisol is low and an appropriate dose of prednisone is given it is not usually a big deal. If that does happen it is essential that an ACTH stim test be done before any more Lysodren is given.
Maybe his pancreatitis may have flared up again if he is not wanting to eat or drink. Pancreatitis can be very unpredictable. It sounds like another trip to the vet is order.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Harley PoMMom
07-25-2009, 10:52 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
Sorry Charlie Brown is not wanting to eat or drink...have you tried broth?
You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
07-29-2009, 11:47 PM
Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for all the nice messages and warm wishes. Charlie Brown and I appreciate them so much. I played with him a little today at MedVet, where he's staying right now, and I told him a lot of wonderful people and dogs were wishing him well.
On Monday, we had to take Charlie to MedVet, a very high-tech animal clinic in Worthington, Ohio. There, he saw an Internal Medicine specialist. After about a 60-90 minute exam, with included ultrasound and echocardiogram, blood work, and more, we were told Charlie has the following problems:
Cushing's, due to an adrenal tumor, probably benign, on the left gland, with no vascular involvement
A deviated trachea caused by his esophagus pressing against it due to the way he holds his head because of the Cushing's - this was the "strange" spot on his X-ray
A small stomach ulcer, probably caused from Tramadol, which can be easily cleared up with sucralfate - he is not very anemic at all
Very mild degenerative valve disease in the heart caused by age, and not deemed a problem by the cardiologist
A raging UTI, probably caused by the Cushing's, as he's never had a UTI in his life before - he's been on IV antibiotics and his urine is being cultured
Dehydration, which was mild and easily resolved with IV fluids
High blood pressure spikes as evidence by tiny blood vessel ruptures on his retina, due to Cushing's
And worst of all, a very diseased gall bladder - he's had two gall bladder attacks in the past, but they always resolved with Actigall, this time no
Charlie has been in MedVet since early Monday afternoon. Although he's perked up with IV fluids and the resolution of his UTI infection, his gall bladder is still distended and we were told the kind of adrenal tumor he has is very, very difficult to treat with medication, even Lysodren. Because of the gall bladder, he's still not eating, though he will drink some water. He was very happy to see us today, wagged his tail, and looked much more lively than on Monday.
We met with the surgeon today, who is very experienced and board certified, and we've decided to go ahead with surgery for Charlie tomorrow around midday, I think it will be. We know this surgery carries some significant risks and it's terribly, terribly expensive, but we feel this is the only way we can attempt to give Charlie a quality life. If he does not have surgery, his gall bladder will continue to bother him very much, and his Cushing's will likely be extremely difficult to treat. If the surgery is successful, Charlie can likely have two to three more good years.
So, on July 30th, his gall bladder will come out, then his left adrenal gland, and a feeding tube will probably be put in place. They only want to put him under anesthesia once.
We are scared, as we know the surgery is risky, even recovery is risky, but Charlie has always been a strong and resilient dog, and the Cushing's is simply devastating him. We cannot get it under control with medication.
Charlie and I would appreciate the prayers and good wishes of everyone here, and we certainly send our prayers and good wishes to all.
If anyone is close enough to Worthington, Ohio, which is a suburb of Columbus, I would recommend MedVet highly. It is quite expensive, but it is state-of-the-art, with the very best vets in the business. They see a lot of Cushing's dogs there, they have vets in every specialty. They are warm, friendly, and knowledgeable.
Thank you so much. This forum is a blessing.
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown
07-30-2009, 12:55 AM
Oh Gabrielle. I am so sorry you and Charlie Brown have to go through all of this! As you know, my Katrina had her adrenal surgery Tuesday morning. I know how worried you must be and you can be sure I will pray that everything will turn out well for Charlie Browns surgery. I am in Ohio as well. Metropolitan Vet Specialty Clinic in Akron was where Katrina had her surgery by a board certified surgeon. You are a good mom and doing the best you can for Charlie. You posted late, so I do hope the others will see your very important post and give comfort and lots of prayers. Please post as soon as you are able and let us know how your baby's surgery went.
Hugs and many prayers,
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
Carol G
07-30-2009, 02:04 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Charlie Brown.
Truffa's Mom
07-30-2009, 05:23 AM
Hello Gabrielle and Charlie Brown, I was meaning to read your story , and today when I saw that he was going to have surgery I wrote you something and my computer/Internet connection crashed....but here we are again.
We will be sending you and Charlie Brown very special prayers and positive energy for an uneventful surgery and a smooth path to recovery. Now that the title of your thread was updated I bet a lot more people will be sending you all the good thoughts that will return Charlie to his old charming himself.
We will be waiting for your updates. Choco kisses from my twwo babies to you and sweet Charlie Brown. It will be awesome to see pictures of your baby.
Harley PoMMom
07-30-2009, 06:40 AM
Hi Gabrielle and Charlie Brown,
I was just reading your latest post, tons of prayers, hugs and good wishes are being sent your way.
Please post and let us know when you can.
Love and more hugs.
07-30-2009, 07:53 AM
Prayers for CB from my home to yours. Kim
07-30-2009, 09:09 AM
Thank you to everyone from me, Charlie Brown, and his entire family.
I'm already scared, but I know Charlie is getting the very best of care at MedVet and he has a good surgeon and a good anesthesiologist. They do amazing things at MedVet for many dogs and cats.
It was so good to be able to play with Charlie a little while yesterday. My husband took some photos of him and Charlie looked and acted happy. He was so much better than when we took him in on Monday.
Though we're all scared, we know we have to do this to give Charlie any chance at a quality life. This is his third and worst gall bladder attack, though he doesn't seem to be in any pain, and no one could get his Cushing's under control with medication. The gland has to come out.
I'm glad to hear little Katrina came through well. :)
Thanks again for all the good wishes. Charlie and I send love and hugs to all of you.
Squirt's Mom
07-30-2009, 10:25 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
I just know that you are about to crawl out of your skin about now with worry about what today will bring. But keep reminding yourself of the things you have told us about MedVet...we use MedVet here, too, and I agree, they are wonderful folks. Squirt's second IMS there and her surgeon saved her life, of this I have no doubt. They removed a splenic tumor and part of her spleen.
I am sure Charlie Brown's docs will take excellent care of him both during and after surgery. Squirt's follow-up care was exceptional - someone was with her 24/7 until she came home to stay.
Know we are with you today and in the days to come. If you need to talk, don't hesitate to holler. The waiting room and operating room there are going to be full of folks watching and waiting with you, holding your hand the whole time.
Sending prayers and healing thoughts,
Leslie and the girls
07-30-2009, 11:55 AM
Hi Leslie and Girls,
Thanks for the good wishes. They mean so much to us. The waiting is so hard, but as long as Charlie comes out fine, it's worth it.
