View Full Version : Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness
Budsters Mom
03-15-2020, 11:17 AM
As you prepare for possible quarantine due to the Corona Virus outbreak, please remember to provide for you pets. They will need at least a few weeks of food and medication etc. I live in Southern California. Panic has set in here. Food has flown off the shelves, with very little of anything remaining. There are no staples of any kind left. No rice, beans, etc. Bottled water, toilet paper, paper towels, baby wipes, Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer can not be found anywhere. Lines are very long at the grocery stores. People are grabbing whatever is left. It is practically impossible to get into Costco. You may not be experiencing these shortages yet. The higher the population, the bigger the panic and the bigger the need. However, being as prepared as possible is crucial.
So, it is particularly important to provide for your pet during this difficult time globally. Pets with special dietary needs and allergies are especially vulnerable. My dog's specialty food is only available at one store locally. There are at least six other pet stores closer to me. Non of them carry it. I went out yesterday to pick up dog food, since I am running low. I was not going out on a mission to stock up. It was just time to pick up a bag. There was none left. Many shelves were empty. The manager called thru to four other stores before a bag was located. Please remember your fur babies as you continue to prepare for this current emergency,
I hope all of you and your fur babies remain well and strong throughout this global pandemic.
03-15-2020, 11:37 AM
Kathy, thank you so much for posting this. The same thing has happened here in Atlanta over the last couple of days. The shift has been dramatic. As of the first of last week, supplies were beginning to be snapped up. By yesterday, it was panic-buying. I’d been trying to think of the things that hubby and I needed most, but suddenly thought about Luna and her dogfood! Yikes! That hadn’t occurred to me yet. I’ve got enough left for a couple of weeks, but I’d best try to track down some ASAP.
To all our worldwide K9C family, please stay as safe and well as possible!!
03-15-2020, 01:45 PM
Some of you may have seen this poem elsewhere. It is going viral right now (no pun included!), and with good reason. But I want to share it with all our family. For everyone, worldwide, who is struggling right now with the ramifications of “social distancing,” what a healing perspective this poem offers to us as we care for ourselves, and as we care for one another, in these challenging times.
What if you thought of it
as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
the most sacred of times?
Cease from travel.
Cease from buying and selling.
Give up, just for now,
on trying to make the world
different than it is.
Sing. Pray. Touch only those
to whom you commit your life.
Center down.
And when your body has become still,
reach out with your heart.
Know that we are connected
in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.
(You could hardly deny it now.)
Know that our lives
are in one another’s hands.
(Surely, that has come clear.)
Do not reach out your hands.
Reach out your heart.
Reach out your words.
Reach out all the tendrils
of compassion that move, invisibly,
where we cannot touch.
Promise this world your love–
for better or for worse,
in sickness and in health,
so long as we all shall live.
–Lynn Ungar 3/11/20
Squirt's Mom
03-15-2020, 02:06 PM
03-15-2020, 05:29 PM
Same here on Long Island...crazy. Tomorrow I hope to stock up on the dogs meds and food. Didn't think of that either...
My company has told us we can all work from home. So far only one case at the WeWork office where I work. I take four trains a day. How I have avoided it this far is astounding.
Squirt's Mom
03-17-2020, 12:52 PM
If you get your dog food on an automatic ship - check the pricing before it arrives. The dog food I am using for Bud and Sophie doubled in one week both on Chewy and Amazon. They were running low when I ordered last week and was only able to get a small bag so I checked to see if the larger bags were in yet and they twice the usual price. :mad:
Of the 7 people in my office only myself and one other believe the virus is real. This is all a hoax, hype, fake news, yada yada yada. (My SIL told me the same thing.) Yesterday I went in to finish a project before isolating myself since I am high risk and 3 people are there in our small office coughing their heads admits she has fever and feels like crap. As I was leaving after finishing my project one of our clients who is an RN at our local hospital came in wearing a mask and gloves. She stopped just inside the door and asked everyone in the reception area to stay at least 6' away. Our receptionist, who does not believe and was one who was coughing, asked if she was sick and the woman said no but she wasn't taking any chances since she is working in the hospital on the front lines. She went on to tell us that what we are being told is false - that there are many many more cases of the virus in our state, county, and town than the official count claims which is 22. Our receptionist laughed but grabbed her hand sanitizer. My boss and the other two ladies who were in the area looked like this woman had just told them the world was ending in 5 minutes. All of a sudden it became real. Meanwhile all the coughing has spread who knows what to who knows how many people...they all went out to eat together at lunch and were talking about all the places they had been and the people they had been around over the weekend. I don't understand and don't think I ever will. :(
03-17-2020, 03:34 PM
It will be heartbreaking when any of these women watch a vulnerable loved one succomb to Corona, and they must then forever wonder whether they’re the one who directly passed the contagion on in their foolishness. That’s a guilt and a burden that I would not want to carry for the rest of my own days.
Stay safe, Leslie!
Budsters Mom
03-17-2020, 07:29 PM
Well, if it is all a hoax, it is a very well orchestrated one. The USA is headed toward a countrywide lockdown. It is being taken very seriously. In my community, we are now on a partial lockdown. That means bars that don’t sell food, Adult establishments, and restaurants have been closed for in house dining. As of now restaurants are still open for pick up and drive thru service. Many people do not understand the scope of our current Emergency. Here, we have been notified that there are not enough hospital beds or services for those who currently have the coronavirus here in town. Services have already been stretched beyond their limits and everyone is being told to stay home and try to self treat. Only severe cases are being seen at the hospital. Those involving labored breathing, chest pain and bluish lips. There may not be help available for other emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes etc. those people who are not taking this seriously, by taking the proper precautions, are putting everyone at risk, which is selfish. I am dealing with that with a family member right now, which is infuriating. We are not supposed to get political on this forum, so I realize that this post may be deleted. In the meantime, I am asking that we all pull together as a family and do everything we can to see that our global family stays as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Stay smart to stay safe.
03-18-2020, 09:06 AM
I am asking that we all pull together as a family and do everything we can to see that our global family stays as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Stay smart to stay safe.
Kathy, you’re right that we discourage political statements or confrontations here. But I don’t take your message to be political. Instead, you’re reporting on the conditions in your area, as well as encouraging us to join together for the welfare of all. I surely don’t see anything wrong with that, and I join you in your plea!
I hope we can keep this thread open as a lifeline for all our members. A safe place to come to talk, to report, to vent, to comfort. And yes, to worry together. There’s no way we can help but worry. But sometimes giving voice to the worry can also mobilize our strength to plod onward. One day at a time. I’m afraid this is going to be an awfully long haul for the entire world. But yep, we’re definitely all in this together!
03-20-2020, 09:44 AM
Idiots! Putting everyone at risk like is real, it is dangerous, and we are in trouble. My son-in-law got laid off on Tuesday. Now Jess is the only one working and doesn't make enough to pay the bills. Just try to apply for unemployment...there are so many trying that the system can't handle it. They've been trying for four days now to apply online, whenever they call, they are told the system is down and to try later. I don't know how much longer I'll have a division is not essential to ETS, and now that the schools are all closed our coaches can't get in to work, which is how we get our money.
Jeremy finally got the go-ahead to work from home at Stony Brook this week. He's been at the school this whole time with kids who we all know don't think anything can happen to them. And he's in the high risk group. I'm afraid to go see Josh, or my mother who is bedridden with the final stages of Alzheimers.
It's not good...
Budsters Mom
03-20-2020, 10:08 AM
Due to rapidly increasing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) cases, the state of California has been shutdown/locked down. All businesses have been closed, with the exception of grocery stores, convenience stores, gas stations, emergency services, and hospitals. Citizens are urged to call, or email their primary care doctors if they feel ill. They are not to go to the hospitals, or medical centers unless instructed to do so, or there iis an immediate emergency. Video appointments are being used whenever possible. Citizens are been told to stay home unless there is an immediate need. Those who have to venture out are instructed to maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet, wash hands fot 20 seconds, and use hand sanitizer when soap and water is unavailable. Right now, hand sanitizer is not to be found anywhere. If you don't already have some, it is too late. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces three times a day is encouraged. Skeptics are finally starting to believe that this is a real emergency. Governor Newsom announced that CA students will likely not return to school until the fall.
Please post the current conditions in your area. Your general location to fine. This helps others to see what might be headed their way, so they can prepare as much as possible. It also supports those who are already locked down. It helps us to feel more connected and less isolated. Worry, panic, and fear run rapid when citzens feel out of control and helpless. This situatin is financially crippling for thousands (soon to be hundreds of thousands), of people who no longer can go to work. Rent/house payments, bills, taxes, and daily living expenses continue. This is just the beginning in CA. It could go on for a very long time. Lets stay connected by sharing what we know, while trying to stay safe. Regardless of where you live globally, you are being affected by this one way or another. Know that you are not alone. We are all in this together.
Thanks for sharing Joan. I wish I could help you. I wish I could help everyone. We can at least stick together. That we can do!
There are 4O,000,000 people in CA who have been locked down with no end in sight. That is terrifying!!
Dear Family,
I came here today to make sure you are all ok as can be during these challenging times. It is very scary when we do not have control. So far hubby, Koko and I are fine. We lost a family member to cancer in nyc on Monday and we could not attend the funeral as we are high risk, hubby very high risk, we worry about our sister in Manhattan trying to process her husband’s death with chaos all around her. She is 78 with illnesses and we cannot be with her.
We have businesses ordered closed everyday but are not yet on lock down though we should be. We cannot get hand sanitizer, disinfective spray, many supplies are not available.
My husband needs to take the drug they are touting as a treatment for covid for his rheumatoid arthritis. He has been on it a year. Yesterday, the pharmacy said they had none and it was on back order. Thankfully, the pharmacist he knows recognized him and gave him a 90 day supply, they only had a few pills let. I h ave been told there is a shortage of albuterol which I need for my asthma. I need to call the clinic Monday to try to sort that out. The clinic is closed and is only doing telemed visits. Those visits are overbooked and the system is breaking down.
Starting Monday, I will be working from home. I’m not sure if the business can survive another deep recession.
I had to be pretty aggressive and outspoken to get my boss to develop a Covid19 policy. When he finally did, I told him, it wasn’t enough. We have some older employees besides me and they need a safe work environment. I have pushed as hard as I could but have no idea what will happen now that I am not there physically to preach to them.
We now have a nursing home in our village with an out break. We have a state population of over 5 million but can only process 400 tests a day. Only the seriously ill that meet outdated requirements are being tested.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Stay safe and well. I will check in as I can.
Saying goodbye to the work dogs yesterday was really hard because I have no idea when I will see them again.
I’m hoping the sore throat I have this morning is allergies.
Love you all. We will get through this together.
Budsters Mom
03-21-2020, 12:33 PM
So glad to see that you, hubby and Koko are okay. Wish it under better circumstances. CA has been out of hand sanitizer, disenfecting wipes, toilet paper, baby wipes, etc. We all can be creative when it come to toilet paper and baby wipes. As far as disenfecting products, the CDC has given some recommendations. A bleach solution of 1/3 cup bleach to a gallon of water, full strength rubbing alcohol and full strength 3% Hydrogen peroxide are all effective disenfectants. You might have some of these things at home already. Instructions are to clean as usual, then apply disenfectant and leave wet to air dry. Common surfaces in your home, should be diinfected at least 3 times a day. I am out of disinfecting wipes, but have several packages of baby wipes. I use them to clean up in the classroom because we don't have a sink. I am creating my own disinfecting wipes by using the products above with my baby wipes. The more creative we are right now, the better off we will be. As far a hand sanitzer, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, several times a day. Apply lotion to prtect them. Above all. Be smart to stay safe.
Addy... Mom died unexpectantly three months ago. I still have dad with. We are OK so far. Thank you so much for posting the conditions in your area. I wish more of our family would do the same.
Budsters Mom
03-21-2020, 05:35 PM
Since CA is on lockdown, there is only a very few essential services open. I ventured out to Walmart and Target this morning, wearing my mask and gloves. I looked like I was ready to perform surgery. This is the first time I have left the house is almost a week. I did manage to snatch up a few needed items at Walmart before heading to Target a few blocks away. There is almost nothing left at either store in the way of groceries. The things I did manage to buy, were items being put on the shelves at that exact moment. You can't miss them among multiple rows of empty shelves. I moved on to target and had some luck there also. Almost everything is limited to one or two items. I did manage to grab some soup as it was being shelved. A very loud commotion broke out in the baby section. Security was called over the loud speaker. Three women were fighting over baby wipes that had just been delivered.They were attempting to grab them out of each other's hands and screaming at the top of their lungs, about whether the older lady even had a baby. You don't have to have a baby to use wipes. You might use them for other purposes. I do myself. Baby wipes are a huge commodity right now, but fighting over them? It is totally nuts here. The panic has taken over. It's scary. I went home thinking that I was much better off than many right now and thankful for that.!
Harley PoMMom
03-21-2020, 05:52 PM
I live in York County, PA. we have had 6 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 in my County, a total of 370 coronavirus cases in PA., and two deaths have been reported in Pennsylvania, 1 was in Allegheny County which is 3 hours from where I live. This virus is awful.
I am fine, been mostly home bound since this started, a couple trips to the grocery store and to see my Uncle whose wife just passed last Tuesday. My Uncle's wife was my Mom's sister and the last living sibling, cancer took her from us, she was 83 years old and they were married for 66 years, I will miss her so much.
I've been tending my flower beds, pruning, and getting to those projects around the house that have been put off, trying to keep myself busy. My sweet boy Jax turned 1 year old February 26!! He is such a good boy, except when he's irritating the cat! So, what is everyone else doing to pass the time while home bound?
Hugs to all, Lori
03-22-2020, 09:02 AM
Oh Addy, I know these are definitely not good days, but it’s still so good to hear from you. Please do keep updating us, and for sure I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you guys! And all our family!
Well, we’ve completed our first full week of self-isolation. Fortunately, hubby has been able to shift pretty effectively to working from home. He has a new telephone headset on order from Amazon, because much of his work is now involving telephone communication. Luna and I like having him around. It’s especially comforting to me, because being the Queen of Worry that I am, he can at least help distract me, or shall we say, refocus me. “Don’t you think it would be better if you turned off the news for awhile?”
Like everywhere else, we suffer from a dearth of sanitizing supplies. Early last week, there was a general run on groceries, too, and there are still holes but many stocks have now been resupplied. And yes, I even spotted some toilet paper back on the shelf yesterday! Aside from grocery store runs and walking Luna, I’m otherwise staying inside and puttering around the house. We’re not even seeing any friends during the next couple of weeks. There’s strangely a bit of physical calm that comes with the isolation, alongside the mental worry.
I still miss my mom daily, but I’m so grateful that she’s spared this world crisis. We used to talk about all the challenges her generation — and she personally — faced. Losing the family farm and being penniless during the Great Depression, working as a nurse in the days before antibiotics, all the sacrifices and the long and uncertain separation from my dad during WWII, polio and other epidemics pre-vaccination, etc. I wondered whether my generation would have the moxie to stand up to any of those challenges. I still do. I sure hope so! I hope we can all pull together in a way that would make “The Greatest Generation” proud of us. But I *am* glad that my mom, herself, was spared this final worry.
So that’s today’s report from Atlanta. Unsurprisingly, by far we’re reporting the most diagnosed cases of Corona in the state. I so wish the governor would issue a total state lockdown like California, but since he hasn’t so far, individual cities are starting to get more aggressive on their own. Restaurants, etc, are closed here, but I know that there are offices still open around me (I see cars in the parking lots as I drive by). But with the diagnosed cases and deaths escalating, I’m hoping there will be more complete closures coming this week. We shall see.
Take care, everybody, and stay safe!
03-22-2020, 09:50 AM
And Lori, I’m so sorry about your aunt. That’s probably the hardest thing of all about this new isolation — to not be able to spend more time with family and friends in their times of need. The photos of family members waving outside the windows of quarantined nursing homes is so heartbreaking!
I know you’ll miss your aunt so much. Such a sad time in so many ways.
Squirt's Mom
03-22-2020, 10:28 AM
This is long, so grab a cup of tea. :o :D
According to the official Arkansas information, which I trust this much: _____, there are 118 positives, 154 under investigation, 501 being monitored, and 367 previously investigated who tested negative as of yesterday. Why don't I trust that information? Here is why -
On Thurs, March 12th, my neighbor spent the day shopping with her only daughter. On Sat, the 14th, she spent the day shopping with her 2 nieces, by her daughter. Her daughter's new nephew, who works in a hospital the next county over, was exposed to the virus approximately 2 weeks ago and tested positive this past Monday, 3/16/20. He went to church and sat with his family, including my neighbor, the Sunday before, the 15th of March. Wed, the 18th, her daughter and son-in-law, were quarantined, as was the niece who is married to the fellow who tested positive. The other niece, none of the members of their church, none of the friends who had been over to his house, nor my neighbor have been quarantined. And according to my neighbor none of them have even been contacted by health officials for any reason. Most of them continue to work, shop, and gather at church.
One of our new neighbors doesn't have a TV capable of watching the news; he is very poor and has an old analog TV he uses to watch movies on. He doesn't have a radio nor a vehicle that would have a radio. Yesterday he came over to another neighbor's house to inform them they needed to get to the store and stock up because there was a very bad virus going around. He had just learned about it from a family member he had called to ask them to bring him some groceries and supplies. He was stunned to say the least. Several of us had been wondering about his behavior because people have been in and out of his house daily at all hours of the day and night. Day before yesterday 5 vehicles were parked at his place with 4-5 people literally crawling over each other as they worked on 2 of the trucks. Were none of them aware of the virus either? How many other people who I see out and about as if oblivious actually are as oblivious as our new neighbor?
In talking to doctors and nurses in my state they all say, to a man/woman, that what we are being told is false...that there are many, many more cases in our state that have tested positive and countless others who show every indication of having the virus but can't, and won't, be tested because they don't fit the CDC guidelines. Quite a few of those cases are their coworkers and peers. :(
Our Governor is an idiot who until just the last 3-4 days has been telling the residents here than the virus was contained in ARK - that all our cases stemmed from the original case in Pine Bluff and that all those contacts had been tracked down and quarantined. Further, there had been no spread of the virus from out of state or other sources, in spite of the fact that we have an international airport in Little Rock with connections in NY, CA, WA to name a few. On March the 13th he announced that Walmart parking lots across the state would have drive-thru testing centers...there is no sign that is going to happen. He has failed to close nonessential establishments still as of yesterday. Bars and restaurants were all open until the 19th, but hotels and motels are still in business as are all the private clubs, lake resorts and their private restaurants, bars, etc. Salons, cigarette stores, liquor stores, etc. are to operate or not as they deem best. Those closed bars and restaurants? They can now change their useage to anything such as selling groceries, alcohol, etc. in order to remain open. Most daycares remain open tho all our schools are closed until mid April at least. I dog sit to help supplement my income and everyone of my bookings has cancelled plans with the exception of one who is coming tomorrow. They are staying at one of those lake resorts and trust the establishment there to have a virus free environment....even tho people from all over the country come to those resorts starting this time of year. This baby is my last booking for a while and they were given explicit instructions for dropping her and her things off and for picking her up. Not only can I not risk exposure I can't be party to helping others be exposed to and spread the virus. OH! and that original case in Pine Bluff? He is no longer mentioned and the official reports now say the first official case was in Fayetteville on 3/18/20, seven days later, which is in the northern part of the state while Pine Bluff is in the southern part.
