View Full Version : Basset cushing dec 2008
07-15-2009, 08:51 AM
My basset hound jasemine has just turned 13 and never had any health issues. Always been housedog with exceptional care. She was ill during holiday with bladder infection which kept coming back. We were told by our vet it was cushings after several tests. I have educated myself online and my vet is very helpful at anytime for help (have his cell#). Very fortunate to have him. My question i have, which may or may not be related due to her age, is there problems with eye sight and hearing with cushings? It seems like her's is getting increasingly worse. She is in maintenance and cushings is under control and not due for another blood workup for 6 months.has anyone else had this problem?
07-15-2009, 12:12 PM
Hi and welcome....I was owned by two is still with me and both have/had Cushing's. I don't know that Cushing's is to blame per se for the eyesight and hearing issues although there are dogs here with both and doing well. I am sure the folks with these issues will be along.
I haven't noticed a problem related to either with my two and am wondering if it isn't just more related to age. We had another basset when I was younger that developed cataracts as she got older....around 12 or so.
I'm sorry I'm not much help but wanted to welcome you and let you know what my basset experience was with mine at least and these issues.
Beth, Bailey and always Scooter
Wylie's Mom
07-15-2009, 05:50 PM
Hi & Welcome,
I don't think I can really help you with your questions... the only thing I can think of rearding the ears is that cushpups are more proned to getting ear infections, however, since Jasemine's cushing's is controlled & the fact that you would probably know if there was an infection, I would think the hearing issue would be due to other reasons.
Regarding the sight, I do recall my first appointment with the IMS for my pup's cushing's... she did check his eyes, but I don't exactly recall what she was looking for - I think it had something to do with the muscle or some sort of attachment. The Long Beach Animal Hospital site only mentions that occassionally, they might find corneal plaques in cushpups.
If you could, please tell us more about Jasemine and how you've controlled her Cushing's.
Hopefully someone will come along to better answer your questions.;)
Roxee's Dad
07-15-2009, 06:19 PM
I would also like to welcome you and Jasemine. Very glad that you have her cushings under control. I can't help with the hearing but you may want to check our resources section on SARDS regarding Jasemine's eyesight.
Here's a quick shortcut.
Just wondering, do you call her Jazzy for short? Looking forward to hearing more about Jasemine.
Harley PoMMom
07-15-2009, 06:46 PM
Hi and Welcome from me too, :)
I was just getting ready to past that shorcut to SARDS for you, and John, bless his heart, beat me to it, but I want to add that hearing can diminish with SARDS, according to the articles in the links that John has so thoughtfully posted for you.
Another thing, has Jasmine been tested for diabetes?
Like the others have said I would love to hear more about Jasemine and if you wouldn't mind telling us your name, Hey you and Hi..., is so impersonal, and we all are sooo friendly.:D
07-16-2009, 07:51 AM
hi and welcome....i was owned by two is still with me and both have/had cushing's. I don't know that cushing's is to blame per se for the eyesight and hearing issues although there are dogs here with both and doing well. I am sure the folks with these issues will be along.
I haven't noticed a problem related to either with my two and am wondering if it isn't just more related to age. We had another basset when i was younger that developed cataracts as she got older....around 12 or so.
I'm sorry i'm not much help but wanted to welcome you and let you know what my basset experience was with mine at least and these issues.
Beth, bailey and always scooter
thanks so much for info. I was hoping it wasn't related. It seems like so many different issues with cushings. Sure am glad this web site for questions like this one not that important to bother my vet about. He has been such a wonerful and caring person. Be hearing from me often.
07-16-2009, 07:54 AM
i would also like to welcome you and jasemine. Very glad that you have her cushings under control. I can't help with the hearing but you may want to check our resources section on sards regarding jasemine's eyesight.
Here's a quick shortcut.
just wondering, do you call her jazzy for short? Looking forward to hearing more about jasemine.
thanks for info. This web site is just what i needed to make me feel a little more comfortable with all issues with cushings.