I've been very impressed with MedVet. I would not hesitate to take any dog or cat there. If Charlie comes through his surgery well, I will have no doubt that the people at MedVet saved his life as well.
I'm so glad Squirt came through everything so well. :)
Thank you again. We really appreciate it.
Harley PoMMom
07-30-2009, 12:06 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
Just wanted to let you know that I am here and am sending more hugs, prayers and good wishes your way.
Love and hugs.
07-30-2009, 02:04 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
You and Charlie Brown are certainly in my thoughts and prayers today. I know it is very difficult but you are doing what you have to do for Charlie. You have a great surgeon, a wonderful facility and Charlie is a strong boy. He's already proven that he's a fighter.
My dog, Shiloh, had surgery to remove a very large tumor in her left adrenal gland almost three years ago. She will turn 15 soon and continues to do extremely well. Shi and I will be driving back from San Diego to Phoenix later today and Charlie Brown will be in my prayers.
When you get that call that the surgery went well and Charlie is elation.
07-30-2009, 03:40 PM
Thanks so much everyone. Charlie's been in surgery 2 1/2 hours now, or close to it, and it's so hard. But I know 2 1/2 hours isn't a long time to remove or reroute a gall bladder and remove an adrenal gland and possibly insert a feeding tube.
But the phone's silence is maddening. I was doing pretty well until about five or ten minutes ago.
Thanks Lori and Ken. Ken, I'm so glad Shiloh's surgery went so well for her. I hope Charlie's goes as well. I will be elated to get a call that Charlie's out of surgery and doing well.
We all appreciate all of you and we'll let you know when we know about Charlie. Thanks for being here for us on this difficult day and on the good days, too.
Love and Hugs from Us
Harley PoMMom
07-30-2009, 03:47 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
The waiting is the pits. I am here to talk if you would like.
Hugs. Lori
Truffa's Mom
07-30-2009, 03:54 PM
Hang in there Gabrielle. All my baby surgeries have last 4 hours or so, I kept watching the phone to see if I can make it ring :(, then I go check the batteries, then my cell phone.... then I had to remember myself to breathe and start thinking "everything will be OK, everything will be OK"
Look at some book with pretty pictures, and try to distract your mind, maybe reading will do better for you since you seem to enjoy doing it, I prefer the pictures since at those time of anxiety my brain seems to regress at a non-understanding state of what I read.
07-30-2009, 04:20 PM
Thanks so much.
Charlie is out of surgery and in recovery but he's not fully awake yet. We don't really have any other information as of yet as the surgeon had to go to another surgery immediately after finishing Charlie's and will call us later. But we do know Charlie is out of surgery and in recovery.
Of course in my anxious state, I'm worried he won't wake up from the anesthesia - the technician said he was not fully awake - or the surgeon will give us bad news, but I try to tell myself that just isn't the case and that the news will be good.
His blood pressure held steady and he had no excessive bleeding. He'd had low blood pressure when we took him in - 35 and it should have been 100. They gave him an injection - this was Monday evening - and it came up to 100 and stayed without medication.
So, hoping for good news, but I know I may have to wait until the surgeon is done for the day. I certainly wouldn't want any dog or cat to wait because of a phone call to me. Not when someone else can call. I love all dogs and cats far too much for that.
Thank you again. I don't know what I'd do without this forum.
This is good news, isn't it?
Edit: The surgeon just called. He said Charlie's surgery went very well. The tumor and adrenal gland are out, it was encapsulated, and the gall bladder is out. The CB duct was okay, so he was able to remove the gall bladder with no rerouting to the intestine - didn't have to cut into the intestine. He's going to be giving Charlie some medications including a special aspirin that prevents clotting. But he's doing well. I know the next 12-24 hours are critical, but I feel like I could have my little boy back healthy again! It's like a miracle. I feel just like Ken and Shiloh said I would.
Thank you for being here for me and for Charlie, on bad days and good.
Harley PoMMom
07-30-2009, 04:46 PM
Oh Gabrielle this is great news and I am so very happy for you and Charlie. :D:D:D
Thanks so much for keeping us updated and remember we will always be here for you and Charlie, we are family! :)
Love and hugs.
Lori and Harley
07-30-2009, 04:56 PM
We sure are a family here. You have to go through this and love the doggie who owns you to understand. Everyone here knows and understands.
Thanks so much. As Ken said, we're not out of the woods yet, but we're probably more than halfway.
I'll keep you updated and thank you!
07-30-2009, 05:03 PM
Wonderful news about Charlie Brown. Glad his surgery was successful and he is in recovery now. Thinking positive healing thoughts for Charlie!
Will be watching for your updates.
07-30-2009, 05:36 PM
Oh Gabrielle,
Wonderful, wonderful, great news. I am so happy and Charlie Brown is one tough boy. It sounds like everything about the surgery went just like the doctor ordered.
Who really knows exactly how far you are out of the woods right now but certainly way more than halfway. Way more than halfway.
I was told the three risks were anesthesia (that one is already history), blood clots and infection. Shiloh took a baby aspirin for two weeks after her surgery to prevent blood clots. She also took prednisone for two weeks and a high dose of vitamin A for healing.
Congratulations Gabrielle...prayers are continuing for an uneventful post-op period and then a full recovery.
Carol G
07-30-2009, 06:10 PM
What wonderful news -- still keeping you and Charlie in my thoughts and prayers.
Wylie's Mom
07-30-2009, 06:49 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
I haven't posted on your thread before... I just wanted to wish your boy well!!
07-30-2009, 06:49 PM
That is all very good news!
Truffa's Mom
07-30-2009, 06:56 PM
Yey that's good news!!!
Surgery -Ok Checked :D
Recoup healing - continious flow of prayers and healing thoughts
07-30-2009, 07:37 PM
Sounds like very encouraging news! We will pray that everything goes very well from here on. We just brought Katrina home and she is doing great, but I had to check in right away to see how Charlie is doing.
Many hugs and hopes,
Squirt's Mom
07-31-2009, 10:31 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
Oh I am so happy to see this news this morning! :D We had tornadoes and bad storms here yesterday and lost power so I couldn't check in here, but I was with you in spirit and continue to be.
The surgeons' comments sound wonderful! You have every reason to feel so elated and positive about the future! :):):):)
Take extra good care of yourself over the next few days, get as much rest as you can, do something you really enjoy just for you, because the first several days Charlie is home, you are gonna need to be on your game and won't have any time for yourself. So pamper Gabrielle just a bit deserve it!
I am just so happy for you all! :D:D:D
Leslie and the girls
07-31-2009, 05:35 PM
Hi Everyone,
Thanks to everyone for all the good wishes and prayers and wonderful thoughts.