Yeah, my confidence level is very high, she said sarcastically. :D
As for the state of things around here, it is the same as elsewhere. The grocery shelves in Kroger where I shop are mostly empty and the products that do come in have increased in price. I was lucky enough to be in the store when the bread I like was delivered. What used to cost around $2.50 a loaf is now almost $4.00. :rolleyes: There is no flour, baking powder or soda, no sugar or yeast, or dry milk for making your own bread...a few small bags of corn meal were all that was available. At first, fresh produce is what was all out of stock but that seems to have changed and there were plenty of fresh veggies and fruits in the bins. There are no chicken parts nor ground chicken, no ground nor roast beef, no pork chops, shoulders or roasts. A few high end cuts of beef, a little bison and lamb were all that was in the meat department. Some fish was left, mostly salmon, sword fish, and tuna. Interestingly, the only frozen seafoods that were left were those products sourced in China, which I have refused to purchase since the melamine dog food poisoning in 2007. The selections for lunch meats and hot dogs was limited as well. Some canned sardines, mackerel, herring, and very little canned tuna were on the shelf; no canned chicken, and one can of turkey spam was left. Frozen veggies were getting slim as were all the frozen pizzas and meals but not one single package of chicken nuggets, etc that many kids like to eat. No soups except for the ones that cost $2.00 a can and up, and those selections were limited. Maybe 50 cans total of canned veggies were on the shelf. One bag of brown rice was left, no white rice but several options for gourmet rice products like Jasmine, Basmati, Arborio, Black, and Wild Grain. A few pastas like elbow macaroni and spaghetti were available as were Bow Tie, Linguini, and Penne but all the Rotini was gone. There were some egg noodles left but most of them were whole grain. The pastas made from lentils and chickpeas were still plenty available. Maybe 6 jars of prepared pasta sauce left. No paper products at all with the exception of one lonely, beat up box of Kleenex which I grabbed gratefully. There were a few packages of baby wipes available but diapers seemed to be well stocked. Very little milk, sour cream, eggs or cheese left but there seemed to be plenty of yogurt. On every shelf a sign had been taped that asked shoppers to limit their purchases to 2 items...some to one item such as the nonexistent TP and paper towels. Oddly enough there were plenty of chips, cookies, nuts, Cokes (brand), and candy available as were vitamins and such, including cold and flu OTC products. The pharmacy, which typically opens at 7AM, was still closed at 9AM....they were running out of medications when I picked up my latest prescription on the 16th.
Yes, I spent way too much time walking around the store in my mask (purchased in 2015 for yard work) and gloves, which I always have on hand, in an astounded daze looking at the state of my once well-stocked store. :D
I tried to do the grocery pick up from both Kroger and WalMart but before I could finish selecting items, the ones I had already put in my cart were changed to "out of stock". Paper and OTC products are in-store purchases only. Pick-up dates are a week out.
The WalMart in the next town over was closed for a day because of shoppers fighting over items. :( Thankfully I haven't seen any ugliness when I've been out but several instances of goodness and kindness instead such as one lady pulling canned veggies out of her cart and putting the into the cart of an elderly lady who was staring at the empty shelves as if she were lost.
I'm not worried about food for myself at this point but I am for my dogs. Some folk have called me a dog food snob and I accept that title gladly. But I just ordered a much lower quality food than I would typically use for my babies from Amazon because it was all they had that I could afford. Chewy is out of my range on everything they had in stock that I looked at and the pet stores here are running out of stock...what they do have has doubled or tripled in cost as well. My last trip to Kroger most of my purchases were on fresh veggies I can cook to supplement the dog food they do have trying to stretch it out as much as possible. I had some chicken breasts in the freezer already so I added those to their mix.
As for TP in my home, I told Glynda that due to IBS my normal TP purchase for the month looks like panic buying to start with. :o I wasn't really concerned until this latest trip to Kroger. My month is running out as is my month's supply and I am not at all confident things will have improved by the time it does. I have been taking steps to limit use every way I can when at all possible and that has allowed me to have a bit more than I normally would at this point in the month but that extra bit is soon going to be gone. I have been eyeing my stock of plastic grocery bags with a new eye the last few days. :o:D:o In addition, I am trying to flush as little as possible. With around 100 homes in our mobile home park and 90% of those families home now, including children, I foresee major sewer issues in our future. Not only from the extra TP going thru the pipes but from some folk flushing things they shouldn't - like Kleenex, paper towels, wipes, etc. So as Kathy said, creativity is the name of the game these days! ;)
Now I will leave you with a funny conversation I had with one of our former members named Louise, Munchie's mom. She told me about the husband of one of her girlfriends who came out of the bathroom where he had been preparing to go to town with 2 sanitary napkins taped over his mouth since he hadn't been able to find any masks...and he was serious! :D In our discussion about the TP shortage, I told her my garden hose was charged; only one neighbor might be able to see me and if he did he could not use my hose! :D:D She said if she couldn't get any TP she was just gonna go scoot across her neighbors lawn like a dog. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Ya'll take care of yourselves because you are all much to precious to risk.
PS....Addy, sore throats are not allowed among this family! Please let us know how you are doing when you can.
Squirt's Mom
03-22-2020, 10:30 AM
Lori, I am so sorry about your Aunt and for what your uncle and family are having to endure on top of this loss due to this crisis. Sending virtual hugs to you and lifting prayers for you all.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))
Budsters Mom
03-22-2020, 02:57 PM
Thank you all for your updates. So glad to hear that you all are doing as well as can be expected. This is a very scary, uncertain time. In a democratic society, idiots are free to be idiots! I did not realize the scope of idiots that run free in CA! Nothing has changed for CA. Confirmed cases are multiplying by the hour/possibly minutes. Only severe cases are even being tested. There is less than 2000 ventilators available for use in CA. That's for a population of over 40 MILLION people! Obviously, many thousands of people are not going to get care. Governor's Newsom has requested a hospital ship with 1000 beds to be sent to California. The other one is being dispersed to New York. Hospitals are trying to remain afloat under multiple times the load they are used to sevicing. Healthcare workers are being force to work without protective gear, as there is none available. They are being instructed to wear a bandanna over their faces, since all the masks are gone. CA is still on lockdown and probably will be for several weeks. It is definitely for the best. The healthcare industry is bursting as it is.
In the midst of every crisis, I try to find one good thing. So here's my one good thing… Since we are in isolation, that puts my dad and I together for 24/7. Neither of us have been too crazy about this, because we are both used to our space. However, this is the time that I have with him. I will probably never have such concentrated time with just the two of us ever again. Since losing my mom three months ago, I am going to value the time I have left with dad, even though he is an exasperating old man that drives me crazy! So there it is! We both are well for now.
Keep posting family. Let us all know how you are holding up.
Squirt's Mom
03-22-2020, 03:49 PM
Just got notification that my visitor for tomorrow will not be coming after all....Crystal Springs, the resort, is cancelling all reservations for the foreseeable future. ~~whew~~ My friend and her hubby are very disappointed and while I am sorry they have to miss this trip I am glad as well because I was worrying about their well-being. He has had 3 heart surgeries so that puts him in the high risk category too...and if something happened to him I'm not sure how well she would cope. She and I went to high school together...and she lost her adult son a few years ago so we reconnected and bonded over that tragedy. So I know how much she depends on him and needs him. I am relieved they will not be leaving town.
Just before this started, I had decided to teach myself to crochet. Thankfully I went out to one of the craft stores then and purchased quite a bit of yarn on sale plus Beth, another former member, sent me a box full of yarn she no longer needed. On my last trip to WalMart I picked up a couple of skeins needed to compliment some of the things I am working on. So when I'm not out in the yard I spend a lot of time in my recliner with Tilly in my lap crocheting and watching cooking shows. So if anyone has any yarn they need to find a home for, I'm more than glad to adopt it. :D
Harley PoMMom
03-22-2020, 04:20 PM
Thank you, ladies, for your thoughts and sympathies for my Aunt, when I went to see her right after I found out she had cancer she was in good spirits, she was a religious woman and when I asked her how she was doing her reply was that she lived a long happy life and was ready to meet her maker, that did bring me some comfort.
Yep, all paper products are gone by the time I get to the grocery store, I'll be making another trip tomorrow so hopefully there will be some there! The Governor here has closed all nonessential businesses and restaurants are only allowed take out or delivery services. My nephew works for FedEx express and is still required to make deliveries/pick ups, they do, sometimes, make deliveries to doctor offices and hospitals but I wish they would close, it makes me worried with him out there amongst people.
Budsters Mom
03-22-2020, 06:59 PM
Lori, I'm so sorry to read about your aunt. My folks were married 67 years. I hope your uncle has plenty of support. There is never a good time to lose someone you love, but right now is extremly trying. It was hard enough taking care of the details after my mom's death. I can't imagine doing it when my whole state is in lockdown. It sounds as if the rest of the country is headed that way.
Now for another good thing. I know, two in one day! I received a text and was told to go out on my front porch. I found a grocery bag with eight rolls of toilet paper and a large package of wipes. My fairy godmother had been there and left the supplies. It was a friend from work who knew that I hadn't been able to find toilet paper anywhere for the few weeks. I texted her and offered to pay for it when I saw her. She said that fairy godmothers don't take money and it felt good to do something nice for someone. I told her that I would pay it forward then and help someone else out. That is my challenge for all of you. If given the opportunity, do a small gesture to help someone else out who may be more in need than you. Maintain your safe social distance, while doing a good deed.
Budsters Mom
03-23-2020, 05:53 PM
Today's updare for CA. Warnings are over! Parking lots at parks, beaches, etc. have been closed. Citizens caught out, except for essential services are now being fined $1000. Non essential businesses, who have not closed as mandated, are also being fined. Not sure what the amount is for that. CA's governor is not fooling around. The lockdown is being enforced! The biggest fear/challenge in overtaxing the hospitals, which are already bursting. The Navy medical ship (Mercy) is being deployed to LA. The National Guard has been called up to California. They will be assisting in getting food and supplies to those in need, as well many other duties. FEMA Is also active with all areas of aid.
On the homefront, Dad is upset because he can't get a haircut and is sick of staying home. My next door neighbor thought that dog grooming was an essential service, she was wrong. Groomers have been closed. The lockdown continues indefinitely. The freeways are empty, which normally would be a gift. Now it's just scary. So far we are well here. We have supplies and food and my job is secure. I'm off on paid leave for now. The governor stated that It is unlikely that students will return to school until fall. My district has not made that determination as if yet. We are supposed to go back April 13th, after Spring Break. Since the state remains on lockdown, that appears unlikely at this point. No one is going anywhere! Anyway, We are safe and well for now.
03-23-2020, 06:27 PM
So glad to hear you’re still safe and secure, Kathy! As severe as those restrictions are, I do think they’re *so* necessary to try to slow the spread. I had my fingers crossed that our Georgia governor was planning to announce a similar plan when I heard there was to be a press conference this afternoon. But no such luck. Just a feeble rehash that restaurants are closed to sit-down meals and that vulnerable citizens should shelter in place. Sheesh, don’t you think we vulnerable geezers aren’t *already* sheltering in place??? Yes, let’s allow everybody else to be out circulating virus until the system is totally overwhelmed. Wise plan. So for the time being, we must hope that at least local mayors will have more sense <SIGH>
Just as a little comic relief, we received a letter today from our homeowners association telling us that we need to have our dirty gutters painted or replaced within 30 days, or else face a substantial fine. The letter contains a charming photo of our dirty gutter. In the midst of worldwide calamity, our dear neighbors are driving around the neighborhood taking pictures of dirty gutters. How about canvassing to see whether elderly or disabled neighbors need help obtaining groceries or medication or other vital services??? Sometimes crisis brings out the best in humanity. Sometimes not.
I’m still really trying to limit my daily news exposure because it makes me so sad and worried. From the inside of our house, you wouldn’t really know that anything was wrong or even that different. So I’m continue to wrap myself in that fantasy, at least temporarily...
Budsters Mom
03-23-2020, 07:10 PM
Just as a little comic relief, we received a letter today from our homeowners association telling us that we need to have our dirty gutters painted or replaced within 30 days, or else face a substantial fine. The letter contains a charming photo of our dirty gutter. In the midst of worldwide calamity, our dear neighbors are driving around the neighborhood taking pictures of dirty gutters.
So hilarious! Thank for the laugh! That's the south for ya! Here in CA, my neighbors would be full of creative suggestions as to where your photographers could put your dirty gutters! So funny!
Yes, limiting exposure to the news in critical. I have to unplug from all of it in the evening, otherwise sleep is impossible. Instead I put on something light like Big Bang Theory repeats. Libraries are closed and I'm on lockdown, otherwise, I could go get videos. Anything you need to know will come thru on a Special Report that will be repeated numerous times. You are not the only one on News overload. I have been graphing LA's and San Diego daily progression. It is bleak, but also helps me determine the flow and what's likely to happen next. That is much more valuable to me, than listening to horror reports by the minute. The numbers are not encouraging, yet the Math speaks for itself without speculation of impending doom. I've always been Math/Science minded, so this works for me. Find something that will inform you without the News overload. Hopefully, that will help ease your fear.
Harley PoMMom
03-23-2020, 07:24 PM
Good grief, Marianne, so sorry that those neighbors are insensitive, you'd think that they'd put their efforts into something good.
Kathy, glad to hear that your supply of toilet paper has been replenished, that was such a nice thing for your friend to do.
Our Governor has order residents in the 5 counties hardest hit to stay home, the numbers keep rising in the county I live in which is scary. I did go to the grocery store early today, 7am, and it wasn't crowded at all AND their shelves were pretty well stocked!
Harley PoMMom
03-27-2020, 08:01 PM
The Governor has just ordered the county I live in to stay home, which won't bother me much since I don't do much traveling.
Looks like we're gonna have some nice spring days here next week so I'll need to get my hummingbird feeder out! And Leslie, some of those flowers I purchased are starting to come up!
Budsters Mom
03-28-2020, 12:03 AM
Things are going from bad to worse in CA. Daily positive cases are doubling overnight and there is no end in sight. Deaths and intensive care have also increased dramatically. It is being said that CA will be the next epicenter within the next few weeks and will quickly surpass New York's numbers. That is scientific speculation based on many factors. It is bad here and gaining steam, but would be much worse if CA hadn't been first to be locked down. We remain in lockdown for the foreseeable future. I personally know of some people who are assumed to have the virus. One of them was sent to the hospital (I won't say which one). He had a severe cough and was short of breath. He was instructed by hospital personnel to go home. That he needed oxygen now, but there was none available. There were no ventilators available either. Told to come back if his breathing became very slow and raspy. He and his entire family are now in quarantine. He could not be tested to verify, because the hospital had run out of tests, so they assume he has it. This is the exact hospital that I go to with my medical plan. So, if I get sick, I'll either recover on my own, or probably die. I can't count on this hospital to have the resources needed to save me. My dad's plan is connected to another hospital. It is probably not much different there either. My hospital has always provided outstanding care. I have no complaints up to now. They just don't have the resources needed to service so many people at once. Eight medical centers attached to my hospital and medical plan have shutdown within the past couple of days, including the one with my personal physician. The system is bursting at the seams, and they are closing access to care. This pandemic continues to burn through communties gaining fuel as it goes. There is plenty of fuel in California. 40,000,000+ people to fuel the fire. So far my dad and I are doing well. Both of us are suffering from cabin fever.
My school district is preparing to transfer over to virtual learning following Spring Break, if we end up not being able to resume our school schedule. The final determination will be made next week. There are so many guidelines between the state lockdown procedures and mandates, that returning to school on site is highly unlikely. Education is considered essential, so I will continue to work either way. Staff has already attended meetings virtually, from our own homes. It is pretty cool actually. Almost a 100 staff members on video at the same time. This will be a new learning experience for staff as well as the students. We have well over 1000 students in my school alone. If we do not phsically return to school, my school district, as well as many other districts will proceed virtually. This is unprecedented. A week is the longest we've ever been out in any school year. That has happened twice due to wildfires. We have never had to come up with a plan to go virtual before.
There is a New Covid-19 cluster in my community. This is now the fourth one identified. It is in a VA administration building. My dad goes there. It is about 15 miles from my house. This VA facility serves thousands of veterans annually. Many of which are elderly and the most vulnerable population. OMG!!! Please pray for those heros who have served our country and are struggling now.
So much is happening in CA right now. Much of it is terrifying! Most people are taking this seriously now.
Better late than never. Please stay smart to stay safe and update when you can. It helps me to hear that you all are doing well. This is the second full week that CA has been on lockdown. I have two weeks now of Spring Break as the lockdown continues. I have only left the house once since we have been locked down, and that was only to hunt down groceries. I miss going to work and being with my kids. I am not terribly social, but I do miss the social interaction with friends and staff at work. We have been able to visit virtually, which does help me feel less isolated. I do expect to come through this just fine. I am optimistic as to my outcome, even if I do catch the virus. I am however worried about my dad. He is especially vulnerable. Stay tuned.
03-28-2020, 09:11 AM
Oh man, Kathy, I hate it that things are looking so bad out there, even in the midst of the lockdown. There’s so much that remains unknown, but given how much we do know, it fries my brain that so many leaders are still sitting on the sidelines. This has to be my quote of the day, coming from the producer of The Daily Show, Daniel Radosh:
It's genuinely insane that from country to country, and now from state to state, every single hotspot says "We should have acted earlier" while every place that hasn't been hit yet says, "But we don't have to act now because it's not a problem here."
We’re still sitting in limbo here in Georgia, waiting for things to truly explode. And then, of course, it will be too late.
In the absence of capable leadership, all we can do is try to self-limit our own activities and hope there are enough other concerned people doing the same. We only go out a couple times a week to buy groceries or to pick up takeout meals. I start feeling tense whenever I back out of the driveway, wondering if this will be the trip where I get it. But there’s one soul who’s loving it, and that’s Luna! She loves having her dad home 24/7, she loves going on extra “family walks,” and she loves sheltering in place with us on the couch ;-). At least it does my heart good to see her so happy!
I also love hearing about your hummingbirds and flowers, Lori. Oh, and after I wrote a scathing letter to our HOA, I got a one-line email response telling me that we’d been granted an extension to fix our gutters. So at least there’s that!
Budsters Mom
03-28-2020, 01:35 PM
Our state leaders need to be making the hard decisions, if they haven't already. CA has thousands of people out of work. The unemployemt web-sites have overloaded and crashed. I personally know of several people who have lost their jobs. It is so bad, that there is now a government mandate in effect that forbids forclosues and evictions, due to inability to pay mortgages and rent. That is just the tip of the iceberg.