07-16-2009, 08:04 AM
hi and welcome from me too, :)
i was just getting ready to past that shorcut to sards for you, and john, bless his heart, beat me to it, but i want to add that hearing can diminish with sards, according to the articles in the links that john has so thoughtfully posted for you.
Another thing, has jasmine been tested for diabetes?
Like the others have said i would love to hear more about jasemine and if you wouldn't mind telling us your name, hey you and hi..., is so impersonal, and we all are sooo friendly.:d
hi lori,
my name is linda & live in memphis,tn. My vet has 1 other patient with cushings & it has it also. That is what i am hoping doesn't appear. My vet says when he first started practicing he would only see maybe 1 or 2 cases a year. Now he sees at least 8 to 10 cases? I\we do call her jazzy for short. I bought her from another vet who my vet sent me to. His basset was his family pet and had 11 puppies. Never had a basset before always collies but will never have any this else from now on. Just started reading a book by gary kurz called "cold noses at the pearly gates" and anyone who has lost a pet ( and who hasn't ) this is a must. Written by a pastor who had recently lost a pet. Thanks for info.
07-16-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi Linda & Jazzy,
We had a basset when I was only 5 yrs old. I still remember him, he ate a baby bottle nipple from my brother's bottle, he ate anything when he was a pup.
I think the reason your vet is seeing more cases of Cushing's because more people are aware of their pets health and questioning the vets more as to why something is happening. It used to be, and I'm sure still is, most people just thought their dogs were getting old and senile and ate more and had accidents in the house. Also veterinary medicine has come a long way in diagnosing diseases.
I hope you and Jazzy are doing well. Maybe you could post some pics of her. Stay with us you've found the best place for info and support.
07-16-2009, 09:03 AM
Hi Linda,
Welcome to you and Jasemine! Has Jasemine's declining vision and hearing been gradual over a period of time - or has it been all of a sudden?
It's possible that her declining vision and hearing are age related but it is something you won't know for sure without an exam. My motto is, "When in doubt...check it out" and since you have a good rapport with your vet I'm sure he would not consider an examination or questions about Jasemine to be a bother but instead would welcome them (just throwing in my 2 cents worth). Of course, the choice and decisions are totally up to you.
Which drug is Jasemine taking for the Cushings? I'm sure other members will be along with additional information....and questions. :D
Give "Jazzy" some extra petting from me and hope you will post some pictures of her!
Squirt's Mom
07-16-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi Linda,
A belated welcome to you and Jazzy! :)
You have done good to manage her Cushing's on your own since Dec. I love my vets and they have done a wonderful job for Squirt but I don't know if I could have made it without the help and support of this group. But then, I'm a twitchin' ole broad prone to panic! :o
Would you mind getting us up to speed on Jazzy's cush history? What tests were done to diagnose her? What form of Cushing's does she have? What treatment are you using with her, dose and frequency? Do you have copies of her test results and would you mind posting them if you do? How much does Jazzy weigh? Does she have any other health issues and is she on any other meds, supplements, herbs, etc. at the moment?
If you don't have copies, your vet should be glad to give them to you. It is a good idea to keep a file at home just in case you ever have to see a different vet - like on vacation - you will have all her info in hand. Keeping a journal on Jazzy's daily activities/behaviors like diet, meds and when given and any reactions, pee and poop history, sleep patterns, moods, anything different you observe, etc. is also a good idea. That way you won't have to try and remember when she pooped that weird purple, wiry thing last month. :eek::p
I'm glad you found us and hope to learn more about you and Jazzy soon.