The surgeon called around nine this morning and told us Charlie was doing well, especially for a dog his age and all he'd been through. He spent the night in an oxygen tent and he had a urinary catheter in because he was urinating all over himself and his cage. He had an ACTH stimulation test and his cortisol levels were zero, so he'd have to be on prednisone for some time until his right adrenal gland began functioning. We were encouraged.
But then the surgeon called around noon and said when they took Charlie out of the oxygen tent, he wasn't breathing as easily as they'd have liked him to breathe. He said he had thrown up a little earlier and he wondered if he had aspirated any of it and was getting pneumonia. He said if that were the case, it would be life-threatening. He said they were going to X-ray Charlie and if he got worse, he'd call, and if not, he'd call tomorrow morning with an update.
Charlie had his X-rays at one this afternoon, and at three, I talked to a technician. She said she didn't know what was on Charlie's X-rays, but if he had pneumonia, the surgeon would have called us. She said they were keeping him in the oxygen tent "as a precaution," and that they'd given him an injection for pain about two hours ago, which would have been one, and he'd been sleeping since. I asked her if pain could cause him to breathe more heavily, and she said, "That's one of the things on our list." They moved him to the front where both vets and both techs could always see him. She said he isn't eating or drinking yet, but it's only been twenty-four hours post-surgery and they weren't worried about that yet.
My husband works in the restaurant industry and he doesn't leave work until nine or ten, but when he does, we're going to visit Charlie. We can visit in the night even. We hope we can get the poor little guy to eat something. I'd take something appetizing, but don't know what to take. Charlie had been turning down everything before we took him in Monday. I thought it was probably due to his diseased gall bladder. I know if I had a diseased gall bladder, I wouldn't want to eat.
I'm very worried right now, but I knew gall bladder and adrenal gland removal on a fourteen-year-old dog wasn't going to be easy, especially not when he'd been sick and weakened by the Cushing's prior to that surgery, but Charlie has always been strong and resilient.
I feel like I'm reaching the end of my rope, but I have to keep everything together for Charlie. I love this little boy so much and I so much want him to have his life back, healthy and happy.
Thank you for the support. I need it. Thank you also, for any information you give us. It really helps. Thank you Ken and Shiloh, I appreciated hearing about your experience and the dangers, etc. I like to be well-informed.
Katrina, welcome home. So glad your hospital stay is behind you. Love your life, beautiful little girl.
Hugs and kisses to all the dogs here who own the people posting.
07-31-2009, 05:49 PM
Hoping Charlie is over his little setback after surgery. Recovery takes time. I'm sure Charlie will appreciate the visit tonight so let us know how it goes.
Squirt's Mom
07-31-2009, 05:58 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
Since the surgeon didn't call after the x-ray, I would take that as a good sign. If he had seen signs of pneumonia, I do believe he would have let you know asap.
Not eating is something that is very, very common for pups just after surgery. Charlie Brown may not eat at all until he is home, so don't let that concern you overly much right now. I think Ken said Shi didn't eat for three days after her adrenalectomy and I know Squirt wasn't too interested in food at first.
The pain could easily be what is causing Charlie's heavy breathing at the moment as could the meds. What he has been through is a gigantic assault on his little body and it will take time for him to get his feet under him again.
I can well imagine how worried you are but remind yourself that he is where he needs to be and is in the best hands. They will watch him very closely and I'm sure they will let you know if there is a problem. So unless they tell you it is time to worry, try not to let yourself get too wiggy. ;) Of course, I was wiggin' out all over the place when Squirt had her surgery! :p
We are here any time you need us, Gabrielle.
Hang in there!
Leslie and the girls
07-31-2009, 06:01 PM
Thanks everyone. I'm trying to be calm and keep it together for Charlie. I hope he's better when we go to see him tonight and I'll let everyone know.
Thanks again from me and from Charlie.
07-31-2009, 06:29 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
Hoping that Charlie is doing better when you visit him tonight. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Charlie. Hugs to the two of you.
Harley PoMMom
07-31-2009, 06:42 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
I'm just catching up here with your thread, so sorry Charlie had a rough spot hoping too that he is alot better when you see him tonight.
Sending tons of hugs, well wishes, healing thoughts and prayers your way for Charlie and you.
Love and hugs.
07-31-2009, 06:46 PM
Hi Gabrielle and Charlie,
Sorry I have not welcomed you until now.
It is a huge relief that Charlie is through the surgery and a rough spot or so is not an unusual issue.
I hope he is over the worst and am here with the rest hoping and praying for the best.
07-31-2009, 07:44 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
I think it is great that you will be visiting Charlie this evening. It will be a real good thing for both of you. I visited Shiloh 2-3 times every day, I wanted to make sure she knew I hadn't deserted her. I'm sure glad the surgeon didn't call after the tech said he would if Charlie had pneumonia.
As Scott said, it is not unusual for a dog to have some issues after an Charlie had his gall bladder removed. Virtually every dog has a bump in the road or two after their adrenalectomies. Please don't get upset if Charlie doesn't eat. Shiloh wouldn't even sniff the food I brought her for over three days. And Carol's Sammy didn't eat for six days, I believe. It's going to take some time, Charlie is 14 and endured a huge surgery but he's going to make it. My prayers for Charlie are continuing.
I know these times are really, really tough for you. I remember all too well. Keep the faith.
08-01-2009, 01:11 AM
Hi Everyone,
I just got back from visiting my darling Charlie. The poor little guy is hooked up to so many tubes and monitors and when we went in to see him he was sleeping in an oxygen cage. They told us he’s definitely more comfortable in the oxygen cage, but the technician on duty said that he seems better to her. A vet checks his lungs every four hours, and so far, looking good.
Charlie was very groggy, but he’s being given so many medications right now and at least two are pain medications. I know he has a fentanyl patch, too. He’s getting aspirin and Pepcid and a lot of other things. Dexamethasone, I think, as his right adrenal gland is not producing any cortisol yet.
I didn’t take him any food because it’s night and because I didn’t know if I’d be able to offer it to him since he’s in an oxygen cage, but the tech told us we could open the little door and pet him. She said he stands up from time to time and he drank a whole bowl of water and ate some dog food without being coaxed to do so. That’s a big step for him. She said he's a tough little guy and she really thinks he's doing better.
I know we’re not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot. Charlie had both his gall bladder and his left adrenal gland removed, but at least he’s improving. I just hope he’ll continue to do so and that he’ll be home with his family in a few days.
Though I know risks still exist, all in all, I’m encouraged.
Charlie and I both want to thank all of you for your prayers and good wishes. Charlie says it’s great to be a part of this wonderful family and I agree.
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown
08-01-2009, 01:21 AM
I was just checking your thread before going to bed. What a wonderful report; very, very encouraging. That is awesome that he ate some dog food and really good signs that he is standing up and drinking lots of water. I know we're not out of the woods yet but my spirits sure are lifted. You deserve a good night's sleep.