Food is hard to find. Supplies are even harder. I donated several boxes of Poise pads and Depend undegarments because the nursing homes can not get these essential supplies. I think my mom would have approved of that donation. There were tons of them left after she died, which no one was using. I am glad they are going to good use. Having said all this, due to the restrictions in place, losses and cases are much lower than they would have been otherwise. Medical facilities are still operational, although stretched beyond their capacity. So yes, tight restrictions and enforcement are necessary. We are no longer free to go where we want, when we want. We are no longer free to do what we want beyond the confines our own homes and property. However, we are saving lives, which is what counts right now. No age group is immune. A 25 year old with no pre-existing condtions died in a local hospital yesterday. We have 6 week old infant whose has come down with the virus. Yes, seniors, or others who have pre-existing conditions are more likely to die from this disease, but there are others, many others, who are dying too.
Marianne, I have been watching the pandemic state maps, as far as statistics and numbers. You are absolutely right! I am no scientist, but according to the data, Georgia is headed for real trouble. Just because people think that the virus isn't there yet, they are wrong. It is in every city, town and country in the world, except for Antarctica. It could even be there now for all I know. So if you have a governor who is dragging his/her feet and not protecting you the best they can by setting restrictions, take it upon yourself to self isolate. Stay at home as much as possible, going out for essential needs only. Those who are essential workers, protect yourself by maintaining a 6 foot social distance, if you possibly can. Wash you hands often for twenty seconds and use hand sanitizer when soap and water is unavailable. If you don't already have hand sanitizer, there may not be any to be found. In that case, peroxide or rubbing alcohol will work. They do dry out your hands, so be sure to moisturize.
As far as toilet paper.... If you have had to creative, due to the unavailability of toilet paper, pleae do not flush any other paper products, wipes, etc., in the toilet. As gross as this may sound, trash them. These things often clog sewer lines and septic systems. just be careful, when you are using a substitute for TP.
New York has stepped up and are doing a phenomenal job dealing with this crisis, under dire circumstances. Many lives have been lost, with many more dying, yet they are still fighting with everything they have to save lives. They are putting themselves at great risk to help others without crucial supplies. That is my definition of heros. Let's learn from them. Thank you all for what you do everyday. Here's to the heros who continue to help others in all parts of the world.
Be smart to stay safe.
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2020, 01:55 PM
Glad to hear some of yours are coming up, Lori! Some of mine are as well. I am hoping the ones that haven't broken ground aren't supposed to just yet. ;)
Marianne, glad you got at least that small measure of reprieve! How petty of your neighbors to be doing such at any time but especially now. People who are concerned with appearances get on my last nerve. :D
03-30-2020, 10:18 PM
Well I haven't visited for a while but wanted to check in to see that everyone was safe and coping with the many challenges. My condolences to those who've lost people.
Where we are in Canada we aren't on lockdown however all but essential businesses have closed with restaurants offering take-out / delivery. Interestingly our dog groomer is still operating so Henry has had a much needed haircut. Good thing I can just tie my hair back! OH is working from home and is also the one going to the grocery store as I spent pretty much all of December and February with a variety of colds, only just really recovering at the beginning of March. He's made about 3 trips over the last few weeks and has yet to see TP or sanitiser. I'm not sure if it's because of our location but we've always had periods where items are out of stock, like the time we visited about 20 stores and none of them had toilet brushes (this was many years ago) so tend to buy items in bulk when they're on offer, so we have a large box of rice and a couple of bags of pasta. I also bulk buy Henry's food from the US and fortunately had a trip at the beginning of March so have enough for about 2 months, but will have to make plans for alternatives if this continues beyond that timeframe. I'm so upset to read that companies like Chewy have increased their prices - I will certainly remember that for the future. Our vet is offering a couple of services and will do rabies vaccinations but no others so I'm not sure how that's going to work as they are due in a few months time. Initially people were thinking life would be back to normal after 14 days then a month, and now who knows. I'm scared of making plans because I don't know when it will end, or how life will look at that time.
We are able to go out providing we practice social distancing, so last weekend we took a trip to a beach that we often visit in the winter because it's always been deserted, until now!!! The parking lot was full, cars were parked along the road, and the beach was over-run, so we just drove past. Absolutely unbelievable, and of course now all of the local and provincial parks are closed, so we walk Henry round the yard and play with him indoors.
OH's Mother passed away at the beginning of March but the funeral wasn't until mid-March and in the end he had to take the extremely difficult decision to not go. Fortunately his brother lived near his mother and was able to organize everything. A number of other relatives we unable to go because they were high risk - so sad.
Budsters Mom
04-02-2020, 04:24 PM
Well, I don't know if any of us can really be prepared for what lies ahead. CA remains under a stay at home/lockdown order indefinitly. All time lines have been removed. Covid-19 cases/deaths continue to multiply daily. CA's escalation is on the same course that has hit New York so fiercely. Only a very few essential sevices are open. I can practically count them on one hand. No public gatherings of any size are allowed. Social distancing requirements of 6 feet are being enforced. Beaches, parks, playgrounds, etc., have all been closed. All CA citzens are being encouraged to stay home. People are now attending church on-line from their own homes. This is just the beginning. There is a long haul ahead.
Post your updates when you can.
04-03-2020, 08:58 AM
Same we're being told to put something over our faces whenever we have to go out. Doesn't have to be a mask, but a scarf or something. My sister was tested this past Monday, but won't get results for another week. She's banished to the basement, but had been taking care of our mother, who is bedridden with Alzheimers, before that. She had also been at my daughter's about 11 days ago and I was there as well. Hoping we don't get it, if she does have it, but also worried about Josh who is at high risk.
My son is going crazy all by himself about an hour away from us. He is also in the high risk group and is afraid to go out of his house. He didn't run and get any gloves, masks or sanitizers before this got so bad, so he's very nervous. Plus he has bouts of depression and being cooped up all by himself is not good. I am very worried about him and as soon as my sister gets her results, if negative, I'm going to take a ride out there and bring him some food and supplies, even if I have to drop them off by his front door and just talk to him from outside.
The only upside for me is that I don't have to commute to the city. I like working from home. I like being able to be here with my doggies. I will have to make a decision if I still have my job when this is all over because I do not want to go back to the city. For two years I worried every day about terrorist attacks, and here it came in another form.
I listen to Cuomo and Fauci every day. Cuomo calms me and I trust Dr. Fauci. Jess met Dr. Fauci at the NIH on one of Josh's visits there a few years ago. He's a good man who knows his stuff.
So as my governor says, this is the new normal for as long as it takes; there will be a new normal when this is over; we will learn from this; and appreciate the little things that we took for granted before.
I know I will....
Squirt's Mom
04-03-2020, 09:03 AM
Mac it is really good to hear from you again tho I wish the circumstances were better. It is just a tough time for us all and made worse by situations like the one your hubby had to face. I can only imagine the added heart ache that brought and am just so sorry for you both. I am so glad you have each other during this tho. Speaking of hubbys....I saw a meme on FB that had two women talking. One said to the other, "I thought you said your husband was in the back yard. I didn't see him." To which the other replied, "Well, you may have to dig a little." :D:D:D Keep your spirits up and know we are here anytime you feel the need to reach out and chat a bit.
Budsters Mom
04-03-2020, 11:38 AM
Yes Joan, we are now being told to cover our faces/nose and mouth also. A state mandate went into effect at 12:00AM this morning. All essential working personnel are required to cover their faces in public. This includes banks, stores, gas stations, drive thru and take out restuarants, etc. As of now, the general public is ENCOURAGED to cover, but not mandated as of yet. Yes, they are suggesting that the public use something they have at home, such as a scarf to cover, leaving medical masks for our first responders and hospitals. Stay smart to stay safe.
Harley PoMMom
04-03-2020, 05:34 PM
Today our Governor has asked everyone to wear a mask of some kind while in public, he said if a regular mask is not available than to wear a bandanna or home-made one.
Early this morning I went to the grocery store and it wasn't that crowded, people were distancing themselves. The grocery store had yellow lines on the floor at the check-outs showing where you should stand and the people were obeying them. I got enough stuff to last me at least 2 weeks, praying that this ends soon.
Budsters Mom
04-06-2020, 01:16 PM
California publc schools will remain closed for the remainder of the school year! Distance Learning will proceed. Meals will be available for pickup at various sites. Sack lunch, along with breakfast for the next morning will be provided Monday thru Friday. This will continue thru the last day of school in June.
CA has been on a strict stay at home order since March 16th. After three weeks, Californians seem to be getting used to their new normal. Most are complying now, thanks to the $1000 fine/6 months in jail citations. Law enforcement are patrolling heavily. It is bizarre seeing video of empty freeways and beaches. Even venturing out for essentials, is weird with such empty roads.
The saga continues. Stay smart to stay safe.
04-06-2020, 08:50 PM
I saw that meme Lesley, and shared it with OH ;)
We are still not in lockdown however they are recommending people stay home as much as possible. There's no guidance about masks, scarves, etc. and on the odd trip we've made I haven't seen anyone covering their mouths. It's a bit confusing as they also say we can go out for exercise providing we maintain social distancing, so of course we see kids out playing and don't know if they are living in the same house. Schools announced early last week that they were closed for the rest of the school year.
Scary pictures from China today, where they have ended lockdown and one tourist hotspot reported reaching their daily limit of 20,000 people before 8am :(
Harley PoMMom
04-11-2020, 07:54 PM
School are now closed for the remainder of the year here too. As of today, Pennsylvania has 21,719 confirmed cases, which according to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering webpage, we are ranked 5th, this sh** is scary. Philadelphia County leads with the most number and they are only 2 hours away from me.
On a brighter note, my hands are covered in dye from painting eggs with my niece and her 5 year old girl, we had so much fun today and she is so excited to hunt eggs tomorrow!!!
04-11-2020, 09:30 PM
Oh, that’s so sweet, Lori! It does my heart so much good to picture the three of you working on your eggs; one normal thing in a crazy world! I hope you all have a grand time tomorrow:-))))))).
Happy Easter!
Budsters Mom
04-12-2020, 12:05 AM
Oh yes Lori, thank you so much for your egg story. I really needed a glimpse of normalcy in all of this!
California's strict stay at home orders/lockdown has started to pay off. It will be four weeks on Monday the 13th since our lockdown order went into effect. 4 weeks of being isolated at home has not been easy. Other than a weekly store run for essentials and taking walks, I haven't left the house. On the upside, it's working. The hospitals, although still swamped, have been able to keep up with the flow of new patients. Ventilators are plentiful, in fact, California has been loaning them out to other states in mass quantities. California has not hit it's apex as if yet, but growth has slowed down dramatically. That was the goal of the early lockdown. To slow the growth enough to help keep the hospitals/healthcare system from collapsing. I certainly hope that this is not all in vain by opening up too quickly. Yes, people need to get back to work, and I'm all for it, if it's done safely. Right now, the lockdown needs to continue because it is saving lives.
I will be working from home starting on the 13th. It will be very strange for everyone involved. That's the way it has to be right now. Stay smart to stay safe and post your updates when you can. I would love to hear how everyone is doing.
04-20-2020, 10:29 AM
Well, beginning week seven working from home...I wouldn't mind if I was busy, but sitting in front of the computer all day with nothing to do but try to look busy is boring. I would rather be doing things around the house. The president of my company let everyone know that in the next couple of weeks, there will be salary reductions; reduced hours; title changes (I'm the lowest in the admin category so can't see that changing for me!); furloughs; lay-offs; voluntary terminations; and not so voluntary.
I hope they lay me off or furlough me. I could still get unemployment and they will continue to pay their share of my medical so that I can pay mine and not have to go on Cobra. If I could hold on until June of 2021, I could apply for Medicare and then either get my SS or get something part-time. If things pick up and I could still work from home, that would be great, but I've already made up my mind that I'm not going to commute to the city anymore.
On a brighter note, my hyacinths and daffodils that I bought from the Tipper and Squirt fundraiser have come up and are gorgeous! Thank you, Leslie. I love being home and looking out over the garden! I wish I could upload a picture of them, but still can't. I can't wait to see what the alliums do!
I have ventured out a couple of times with Sibbie. It's strange and at the same time comforting, to see everyone wearing masks and standing so far apart. Glen Cove seems to be adhering to the rules of social distancing. My husband goes out and does most of the food shopping. He must think we're going to starve to death! There is so much food in the freezer we could probable live for six months without shopping if we didn't need milk, eggs, toilet paper, and of course tonic for our gin and tonics!
I feel safe at home and hope you all do too. I'm happy to be home with my Sibbie, Gable, Cooper and Doree. Cooper is like my shadow now; I move he moves; I sit down, he's next to me. I know he feels safe with me here. Sibbie and I are so in tune with each other, she is getting quite good at reading my body language...not quite as much as Lena, but she's getting there. I know Gable feels better that I'm home. He doesn't have to worry about not being able to get out if he has to. And Doree is happy to have her dad here all the time. She only gets up when he does and then follows him around all day. Poor little thing is exhausted by 7:30 or 8:00 at night. She gets off his lap and climbs up her ramp to go to sleep in "her" chair with her heater blowing on her and sleeps a good 12 hours.
My sister did test positive for corona. She got the results back 4/8. So she's down in the basement for another two weeks. So far my mom, her husband and son have not shown any signs...unbelievable! She is lucky that she didn't have to go into the hospital, her lungs are finally opening up. She had every symptom and still wouldn't accept that it wasn't a sinus infection until they called her with the results.
So who knows how much longer this will go on. I think it will be a while until they come up with a vaccine. I never got the flu shot, but I will damn sure get this one when it's ready!
04-21-2020, 08:52 AM
So glad to receive your report, Joan, and to hear that you, hubby, and the dogs have settled into a regular, safe routine. I feel pretty much the same way here. One day just kind of blends right into the next, but I’m so grateful that my husband is able to work from home. We’re still totally isolating aside from dog walks and grocery store runs, and will undoubtedly maintain this regimen for quite some time — the governor of our state notwithstanding. Imagine my surprise at learning that bowling, tattoos, massages, nail grooming, and big-screen movies are the core activities so critical to our well being that we’re to risk our communal health to allow them to be the first to rush to reopen. Wow. Hopefully the common man and woman have better sense and a stronger desire for self-preservation than that, including the owners of those businesses who want to better protect themselves and their employees.
Either way, *we’re* not going anywhere very soon. Luna loves having her dad home 24/7, and we all three are focused on making this our new normal for some time to come.
Budsters Mom
04-21-2020, 07:19 PM
Yes, I had no idea how crucial certain services are in the state of Georgia! Who would've thought that tattoo parlors, hair and nail salons, movie theaters, and bowling were so important, as to risk so many lives. I sincerely hope that Georgians are taking it upon themselves to continue to stay at home until it is deemed safe by the scientists to emerge. That is a very surprising stage one plan for any state, particularly one that has not reached its peak yet.
I just lost a my lengthy CA update, as my Ipad froze. I am working from home, as all the schools are closed and I've been spending my days on devices, so I don't feel like typing it again right now. I will attempt again in the next day or so. Stay smart to stay safe.
molly muffin
04-23-2020, 04:58 PM
Hi everyone, safe here in Toronto, Ontario.
Hubby and me are into week I don't know, 6(?) working from home. Our entire company went to work from home in about a week, all of our office across Canada are basically closed down.
This weekend we are springing my MIL from our retirement apartment and bringing her to live with us till this has past. We just think she will be safer here with us. We have basically everything delivered, and if not delivered then pickup with no contact. That seems to be working for us. We've opened the pool and once the weather is warm enough, she can enjoy the backyard, bbqs with me and hubby.
Most things are shut down here, except for essentials, like grocery, etc. Nothing frivolous is open. I have ordered clippers and will be grooming vanilla myself. First one was last weekend and she looks a bit cute of course, with a side of homelessness? LOL
Our family is all safe, but I've had nurse friends who have been tested (negative so far) another friend in California who they think had it in December and she is at home but still on oxygen. A friend of mine here in Canada has it, another friends FIL in a nursing home tested positive. People I work with know people who have passed away. It is scary and they learn more all the time about it. Like the blood clot issue. So I don't think it's going to be safe for awhile. I don't know what the new normal will look like, but if it is like the old normal, then it will be risky I think.
Anyway, we are doing good and just dealing with the new reality. Everyone stay safe! Love ya!!
04-24-2020, 08:15 AM
Oh Sharlene, thanks so much for your update. I’m so relieved to know that you and Daniel are safely working from home, and I’ll bet Vanilla is loving having you around 24/7. I have to laugh hearing that you’ve bought clippers for her — I keep thinking I should arrange a video session with my hair stylist so she can coach hubby on giving me a haircut! So far, though, he says “Nah, I don’t think so.” We have a friend who’s taking her dog to a drive-through groomer. They come to the car all masked and gloved and take the dog inside while she waits, and then return it to the backseat the same way. If I could do the grooming at home, I’d prefer that, though, myself. I’m going over this morning to pick up Luna’s regular NSAID Rx from our vet, and they don’t want me to come inside even for that. I’m to call when I get there, and they’ll bring the bottle to the car.
I do understand about you bringing Daniel’s mom home. If my mom was still alive, I believe we’d be doing the same thing since she never needed any specialized care and would have done fine with us. It just would have been so hard on us all to have been separated during the quarantine. Her retirement complex has just registered its first positive case, and that would have made us so worried. These are such tough times, for sure.
Anyway, thanks so much for checking in and please continue to do so. We miss you very much!
Love, Marianne
04-24-2020, 04:20 PM
Lol! My husband has been cutting my hair for the last couple of years and right now, I couldn't care less how it looks! After working in NYC since 2018 and seeing some of the styles, nothing he does could look worse! On the other hand, he butchered Sibbie's last year after our groomer decided she wasn't going to come to Glen Cove anymore. When I texted her the picture she wanted to know who weed-whacked her?? LOL!
Budsters Mom
04-26-2020, 10:44 PM
So glad to see you Sharlene, and know that you'll doing well. At least as well as can be expected.
California is still on a stay at home order with very tight restrictions. Pretty much all we can do walk around our neighborhoods maintaining social distance, grocery shop, get gas ( though nobody is driving) and visit a drive thru restuarant. Restrictions are starting to ease in some parts of the state. Beaches and parks, in a few cities opened this past weekend, with many rules of course. They are still closed where I live, but are expected to be opening soon. We have been experiencing a heat wave, making the beach sound wonderful! Particularly since almost everything else is closed and people can't go into work. May as well go to the beach, yet we can't just yet.
Working from home feels weird. I'm sure my students are feeling the same way about distance leaning. We are making it work. It's a enormous change and challenge for all.
Take care everyone!
Squirt's Mom
04-27-2020, 08:53 AM
Good to see you here, Sharlene, and especially good to know you and yours are doing well!