Leslie and the girls
07-16-2009, 10:21 PM
thanks for info. Jazzy has always been in great health. You know basset or not the most active dog. Vet controlling with 2 lysodren 1 time a week. Started out with 1 1/2 but blood work came back at the reading he wanted but really wanted a little lower. So we went to 2 weekly and last week's blood work came back where he wanted it exactly. Vet says she has been easiest dog he has ever dealt with as getting under control. Said we didn't need to do blood work again for 6 months instead of 3 months. Sure am glad, he says i am paying for the new wing to his vet's office ( ha! Ha! ) and should have my own chair with my name on it in waiting room i'm there so much lately. He gives me as much a break as he can ( an is known to have best prices ) but when you have to use people's lab for the best blood tests, it can get expensive. My husband says he knows this is expensive and just doesn't want to know cost as she is worth it to both of us. If we can just get by this sight, hearing and smell problem it is all down hill. It is sort of funny, my husband has nerve deafness in one of his ears and as he ages it hasn't improved. Now with jazzy's hearing getting bad and with them both outside and i have to yell to get their attention they both come. My husband had a beagle that was 17 years old when we had to put her down for cancer last year but she had gone blind for the last 3 years of her life and people would say we were making this up but she would follow close behind jazzy, about a foot, and if she got lost and was getting close to street jazzy would always run in front of her where she could smell her and would start following her again. When people saw them together they say they would have never have believed it until they saw them together. Will post pictures soon.
07-16-2009, 10:29 PM
Hi and a belated welcome from me too.
It looks as though Jazzy's numbers were not quite right at the dose of 1 1/2 pills 1 X per week so the vet upped the dose to 2 pills per week and now the numbers are where you want them? If that is the case then this would mean that 2 pills per week (1000mg) is actively lowering her cortisol (by eroding adrenal tissue) and that if she continues on this dose at some point her cortisol will eventually go too low.
When you started treatment did you go through a loading phase of giving a daily dose of Lysodren and then went to weekly dosing at 1 1/2 pills per week?
Would you be able to post the results (the actual numbers) of all the ACTH stim tests done to date along with the dates of the tests and the dose of Lysodren she was on at the time.
I'm sorry to worry you and ask all this questions but I am concerned that Jazzy may be headed for trouble at some point with her present dose of Lysodren - especially if no more testing is planned for another 6 months. We have seen it happen before.
07-16-2009, 10:41 PM
Hi leslie,
i do keep daily records on water intake ,vet says 1 oz per body weigh. She weighs 65 lbs and the vet says that's okay considering how much exercise she gets. He has her on special diet since she had so much trouble before we knew what she had. I believe it is science brand cd. She isn't too crazy about it but she is from the hound group and couldn't hold out to long for something better. She is on 2 lysodren a week and my vet says her blood work is perfect. Said we wouldn't have to do blood work again for 6 months so that is great considering we have been doing weekly, then monthly, but vet knows how much she means to me and my husband and wants to give her best care. Will post pictures soon. I am so happy i found this site. It has already made me feel more comfortable knowing i have someone that has probably been thru and can help with things that are going to come up.
Thanks again,
07-17-2009, 06:47 AM
Linda, I would like to offer a belated welcome to both you & Jazzie, also! I share the same concern that Alison has. It certainly sounds like the increased dose of lysodren very well may be be actively eroding adrenal cortex tissue. Right now, that has gotten Jazzie's numbers where the vet wants them, but at some point in time, there is a huge concern that Jazzie could easily get into trouble with an Addisonian crisis, if too much of the adrenal gland is affected. As Alison has already asked, could you please post the results of all Cushing's diagnostic testing, along with all ACTH's that have been done, along with the dates & dosages of lysodren that were being given at that point in time. This will be a huge help to us to get a better handle on Jazzie's history.
Wylie's Mom
07-17-2009, 05:46 PM
Hi Linda,
I know you came here concerned about Jazzie's sight & hearing, but we often find that controlling Cushing's isn't as smooth sailing as Jamine's case seems to be at this point. Many of us here ask for copies of all test results (diagnostics & monitoring) from our vets and some also keep daily logs of such things as how much of what medication(s) were given, water consumption, notes of any vomitting or diarrhea... I even make notes of unusual stools:p. Keeping this information handy can really be of help if you have to see a different vet, perhaps in an emergency situation. By sharing the information here that Alison & Debbie have asked for, the people here could possibly give you better & greater input... you don't want to have a crisis situation later, and be scrambling to gather or recall information when time may be critical;).
Looking forward to seeing the pics:).
Roxee's Dad
07-18-2009, 04:21 PM
Hi Linda,
Just a quick question, has Jazzy had any ear infections recently that required ear medication?
Looking forward to seeing some pictures:)
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