08-01-2009, 01:26 AM
I agree with Ken. The fact that Charlie is periodically standing on his own, decided to eat on his own and is also drinking sounds very positive and encouraging.
Continuing my prayers for your Charlie Brown!
Harley PoMMom
08-01-2009, 06:22 AM
I totally agree with the others, your Charlie is a tough and strong boy, he's letting you know that now. :D
Give Charlie a extra scritchie from Harley and I and please keep us updated.
Love and hugs.
Roxee's Dad
08-01-2009, 09:02 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
So glad that Charlie is doing well. Up and eating already, what a tough guy.:) Maybe bring a shirt that you worn and leave it with him in his bed. This way he will have your scent with him and it may make him feel a little more confortable.
Good thoughts and prayers that he has a quick and healthy recovery and returns home to his family soon.
08-01-2009, 09:56 AM
Thanks, John! I don't think I would have thought of that.
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for all the suggestions and help. It really helps Charlie and me a lot.
The surgeon called this morning and said Charlie is off oxygen and holding his own. He’s still not eating enough to satisfy this surgeon, though. This morning, he just licked some food off a tech’s fingers, he didn’t eat from his little bowl. The surgeon said if he doesn’t eat in three to five days, we may have to have a feeding tube inserted. I suppose part of his concern is because Charlie wasn’t eating without an appetite stimulant before we took him to the clinic. But he had a diseased gall bladder and uncontrolled Cushing’s. I’m sure that was a part of why he wasn’t eating.
I’m going back to the clinic today and taking Charlie some of the special dinners he loves so much. I hope and pray he’ll get his appetite back and begin eating.
Thanks again for all the support, suggestions, and help. Charlie and I both appreciate it so much.
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown
Squirt's Mom
08-01-2009, 10:19 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
Licking food from the tech's fingers is a great step forward! :D And out of the oxygen tent! :D:D YEAH!!
Taking an article of your clothing is a great idea! You might also take his own food bowl when you take him some food today. One of mine is not only finicky about her feed, but very picky about the dish it is served in. :rolleyes: But don't let it get to you if he isn't quite ready to eat just yet, ok? Taking that bite from the tech really is a good thing so hold on to that thought.
Our thoughts and prayers continue,
Leslie and the girls
PS. You might try some stinky green tripe for Charlie...they seem to love the stuff!
08-01-2009, 12:14 PM
Hi Gabrielle!
It really does sound like Charlie is coming along very well. Especially in regard to all the health problems the poor fellow had to deal with. I read your last update and it looks very encouraging. It's not surprising that he won't eat yet. Katrina has always been a food hog and she didn't eat until two full days after her surgery. Why don't you offer him some plain yogurt or cottage cheese? I think Katrina is making such a good recovery because I NEVER fed her commercial dog food. Always a homecooked, well balanced diet and vitamin supplement. This is what the pet owners in Germany and Austria do and pets there tend to live much longer.
My sister and I are sending many prayers for your boy's recovery. Hugs to you for being such a good mom to Charlie!
08-01-2009, 01:12 PM
Hi Leslie, Candy and Everyone Else,
Candy, I’m so glad to hear that Katrina is doing so well. Way to go, Katrina!
Roxee’s Dad, thanks for the great suggestion!
The surgeon at MedVet seems to be stuck on the fact that Charlie isn’t eating much. I don’t find it all that unusual. He just came out of surgery on Thursday afternoon, has been on a heavy dose of pain meds, and he had a badly diseased gall bladder plus the adrenalectomy.
We’re having some problems with our car, but we’re going to try to get up there this afternoon or early evening to see Charlie and take him some food. I think we can borrow our neighbor’s car if we have to. I might try vanilla yogurt, or I might boil him some rice and very lean hamburger.
Candy, Charlie has always eaten kibble. Never table scraps, but kibble. Lately, I’ve been reading things that say kibble has too much sugar and preservatives and chemicals and isn’t good for dogs. When Charlie recovers, I intend to feed him only lean meats, vegetables, and boiled rice and maybe potatoes and carrots. I don’t want chemicals and preservatives in me, and I don’t want them in Charlie. I feel this could have contributed to his problem and I know tumors, whether malignant or benign, thrive on sugar. We always thought, until recently, that we were giving Charlie the best by giving him a high-grade kibble.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, good thoughts, and all the love you’ve given to Charlie and me. We’ve come to rely on our K9Cushing’s family, and even though Charlie, technically, doesn’t have Cushing’s now as he’s producing no cortisol, he’s still a “Cushing’s dog” and we’ll always be around to see how everyone is doing and let our support to others.
Charlie’s not out of the woods yet, but I do feel we’re making progress. I just hope it “holds,” but I’m not going to think negatively. Not until there’s a need to do so.
Thanks everyone. I hope you all have a great Saturday. I’ll keep all of you updated. I know you all care so much, and I also feel the information could be beneficial to another dog who might someday have to go through something very similar. There are a lot of us with Cushing’s dogs out there and we need all the support and information we can get.
Love and Hugs,
Gabrielle and Charlie and Family
Harley PoMMom
08-01-2009, 01:28 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
Oh you poor dear... I am so glad that you have such a wonderful neighbor.
I wonder why the vet is stuck on Charlie's reluctance to eat. I know sometimes people also use tuna liquid, (tuna packed in water), I don't know if the tuna is ok for Charlie to eat or not, I think so, but not 100% sure.
Continuing to send tons of hugs, prayers, healing thoughts, well wishes and love your way for Charlie and you.
08-01-2009, 02:08 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
I've been following Charlie Brown's story, too, and I just wanted to reiterate what everyone has been saying about post-surgery lack of appetite. When our Sam had his first adrenalectomy (the right adrenal, complicated by invasion of the caudal vena cava by the tumor, a pheochromocytoma), he was in hospital for 6 days. He refused food, no matter what we tried, his entire stay. :eek:
Aside from surgery trauma, the meds, the monitors and general ICU hubbub, some dogs simply refuse to eat until they are home. I don't know about you, but hospitals ruin my appetite, too! ;)
Once home, I gave him tiny but frequent meals of cooked egg, chicken & rice soup, a little plain yogurt, little bites of canned tuna -- whatever might tempt him. In no time, he was eating more and more, and his appetite and energy returned pretty quickly after that.
Charlie just needs a little more time and I'm sure he'll come around. In the meantime, everyone in this community is sending tons of healing energy his way.
Truffa's Mom
08-01-2009, 03:40 PM
Gabrielle & Charlie Brown
I agree with the others, hopefully Charlie Brown will taste some of your home cooking meal today, let's hope.
From another angle the preoccupation from Charlie's surgeons just shows to me that they thoroughly care and pay attention to every sign, they did the X-rays , they put him on the oxygen tent.... so keep having faith.