Harley PoMMom
04-27-2020, 10:30 AM
Went to the grocery store this morning, wearing my mask as ordered from our Governor, and was able to purchase everything I needed! Misty and I are going to bake cupcakes on Wednesday, she loves to help with the mixing and measuring and I love having her.
Pennsylvania's numbers continue to climb with a quarter of the cases located in Philadelphia, in York where I live we have 563 confirmed, Philadelphia has 11,152! We still have a strict stay at home order, which like I mentioned before doesn't bother me too much since I'm such a homebody, however a friend of mine that just retired in March is really taking this hard. He had so many trips planned, and he is a such a social butterfly so this stay at home order is just driving him nuts.
The monarch butterfly season will be starting in June, can't wait for that, I'm ready to see those beautiful winged creatures!!!!
04-29-2020, 10:47 AM
Is today still scheduled for cupcake baking??? You’re an inspiration to me, Lori — after reading your reply, I headed out to get cupcake supplies for myself. So I’m gonna be baking away today, too. :D:D:D:D
We’re supposed to have rain and storms this afternoon (hopefully not severe...). So I figure it’ll be cozy to turn on the oven and treat ourselves to something comforting to snack on. I know you’ll be having great fun with Misty. Luna, of course, will be my little four-legged helper ;-))).
Bon appetit!
Harley PoMMom
04-30-2020, 06:03 PM
Yes, cupcakes were baked yesterday! Misty wanted to color/paint me a picture instead of helping with the cupcakes, which I thought was fine. I had bought her a brand new pair of PJ Mask sneakers that light up (PJ Mask are her favorite cartoon characters) so she wanted to make me something to show her appreciation, isn't that just precious!!!! She ended up spending the night, we watched movies in my bed, ate popcorn, and some cupcakes! We had a ball!!!!
Budsters Mom
04-30-2020, 11:29 PM
Hey Lori, I want to spend the night at your house! Sounds like a blast! Having a precious little one around makes everything better! Keep us posted, okay?
05-01-2020, 09:38 AM
That does sound like great fun, Lori! I have taken Sibbie over to see my grandsons a couple of times this past week. She misses Josh terribly! I think now that the weather is getting warmer, we might go for walks with them or go watch while they ride their bikes in the school parking lot. Only Sigi goes out to do the shopping at their house and Victor usually does ours, so our exposure to the virus has been limited. The only places I go to are to get dog food and dog meds and it's curbside pickup.
I should know next week whether I still have a job. HR will be calling next Friday to let employees know if they've been laid off or furloughed. I am conflicted! On the one hand I do not want to have to go back into the city, but on the other, I would hate to be let go. I like my job, just not where it moved to...and of course there is the money issue :). But whatever will be, will be. I wouldn't mind being a more available grandma, especially if Sigi and Jess both go back to work and the schools have not opened.
We'll see!
05-01-2020, 10:27 AM
Well, our plate that held 12 cupcakes on Wednesday is now down to holding 6, so I’d say that “baking day“ was a big success in both our houses! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Budsters Mom
05-01-2020, 08:59 PM
Here it is.... I am feeling extremely conflicted right now. Been under a very strict stay at home order since March 16th. I have only ventured out weekly as needed for essentials, then right back home. My brain tells me stay the course. That's it's needed for now. That I am keeping myself and others safe. However, I feel like my house is closing in on me. I am used to being on the go. My routine has always started with going to work. Now that I'm working from home, I'm feeling out of balance and stressed. I am most certainly not alone with these feelings. They are probably quite common right now. I remain home for now, except for social distancing and wearing my mask when out for essentials. I know it won't be forever, but it sure feels like it sometimes.
05-01-2020, 09:38 PM
I hear ya, Kathy! The uncertainty about the timeframe is the part that is hardest for me. We’ve been so careful so far and I don’t want to blow it all due to a momentary lapse. But I also know that we can’t live this way forever, and I’m not sure what to set as my personal criteria for being willing to risk a bit more exposure since it’ll likely be months before things truly change for the better in terms of treatment or control.
So far, the saving grace for me has been taking Luna for her walks morning and afternoon. I either just walk on the street in our neighborhood, or I drive her over to a nearby office park that has a lake and miles of largely deserted sidewalk. There are a few other people walking, too, but there’s no problem with staying far away from one another. Since it’s outside and I’m never anywhere near anybody else, I do dispense with wearing my mask most of the time. For those two walks each day, I almost feel normal again. Soon it’ll be too hot here to venture out in the afternoon, but we’ll continue our early morning walks all through the summer.
Since it sounds as though efficient transmission of the virus is much lower outdoors, I suspect that’s the manner in which we may start to “re-enter” face-to-face interactions down the road. Maybe meeting up with a friend outdoors for a chat or even a picnic, but keeping ourselves on blankets or chairs that are a good distance apart. Of course, we may need bullhorns to communicate with each other, but at least we should be relatively safe! I’m not yet ready to risk even that, though. And I’m figuring that May will come and go before anything at all changes much around our house. These are tough times, for sure, and another reason why I’m so glad I can always come here to visit with my K9C family.
Squirt's Mom
05-02-2020, 12:06 PM
Wait a minute, made cupcakes over the weekend and yesterday you still had SIX left?! Ya'll aren't doing this confinement thing right at all! You are supposed to be cooking and eating and cooking and eating over and over and over til you can't get into any of your clothes. :D
05-02-2020, 12:47 PM
:rolleyes: Hey Les, I made the cupcakes *late* Wednesday afternoon, and by Friday morning they were half gone. And um, there are just two left now. :o
I think I’ve got this eating, eating, eating drill pretty much perfected, because in all seriousness my pants really are all too tight and I can’t go shop for more :(. Thank goodness for sweatpants and the fact that all my video chats with friends only involve my face...!!
Squirt's Mom
05-02-2020, 03:30 PM
Well that's better! :D:p:D
Harley PoMMom
05-03-2020, 08:51 PM
EATING is about all I do!!! I did venture out yesterday and got me some flowers! I went to a locally owned farmer's market, pulled into their parking lot at 7 am, which holds maybe 6 vehicles! I was the only person there and an hour later my truck was full of flowers! It was so nice to go somewhere besides the grocery store and my Uncle Ray's house. Can't wait for the weather to stay nice so I can get those flowers outside, for right now they are in my garage, I always wait until after Mother's Day to plant flowers outside...come on nice weather!!!
Squirt's Mom
05-04-2020, 09:44 AM
Beth and I were talking yesterday about all the eating we are doing and I told her that by the time we could, I would be a WalMart person in church 'cause I won't be able to get into real clothes! :D She's gotten into sourdough bread, making her own starter and baking all these wonderful looking loaves. I'm not specializing in any area.....I cook every day which I never used to do and of course that means I have to eat what I cook since no one else is here. Thankfully I do have a small chest freezer tho and try to put at least some of those things in there for later. Cakes soaked in orange sauce freeze quite well and become a gooey delicious mess. :o:D
Budsters Mom
05-08-2020, 11:52 PM
Major meat processing plants have been forced to close due to Coronavirus outbreaks. This has created a meat shortage. My local Wendys will not be selling hamburgers for several weeks, as they are not able to get beef. It isn't a big loss for me, as I'm not a big meat eater anyway, but who ever heard of such a thing? There is very little meat available at my local grocery stores and purchases are limited. They have just started to get a handle on paper products and now meat is next. Disenfectants, peroxide, rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer are still really hard to find and are limited to one, when they do have it. Back to the meat shortage.....I was told today that dog food will be taking a hit. Supplies will start to run out and there will not be sufficient meat available for the plants to produce large batches. Especially hard hit will be the specialty, single protein formulas. If you have a dog needing a particular food, it would be smart to have more on hand to cover any possible shortages that may occur. You might want to pick up an extra bag if you can still find it.
I hope that everyone continuous to stay smart an as safe as possible.
05-09-2020, 10:35 AM
Oy...I guess I should be happy that hubby bought a lot of meat.
Well, it's official, I am on furlough until possibly November. ETS will pay my whole medical, dental and vision until September, but then I'll have to pick up Cobra if I have not been taken back yet or gotten another job. At least I will have time now to enjoy redesigning the garden and spending more time with the grandkids and dogs. Gable and Cooper are both suffering with back problems right now so being home means I don't have to worry about them while at work...silver lining?
I just hope I can get on unemployment!
05-10-2020, 08:28 AM
Oh Joan, I sure hope the unemployment payments do come through for you. But for sure, there’s indeed a silver lining for your family — I know they’ll love having you home! My Luna is so happy having her daddy home with her 24/7. Butt rubs and head scratches anytime, on demand ;-).
Also, Kathy, I hadn’t given any thought to how a meat shortage might affect pet food. But I guess a whole range of supply chain issues may alter the manufacture and contents of some foods. Here’s an article I found from a pet food professional organization that discusses what’s known about the current situation. I guess a lot probably remains unknown, though, because manufacturers are probably not yet eager to publicly disclose any problems they may be facing...
I’ve got probably a couple months of food on hand for Luna. But I feed her kibble, so I don’t want to stockpile beyond the “Best by” dates because I know that kibble can go rancid relatively quickly — especially after a bag has been opened — and that is unhealthy, too. <SIGH> Yet one more issue to be aware of and to try to plan for!
05-20-2020, 11:14 PM
Oh Kathy thank you so much for mentioning the possible issues with dog food. I will get a bag of food for Henry just in case, as he's reacted badly to a couple of foods in the past. One of the local pet stores was offering home delivery so I may see if they have some food in stock.
Here we have started to re-open, which has meant that the places I walk Henry which are usually deserted are now over-run with people :-( We went for a walk in a local park and there were cyclists everywhere, and none of the were even trying to socially distance. I have to say that I've got used to staying home as OH is doing the grocery shopping after I had several really bad flus over Christmas. I think I'm going to feel a bit strange when I go into a store for the first time.
06-27-2020, 06:56 PM
Hey everybody, it’s been a while now since we’ve had folks checking in. I hope all our family is remaining safe! One day just blends into another for me, now. Virtually nothing has changed about our routine here. Hubby and I continue to stick very close to home. Still no haircuts, no restaurant dining, no outings other than just us two & Luna. I’m actually kind of surprised that I’m mentally holding up pretty much OK — I guess that just shows how much of a hermit I really am in spirit. But the prospect of so many more days without end amidst the worsening statistics does cast a deep dark shadow. My county lists data specific down to even our zip code, and unfortunately we’re part of the new upward trend again. I had so hoped that maybe things would settle down some over the summer and give us all enough time for a bit of a break (and the chance to get that haircut!). But right now, definitely not looking so good. At least our stores are starting to regularly stock toilet paper again, so at least there’s that...
One of my few joys has been tending to my container flowers. I do feel the risk is worth it to head over to Lowe’s and Home Depot to pick through their garden shops. I so love my flowers! In that vein, Lori, here’s a question for you if you happen to read this. Hubby was just reading about growing milkweed to lure the monarchs, and I’m wondering whether that would be suitable to grow in flower boxes. Growing up in the Midwest, I saw it growing profusely wild along all the farm roads. I don’t have room for an inground garden in my yard, but I just wondered if I could grow some in boxes or containers, as well. So if you read this, just let me know.
OK, everybody, I’ll close for now. But as I say, I’d love to read some updates from you all, as well.
Do stay safe!
Harley PoMMom
06-27-2020, 10:39 PM
Hey Marianne!
I do grow tropical milkweed in containers, common milkweed is what's native in my area and comes up every year. The tropical milkweed I started from seeds indoors because it gets too cold for that type of milkweed as it is a perennial in climates that stay warm all year long. One thing I do want to make you aware of is that when buying plants from a store that they may use pesticides which will kill the caterpillars and butterflies, even though they say they use "environmental friendly" pesticides, they are not. Members have posted on the monarch FB group I belong to that their caterpillars/butterflies have died when they ingested leaves from store bought plants so they recommend washing the leaves with a 19:1 ratio of bleach and water.
At the end of fall before the first frost I bring my tropical milkweed indoors and have very good luck with it thriving all winter long in those containers. Also with the tropical, you can start new plants from stem cuttings, I just snip off a leggy stem, throw it in some water and before you know it there are roots growing.
Still waiting for the monarchs to show up, last years journal states that on the 28th of June is when I saw the first monarch and collected eggs, so hopefully tomorrow will be the day!!!
Budsters Mom
06-28-2020, 12:01 AM
Hello Ladies. So happy to hear that you are well. So much to report here. I have no idea where to start, so I guess I'll start at the the beginning. The last I reported California was still in a total lockdown. The virus has continued to wreck havoc on many communities, but mine was pretty much spared until recently. Enough so, that we were able to open up just a bit and I was actually able to get a haircut (with guidelines in place) a few weeks ago. That was so weird! That has all changed now. The virus is now running rampant across most of the state, including my community. I would not be able to get a haircut now. Hospitals are once again filling rapidly, including intensive care units. Our state is more prepared than it was before. We now have plenty of ventilators and PPE. So that is good! Masks are mandated for the entire state of California when out in public. Social distancing is a way of life here now. I haven't been out much, except for that one haircut and essential items. I did manage to see a friend and visit with her in her backyard, while social distancing. I am on Summer Break from work, which usually means I am flittering around everywhere. I am healthy and safe for now, but have gone a little stir crazy.
I typed out a whole lot more. My iPad froze and I lost it. Hopefully I'll have a chance to continue tomorrow. Stay safe everyone!
06-28-2020, 09:16 AM
Well, things are opening up here too. It's a little scary, especially when we are seeing the resurgence in other states that have reopened. My daughter is back to work with all new precautions; she finally got her hair done, too; my son-in-law is working a few days off the books at the bakery; I have ventured out to the bank, but have really not gone anywhere other than the few places i had been going to.
We are going to go to Beni Hana Friday night for Josh's 12th birthday, so that will be an adventure. It's inside dining, so hubby is a little nervous.
Glen Cove has been doing outside street dining for the last couple of weeks. From Thursday through Sunday, they close the street off from 6 - 10pm. We haven't gone yet, but Jess did with their family after spending the afternoon at Jones Beach this past Thursday and said it was fine. I noticed that the train station had about six cars parked there the other's been so weird seeing it empty all these months. I used to have trouble finding a spot!
I heard from a coworker who told me that our office is leaving the WeWork on 7th Avenue and moving to another WeWork in Harlem. I doubt very much that I will be taken back now since they all know I do not do the subway! The LIRR fares have gone up and now I would have to pay more?? Then take a taxi?? NOPE! I just turned 64 and I'll be damned if I am going to kill myself doing all that traveling now, not to mention the risk of getting the virus...
My hubby is going to start going back into his office for a few clients. That will give me some time alone to get things done besides following him around and cleaning up after him...he's such a slob! Plus he thinks I'm his valet...Joan bring me my glasses; my appointment book; could you make me some tea; what's for lunch, dinner; arghhhhhh!! Go back to work!! LOL! Doree will be devastated, all she does is follow him around and sit on his lap all day while he's on the phone. She won't even eat anymore unless he's holding the dish for her...she follows him around the garden while he talks with his earpiece. The good thing is that he's spending more time taking care of the flowers and veggies, which he hasn't had time to do for the past few years. We will have a bumper crop of tomatoes, cukes , hot peppers and eggplants soon! I planted it all and I love watching them produce! And our garden looks awesome with the both of us here tending to it. I've got so many pictures, every day something new opens up. I just love all the plants I bought from the Tipper and Squirt fund raiser!
And of course, my guys are very happy to have me home. Sibbie knows instinctively when I'm getting ready to go out and makes sure I don't go without her! Cooper has been coming out to Jeremy's with us. I had hoped to get him comfortable enough to stay with Jeremy for a few days to keep him company, but that's not going to happen. He has attached himself to me and panics if I leave even to to put the garbage out. Now he wants to come in the car with me and Sibbie all the time, but just bringing him to Coram is nerve wracking. He got carsick on the way out last week, ugh! But he did better this week. He loves Jeremy, but I'm afraid that he won't be happy there. I went out to get something that I left in the car this past Friday and Jeremy said he ran to all the windows to watch me, crying the whole time. Oh well, it was worth a shot. We'll just visit every Friday. Jeremy can't go back to work until the pandemic is over because of his HIV status and he is really lonely. He's afraid to go food shopping, so Thursday I got a list from him and bought him a whole lot of stuff. He has enough to last him for few weeks now.
I wish I could bring Gable too, but with his arthritis as bad as it has gotten, I don't think he can do the stairs at Jeremy's apartment. I feel bad leaving him home, but he does get a nice, quiet, restful day, I think. He's doing good. Still drinking a lot, but manages to go all night without having to go out and pee, so the 5mg is doing something. He doesn't like being out as much as he used to, it's way too hot and humid for too! We venture out when it cools down in the early morning and late afternoons. He's my big, beautiful boy and I am going to keep him as comfortable as I can.
Wow! I guess I really needed to get all this off my chest! LOL! I am happy that we on the forum are all safe! Stay well!
Budsters Mom
07-14-2020, 05:14 PM
Hello everyone, I hope you are all safe and healthy among this continued pandemic. I am going to TRY very hard not to get political on this post, although it will be very difficult. Istead, I'm here to report on my state of California. The virus is sweeping through my state with record numbers, as it is with many other states. It is referrred to as a flare-up, or hot spot. In reality, it is a forest fire surging out of control with no end in site. California is the most populated state with more than 40,000,000 people. That is a massive amount of fuel for a raging pandemic! Hospitals in the southern part of the state have been stretched beyond capacity and ICU units are overflowing. PPE is running out, once again. Medical professionals are in short supply. All are overworked and many have fallen ill, or have tested positive for Covid. Medical staff is being sent to CA. About 150 people should be arriving soon, or have already arrived. I'm not sure of the exact number.
This all leads me to current restrictions. The entire state has been under the following restrictions for several weeks now. They are a closure of bars, movie theaters, family enertainment, card rooms, zoos and museums. 80% of the state, which include 33 counties (so far) are on the governor's watch. My county is smack dab in the middle of that list. It is a list that you don't want to be on, because that means that the covid cases in your area are rising rapidly. New restrictions for these area go into effect at Midnight (tonight). They are a closure of all indoor dining, barber shops, hair salons, fitness centers, churches and worship centers, offices for non critcal sectors, personal care services and indoor malls. Basically, most indoor businesses that meet the essential guidelines will remain open. The rest will be closed. Outside businesses will remain open for now. If these restrictions don't work to slow the spread of the virus, another total shutdown will be imminent.
There has been a lot of pressure for schools to fully open country wide. Again, I will try to stay away from the politics and just report. The two largest school districts in California are in Los Angeles and San Diego. The have thousands of students to prepare for. The have announced that they will be returning next month via full time distance learning for the time being. Stating safety concerns for staff and students. In California, each individual district will make the determination as to the best way to serve their students. There is not a blanketed state order. I work in a small district. As of now, we are hoping to return to on-site learning. Just what that involves is still being worked out. Of course, that will likely change if Covid cases continue to rise substantially.
As for me, as of now, I'm doing okay, but hate being trapped at home all the time. So much uncertainty is uncomfortable for me. The pandemic rages on. Stay safe my dear family and let us all know how you are doing.
