View Full Version : Cushings, Diabetes diagnosed 2mths ago.

08-26-2020, 07:46 PM
Hello everyone, I’m so glad I found a forum specifically related to this problem.

My dog Astro is 13y. He is a Silkie Maltese X. Around 3mths ago he had surgery to remove a cancer on his leg and teeth removed. His bloods were all good except his liver had slightly raised enzymes; my vet suspected Cushings but wanted to wait 6wks for him to recover before he could test him. 6wks later we get him tested he now has Cushings and Diabetes!.. 2mths after being diagnosed his latest Cushings test shows up good, under control, but his blood glucose is off the charts high. He is also starting to lose his eyesight. I am devastated. It’s all so sudden and he seems like he’s aged rapidly. I hate to see him this way, unsure of himself because of his eyes, wobbly from weakness etc. Does it get better? Will I get this under control?
Thank you for listening.

We started Vetoryl 10mg once per day and 2units insulin twice per day.
Today we are doing Vetoryl 10mg halved and taken twice per day and 8units insulin. (Have moved up in increments of 2 over time)

08-27-2020, 06:06 PM
Welcome to you and Astro! We’re so glad you’ve found us, although we’re sorry for the problems you’re experiencing. Hopefully now that Astro’s cortisol level has come under better control, his glucose levels will soon follow. In the meantime, here’s a link to our “sister” website which focuses on diabetic dogs. Through the years, we’ve shared several members who’ve had dogs who have jointly suffered from both diabetes and Cushing’s. We can help with your Cushing’s questions, but the folks on k9diabetes.com will be better armed to help with the diabetic side of things.


As far as Astro’s blindness, I can surely understand your sorrow about this. However, it may help if you take a look at this series of replies that one of our staffers, Leslie, posted to another member last year who found herself in a similar situation. This link will take you to Leslie’s first related reply in the thread —just continue scrolling down for the follow-up.


Finally, returning to Astro’s Cushing’s, can you tell us more about the specific test that was done to diagnose his condition? Also, if you could tell us the actual numbers on his most recent cortisol monitoring test, that will help us to offer feedback about his current dosage regimen. Thanks so much for any additional information, and once again, welcome!


08-28-2020, 02:12 AM
Hi Marianne

Thank you. In terms of his Cushings test it was the ACTH? Test. I honestly don’t know what the actual numbers are. Initially the vet said the level at which they are diagnosed is 600 and Astro was 610. This time around I spoke to a different vet (his usual wasn’t working that day) over the phone and all she said was the first one was good, the second (Same day) a little lower. But they were happy.
He’s been taking the half dose twice a day for a few days and it seems like that is working better for him. I don’t know if it’s that or the extra insulin but I’m seeing a slight improvement.

With the k9diabetes I seem to have problems when trying to visit that site. It’s glitchy for some reason. It’ll shut the page down, load very slow, won’t load at all. I’m not sure what’s going on but I’ll definitely keep trying.

Thanks so much for replying. Have a nice day.

08-28-2020, 02:28 PM
I’m sorry you’re having problems with the diabetes site. I’ll let the administrator over there know. In the meantime, I’m really glad to hear that you’re seeing at least a bit of improvement. Hopefully this trend will continue!

Please do keep us updated,