We keep pouring prayers and healing thoughts your way. BTW thank you neighbor!!!
Add to the blanket or T-shirt or whatever you took to him with your scent, choco kisses and paw-hug healings to sweet Charlie Brown, I love his face it makes me wanna kiss him all over
08-01-2009, 10:01 PM
Hi Everyone,
This afternoon, my brother and I visited Charlie. He looked a lot better than he did last night. The technician said he’d even been outside in the park area for a little tiny walk. While my brother and I visited him, he would make his characteristic “Ah-roo!” sound. My brother was afraid he was in pain, but the technician said no, he wasn’t, and that he was still getting some pain medication. She said he’d been doing that today because he was frustrated. He wanted to get up and walk around, do things like he usually does, and his legs are still a bit wobbly.
We tried to feed him, but he refused to take even one bite of food, which was very discouraging for us since the surgeon has mentioned a feeding tube if he doesn’t eat in three to five days. We keep wondering if something more could be wrong with him since he wasn’t eating before we took him to the clinic. But he did have pancreatitis, a raging UTI, he’d been on amoxicillin and metronidazole for the pancreatitis, and he had Cushing’s and a diseased gall bladder. His hormone levels were all over the place. He’d been on Vetoryl, gone into cortisol withdrawal, put back on the Vetoryl, then taken off when the pancreatitis was treated, then was on Anipryl, then taken off that when he got so sick.
The technician said she wasn’t at all surprised that only forty-eight hours post-surgery, he still showed no interest in food. She said she thought, given his age and the fact that he’s been through so much, he was doing wonderfully. She did not expect him to be interested in food right now. He is drinking well, but not as much as normal, of course, because he’s still getting IV fluids.
The food I took today was rather strong in taste, so tomorrow, I might try some blander foods like plain or vanilla yogurt, maybe potatoes and carrots, or boiled rice and lean boiled hamburger.
I gave Charlie a kiss from everyone here and told him how much love and support he’s getting.
Thanks again, everyone. Being a part of this family really helps. I wish I could be of more help to others here, but I'm not a medical professional. I can lend emotional support, though.
Love and Hugs,
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown
Harley PoMMom
08-02-2009, 02:34 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
Charlie...outside for a tiny walk...I think that's a great improvement and his “Ah-roo!” Awww...I bet that put a big smile on your face, it did mine when I read it.
The food I took today was rather strong in taste, so tomorrow, I might try some blander foods like plain or vanilla yogurt, maybe potatoes and carrots, or boiled rice and lean boiled hamburger.
Now this is just a thought, and please check this out with your vet first, but what about the jarred baby foods, alot of them, especially the first stages are low sodium, fat etc., and the fruit ones don't taste too bad either. They're pureed so Charlie could just lick at them.
Being a part of this family really helpsI know what you mean...don't know what Harley and I would have done if we didn't have our cush-family. :eek::D Don't even want to think about that.
I can lend emotional support, though.
I think that's one that's needed and very important. I believe when someone has posted that their pup is feeling icky, has diarrhea or the pups just having a bad day it's comforting to see a post from someone that reads "I'm sorry that (pups-name) is having...etc. Hoping (pups-name) soon feels better." You are acknowledging their concern for their pup and letting them know you care also. And I see you are already doing this, great job. :D
Love and hugs and prayers too.
08-02-2009, 03:15 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
Hoping for continued improvements for Charlie Brown. He is doing really well after going through so much, I hope he will start eating soon. Thinking of you both.
Linda and Spicey
08-02-2009, 11:17 AM
The vet just called about Charlie. He is still about the same. They got a little worried about his breathing yesterday. He would howl and he seemed to be out of breath, so they ordered a chest X-ray and they’re going to have the radiologist look at it because his lungs look clear. The biggest worry for them, though is the fact that he’s still not eating. He’s even been given an appetite stimulant, mirtazapine, and he ate very little. I really think they’ll want to put a feeding tube in tomorrow, and of course I’m worried that they could have missed cancer somewhere in his body. He’s an elderly dog, but he’s strong and resilient. He’s coming off his pain medications today, so we’ll see what happens when they’re out of his system.
I don’t know how I’ll be able to handle it if I have to say goodbye to my best friend, but I know that day comes for all of us. I’m not exempt. It just breaks my heart that he’s gone through so much, and he's still holding his own, just not improving very fast. Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and the encouragement.
Have a good Sunday everyone and hug your doggies. They are priceless.
Love and Hugs,
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown
08-02-2009, 11:35 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
I know how frustrated you must be feeling. It's so hard when they don't seem to be making any progress. I'm wondering if there's any way you can arrange to spend a little more time with Charlie.
When our Sam seemed to have a setback, which the doctors couldn't explain (he also seemed to be very stressed after being in hospital 4 days or so, and his nose-breathing seemed labored, panting, etc.), it made all the difference when they arranged a room for us to spend a couple of hours in, just the two of us.
As these boys become more aware of their surroundings, they're also more aware that they're not home where they want to be. So at this point, the more visits, the better, until they can be released. It's calming and comforting if you can just be next to Charlie while he naps, petting him, just letting him know you're there.
I know you've had car trouble, so it may be difficult for you to visit as much as you'd like, but you might give a long visit a try if you can.
P.S. Just to reiterate, as I mentioned in my last post, Sam refused food his entire 6-day stay. He simply would not eat until he got home. One more thought.... sometimes it helps to start them eating again by smearing something delicious (beef or chicken baby food for instance) on his nose, which will prompt him to lick it off. A few nose smears of food can quickly get some nutrition into him.
08-02-2009, 11:53 AM
Hi Carol,
I'm sorry you and Sam went through this, too. It's so incredibly difficult.
We think we've got our car in running order now, and we're planning on going up to visit with him for a few hours this afternoon. They will let us use an examination room. They bring a nice, comfy mat in for Charlie and we sit on the floor next to him and pet him and hug him and talk to him, just letting him set the pace, but not get too excited. This is what we did yesterday. They suggested we bring some of his favorite foods and we will, but I honestly don't think that's going to help much.
The vet who called this morning was an assistant to the regular surgeon, who is off today. She thinks Charlie's failure to eat could possibly be psychological. He ate and he got mild pancreatitis, which is not an issue now, and he ate and he got a bad gall bladder. She thinks maybe he's just associating eating with getting sick. She also said that with all he's been through, he could have just forgotten what it's like to be a dog. When we're there, we take him out in the park they have to sit and enjoy the sun and they've been doing the same when we're not there. They want him to learn what it's like to be a normal dog again.
Thanks for the suggestion. It's one I'll certainly take. While I'm so sorry Sam had a setback, too, I am glad to hear that dogs can have setbacks like these and it's not necessarily terrible news.
Thank you so much.