07-16-2020, 12:12 PM
Hi Kathy, and thanks so much for your update although of course I wish the news was better. One day continues to blend into another for me here. We stay in the house except for dog walking, grocery & takeout food runs, flower buying to swap out the dead plants in my windowbox, and brief errands that can’t be avoided. Here in Georgia, we’re experiencing a rapid escalation in cases, as well. I may have mentioned that my neighbor on one side is a respiratory therapist — she’s back to collecting “hazard pay” due to the number of emergency hours and intubations that she has to perform. My neighbor on the other side became ill a couple of weeks ago, and he and an adult daughter have both tested positive. Clearly our suburban “arc” is finally also joining in the uptick in cases that has been plaguing intown Atlanta. So my social distancing rules are being reinforced in my mind daily — aside from hubby, I simply don’t allow myself to come closer than six feet to anybody, anytime. Even chatting for five minutes in my neighborhood. And I wear masks religiously when I’m out and likely to interact with others.
With that in mind, I was stunned this morning to awaken to the news that our governor has now officially forbidden city and county officials from issuing local mask mandates, even in areas where cases are exploding. Actually issued a formal regulation yesterday to that effect. Anybody tempted to move to Georgia right now? No, I didn’t think so. And...I’ll just leave it at that.
I am not sleeping well, undoubtably due to generalized anxiety as to whether/when an end will be in sight. But having said that, I continue to recognize how lucky I am that we have a comfortable home within which to cocoon, and that hubby can continue to work from here. I really have little to complain about, other than dearly missing personal contact with family and friends (and still no haircut!).
Stay well, everybody!
Budsters Mom
07-16-2020, 03:24 PM
Yes Marianne, I did see your govenor's directive regarding masks, on CNN this morning. Yes, nation wide. What does that tell you? CA is experiencing massive surges, but I think I will stay where I am. We have a state wide mask mandate here. I really have a hard time breathing through them. I feel claustrophobic and lightheaded when I wear one, but I do religiously wear one EVERY TIME I venture out for anything. So many concerns right now. School possibly re-opening, wearing a mask all day, etc. I'm not a kid anymore. I have dad to care for. I could re-tire and not return to work, but I'd hate to go out before I'm ready due to COVID fear. It has been said that students are less vulnerable, don't catch it as easy, and recover faster, with many of them asymptomatic. What about the teachers, aids, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, all of the adults? What if they have vulnerable family members at home? So many worries. I don't know what to do.
With that in mind, I was stunned this morning to awaken to the news that our governor has now officially forbidden city and county officials from issuing local mask mandates, even in areas where cases are exploding. Actually issued a formal regulation yesterday to that effect. Anybody tempted to move to Georgia right now? No, I didn’t think so. And...I’ll just leave it at that!
07-16-2020, 03:48 PM
Gosh Kathy, I’d be so conflicted, too, if I were you. I’d really be tossing and turning at night!!
The thing that seems especially scary to me is how much the researchers still don’t know re: potential lasting invisible effects from this virus. I know the consensus is that younger kids don’t seem as vulnerable to catching it or falling visibly ill. But you’re right — what about all the adult teachers and service providers? Plus, I just saw an article yesterday that was speculating about possible lasting brain or pulmonary changes in even outwardly asymptomatic kids. Soooooo many question marks about this blasted illness!!
Back six months ago, who’d have dreamed where we’re finding ourselves now?!?! Although right around the first of the year, I remember seeing a tiny little article about this weird new “flu” that had been seen in a few patients in China. I even thought “Hmmmmmmm...” at the time. But never, ever did I imagine where that story would lead :-(((((((.
Budsters Mom
07-16-2020, 11:27 PM
I have been home since March 13. We did not return to site after spring break. Instead, we ended up doing the distance learning thing for the rest of the school year. So, I did work, but I worked from home and am very grateful that I was paid up until summer break. I have been at home for four months already, only venturing out when absolutely necessary for supplies, or my sanity. It is pretty sad that the highlights of my week revolve around senior hours at Walmart or Costco. In another month, I am expected to return to on-site learning. Covid cases are running rampant here right now and it’s so much worse than when we originally went out in March. I desperately want to see my kids again. I have missed them terribly. I miss my friends and social interaction, which is weird because I’m not really all that social. So yes, I am concerned about returning to the school site in the midst of this pandemic. I know of several staff members who are updating their wills and trusts this summer. Who would’ve thought that teachers and staff would be afraid to return to work. Afraid for their own safety and the safety of their family members. Afraid that their students will get sick and take it home to their families. To their parents and grandparents, many of which live in multi generational families. Yes, the best place for students to learn is at school from teachers who truly love them and fight for them every day. Right now, who
is fighting for all of the dedicated adults who lovingly serve our children day after day, year after year? I hope someone is because I am truly scared and know others are too.
07-17-2020, 09:07 AM
It is really scary. Jess is frantic that they are talking about the kids going back to school here in Glen Cove. There's no way they can keep a kid like Alex social distancing and God forbid he brings it home. Sigi is the same age as me, 64! Even though Josh can fight off viruses, who knows if this will be the one that he can't. They are both back at work, Jess at a cardiologist office and Sigi in a bakery, both pretty risky, but they have to make a living. They do family things together, bike riding around Glen Cove, movie nights at home, a few get togethers with one family they are very close with. We see them often, I babysit on days that Sigi gets called in to work the same days that Jess works. Outdoor places are opening up so we may start going on adventures again...we'll see. Josh and I like to drive around and look at houses. Seeing people with masks used to be so weird, but now it looks so normal. I hate wearing them, their hot, my glasses fog up and I feel like I can't breathe. As soon as I get out of the store, off it comes!
I really only go food shopping, to the pet stores, vets, farm, and Hicks for plants. I just started going to an outdoor market the last couple of Saturdays and enjoy it. Our own veggies are getting bigger, and I have a neighbor who keeps us stocked with lettuce, cucumbers and pretty soon tomatoes.
I'm still on furlough and the pandemic insurance ends next week...not going to be able to pay all my bills with just the unemployment money. The thought of looking for another job just does not appeal to me at all. The dogs are so used to me being home that it will confuse the crap out of them, plus I don't want to start over. My only hope is that I will be hired back remotely. We'll see...
I'm taking Sibbie and Cooper out to Coram to visit with Jeremy today, that should be fun. I wish I could take Gable too, but I think the long ride and steep stairs at his house will be too much for him. He can have a nice peaceful day here with the house to himself.
Budsters Mom
07-20-2020, 05:48 PM
Well, there is a new mandate regarding schools released from Governor Newsom, dated July 17, 2020. Previously, school reopenings in CA were up to the individual school districts to decide how to best serve their community. That has changed. School districts may open for on-site learning ONLY after their county has been off the govenor's watch list for 14 straight days. The criteria for the watch list involves several criteria. Some are rate of new positives, hospital capacity/ICU beds available, number of weekly outbreaks, etc. The number of outbreaks allowed in one week per county is 7. My county had 23 recorded outbreaks in one 7 day period. Needless to say, we remain on the governor's watchlist for the foreseeable future. So, even though my little city remains low as far as COVID numbers, we are considered part of the county for the purpose of reopening. My small school district had been planning to re-open. It is possible for superintendents to apply for a waiver for reopening from the Department of Public Heath to consider. That is the only way a district, in a county on the watch list, might be able to open. All counties on the watch list, and those who have not been off of it for 14 straight day MUST start the school year on Distance Learning. That amounts to about 80% of the state, as of now. New counties are being added to the watchlist every few days. What does that mean for me? There is still time to get off the watchlist in time for an August 19th reopening. That is not looking likely at this point. I do want to go back. I think that most people do. However, I need to feel that it is safe to do so. So for now, it's a wait and see approach for many.
Squirt's Mom
07-22-2020, 09:21 AM
There is not enough money in existence nor threats strong enough nor reasons compelling enough to cause me to go back to work in a school setting nor send my child back to a school setting. Period. Full stop. To do either or both is asinine in my book.
08-30-2020, 02:53 PM
Hi everybody, just checking in once again to see how you all are doing. Absolutely *nothing* is different in my neck of the woods, so my own post will be quite boring. Oh, I do have one bit of good news: my sweetie doggie Luna celebrated her 12th birthday yesterday :D :D :D. Neither Barkis nor Peg made it to that milestone, so her Dad and I are feeling very lucky and grateful this weekend. Her walks are now only very short, very leisurely strolls. But she still loves them, and I treasure every single one of them, too.
Aside from that, it’s same-old, same-old here. COVID cases are down a bit, but still too high to feel as though community spread is yet under any real control. So we remain hunkered down in our house except for really necessary errands. My hair is now long enough that I can at least corral it into a ponytail. I bought a set of vari-colored scrunchies at the grocery store today, and felt as though that was my big fashion statement for the summer!
Ah well, we’ve now survived for five months like this — hopefully there’ll be some good news about a vaccine or treatment in another 5-6 months. Fingers crossed, that’s for sure!
Squirt's Mom
08-30-2020, 05:47 PM
Before the pandemic hit, I started growing out a pony tail with the intention to get it long enough to donate to use for wigs. They tell me gray hair in in demand. :) That requires at least 7" of hair. The pony tail is now past my shoulder blades! There is a collection of scrunchies, clips of various sizes, barrettes, and other implements of hair containment in my bathroom. I have stared longingly at my dog clippers more than one I promise, going so far as to take them outside one day and plug them in but I restrained myself with considerable effort! :D:D:D I cannot wait to get this mess cut off and I will never grow it out again. Since we aren't supposed to touch our faces I started cutting off the hairs that were too short to contain but long enough to get on my face making me want to brush it away so now I have a halo of short gray hair around my face. LOL So I've added some old fashioned hair bands and kerchiefs to hold that down. Always a fashionista! :D:D
I've been out of the house more in the last 5 weeks than in the whole time since March. Dentists, doctors, and PT....and I can tell you I am on pins and needles waiting for 30 days to pass when I don't have to see one or the other! :( :eek: If I could find and afford a hazmat suit to wear to those appointments I would gratefully. As it is I wear mask, gloves, and face shield and hold my breath when they get close if at all possible. Hard to do with a dentist let me tell you! :eek: I am so looking forward to the time when I can isolate once again.
Like you, Marianne, I am praying for a viable vaccine soon. Hopefully everyone will be able to get one that will work at least as well as the flu vaccines do so that if we do get the virus it won't be as hard on us. Be nice to have one that simply makes the risk next to nothing but I will take anything for now. As we learn more hopefully we will have better weapons to use against it.
Happiest of Birthdays to our sweet Luna! I can only imagine how blessed you and her dad feel to have her reach this milestone. I pray she is with you for a long time yet to come!
Ya'll take care!
Harley PoMMom
09-04-2020, 12:43 PM
I have 37 monarch caterpillars in their chrysalis, they should be eclosing within the next week, these are the super-migrators and will be the ones that fly the whole way to Mexico to roost.
My niece decided to cyberschool Misty, which I believe is best, Misty likes having school at home as she is a momma's baby! It's 5 hours long, her school day starts at 8:45am with breaks in between plus homework.
Not much else going on, hope everyone is safe and well.
Hugs, Lori
09-29-2020, 09:54 AM
Hey there, Lori! OK, so we need an update on your butterflies :-) Surely hoping they all stayed well.
Also, Kathy, how have things worked out for your students? Are you back in the classroom?
And we'd love to hear from everybody else, too. *I'd* especially love to hear, because my life is still so self-contained -- nothing has changed here at all, and one day just blends into the next, into the next, into the next...
Budsters Mom
10-03-2020, 08:55 PM
Hello All, I hope this finds you all well and happy. Marianne, so glad to hear that you have kept yourself safe. I know you have exchanged your freedom for safety. I imagine you are going pretty stir crazy about now. Thankfully it won't be forever, but it sure feels like it I'm sure.
I haven't reported in a while because frankly I don't have anything happy to report. I am still waiting on Addy's one good thing. Everything just kind of went to hell since mom died the end of December. First there was Covid, then the California wildfires and excessive continued heat. My AC broke down twice in a week. I'm hoping that it is finally fixed now.
Yes, I returned to work at my school site on August 19. We were distance learning only with staff on site, no students. It went surprisingly well. The kids were great and I was enjoying it much more than I thought I would. Maybe that's my one good thing! I also felt relatively safe with Covid protocol in place and only staff on campus. That left me pretty much alone in my classroom, except for one other adult. SDC (Special Day Class - Special Needs) students returned to site full day on September 14th. So all of my kids returned except for 3 who opted out, deciding to continue distance learning for this school year. SDC classes are generally much smaller (12-14 students) verses regular Ed., with as many as 35 per class.These smaller classes allow for social distancing, so SDC came back full day. The remainder of the students (regular Ed.) returned last week on 9-28 in the AM, PM hybrid mode. Half the kids at a time, teaching double sessions. So we now have all the kids back on campus but most half day.
So how is it going for me. I can't go into much detail because of confidentiality issues. I will say that I felt much safer while on distance learning. A huge chunk of my day is swallowed up by COVID protocol. Temperature checks, hand sanitizer, hand washing stations, keeping masks on students and myself etc... The list goes on and on. I know this protocol is necessary. I just wish we had stayed on distance-learning until there wasn't so much of it needed. I consider retiring EVERY SINGLE DAY! I didn't sign up for any of this! I have a real breathing issue with masks. I have to wear one all day. With poor air quality due to wildfires and excessive heat, I come home most days with heat exhaustion. It will get better. I know that. It will be cooling down soon. There will be a vaccine eventually. I am healthy so far and just keep pushing on. Aside from work, I am still going out only for essential needs.
Stay safe everyone!
That's about it for now...
10-09-2020, 05:42 PM
Hey Kathy, thanks so much for the update. I had read it right when you posted it and intended to reply right away, but now here it is, almost a week later...
You'd think that being holed up in my house all the time, I'd be incredibly efficient re: following up on my "to-do" checklist. *WRONG*!!!!! If anything, I'm even less productive than pre-COVID. Nobody comes to visit, so does it really matter if the dust bunnies grow into a herd?? Tomorrow will look pretty much like today, so why not take a nap (or two) instead of organizing that pantry?? I can probably get another day or two out of wearing that same sweatshirt -- why rush with the laundry??? It's a really weird dynamic -- there's very little urgency to the tasks of any given day, and yet the weeks really do roll around quickly. Seems as though I've just brought the dumpster in from the curb when it's time to haul it back out again. Life in the time of COVID. Very strange.
ANYHOO, I was so glad to read your update, although I do worry about your work exposure. I know you're staying as safe as you possibly can, and how lucky your students are to have you in the classroom with them. I've definitely got my fingers crossed that you'll continue to remain safe, and that all the combined conditions in California will improve as we head farther into the fall.
Continue to take good care, and check back in with us whenever you're able.
Harley PoMMom
10-10-2020, 03:08 AM
I've released 51 Monarchs this year and still have 11 in chrysalis, these 11 are very late in the season and I'm worried that when they eclose the weather will be too cold for their release. We've been having temps in the high 60's and 70's and if this keeps up they'll be fine so I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that this will be the case when those late bloomers eclose.
Marianne, I remember you were thinking about growing milkweed, what did you guys decide?
10-11-2020, 05:13 PM
Hey Lori, yes, I was considering trying to grow some in containers a while back. But I honestly never see any monarchs around Atlanta at all. Actually, sadly, very few butterflies of any type. So I started wondering whether there was even any point to growing the milkweed. I guess the city must be a pretty hostile environment for the butterflies, what with all the mowing and landscaping chemicals. So I kind of lost heart. I’m so glad to hear you ended up with so many to release again this year, though! That’s much cheerier news, for sure.
Harley PoMMom
10-12-2020, 02:06 AM
If you plant milkweed they may come!!! I hardly ever saw butterflies until I started a butterfly friendly garden. Now swallowtails and monarchs play homage to the flowers I've planted, every year I add a new perennial and next year I plan to make the flower garden larger to accommodate more milkweed, gardening relaxes me even though it can be hard work!
10-12-2020, 10:36 AM
It's good exercise too! It was way too hot and the mosquitoes were horrible this year to get out and do anything. It's finally cooling off and I can sit in my gazebo again. Actually had the electric fireplace on a few times the last few days. I love sitting out there listening to the birds and crickets.
I was laid off on the 22nd, so I am officially a housewife. I have been busy trying out squash recipes, mostly soups. It's nice to be puttering around the kitchen and the house smells so good while they are simmering on the stove. Gable and Cooper love the roasted squashes, so I make extra just for them to snack on. I've also been making pies. They love apples, peaches and plums, too. I may not be bringing in any money, but like to think we are saving on buying lunches and dinners...
For the first time in years I won't have to kill myself getting ready for the holidays. They will be a lot quieter this year. My sister and her family will be moving to South Carolina in November, so it will probably be just my kids and grandkids this year. Hopefully we can avoid the second wave if there is one...
Squirt's Mom
10-15-2020, 10:22 AM
Life continues pretty much as usual for me. I lived fairly isolated before COVID but I do miss my infrequent visits with friends and family....and REALLY miss going out to eat! I love to grab a good book and go do that but haven't been in a restaurant since March and don't know when I will again. Probably not until there is a viable vaccine at least. Most of my groceries are either via online order/pickup or delivery but on rare occasions I do go to the store. These times have become my big adventures. LOL But the last month I have been almost incapacitated by diverticulitis - a hell I don't wish on anyone! I dearly love food, as my waistline will attest to, but am learning that food is now my enemy. A liquid diet seems to be where I am going to be staying for a while because every time I try to add something solid the cost is just too high. So it's liquid or full liquid for now. What I wouldn't give for some Sushi! :o
Since my family is of the faction that believes COVID is a big ole hoax that will disappear on Nov 4, I will be spending the holidays alone this year. It won't be the first time but this year my oldest grandson turned 19 and I know his days at home are numbered so I will miss being together with them more because of that.
The dogs are doing fine and as always help bring meaning to my little world. I don't see may coons these day; my troop has all died I guess. There was one female that came around this spring for a while and I think she was one of the kits from that troop. I had hoped she would bring her kits around and there would be coons around again but it didn't happen. From time to time I see signs at the water bowl some have been there and I hear them in the woods at night often but they don't come out to visit. I miss them terribly. But I still believe Squirt sent Mama that spring because she knew her time was close and that I would need Mama and her buddies for a while.
I pray always that we all remain well and safe in our new normal and that one day things can return to a semblence of what we used to call normal in the near future. Take care of yourselves, please.
11-12-2020, 06:27 PM
I pray always that we all remain well and safe in our new normal and that one day things can return to a semblence of what we used to call normal in the near future. Take care of yourselves, please.
I want to restate Leslie’s prayer. With the explosive growth of COVID cases throughout our country, it’s hard to know what the future will hold. Everything is just the same in my house; nothing at all has changed. We enjoyed a surprisingly fun Halloween, which I wrote about on our “In Loving Memory” subforum. Aside from that, we’ve still seen no friends nor family since March, and continue to cocoon in hopes of avoiding the virus. I’m so hoping the rest of our K9C family remains safe, as well.
Squirt's Mom
12-03-2020, 11:06 AM
I swear! Dogs are gonna be the end of me! :D:rolleyes::D A few weeks ago a gorgeous Alaskan Husky showed up in my neighborhood and you-know-who got a leash on him and proceeded to try to find his home. My friend and neighbor walked miles with me asking folk if they recognized him with no luck. So she took him home with her (because Bud was being a huge butt for some reason) and I posted him on Facebook and the Neighborhood forums. Two days later, on Monday, my neighbor's niece, who lives on the other side of her, told us the dog belonged to a friend of hers....the friend had posted on FB asking for help in finding her baby. YAY! His home was found! So the niece and my neighbor were going to take him home. I went down to the niece's house to help load him in her car. Thinking only about the dog and getting him back home I forgot to put my mask on....none of us remembered to mask up. After some struggles, which mean being almost face to face several times, we got that big handsome boy loaded and on his way back home.
Two days later my neighbor called to tell me we had been exposed by the niece. :eek::eek: She and her boyfriend had gone to a wedding that same weekend that the dog showed up. 25 people had know, that "limited" number of people for a gathering? One of the bridesmaids had a "bad cold" but just had to go and be there for her friend. The niece said everyone took off their masks for pictures and at the reception. The day after the wedding the girl with the "bad cold" was in the hospital with COVID. All 25 people at that "limited" affair ended up with COVID because of this young lady's "cold". Two remain on a ventilator. :( Thankfully my neighbor and I tested negative on two tests and only had to endure a quarantine which ended 4 days ago.
Meanwhile all my doctor appointments during that 14 day period had to be rescheduled starting yesterday. Over those 14 days ARK's numbers have started climbing at a frightening rate with no end anticipated which means I, and my neighbor who also has health issues, have to get out in public during the worst time in our state so far. I want to blame that young lady for putting her desires above the welfare of others but the fault actually lies with me and that blooming dog! :o:rolleyes::D
I am very very grateful I didn't get sick!
12-04-2020, 01:15 PM
OMG Leslie, I’m so glad you didn’t get sick, either!!!!!!!!!!
<SIGH> If only people would realize that wearing a mask and social distancing are acts of compassion and generosity to protect *others* who may be more vulnerable and at risk. Even though they may not be worried about themselves, if only they would carry concern in their hearts for others...
Oh well. As far as your dog-wrangling, though, you’ve made me realize I probably always ought to be carrying a mask in my pocket, myself, at all times when I’m walking Luna. I always walk in very low traffic areas and distance myself from anybody we encounter. So I haven’t been taking a mask along with us outdoors. But heck, somebody else might need emergency help, or I could trip and fall, myself. And it would be so important for me to have a mask to put on then. So lesson learned, and thank you very much!
On a lighter note, I recently read a Twitter exchange that made me laugh. Can’t remember who it was, so I can’t credit them for the humor. But this is how it went:
First person (Asking quite seriously): “Given all we’ve been through this past year, if your 2020 self could go back in time and give some words of wisdom to your 2019 self to help prepare for what’s to come, what would you say?”
Second person: “Buy lots of toilet paper.”
And in my mind, that perfectly summarizes the surreal year that 2020 has been for us all!!!!!
Budsters Mom
12-05-2020, 12:00 PM
Well, I wish I had some good news to report regarding COVID-19 in California. That is not in the cards right now. The virus is surging like a wildfire in CA, and we know them well! CA has been divided in 5 regions. Once the capacity of ICU beds dip below 15%, that region will be placed on a stay at home order. I live in Southern CA. My region is now at 13.1% capacity, which means that we are the first to receive the order. It goes into effect at 12:59 PM today. Most businesses will close, as before. However schools with a waiver will remain open following the guidance of CDPH (California Department of Public health). It is too dangerous to allow people to gather in any capacity and to enforce a stay at home order, yet it is okay for schools to stay open for in person instruction with precautions in place. Since I am a staff member in one of these schools, I have to be careful what I put out on any kind of public forum. I will just say that there is COVID-19 circulating through schools, as it is everywhere else. Each day is beyond stressful, as that is the day that I might bring it home. I am being tested regularly and have remained virus free up through my last test. At this point who knows, until my next test. I am hoping that we end up going back on distance learning, at least for now. I know that help is finally on the way with vaccines getting approved in record time, but not soon enough. People are dying in record numbers, which keep going up and up. Yes, kids need to be in school for so many reasons. Yes, they are far less likely to become seriously ill than adults. No one disputes this! That's what we all want. Doing this in the midst of a surge is incredibly risky for those adults, particularly older staff members, and those with pre-existing conditions. They also risk taking it home to vulnerable family members who are unlikely to fare as well.
To sum all of this up… Covid sucks!
I realize that many of you may be suffering due to this global relentless pandemic! Please be careful and try to stay as safe as you possibly can because HELP IS ON THE WAY!!!
Budsters Mom
12-18-2020, 03:52 PM
The inevitable has happened. I am now in a 14 day quarantine. I am a close contact in two positive cases from work so far. I was already in quarantine when I got word of the second case. My quarantine started again yesterday and goes until The 30th. I remain symptom free so far. Will be testing on the 26th, unless symptoms surface sooner. They have found that testing is being done too early resulting in false negatives. So, symptom free, testing is recommended 7-10 days after exposure. This directive comes from the CDPH ( California department of public health), which oversee the Covid cases that occur in schools.
Southern CA is experiencing very high hospitalizations. LA has run out of ICU hospital beds. Other emergencies, not Covid related are not able to get care because all beds have been ultilized for Covid. Heart Attacks, strokes, car accident and other emergencies are unlikely to get timely care, which will result in even more unnecessary suffering and deaths. We are on shutdown here with only essential businesses open. With our population so large (more than 40 million people)this situation was expected to occur. That doesn't make it any easier right now. Healthy health care workers are in very short supply and vaccines are extremely limited for now.
I am fine for now. Waiting out my quarantine through Christmas and beyond. December 20th is the one year anninversary since my Mom died. There is a lot happening. Trying to stay safe and keep Dad safe too. I hope you all are too! Check in and let us know how you are all holding up.
Oh Kathy,
I just saw a headline about how devastated the hospitals are in CA and thought of you so came here and saw your post. How hard for you to be going through this and I hope you remain symptom free. There has been some talk from the CDC about cutting quarantine to 10 days if you remain symptom free.
It all feels inevitable somehow, I agree and I know I need to tread carefully so will only say, it is upsetting because the outcome of the virus did not need to be this way and leave it at that.
Stay strong, Kathy. It will all turn out ok. Do you know when you can expect your vaccine?
Keep us updated.
Budsters Mom
12-19-2020, 12:39 AM
Yes Addy, I totally agree with your quote below. I will also leave it at that!
Thank you so much for coming here to check on me. It warms my heartthinking that you saw a bleak report concerning CA and thought of me. Unfortunately, those hospitalization/ICU reports are true. CA has purchased thousands of body bags and has dozens of refrigerated storage units on standby as it prepares to deal with a growing death toll from COVID-19. 60 53-foot long refrigerated units ready for counties and hospitals are a sobering statistic.
Dad and I are wearing masks whenever we have to be in the same room. He is practically deaf, so I have to write everything out on a white board for him. Staying apart all the time is difficult, but we are managing. My main fear about contnuing to work was the possibility of bringing the virus home to Dad. Now I am living that possibility. I started my winter break in quarantine which will last most of my break. I am still hoping that my district will close to in person learning and go back on distance learning until numbers improve dramatically. If it doesn't, I am afraid that more quarantines will happen and my risks will compound with each quarantine. I never would have thought that going to work would cause so much anxiety.
So thinking of my one good thing. Addy's mantra.... Dad is still with me and we are both doing well for now. We are so much better off than millions of families suffering due to this pandemic.
Remain strong EVERYONE!!!
PS.. No Addy, I have no idea when I will be able to get the vaccine, but it won't come soon enough! Originally Posted by addy (
it is upsetting because the outcome of the virus did not need to be this way and leave it at that.
12-19-2020, 08:43 AM
Gosh Kathy, I’m so sorry to read that you’ve been exposed, but keeping my fingers crossed that with each day that passes, you remain symptom-free!! What a weird and upsetting situation for us all to have the hope of the vaccine dangling in the distance like a carrot on a stick at the same time that we’re trying to dodge the contagion. My county issues really detailed COVID statistics down to the zip code, and for some reason, my suburban zip code is literally exploding with cases right now. Almost the worst in the entire extensive metro area. Why, I wonder?? Could it be related to the fact that the streets of my subdivision were packed with visiting cars on Thanksgiving?? I just dunno what people are thinking. Seriously. I shudder to think how much worse Christmas will make things. You better believe that the instant I have the chance to be vaccinated, my sleeve will be rolled up.
Anyway, I’ll surely be hoping that you and your dad stay well. I know this Christmas would have been a challenge for you, anyway, regardless of COVID. It will be for us, too. It’s really hard to be cooped up in the house without my mom here alongside us. I’m trying to keep up with at least some of our little rituals, but I really wish we could have just gone away to the mountains again like we did last year. There’s such a hole in the house here. But at least we’ve managed to stay safe so far. And I certainly shouldn’t say “at least” because staying safe is *huge.* Hoping that the same remains true for you, your dad, and the rest of our K9C family!
(And BTW, I love seeing Elf Buddy reappearing as your avatar — that’s definitely my one good thing to start out this chilly December morning :-)))))))
12-19-2020, 09:11 AM
This is so scary, and it did not have to get to this point. When I see these morons saying how it's their right NOT to wear masks, I just want to scream. How can people be so utterly STUPID?? The schools are still open here, but my grandsons are doing virtual. Josh can not be exposed. Even if we get the vaccines here, he can't get it...not until they find out it's safe for kids with CGD. It is mind-boggling and embarrassing that this is happening in the United States in this day and age!
So far here on Long Island, things are not bad. Seeing masks has become the norm. Josh says he can't even remember not wearing one. What a way for our children to grow up...Hubby and I have been in and out of hospitals and doctors' offices for weeks now and I am surprised that neither one of us has come down with it. I just hope we can get some answers on what kind of cancer he has and how it's to be treated before it gets bad here and we won't be able to get any kind of treatment. He is supposed to start chemo on Tuesday at Northwell, but we got a call from Memorial Sloan Kettering yesterday and they don't want him to start until we've seen a doctor from there. They feel we should be using them. They are the gurus of cancer, so we have a telehealth call set up for Monday...we'll see what they say. I'm not cancelling the chemo yet. I was googling until late last night and found some information that I hadn't seen yet and I'm not sure Northwell has a real handle on it. From what I read it is a lot worse than we are being told, and I think they have been way too slow in testing. If his doctor had paid attention way back over the summer, I think he would not be in the shape he is now with pain and increasing symptoms, not to mention that the symptoms are getting worse. If either one of us get Covid now, I don't know what we'll do.
I have no Christmas tree is not finished, the house is not decorated, I just wish we could go back to last year.
Okay, I'm done venting...I got myself a Grinch mask for Christmas. I love it!
Please be safe, dear friends. And I hope you have a Merry Christmas in spite of the awful mess we are in.
Harley PoMMom
12-19-2020, 10:03 AM
Oh Kathy, I am so sorry that you were exposed and am praying for you. Joan, you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers too.
On a lighter note, we received 10 inches of snow Thursday!! Been busy shoveling, man, that's backbreaking work!!!! BIL came down later on with his snowblower and helped, and my Uncle plowed out my mailbox plus the lower part of my driveway. My driveway is an "S" shape with a steep incline so I told my Uncle not to plow out the rest for fear that he would get stuck or wreck his vehicle. Misty and her Grandpa came down later that day and went sledding in my back yard, she had a ball and so did Jax, he loves the snow even though it is almost higher than he is, he was hopping around in it like a bunny!!
Please stay safe my friends! Hugs, Lori
Budsters Mom
12-19-2020, 11:39 AM
Awwwwww, thanks for your sweet story. Always love to hear about your and Misty's adventures. Jax sounds fun!
Misty and her Grandpa came down later that day and went sledding in my back yard, she had a ball and so did Jax, he loves the snow even though it is almost higher than he is, he was hopping around in it like a bunny.
12-20-2020, 08:44 AM
We got lots of snow too...thank God for my next door neighbor and his son who lives across the street. They keep our walkway and driveway apron clear with their snowblowers. I just had to do the backyard for the dogs, which was not easy. I didn't do as good a job as I usually do and it is pretty treacherous out there now...and it's snowing again. I don't care...I do love the snow! So do Gable and Cooper. Cooper loves to run and jump into the drifts, while Gable loves to bury his face in and eat the snow. He loves it when I throw snowballs at him and shovels full of snow over him. The girls don't like it much. Lena used to love to run with the boys and bark while they wrestled in the snow. She would come in weighted down with little snowballs attached to her fur and I would wrap her in a towel and cuddle her until they all melted. I miss her so much. I just put all her ornaments on the tree last night.
Sigi took the boys to Morgan Park where all the kids sleigh ride and they had a blast. They got to see lots of their friends for the first time in months. I think it must've been like a reprieve for them all. They were all masked up and stayed an appropriate distance different. I wish I had been able to get out and go with them to get some pictures.
Josh and I are going to St. John's barn sale today in Lattingtown. It's the last day they will be open until the Spring and I'm sure we will get many bargains as they will be trying to get rid of as much as possible. $5 bags that you just fill with as much as you can. He's got his wallet ready! I really don't need anymore stuff, but you never know...just might find that one thing I never knew I needed! LOL!
Budsters Mom
12-26-2020, 07:42 PM
COVID test update....
Tested on December 24, 2020 (Never would have imagined that I would be to Covid testing on Christmas Eve!)
NEGATIVE RESULTS - December 25, 2020
One day turnaround at our local Education testing site.
Quarantine ends the 30th.
Southern California is in a critical Covid situation. Someone is dying every 10 minutes in Los Angeles. There are no staffed ICU beds available anywhere in Southern CA. The only way one opens up is if someone dies, or improves enough to leave the ICU. Emergency services (Paramedics) have been told not to transfer patients to the hospital. To make them comfortable and keep them home if it all possible. Very grim here. Yet, many are ignoring the stay at home order and are gathering anyway. This is following the Thanksgiving celebrations. The results of Christmas and New Year's celebrations are likely to collapse our healthcare system and numerous, unnecessary deaths will be the result.
Please do all you can to stay safe and protect your loved ones.
12-26-2020, 08:43 PM
So glad you got a negative result, Kathy.
12-27-2020, 08:36 AM
“Ditto” !!!!!!!!!!
12-30-2020, 02:09 PM
Hi all
First off, happy holidays! Popped in to say hi, but not liking what I am reading on this thread. In New Zealand we just spent the holidays with our families and friends, We are able to attend concerts, sports, shop freely and generally enjoy life with no covid cases in the community. We did a hard lockdown way back in March for six or so weeks and since then apart from a couple of blips have been covid free. Our border is closed, ppl can come here but they are in managed isolation facilities for two weeks and must have a couple negative tests before they can be released. We do have positive covid ppl in quarantine at the border. We are fine with that, we do not want ppl bringing it here. I think the main difference, we are a country of islands and it is easier to defend but our Prime Minister always listens to our health experts to keep us safe and long may that last.
I had a bloody run in with breast cancer and had had mastectomy three months ago. Luckily low grade and they got it all so no need for chemo or radiotherapy. But still knocked me for a six. Back at work now, still juggling mum and dads health issues, dad in hospital at the moment but I took him home for Christmas Day and hopefully he will be out soon.
nice to read all the happier news
molly muffin
12-30-2020, 03:37 PM
Oh wow I missed this thread and had updated my thread for vanilla earlier
We are back in lockdown here in Ontario Canada as our cases started to go up after having decreased in the summer. Basically people just not taking care and some still
Thinking this is no mire than the flu. My neighbors entire household tested positive. They aren’t sure who got it or when where but they all got sick, quarantined, till they tested negative. My nephews wife’s uncle passed from it. One uncle and his wife went to an out of state wedding, stopped at the other uncles home to visit I. Their way back. Gave it to them. Both uncles came up positive and one didn’t make it.
My friend in California has tested positive, got it from a nurse. Unfortunately that friend had gotten sick last January and has been oxygen every since. So for a year. She didn’t test positive for covid then but had pneumonia. Now she has it and has moved to the motorbike to stay away from Family. She is in California.
Someone at work lost Their mom To it. It isn’t just the flu. I don’t know what is wrong with people, not caring about others and putting them at risk.
We have had his and downs with supplies but never ran out of anything. A few times toilet
Paper or paper towels would get a low stock, but you could always find it somewhere else.
I use Instacart aLot and order in groceries, etc. I try to support local business by ordering and doing curb side pickups whenever I can. So many businesses are going under it is sad.
There is a local consignment store that does online video of new arrivals 2nd hand and they ship all over the world so I’ve been ordering stuff via them They been in business a long time and I hate to see how this has hurt them. We do the same with local pub
Everything that comes in gets washed or quarantined before use
Got to run but everyone hang in there. We will get through this!
01-24-2021, 04:28 PM
Hey everybody, just thought I’d add an update and I’ll hope to hear from other folks, too. First off, thank you to Trish and Sharlene for stopping by earlier! It was so good to hear from you. And secondly, I can hardly believe it’s now been a year since we first had the inkling of what we were in for. But just an inkling — I’d never have dreamed that I’d go so long without seeing my family and friends in person. Never in a million years. To quote the Grateful Dead, “What a long, strange trip it’s been...” But here we are, with fingers still crossed for a better year ahead.
In that vein, hubby and I are incredibly lucky that we got our first vaccine dose last week. It really was dumb luck that we got access, but we jumped at the chance. We got the Moderna vaccine, so will wait a month for the second shot. I ended up with a *really* sore arm and felt kind of blah the next day. But by the second day, I was fine again. They say the second dose usually packs the stronger punch, so I may start taking some Tylenol in advance the next time around. But no matter what, it’ll be well worth some discomfort to get the protection.
Aside from that, the only real news on my end is that Luna’s been battling a GI upset for about six weeks now. Kind of a remitting, relapsing battle with very soft, nasty stools and occasional inappetence. She’s not been acutely ill, but also not entirely herself. She’s been on Rx food, and recent bloodwork showed mildly elevated ALP and ALT, so she’s now on Denamarin and we may need to shift her away from the Previcox and over to Galliprant. Repeat bloodwork to be done on Thursday, so we’ll see whether or not there have been any changes. I have to laugh: hubby and I have been postponing all our personal medical and dental visits all year until we could get vaccinated, but I must have made a half dozen trips to the vet’s office since early December to get food, meds, and to take her for testing. What we won’t do for our furkids! Anyway, I’m *so* grateful to have at least started the vaccination process.
OK, that’s it for now. I’ll be hoping to hear from you all, too!