Love and Hugs,
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown
08-02-2009, 12:05 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
Very good news that the chest x-ray was clear. I think it is also good that he will be coming off his pain meds. today. After day 3 post-op, Shiloh took absolutely nothing for pain. For the following two weeks (days 4-17 post-op) she took a baby aspirin, pred., and vitamin A. That is it.
Personally, I am not surprised that Charlie is not eating yet. I can only tell you how things went with Shiloh and her surgery was not as traumatic as Charlie's, plus she was over two years younger.
I visited her alot during the first three days. She got a "touch" better each day but not much. She acted like she was in a bit of a daze. She didn't act like it was any big deal that I was there. She would always walk outside with me and do her business, then was happy to go back in the hospital and rest. The techs could not get her to walk or urinate for them so I know it was important that I was there. She was not perky and she absolutely would not eat.
Exactly 72 hours post-op, I took her some great, warm food my girlfriend cooked, salmon, boiled chicken and rice. She wouldn't even sniff it, just turned her head away. I was very upset and was certain she wouldn't eat for at least another 2-3 days. That night I couldn't sleep and drove down to see her about 11:00 pm. I just brought a few bites of the same food because I was sure she wouldn't eat. They brought her out and Shiloh was Shiloh. She was wagging her tail, licking me, talking to me like crazy. She ate all of the food I brought her and one of the sweet girls working there gave her part of her own dinner, a hamburger. Shi ate it all. I couldn't check her out that late at night but did so first thing the next morning.
I can understand your surgeon being concerned with Charlie not eating yet, mine was as well when I spoke with him earlier that third day. However, I think there is a good chance that Charlie will eat soon now that he's off the pain meds. Take him some foods that he really, really likes. Techs and others at Shi's place of surgery told me people often bring their dog a Mcdonald's hamburger to try to entice them to eat after major surgeries. People here try to disagree with that but they've never been through it. The whole show is to get Charlie to eat. Keep the faith. Shi and I are pulling for you all the way.
08-02-2009, 12:06 PM
While I'm so sorry Sam had a setback, too, I am glad to hear that dogs can have setbacks like these and it's not necessarily terrible news.
Not at all. It just seems sometimes like they'll never come back, and then, suddenly, they do. In the meantime, a day seems like a week and it's a week of worry as you search for the smallest sign of improvement. If Charlie is able to go outside with you and spend time with you, that seems like a very good sign to me.
Try the baby-food smears on the nose. Might just work. In the meantime, take heart. Given Charlie's age, it sounds like he's doing pretty well. Remember that it takes the older ones a little more time to get back on their feet.
Harley PoMMom
08-02-2009, 12:10 PM
Hi Gabrielle,
It is so heart breaking when your furry best freind is not feeling well, it is a feeling of frustration and helplessness...but that's what we are help and comfort. :)
Another thing you might try is Nutrical, again get the ok from the vet, but it is made for our pups. It comes in a tube, it's like a paste so you's be able to smear alittle on his nose or even put alittle in his mouth.
Here's a link for it.
We all are keeping you and Charlie in our thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs.
Truffa's Mom
08-02-2009, 10:52 PM
Hope Charlie Brown gets better, will keep sending savory and tempting kisses to all the delicious suggestions of food; that trick of the baby food on the nose sounds very promising, let's hope a savvy and wise beagle doesn't wipe his nose with a handkerchief:eek:.
08-03-2009, 12:50 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
Just checking in to see how Charlie is doing. I hope he feels better and stronger every day and will eat for you during your next visit. Still thinking positive, healing thoughts for your Charlie Brown.
Take care,
08-03-2009, 02:35 PM
Hi Everyone,
Charlie had a seizure last night. The neurologist thinks it was a blood clot. He still had hope, but then his surgeon called and told us his kidneys are now failing, so this is the end for my sweet, beautiful, little boy. We will have to euthanize him, if he even lives until we get there. The surgeon said he could die at any moment.
I am totally brokenhearted and don't know how I'll survive this, but I will, and I'll try to be a better person for it, for my darling Charlie's sake. He taught me so much about love.
Charlie and I want to thank all of you for your prayers and love.
I'll stick around to give all the help and comfort I can. I want to do it for you and I know Charlie wants that for the other dogs.
Charlie would have loved all of you.
Love and Hugs,
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown
08-03-2009, 04:21 PM
I am hoping for a miracle for Charlie Brown. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
08-03-2009, 04:21 PM
Gabrielle and Charlie,
You did all you could and none of us can see the future.
I am sad that you are having to send Charlie ahead, but I know he will be there waiting for you.
Squirt's Mom
08-03-2009, 04:52 PM
Dear Gabrielle,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Charlie Brown, hoping for that miracle. If the miracle is not to be for Charlie, know you have done the very best you could have for him. You have given him the only chance he had for a life of quality and comfort. I know Charlie Brown is glad you gave him this chance and does not blame you for the outcome...he knows your every action on his part has been made out of love and the desire to give him the very best that you could, for this and much more he will be grateful to you always.
Know we are still with you and Charlie, and will continue to be here.
Hugs and prayers,
Leslie and the girls
Wylie's Mom
08-03-2009, 05:42 PM
Oh Gabrielle,
I'm so sorry to read your last post... I'm hoping for a miracle, too. Healing thoughts and prayers coming your way.
Roxee's Dad
08-03-2009, 07:28 PM
Dear Gabrielle,
I am so sad and sorry to read this terrible news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Charlie. He knows he is loved.
08-03-2009, 07:51 PM
This is very upsetting news, but I refuse to give up on dear Charlie. I will pray very hard for a miracle for him to come through this. My sister is praying for him as well.
Much love and prayers,
Harley PoMMom
08-03-2009, 08:01 PM
Oh Gabrielle,
We aren't giving up....I also am praying for a miracle for Charlie.
Many love, hugs and prayers.
08-03-2009, 08:06 PM
Hi Everyone,
Charlie Brown has passed away.
My husband, brother, and I went to MedVet and they brought Charlie in to see us. We couldn't even play with him one last time, he was so ill. He was just lying on a nice soft blanket on the floor, sort of in a daze. We all talked to him for a while and petted and stroked him and gave him lots of kisses. We told him how good and how special he was and I gave him kisses from Kitty, our cat, and from everyone here.
Then, Charlie passed to the other side peacefully.
I feel like a part of my heart has been torn out. I don't know how I'll manage to get through this, but like I said, somehow I will, for Charlie's sake. Charlie taught me what unconditional love is and a lot about trust. He gave me nearly fifteen years of his life and I won't betray him.
I'll still be around to help hold anyone's hand or help with research or do anything anyone else needs. Charlie will be with all of us in spirit. He's a dog who loved everyone and everyone loved him.
Love, Hugs, and Prayers to All of You,
Gabrielle and Charlie Brown and Family
Harley PoMMom
08-03-2009, 08:23 PM
Oh Gabrielle,
I am so, so sorry, I am writing thru my tears to you, we grew to love Charlie too.
I know mere words can not ease the pain in your heart but please know we are here for you always, we love you too.
Again, I am so sorry, Charlie was a beautiful, sweet boy who was very much loved and will be cherished forever.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
08-03-2009, 08:28 PM
Oh Gabrielle, I'm so sorry. There are no words.... I'm just so sorry. But I'm so glad that you were all there when he passed. He knew it, and he left this world wrapped in your love.
Charlie will forever be at your side and in your heart. Love is the bond that will tie you together always.
Rest in peace, son.
Barney's Mom
08-03-2009, 08:43 PM
Gabrielle, I am so sorry! My heart just aches for what you must be feeling right now. You did everything you could for Charlie and you are a wonderful mom. I hope you find some comfort in the fact that Charlie is at peace.
08-03-2009, 08:43 PM
I'm so sorry Charlie Brown has passed. You have another angel watching over you now.
Truffa's Mom
08-03-2009, 08:45 PM
Gabrielle I am so sorry, can't imagine the pain and the heaviness of your heart. I was praying so hard for a miracle to see your adorable baby back into your life, but I guess the miracle was to have met him and thanks to him met you and your family. You were able to be with him, til the las second he knew how much you love him and forever will.
When I read the sad news my throat choke and a million tears started to fall down my face, my babies licked my face and were a bit worried. I was lighting a special candle for Charlie Brown at (
Tonight I was honoring another two pets from my family in another country, I'll add Charlie Brown to our ceremony, and tell all the babies roaming on the other side of the Rainbow, to lend their toys and make a big circle around Charlie Brown and show to him all the flowers and the green pastures across the meadow hills, and share with him the delicious infinite gourmet treats, and show to him how to dust your dreams with healing power from his well earned angel-paw-wings.
I'll have you in my prayers and my thoughts. Farewell Charlie Brown.
Carol G
08-03-2009, 08:55 PM
Gabrielle, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family.
08-03-2009, 08:56 PM
Gabrielle, you are one fantastic person and mom to Charlie. Know that. I am so very saddened to hear that our little guy didn't make it but I know he is at peace. May the wonderful memories of good times sustain you. Come back when you are up to it and let us know how you are doing. I will pray for you and yours. Hugs, Kim
08-03-2009, 08:57 PM
Dear Gabrielle,
I am also so very sorry for the pain of your loss. Thank you so much for coming to us this evening and letting us know what has happened. This way, we can join you in honoring the life and spirit of your sweet Charlie Brown. He has now been added to our special memorial thread, "Remembering All Who Have Left Us (" where he joins our other beloved companions, always to be treasured as a member of our family.
Please know that we will remain here with you, just as we hope you will stay with us. We cannot change the hurt and the emptiness, but we can walk alongside you in these coming hours and days. I hope that may bring you some comfort.
Many (((hugs))) to you and your family tonight, in loving memory of your sweet boy ~
Marianne (forever Barkis' and Peg's and Luna's mom)
08-03-2009, 09:18 PM
Charlie is now with all of our others gone before us.
We all remember them, some of us still tear as the loss is near, some of us are able to smile at their memory, we all remember them with great love.
I think we will all meet one day, wherever they are.
08-03-2009, 09:19 PM
Gabrielle, I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with you.
Squirt's Mom
08-03-2009, 10:02 PM
Dear Gabrielle,
My heart goes out to you and your family. I had so hoped to come back and see where Charlie had rallied once again. It is a two-edged sword at times when we lose one we love - we don't want to live our lives without them, nor do we want the one we love to suffer.
Although the raw pain of his absence fills your soul today, Charlie is no longer in pain nor will he ever suffer again. He is once again whole and strong, running through fresh green fields, singing with the wind.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Ruby, Goldie and Crystal
08-03-2009, 10:44 PM
I am so very, very sorry. I cried when I read the news. You did the only thing you could do to give Charlie a chance for some quality years ahead. I will light a candle for Charlie Brown tonight.
08-03-2009, 11:00 PM
I was saddened to read about your sweet Charlie Brown and I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace be with you sweet Charlie Brown.
With sympathy,
08-04-2009, 03:42 AM
So sorry to hear about Charlie Brown. You did everything you could for him. My thoughts are with you all.
Linda and Spicey
08-04-2009, 03:52 AM
Thank you to everyone. I wish Charlie could have known all of you. He would have loved you all.
I just feel so bad that I put Charlie through surgery on Thursday. I'm feeling so guilty about that. It seemed to destroy him rather than help him. The vets came to the conclusion that Charlie's adrenal tumor was probably malignant and had metastasized to other parts of his body. It was sent out to a lab to be sure, though.
I miss my best friend so much and it hurts terribly, but there wasn't one day that went by when I didn't hug and kiss Charlie and tell him what a wonderful dog he was and how much I loved him. I only hope he knew.
Thank you for caring and thank you for being here for Charlie Brown and for me.
08-04-2009, 04:07 AM
This may still have happened if Charlie Brown did not have the surgery and you would always have wondered what if. I know the pain is sharp at the moment but I promise it will ease soon. You will always miss him but eventually it won't hurt to think of him and memories are always with us. I wish all dogs had someone like you who cared enough to try everything to solve these health problems. It's easy to see you are a "dog" person and I know Charlie Brown had a wonderful life.
Roxee's Dad
08-04-2009, 10:22 AM
I miss my best friend so much and it hurts terribly, but there wasn't one day that went by when I didn't hug and kiss Charlie and tell him what a wonderful dog he was and how much I loved him. I only hope he knew.
They know when they are loved and it is easy to see that Charlie was deeply loved. All our cush pups that have gone before are there to greet him and to keep him company until we all meet again.
Squirt's Mom
08-04-2009, 10:29 AM
Hi Gabrielle,
Honey, it is perfectly normal to second guess our every move when something like this happens but you did everything you could for Charlie Brown and he knows that. He does. Based on the problems he had, it looks like he would have suffered from several factors, making his life miserable. You both were spared this ordeal and Charlie is free from the burdens of this world.
Guiilt is normal as well; it is part of the grieving process. But please don't let it take over your soul - you don't deserve that at all. You gave Charlie a beautiful life full of love and joy for 15 years. His age alone is testament to what a wonderful mom you are and to the exceptional care he recieved from your loving hands. So, don't let that guilt take root and blind you to the truth - that truth being that no one could have asked for more on Charlie's behalf than everything his loving mom did for him right up to his final breath.
Charlie Brown is watching over you, Gabrielle, and he knows how very much you love him and miss him. I have no doubt that he is grateful to you for all you have done including trying to help him one more time. His spirit is free from a body that was failing him, that couldn't be restored, and he is once again whole as he was meant to be.