01-24-2021, 08:52 PM
Good for you, Marianne! The doctor Jess works for arranged to have all of his staff vaccinated, so she got her first shot a couple of weeks ago. Hubby could get one through Memorial Sloan Kettering, but he's starting chemo tomorrow and radiation on Feb. 3, so I think we will wait.
Funny, Gable had a bout of something last week, bloody diarrhea for about two days. Ran to the vet for a PVT and some Flagyl. Test came back at 4.2, so I don't know what happened. Started him back on the Vetoryl today...and yes, I have run to the vet and pet store routinely during this year and have not gone anywhere for myself at all. Although we have had more exposure through hospitals and facilities in the last few months because of Victor's cancer.
I hope Luna starts to feel's so stressful when they are not themselves...
Squirt's Mom
01-27-2021, 10:09 AM
I am SO GLAD you and hubby got the vaccine process started, Marianne! Even tho I have a letter from my oncologist stating that I am high risk I've been told I won't be able to get one until at least AP. So I will stay hunkered down in my isolation for a while yet. But I am really looking forward to feeling a little bit more secure getting out and being able to go to church and be with family and friends. I'm pretty much a loner but this year has been harder on me than I would have ever dreamed. But I have stayed busy crocheting and working on clearing out the woods beside my house. The vines had gotten so thick they formed a curtain preventing any breeze which meant my house was growing mold and algae requiring frequent pressure washing. Plus a critter called a Woolly Aphid took up residence in the thick brush and made my ramp quite hazardous with their slick deposits....and also killing most of the grass on that side of the house. So maybe with the brush cleared out those things will improve. I can't work every day nor for long when I old degenerating spine calls me a dumb broad quite often and very loudly. :D:D I answer by spending a day or so in the recliner on a heating pad hooking my yarn. LOL
My digestive issues remain tho not as intense as they were. I am still trying to find the foods that I can eat with the least negative response and the ones I should never even look at. The weight loss continues but at a slower pace than when this first started.
Joan, I pray your hubby does well with his treatments and that they are 100% successful. Five years from now we will celebrate his transition from cancer patient to cancer survivor. :)
Thankfully my babies are all doing well. Sophie and Tilly had dentals earlier this month and between them they lost 13 teeth! The rescue had told me when I got Tilly that she only had 3 teeth left but they were wrong - NOW she only has 3 left. :D She was already on soft home-cooked food so there was no issue with her food and Sophie is doing well on soaked kibble....she thinks she really special now! LOL All three got a clean bill of health other than the needed dentals for those two. Tilly's kidneys are still doing great - SDMA of 5! I had been a bit concerned because she has an upset tummy from time to time and doesn't' want to eat but Squirt had those times as well so we carry on when she's ready to eat. Bud's eyes have not gotten worse and for that I am happy. He has proven that old adage that you can't teach an old dog new tricks isn't correct. He has learned to lay down and roll over since we started treating his eyes. :cool: He's such a good and smart boy. I don't know what I would have done without them this past year. ;)
I am choosing to be hopeful for the coming year that we will be able to start living our new norms, having learned what is truly most important to each of us and what we are better off without, giving us more fulfilling and meaningful days ahead.
01-27-2021, 03:07 PM
You sound good and positive, Leslie! So glad that you and your babies are doing well. I have been thinking of taking up my crocheting again. I haven't done any in 12 years and it might give me something to keep my mind off of all of this. I made baby blankets for everyone but my own grandsons. I still can't figure out why I just could not make one when Jess was pregnant with Josh, and of course now I regret it. They have three cats now, so I wouldn't even bother...maybe hats. We'll see...
My husband said a ratio of a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to one cup of water in a spray bottle should get rid of them, maybe not right away, might take a few treatments.
Harley PoMMom
01-28-2021, 01:10 AM
Marianne, so glad you and hubby were able to get your first round of shots but sorry your arm hurt afterwards :( And hopefully Luna will be feeling much better soon.
Joan, I'll be keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers. I've been wondering how Gable was doing so thanks for the update and hopefully soon he'll feel like his "ole" self.
Leslie, sending positive thoughts and energy your way, fingers crossed that you'll find food that agrees with your gut. Also, happy to hear that your furkids are doing well, SDMA of 5!!! WooHoo!!!!
I'm doing good, I'm a homebody so staying at home is fine with me. I've started a ton of seeds indoors for those monarchs and am so hoping for a plentiful migration this year! Jax turned 2 years old Feb 26th and he has quite the personality!! Loves his ball and knows it by name, he'll go find it when I ask him to and he'll even drop it on my lap so I don't have to bend down. He's not quite the lap-dog I hoped for but I love him so much. He just hates when I trim his rear end and growls at me the whole time I'm doing it but when I'm done he's so happy and loves on me as if he's saying his sorry for all his fussin!! Misty's Dad bought her a phone for Christmas, I think she's way to young for it but that's just my opinion! She does call me and send text so that part is really nice!!
Hope everyone stays safe and well!!!
Hugs, Lori
Budsters Mom
03-03-2021, 11:27 PM
Well, I am finally back with good news to report regarding Southern California. Although we are still in the purple tier, our numbers and hospitalizations are dropping rapidly. We now have approximately 30% ICU capacity. This is an enormous improvement as our ICUs were at zero capacity for several weeks. Paramedics can now take those in need to the hospital, rather than making them comfortable and letting them just die at home, due to lack of space. we are starting to see a light at the end of a very long tunnel.
I have been working full day with students on-site since September 19. I have had to quarantine several times and have tested regularly. Many others have dropped like flies around me, but by some miracle I have stayed well. I was finally able to get my first Covid vaccine last Saturday. K-12 Education has been made a priority. 10% of California's federal vaccine supply has been earmarked for Education. Another 10% of our county's supply has also added to that. So now 20% of all vaccines are going to school staff. We are now being vaccinated very quickly. This is all happening to provide a push to getting all students back in school on site. The majority of our school districts here remain on distance learning. My district provided families with the choice of in person instuction, or distance learning this year. The majority of our students have returned to school. SDC (Special Day Classes) returned full day on September 19. The rest of our students attend a AM/PM hybrid model. They did not return until January. Our SDC classes contain less students, so we are able to properly socially distance. This is not the case for our regular education classes. That is the reason for the hybrid model. Half the students at a time allows for that distancing. Although I was very leery at first, it has worked well with mitigation efforts in place. That is a closed campus with only staff and students in attendance, 6 foot social distancing, plexiglass barriers on single desks, hundred percent mask compliance, continuous sanitizing, handwashing stations, testing and tracing, small cohorts of students who remain together all day. etc. There is very strict protocol that must be followed by all, such as no mixing of cohorts ar any time. We all pretty much bathe in hand sanitizer all day! However, my district has managed to remain open. We have had many class closures, including mine due to forced quarantines. In that case, the quarantine classes go back on distance-learning for that period of time, then return to school.
As for Dad, he is continuing to do well. Very lost since mom died, but remains healthy for someone who's about to turn 90 in a few months. He has been able to get both of his vaccines, which has reduced my stress. My main fear was taking the virus home to him and losing him too. I will be getting my second dose on the first day of my spring break. That actually works quite well. If I get any reaction, I'll have two weeks to recover before returning to work. By the way, no symptoms from the first shot. Not even any arm soreness, which was expected. I have heard that more reactions occur after the second dose. Dad got pretty sick for a couple of days following his second dose. He got the Moderna vaccine. I got the Pfizer vaccine.
That's pretty much my update for now. I was determined not to post again on this thread until I had some good news to report. Most of my previous posts have been dismal at best. I hope this finds you all happy and healthy. Stay safe and post your updates when you are able. I'd like to hear how all of you are doing.
03-04-2021, 09:16 AM
Hey Kathy, it’s great to see you back here, and especially with your good news. WHEW!!! :D:D:D
Hubby and I recently got our second shots, and I felt like dancing a jig afterwards. I was so grateful and relieved. We got Moderna vaccine, and definitely had a more intense reaction to the second shot. Very sore arms, mild fever, fatigue, achiness. But it only lasted for a day. By the second morning afterwards, I woke up feeling great. I’ve heard that more folks may be reacting strongly to Moderna than Pfizer, I guess because the Moderna dosage is somewhat higher. But regardless, one day of feeling crappy is a tiny price to pay for the protection.
Yesterday marked two weeks after our second shot, so we now officially qualify as being fully vaccinated. Given our age and the fact that Moderna may be a bit less effective among older adults, most aspects of our life will remain unchanged for now, though, especially until we all get a handle on the new risk of variants. We’ll still be generally masking, social distancing, and holding off on restaurant dining. But we’ve finally scheduled our haircuts and dental cleanings, I feel safe enough to go to the grocery store at any time of day as opposed to the crack of dawn, and I plan to in-store shop for some new jeans. I know that jeans with ripped out knees can be stylish, but still...;-)
We’ll soon have a small cadre of friends who are all vaccinated, too, so the huge decision will be how comfortable we feel about finally getting together again *without* masks. I’m waiting for the CDC guidance to come out about that. That first maskless encounter, whenever it comes, will probably be a mixture of both joy and anxiety for me. As much as I want to get together, I’ve become so hyper vigilant about distancing that I imagine it will take some time to feel like it’s OK! I’ve actually had dreams now where I freak out in the middle of them when I realize that people are talking close to me without masks. Seriously. IN MY DREAMS!
But overall, I feel so lucky to have gotten vaccinated this early. And I’m so glad to hear that you will soon be protected, too. Good grief, our teachers are so deserving!!!
Continue to stay safe, and hopefully now you’ll feel like coming back here even more often. We’ve missed you!!!
Squirt's Mom
03-21-2021, 09:36 AM
Got the second COVID shot yesterday, Pfizer, and it has hit me hard. Fever, aches, scratchy throat, stiff muscles, sore arm, no energy at all, headache. So I will be in the bed til this passes. BUT don't let this discourage anyone!! It is well worth feeling like crap for a few days so I don't get this virus. Over all the physical negatives I feel very grateful, excited, and free again. ;) So if you haven't had your vaccine - go get it 'er done, as the feller used to say. :)
03-21-2021, 10:00 AM
Getting my 1st Pfizer shot on April 5th! My son had bad side effects from both of the Pfizer shots, but was prepared for the second which didn't hit him as hard...lots of fluids the day before and day of (pedialyte, etc.), tylenol on hand, heating pad or cooling (can't remember which one) for the arm, and antihistimine morning of. Took the day after off and stayed in bed.
My daughter just had a sore arm; son-in-law had a sore arm and was a little achey. I'm a little nervous since I have to take care of hubby, so arranged mine during a week where so far he has no treatment appointments. After I get mine done, then we'll set him up.
So definitely stay in bed, Leslie and YAHOO for you that you are now covered!
Budsters Mom
03-22-2021, 11:36 AM
It is probably best to expect some kind of reaction after the second shot. That is pretty much the way it has gone for most of the staff at work. Symptoms have varied, but most have had a stronger reaction to the second one. I had my second Pfizer vaccination this past Thursday morning. Initially, I felt fine afterward, except for some arm soreness, which ice and Tylenol quickly relieved. I went to work Friday morning feeling rather cocky. Prancing around like the shot was no big deal. By Friday night, I was down with chills, muscle aches in places I didn’t know I had muscles, pounding arm, Nausea, headache, and a general crappy feeling. Dehydration was a huge part of it. That lasted for about 24 hours, then symptoms started to abate. Dehydration continued for another 24 hours. I couldn’t seem to hydrate enough, even though I was drinking Gatorade and a hydration solution. This is Monday morning and I’m feeling Ready to take on the world, as I start my two week spring break. Finally got my haircut yesterday. Was determined not to cut it until after I was fully vaccinated. Get your shots as soon as you can. A few days of discomfort is worth saving your life and saving your loved ones.
03-22-2021, 02:27 PM
Hey Kathy, I’m sooooooooo relieved to hear you’ve gotten your second shot! One word of caution, though, which you probably already know about...but you need to wait for two weeks *after* your second shot before your immunity has built up to full vaccination status. My family has learned this the hard way :-((((. An elderly relative was just two days short of getting her second Pfizer shot when she unexpectedly turned up COVID positive. She remained asymptomatic for 10 days, but then suddenly crashed with pneumonia and mental confusion. At first, we didn’t think she would make it. However, she did stay out of the hospital and is now rebounding. We’re thinking the first shot probably saved her life, but wasn’t enough to confer the strongest immunity. So after experiencing that, hubby and I definitely made sure to not let our guard down at all until two full weeks after our own second shots.
So do enjoy your spring break, but still be careful and by the time it’s over, you’ll truly be fully vaccinated. YAY!!! ;):D:D
Marianne the Worry-Wart
Squirt's Mom
03-23-2021, 09:32 AM
Today I am starting to feel almost human again! :cool: Still quite tired and my arm is still a little sore, which surprises me. I expected that to be the first thing to get back to normal. Yesterday morning I thought it was over but after about an hour I knew that was wishful thinking. ;)
Thinking back I think my first sign that a reaction was happening was feeling lightheaded which started a few hours after the second shot. And I am wondering if my stubbornness didn't play a part in this reaction. :o What most folk say, tho none of the nurses who gave the shots repeated this, is to go home after the shot and take it easy, stay hydrated and take Tylenol or Advil if needed. Wellllll, I went grocery shopping right after then went home and after unloading and putting the groceries away I changed clothes and went out to a field I walk to dig up plants which I brought home and transplanted. But I did drink lots and lots of water throughout. So for the 6 hours following the injection I was quite busy. If the dizzy feeling hadn't started I would have done more. It was such a stunningly gorgeous day I simply could not waste it!
But I do think the worst is over now. I plan to take it easy today tho....I'm still hurting but not much worse than normal and it's not that deep achy pain but enough to let me know to not overdo. I have felt every minute of my 66 years the last two days and :D
Budsters Mom
03-25-2021, 09:11 PM
I am excited to see that vaccines are starting to spread throughout the country, and some of you have been able to get at least your first shot!
I hope you're finally feeling better Leslie.
Yes Marianne, I will continue to be careful. Thanks for caring.
Spring Break gives me a chance to catch up much needed maintenance and chores that I don't normally have time (or energy) for. Dad's taxes are now done and I donated two cars to charity which were picked up yesterday and today. I'm marking off my list, which is calming to see things done and out of the way. Still can't do much here. We are finally in the red tier, so some things are opening at reduced capacity, but I'm still going out only for essentials and work, except for a haircut. Marianne reminded that I wouldn't be fully vaccinated until two weeks after my second dose. That won't be for another week. So, I'm staying the course. The school year, such as it is, is winding down. I only have about seven weeks left after spring break before summer break. This is my 29th year. This has been the weirdest school year ever!
Budsters Mom
06-23-2021, 01:21 PM
Bumping up!!! How are you all doing?
CA is looking pretty good right now! Covid new infection rates are down to 0.4 - 0.6%. As of June 1, 2021, 70% of adults in CA have been at least partially vaccinated. That's pretty amazing considering our diverse population. It is the most populated state in the US, so I am thrilled with that! We have finally mostly opened up. Masks are no longer required for the fully vaccinated. This is based on the honor system, so obviously it is not enforceable. Masks are still required for all inside of hospitals, schools, etc. Businesses can enforce their own mask mandates, so masks are still sporadic here. I feel really weird venturing out without either a mask, or shield. I am comfortable being outside unmasked. Inside, around others is another matter.
I am now on a much needed Summer Break. I'm not sure what the Covid protocol will be when I return in August. It is changing daily. My school district confers with several agencies on this matter with CDPH (California Department of Public Health) taking the lead. Since the Delta variant is now surging and affects more children, it's unlikely that our protocol will change much, even for the fully vaccinated. Staff needs to set an example. If we aren't wearing masks, the kids see that and think they aren't necessary. New school guidance hasn't been released as of yet. It's a wait and see. Right now, I'm home, unmasked and thrilled about that. It has been a very intensely stressful year for all!
Dad and I are both doing well. I have had numerous close contacts, and yet stayed well. Dad just turned 90 a few days ago and still trucking along. He has many issues, but who doesn't?
Take care all and update us when you can.
06-23-2021, 06:35 PM
Hey Kathy! So good to read your update and to hear that, everything considered, things are going pretty darn well out there :-)))). Here in Georgia, unfortunately our vaccination rate is lower rather than higher. But thus far, regardless, we've managed to dodge the bullet and our infection rate is still going down. What with the introduction of the new Delta variant, our progress may not hold. But at the moment, the positivity rate in my county is around 1%, and it's around 2% statewide. So you've got us beat in CA, but we're still doing much better than I might have predicted given our lower vaccination rate.
For better or worse given that lower rate, all of the statewide emergency orders will end in a couple of weeks. Where I live, a significant number of people are still voluntarily masking inside stores and businesses (myself included). But the number is declining daily. I still don't feel comfortable with inside dining, but we are patio dining with friends and enjoying in-home dinners once again. All in all, the atmosphere is certainly far less restrictive. Since I spent so much time at home even pre-pandemic, honestly, my daily routine hasn't changed all that much over the past year. But it is a relief to feel a lot less vulnerable on those occasions when I *am* out and about. And if and when a booster shot ends up being recommended, you best believe that I'll be stepping right up for that extra security.
Anyway, congrats to your dad in celebration of his birthday! And congrats to you for keeping your dad as safe and healthy as possible ;-). Enjoy your summer break -- you surely deserve it!!!
06-23-2021, 08:03 PM
We're doing good here on Long Island, too. We are both fully vaccinated, so is Jess, Sigi and Jeremy. Josh gets his first shot on Saturday...he's nervous because he heard that a 12 year old had some heart trouble, but we're getting it for him anyway. Alex is still too young. Some places are maskless if you're fully vaccinated, honor roll also, but others are still enforcing the masks, which is fine with me. I will wear one if I have to. Outside I don't wear one. We won't eat inside a restaurant yet either, but since Victor still doesn't have much of an appetite and has trouble eating, we don't go out to eat anyway. I'll go with the kids...
It is starting to feel normal again. I would like to start taking the boys on excursions the way we used to...
Happy that our Cushing's family seems to be doing okay!
Budsters Mom
07-26-2021, 06:13 PM
Hello! I hope you have all been able to stay safe and healthy. I'm beginning to think that this pandemic will out live me! CA's positivity rates have gone from 1% to 5% within the past few weeks and there is no stopping the rise. The Delta Variant has completely taken over and is responsible for our recent surge. LA has returned to mandatory masks indoors, whether vaccinated or not. My county is still allowing for fully vaccinated people to go unmasked indoors as of now. Unfortunately, this is all on the honor system and we all know how well that works! I am continuing to wear my shield indoors. I do feel comfortable going unmasked outside. My county generally follows LA within a few weeks. That means that indoor masks for all will probably be resuming again very soon. I am not going to get into why we are having this surge because it is political and is the same nation wide. You all know.
School/Work resumes in three weeks. It appears that masks will be required for all, vaccinated or not. I work in a K-8 school. The majority of our students are too young to be vaccinated. There is no way to know how many who are old enough actually have been. Same holds true for staff. Getting vaccinated is a personal choice. It is encouraged, but not required.