Know we are here for you any time. I, for one, have shed tears with you for Charlie, and for your pain. You aren't alone for this part of the journey either, Gabrielle, we will hold you in our arms til you can stand on your own, lending you our strength and faith.
Take care of yourself,
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
08-04-2009, 11:23 AM
I agree with Leslie, is normal for people to second guess themselves and to feel alittle guilty too...but they can not let it consume them. Altho you have nothing to feel guily about.
Gabrielle, you loved Charlie, we could tell, it definitely showed and I know Charlie felt your love for him. You did everything a loving and caring mom could do for their furbaby, you had no choice but the choice you made for Charlie and that surgery was the only choice.
Please be kind to yourself, Charlie would want that.
Remember we are always here for you, Gabrielle...always.
Love and hugs.
08-04-2009, 11:42 AM
Hi Gabrielle...
I just read your story. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please don't feel did everything you could. And what a sweetie Charlie Brown was. I love that name.
My thoughts are with you...
Truffa's Mom
08-04-2009, 03:04 PM
Hi Gabrielle Just thinking about you.
With heavy hearts; and a tear in our eyes
after all these years; we must say goodbye
Please understand; we've done all we could
if there was anything we could do; you know we would
I'm sitting right here; gently rub your ears
while I talk to you softly; trying to hold back the tears
The memories you gave us; we'll never forget
especially the ones; of the day we all met
One last hug; and one last kiss
you have no idea; how much you'll be missed
To look into your eyes; this one last time
you tell me it's ok; you know it's your time
Close your eyes now; and go to sleep
we'll pray to the Lord; you're soul he'll keep
Go in peace now; our good friend
we'll stay right here with you; until the end
Dream of that special day and time
when we'll meet at the Bridge; and all will be fine
We'll run and play; side by side
with a soft warm feeling; deep down inside
Your memory will live on; in each one of us
you'll always be number 1; to all of us
Have a safe journey; through the night
I promise when you awake; you'll be in God's light
So with heavy hearts; and tears in our eyes
just for now my friend; we say goodbye
John Quealy
Wylie's Mom
08-04-2009, 05:21 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss - my thoughts are with you.
08-04-2009, 09:34 PM
Hi Everyone,
I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful thoughts and the reassurances and let you know that they do help a lot.
Charlie was one of the unlucky dogs. His surgeon called this morning and the pathologist's report on his adrenal tumor showed that it was a rather aggressive type of cancer. The tumors are usually benign, and the doctors can't usually tell if they are benign or malignant until they are out. In addition, Charlie's gall bladder had a mucous plug of sludge and the duct was blocked, so if it hadn't come out, he would have faced death from a ruptured gall bladder, which would have probably been worse that the surgery.
Still, I'm so sorry he had to endure the surgery. When we said our goodbyes to him, his little body was bruised and cut and stitched and still discolored from iodine. He was crying out to us and I know he wasn't in pain, but he wanted the pain, the torment he was going through to stop. I know the doctors did everything to try to save him, but it was clear that his cancer, and adrenal cancer can be very aggressive, had spread to other parts of his body. Charlie was still fighting to live, but it just wasn't to be. Had he not had cancer, I'm sure he would have recovered from the surgery just fine. Until he had cancer, until a few months ago when the muscle wasting began, he was strong and vital and seemingly healthy.
I'm just grateful for my family here since you know what it's like to lose a piece of your heart with your beloved friend. Charlie has a part of my heart and always will. I told him to save me a place on the other side, because some day I'll have to cross over, too, and the first being I'll look for is him, my darling little boy.
I'm trying to get on with normal life because that's what Charlie would have wanted, but it's going to take some time.
I just didn't want anyone here to ever be afraid of adrenal surgery for their best friend. Charlie was the exception, rather than the rule. Most adrenal surgeries go very well, and Charlie's would have, too, had he not had cancer. We had no sign that he had cancer except for the muscle wasting and we attributed that to Cushing's, and indeed, he did have Cushing's. And then, two weeks ago, he started turning down food, but we attributed that to the mild pancreatitis and the gall bladder and the medications. Charlie really only had one terrible week.
Just don't anyone be afraid of adrenal surgery. They usually go very well. Charlie was just unlucky and had cancer, but most adrenal tumors will be benign and the dog can return to a normal life. My beautiful Charlie just had too many things stacked against him this time. Still, I'm grateful that he had his health for fourteen years and I'm glad he was my little boy.
Charlie will be in my heart for the rest of my life. There wasn't one day that went by that I didn't hug him and kiss him and look into his beautiful brown eyes and tell him what a wonderful dog he was and that I loved him more than anything. I know, we all feel that way about our doggies, and in truth, all doggies are the most wonderful. They are all so special.
Thank you to all. Your messages all mean so much. All of them. I keep all of you and your doggies in my prayers every night.
Love and Hugs,
08-04-2009, 10:04 PM
So sorry to hear about Charlie Brown. My thoughts are with you. Don't second guess your decision, you did everything you could for him.
Sarah, Darla & Rascal
08-04-2009, 11:58 PM
I hope I can type this without crying and my hand tremor acting up. That happened last night when I read what happened to sweet Charlie. I will tell you something that might help you just a little bit. Fifteen years ago I had a sweet little doxie that was very ill and in a specialty hospital. We kept calling, wanting to visit her and they kept putting us off. As a result, my beloved Gretchen died alone without us holding her in her last moments. I still cry over her and will never forget my precious sweetheart. You are so fortunate to be with Charlie to help him cross over the bridge.
Much love,
08-05-2009, 07:40 AM
I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious Charlie. You did everything you could for him. You were a great mom and I'm sure Charlie knew how much you loved him. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time. My deepest sympathy.
08-06-2009, 10:56 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. Charlie was well loved and had a good life with you and that is the best thing he could have ever had.
08-09-2009, 03:35 PM
I am so sorry to read of Charlie's passing. What a sweet beautiful face he had. He was obviously deeply deeply loved and also suffering from very severe illness. It is very difficult to lose the battle after beating the odds so many times before,
Godspeed to Charlie,
08-13-2009, 02:12 PM
Thank you to everyone. All the messages are very much appreciated and helpful.
Candy, I'm so sorry you didn't get to be with Gretchen in the end. I know how you feel. I'm sure she's watching over little Katrina and you.
I hope Katrina is getting stronger day by day.
Much love, hugs, and prayers to all.
08-13-2009, 04:47 PM
I am so happy you came back to us! I have thought of you almost everyday! Please tell us how you are doing. I missed you and am sure the others have as well.
Many hugs!
Harley PoMMom
08-13-2009, 07:15 PM
I am so happy you came back to us! I have thought of you almost everyday! Please tell us how you are doing. I missed you and am sure the others have as well.
Me too!
Love and hugs.
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