I will be getting a booster shot as soon as they become available.
That's my Covid update, such as it is! Protect yourselves and take care....
08-01-2021, 02:31 PM
Hey there, Kathy. Thanks so much for the update and I’m so glad you’re still safe and well. If I’m counting right,you’re now only two weeks away from school starting back, and I’m guessing that time will go fast. Here in Atlanta we’re in pretty much the same boat as you guys, except our vaccination rate is even lower :-(((. Aside from private in-home get-togethers with vaccinated friends, though, hubby and I had never quit wearing our masks while interacting indoors with others. So in a sense, nothing has really changed much for us. Prior to Delta, we had been thinking wistfully about traveling to visit vaccinated family and friends, but now we’re pulling back from that idea, too, until another booster rolls around.
So I know I’m really boring because I don’t have anything new in my life to talk about. But right now, I guess “boring” is actually a good thing…
Good luck heading back to classes!
Budsters Mom
08-01-2021, 10:19 PM
Hi Marianne, it’s so good to hear from you! Your update is not at all boring. It appears safe, and that’s what we want for all! Yes, the south eastern states are lagging behind on vaccinations. They have significantly picked up the last few weeks. I hope the trend continues.
You are correct. I return to work in 10 days. I did not retire because I didn’t want last year to be my last. I want to go out on a normal year. One where I have had the opportunity to thoroughly enjoy my kids. With variants surging, this may be the new normal. I hate to think of that! I am sick of all the protocol. I do realize that it is still necessary right now. It just makes everything that much harder.
I will be turning 65 in another month. I will finally be considered a senior and be able to be first in line to get a booster when they come out. Supposedly they are going to be starting with seniors first. They are already doing boosters in Israel, so it’s probably just a matter of time.
Stay safe and let us know how you are doing. Hearing that someone is safe and doing well is awesome news, never boring. Until next time…
Budsters Mom
09-28-2021, 04:29 PM
Hi all! So here is my COVID update. I am going to try really hard not to get political, by just stating the facts. Here in CA, Governor Gavin Newsom has overwhelmingly survived the recall and all Covid restrictions and protocol remains in effect.
Booster shots received the final approval on Friday morning (9/24). I went and got my shot that very day, right after work. I had pre-planned knowing exactly where to go. I figured that I'd jump in before the word got out to all. It worked! That is the good news! I got REALLY sick with the booster, knocked flat for over three days. High fever 102-103, body aches making it difficult to move, loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, etc. You name it. I probably had it. Today is Tuesday. My fever has broken and my symptoms are finally fading away. I am out on Covid leave. It covers Covid related symptoms, as well as reaction to the vaccines. Since I had symptoms for more than 72 hours, I require another negative Covid test to return, and 24 hours symptom free. I've lost count as to how many tests I have had by now. All negative, by some miracle, so far. So, I went and got another test this morning. Results are due in 24-48 hours. That's at least one, or two more days at home. My symptoms have to be resolved also, and they aren't quite yet.
I am still working. It is my 30th year. I have a delightful class this year. Dad is still plugging along at 90.
Please do not let my booster ordeal stop anyone from getting their shot. I would do it again in a minute. I receive repeated exposure in the classroom and need the protection that a booster can provide.
We'd love to read your Covid upate! Hope that everyone has remained safe, healthy and happy. Take care.
10-01-2021, 05:50 PM
As always, so good to get your update, Kathy! So sorry to hear your booster knocked you for a loop, but I agree 100% that I’ll take the vaccine side effects over the disease itself, any day. Hubby and I got Moderna originally, and we’re anxiously awaiting general approval for the Moderna booster since we’re now eight months “out” since our original vaccination. If I can manage it, I’ll be the first in line just as soon as we get the green light. We did feel pretty crappy for 36 hours after our second jab, so I asked our local pharmacist what the reaction to the Moderna booster has been thus far. She said that she hasn’t heard any particularly negative feedback, but she said that may also be because largely only immunocompromised people are approved for Moderna boosters right now, and so their immune systems may just not be mounting a big response to the booster itself. So in reality, your “big” response may be a good thing — it may mean your immune system will now be loaded for bear if/when you do get exposed!
No other big news from our side of the country. COVID cases are going down, thankfully, probably due to the combination of vaccination and also the large number of unvaccinated folks in our area who have already gotten sick (Spoiler alert: I’d rather stay in the first group…). As I wrote in an earlier note, probably no news is good news from our household, though. Can’t believe it’s already October and time to put up the Halloween decorations!! Right now, I have no idea whether kids in our neighborhood will be trick-or-treating door-to-door this year. If I’m successfully boostered by the end of the month, I’d probably feel fine about holding out my candy dish at the door, especially since I can be legitimately masked in some way as part of a costume ;-). But if parents are still feeling worried, my card table on the driveway with baggies of candy actually worked great last year. I had luminaries and my Jack o’ lanterns out there, too, and I could sit on my front steps and wave. So either way, I think we’ll be fine.
OK, that’s it for now. But once again, great to hear from you and to know that you’ve got a good class this year and that your Dad is still hanging in there. I know you’re so grateful for both.
10-07-2021, 07:44 AM
Hey Kathy,
No major updates from our neck of the woods - we are in the decline of variant cases here. I too got the Moderna Marianne, and interesting comments from my doctors and several of my nurse friends ... I was very sick after the first shot for about a week and half but the second shot did not bother me at all. Reasoning behind this is according the doctor, nurses and even the health dept drs I spoke with is because I already had been exposed to COVID early on. Hope this means double protection :) - So Kathy this may your case too. Keep well and very glad to hear your dad is going strong :)
12-27-2021, 10:07 AM
Just checking in again with everybody as we’re poised to exit 2021 and enter 2022. I have nothing new to report from my end, other than the fact that hubby and I braved the road to drive to Tennessee to visit my brother and his family at Thanksgiving. Our first post-COVID trip!! It was great to finally see family face-to-face once again, but the trip did carry some stress. Traveling did strain our elderly Luna, and I was fairly worried about viral exposure since literally nobody else in our hotel was wearing a mask aside from us. But Omicron had not yet arrived and hubby and I had been recently boostered, so thankfully we remained healthy. Now it’s home again with a lot of the same-old, same-old. We did have a very quiet but pleasant Christmas, just the three of us. It’ll be ditto for New Year’s.
Hoping to hear that everybody else is still hanging in there, too. I’m especially wondering about you, Kathy. I’ve missed seeing Buddy’s sweet Christmas avatar this season, and I’ll be anxious to see an update from you whenever you’re able. And the same for all the rest of our family — please add a note if and when you can.
Budsters Mom
12-28-2021, 09:54 PM
Hi Marianne, so nice of you to think of me. I actually prepared a long post a few weeks ago. It disappeared when I tried to post it. I just haven't gotten back here to post ,but have been reading along, as time allows. Sorry to hear about Lovely Luna's difficulties. It sucks getting old!
I did think about Buddy's Christmas avatar. I have had to limit the use of my hands for the last week or so. I have carpal tunnel in both wrists. I had cortizone shots done and needed 4 or 5 days to recover from that. That means limiting the use of both hands until they heal. I will eventually need surgey on both wrists. The shots are helping for now, lasting 4 or 5 months. They are not bad enough for surgery as of yet, but the day will come.
It is disheartening that I even have to do a Covid update after this long. I am beginning to think that it will outlive me. California remains firm on its protocol. Masks are required in all indoor businesses, through at least Jan. 15. This applies to everyone, vaccinated or not. Covid cases are rising substantially, just like the rest of the world. I don't see anything stopping it. I'm going to try really hard not to get political, because this is not the place for it, so I will just explain what is happening here without adding my opinion. Personally, I am fully vaccinated and boosted, yet I still do not feel safe. About 90 something percent of our district staff is vaccinated. The rest are tested weekly. It has been mandated by the state that all school staff is vaccinated. That requirement will be going into affect soon. Weekly testing will soon be off the table. Through it all, at school, close contacts continue at an alarming pace. I have managed to escape Covid so far. I don't see how, but it has happened. I still feel like it's only a matter of time. Hopefully being vaccinated and boosted, may help keep me out of the hospital. CDPH ( California Department of Public Health) guidelines require masks to be worn for all staff and students. Campuses are closed to everyone who isn't a student or staff member. Although universal masking, helps me feel a little safer, breathing with one on is difficult for me. I wear a sealing mask (R95). It is tight and extremely hard to breathe, talk, and teach through. They trigger my migraines, which is a whole other problem altogether. Thankfully masks are no longer required outdoors. I may end up retiring earlier because I'm really done with the whole Covid thing and I don't think it's ever going to go away. I personally know several people who have died. All of them were not vaccinated. That doesn't make it any easier for their friends and family who are now left without someone they love. Well, this has ended up being a real depressing report. I didn't realize how much it's all getting to me until I started this post. I realize that I am blessed. I have not gotten sick and dad is doing well, considering he is 90. I am thankful for that.
Post your updates when you can. Hopefully they will be more upbeat than mine, but if not, that's OK too. I'd love to hear from you.
JI’m especially wondering about you, Kathy. I’ve missed seeing Buddy’s sweet Christmas avatar this season, and I’ll be anxious to see an update from you whenever you’re able.
12-29-2021, 10:10 AM
Kathy, it’s so good to hear from you — we welcome any news from you whether it’s upbeat or not! I cannot even begin to imagine how tough it is to try to teach under these circumstances. Our teachers, healthcare workers, and first responders all deserve heroes’ badges!!
Like you, I’m so grateful for my own health so far. But also like you, it’s hard for me to imagine how this all will ultimately play out. In honesty, I’m now wondering why Planet Earth hasn’t been plagued by more pandemics in recent years. What with the ease of travel and the mobility of so many people, it seems like any new virus can be transmitted worldwide with lightning speed. Yesterday I was really dismayed to read about a new, horrible avian flu that is decimating wild bird populations in Israel. It was just one little article cited in somebody’s news feed, but that was also how I first learned about COVID. One little article I saw around Christmas 2019 about this odd new virus that had made a few people sick in China…. Anyway, this new avian flu is hard to transmit to humans (at least for right now), but of the few people who *have* gotten it, at least 50% have died. And the birds that are carrying the virus are on a migratory path that leads all over Europe. Perfect.
Hubby recently sent a birthday card to one of his childhood friends that had a greeting that went something like, “Happy Birthday — Party like there’s no tomorrow!” On the front was a T. Rex wearing a party hat, with a flaming meteor flying over its head.” A funny card, but perhaps not all that funny, given our own present circumstances <SIGH>.
So, there’s my own not-so-cheery thought for the day! On a happier note, my mom had carpal tunnel in both wrists, too, and ultimately it was corrected satisfactorily with surgery. She started out with the injections also, and for sure, I know you don’t want to advance to surgery until it’s really necessary. But she did finally end up with relief, and I hope the same will be true for you, too.
Anyway, once again, thanks so much for your update. Stay healthy!!!!
P.S. And I just now visited your photo album so I’d get to see “Elf Buddy” in all his glory. It wouldn’t truly be the holiday season without seeing that sweet face at least once ;-)))))
01-11-2022, 07:46 PM
Well, Glen Cove is a hotbed right now and Josh, my 13 year old grandson came down with it yesterday. He was exposed (we think) by one of their friends' mom who drove him home the other day before she knew that she and their six month old baby had it. They have five kids and the kids all went sleighing Friday together. He's been fully vaccinated so we're hoping it won't be too bad even though he has Chronic Granulomatous Disease. He's been running a fever between 101 - 103. Tomorrow, because of the high fevers, and his adrenal glands not working properly, they have to do stress dose steroids. 10mg Hydrocortisone tablet every 8 hours for 2-3 days. Immunology: Joshua is considered high risk, So he is scheduled for Monoclonal Antibody Treatment at Cohen Children’s Medical Center tomorrow at 1:00pm. Infusion is 3 hours, and then at least an hour after that for observation.
So far Jess, Sigi and Alex are not showing any symptoms and we did not see them at all last week. As soon as Jess heard that the mom and baby had it on Saturday, they stayed away from us over the weekend. Then Josh started showing symptoms last was bound to happen sooner or later, especially with the holidays just over and Omicron running wild.
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2022, 09:12 AM
Oh goodness, Joan. I know how scary this is. But that injection really seems to help the people I know who have gotten it. A friend of my youngest grandson got COVID about a month ago and was really sick until he got that injection. He said within an hour he could tell his lungs weren't as tight and he started improving quickly after. Same for my brother and the injection and were on the road to recovery pretty quickly. None of these folk were vaccinated either. So I pray Josh has the same reaction and is back on his feet in no time. Please stay in touch and let us know!
01-12-2022, 10:03 AM
Thank you, Leslie. Because of his disease he has a whole team of doctors, including the NIH, discussing and making recommendations. I haven't seen any other cases of COVID on the CGD Facebook group, but I can't imagine he's the only one. I keep thinking that things couldn't get any worse, but they just keep coming!
01-18-2022, 06:14 PM
Dear Joan, I had intended to write here earlier in the hope of getting an update on Josh. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get here, but also hoping that maybe the delay has given him enough time to be recovering! Please let us know when you have a chance to write more, OK?
Huge hugs coming your way,
01-18-2022, 07:06 PM
Sorry for not writing sooner. Josh couldn't get the Monoclonal Antibody Treatment because he wasn't enough kilograms or something like that. Jess was furious (they had already been admitted to the hospital and everything). But he's back in school today. They all came down with it except for Alex so far. Josh had the most symptoms, but Jess and Sigi said it was just like having a bad cold. Thank God they had all been vaccinated! I just hope he doesn't come down with any of the long haul symptoms.
Squirt's Mom
01-19-2022, 04:31 PM
Good would think someone like Josh would qualify simply because of the high risk. I am SO GLAD that he is recovering as well as he is and pray that continues for them all.
01-20-2022, 12:31 AM
Yes, that surprised me too, Leslie. But he seems to be over it. The funny thing is that the bladder issues he's been having since the summer disappeared when he got the virus! Weird....
Squirt's Mom
01-20-2022, 08:26 AM
That is interesting! Seems this virus can hit the kidneys but most folk suffer damage instead of improvement. But I say don't look a gift horse in the mouth! LOL
Budsters Mom
02-14-2022, 07:50 PM
Well, let's see… CA is trending down from a very large, terrifying surge. Schools were impacted greatly. Subs were virtually nonexistent, which left administrators scrambling to cover classrooms and programs. I have been off on Covid leave for the last 10 days. Will be returning to work tomorrow. I came down with cold symptoms, which could also be Covid symptoms. I have had multiple tests, including antigen and PCR tests, which of all came back negative. So, it looks like I actually had a cold. Symptoms are resolving themselves. There was a time not long ago, before Covid, that we worked through colds. Those days are gone! So it looks like I have escaped Covid once again. Still don't know how?!
Indoor mask mandates for those vaccinated will be lifted on February 15, tomorrow. All unvaccinated need to still wear their masks while indoors. Here's the catch, that's pretty much everyone, except children under five. This is on the honor system, which never works! Those vaccinated or not, will go unmasked if they choose to. No one will be checking, no one will be asking. So it goes.
As far as the schools, CA is continuing it's mask mandates/Covid protocols until at least February 28th. At that time it will be revisited depending on case numbers, hospitalizations/etc. As much as wearing a mask is challenging for me, it does help me feel a little safer when everyone is masked. Getting coughed and sneezed on in the classroom, is a certainty. Masks do curtail that to some degree. I will be continuing to wear my mask regardless of protocol changes for the forseeable future. With the students unmasked, I will probably wear a shield also while working closely in small groups.
I totally understand that people are sick of Covid. I definitely am! It's been almost 2 years since California shut down and life as we know it changed forever. It looks like it's here to stay and I realize that we all have to find a way to live with it, as safely as possible. That means following the science and changing protocols as variants emerge. So I will have to adapt to unmasked people close to me and I'm not feeling really comfortable with that for now.
I hope that all are well and everyone is coping the best they can. Stay safe!
02-17-2022, 08:53 AM
Kathy, thanks so much for your update! I’m so glad to hear that apparently your cold is really a cold (how crazy does that sound, but here we are!). I think the experience for many of us nationwide is mirroring what you’re describing out there. Many mask mandates are easing, and right where I am, I’m noticing far fewer employees wearing masks inside the stores and offices where they work. Interestingly, many customers (like me!) are still wearing their masks, but not so many workers. I guess that makes sense. It’s far less uncomfortable for me to don a mask for the few minutes I’m inside the building than it is for a worker to be wearing a mask for hours on end. But it definitely is a change that I’m trying to get used to. Personally, I really don’t mind wearing a mask on my errands, so I’m guessing it’ll still be quite a while before I give up that feeling of security.
Ironically, my next step towards normalcy is probably gonna be to go and get my shingles vaccination. Hubby and I got the first version several years ago, but we need to step up for the new vaccine. It fell to a much lower priority in my mind during the pandemic, and I didn’t want to interfere with my COVID series of vaxes by inserting the two shingles jabs, as well. But now I think it would be a good time to head on in. You can tell how boring my life remains at the moment when yet another vaccination is my big news! But as I keep saying, right now “boring” is not such a bad thing ;-).
Take care, Kathy, and stay safe.
Budsters Mom
04-03-2022, 01:50 PM
Well, California schools unmasked on March 11. That means officially everyone was able to return on Monday the 14th, whether vaccinated or not without a mask. Masks are now highly recommended, instead of required. That means that everyone in my class is now unmasked, except me, who is still wearing one. Cases in my district have dropped dramatically, but are slowly starting to tick up again. I think it's due to everyone being unmasked and a new variant which is emerging. That's where my head is right now. I could be entirely wrong.
I had my fourth Covid shot (Second booster) after work on Friday. I was pretty out of it yesterday, with chills and achiness. I am feeling much better today. Thankfully I didn't get anywhere near as sick as with the last one. I had it done right before my two week spring break, just in case I had another severe reaction. Thankfully that didn't happen this time.
At this point I am sure that Covid will outlive me! Stay as safe as you can and check in when you were able.
08-10-2022, 07:14 PM
Just checking in again with our family. I have no news to report on my end. Miraculously, hubby and I have remained infection free, but we continue to mask and lead very self-contained lives. A number of friends and relatives have recently *finally* tested positive after all these months. They’ve stayed careful, but these newer strains just seem better able to evade vaccination and general protection. Anyway, we’ll surely welcome updates from you all.
Best wishes, as always!
08-11-2022, 10:55 AM
So far, so good here. We have managed to dodge this bullet! But Jess, Sigi and the kids are in Germany for 10 days. Hopefully they don't bring anything back with them. I'm picking them up at JFK next Thursday and they have been warned that they will need to wear masks, or pay for a car.
They have become very careless since three of them have already had it. They were in Busch Gardens for a week a couple of weeks ago and we would not let them over here until at least a week went by. Sometimes I just don't understand them...
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