View Full Version : Reunion!! — 10th Anniversary Celebration for
04-07-2019, 07:01 PM
About this time in April, ten years ago, a group of Cushparents from around the world were working sooooooo hard behind the scenes to prepare for its official public “launch.” Years earlier, we had first formed a family on another website. Without explanation, one day the site owner shut down that forum and left us stunned, heartbroken and homeless. Out of the goodness of her heart, Natalie, the owner/administrator of, provided us with a temporary home and the opportunity to regroup. After a ton of learning and experimenting, regrouping is exactly what we did! On May 20, 2009, posted our official “Welcome” and opened our doors to all Cushparents, everywhere.
“Support...Educate...Encourage...Remember” has been our mission from the very beginning. We’ve tried our best to be of service; we hope we’ve been successful. So many parents and so many pups have graced our family throughout these ten years. There has been success and sadness, laughter and tears. But throughout it all, we’ve remained a family. A far-flung family, but universally connected by our love for our dogs and our desire to keep them as healthy and happy as we possibly can, throughout each day of their lives.
Time marches on, and so many of our precious pups are now beside us in spirit only. Understandably, folks have moved on with their lives. New ways to connect with one another alter the need for a message board such as this. But we’re hoping that perhaps, even if just for a day, some of our old staff and old friends will return and post a note. Share a memory, share a smile, shed a tear. Most of all, to honor our Cushpups and their bravery, and to reflect on the journey that we’ve taken together — and the path that still leads onward.
So please, anyone who reads this post, do feel free to add a note. Whether a veteran or a newbie, an old member or a current member, we’d love to hear your voice. Happy Anniversary to us all!!!!
04-08-2019, 12:22 PM
My dear, sweet Pia crossed The Bridge August 14th, 2013, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. She had a fast-growing pituitary macro tumor, and her journey through Cushing's was short and horrible. Without this group, I don't know how I'd have survived. It was so devastating for my darling Pia, and this group helped me to get through my own struggles to cope with all of it, not only with their knowledgable answers to questions, and with suggestions for her care and her quality of life, but supporting me through my own grief as I knew my time with her was short.
I cannot express how truly grateful I will always be to this group. Thank you.
Squirt's Mom
04-08-2019, 12:45 PM
Thank you so much for coming back to say, Bonnie! I get to talk to you often on FB but I am sure others here will be along to chat with you!
04-08-2019, 12:56 PM
Bonnie, thank you so very much for your kind words! It’s wonderful to see you back here once again, and to give us all the chance to remember and once again honor Pia. Her photo on our remembrance thread is just one of the sweetest ever — those beautiful, soulful eyes...surely now the eyes of an angel.
I’m so sorry about your loss of Maggie, too. But now you have Kelly in your life? I’m so glad! Any time you’d want to tell us more about Kelly, we’d love to hear ;-). But in the meantime, thanks so much for coming back and joining our party. It means a lot to us to see you here!
Best wishes always,
04-09-2019, 03:01 AM
And a very good morning to all of you from The Netherlands, from Quincy and myself :) So glad there's this 10th anniversary reunion and do I remember that time! I came here way before 10 years ago with my Cukie (Boncuk), what a wonderful place to go to :) Then, everything was lost...but the group rose again like a phoenix from it's ashes and look, 10 years later, still here with still many beautiful people and their animals :) I do think about this group still so very often...yet never seem to make it to stop by and visit. So this reunion was the perfect oppertunity to do so and say hi :) Quincy and I are doing wonderful. Quincy will turn 7 in 2 months but still going strong :cool: She coincidentally just had a wart removed from her eyelid, last friday, since it was scratching her cornea and thus had to be removed. But it's the first and only event we have had so's sooooo peaceful (medical wise) living with Quincy :rolleyes: She loves her work still so much, loves her Hooperclasses (she's the Queen of Hoopers, hehehehe...), she comes with me every day to visit my mom and behaves so lovingly and kind to all the habitants and personel at the home for people suffering from dementia... she's my little, magical, happy and bright, black Polish pearl :)
Anyway, when I heard about this reunion, I had to drop in and say hi...
Sas and Quincy :)
04-09-2019, 06:24 AM
Oh Sas, can you see me doing a happy dance right now???? It’s so great to have you back here with us today!! I’ve thought about you so many times, and hoped so much that you and Quincy were doing well. What a wonderful report on our shiny black girl. Coincidentally, Luna recently sprouted a “thingy” on her eyelid, too, and our vet said the same thing — if it starts to scratch her cornea, it’ll have to come off. So I’m trying to watch it carefully. Luna will be 11 this summer. My “baby” will be 11, and I can’t believe it. Just in the last couple of months, she has really started to age. Where has the time gone? And for Quincy to be seven, I can hardly believe that, either.
Once again, it’s wonderful to see you again. :D:D:D
Thanks so much for stopping by — it truly is party time!
04-10-2019, 02:59 AM
Oh my gosh Marianne, I remember "baby" Luna when she first came to you as a real baby...and was full of misschief :D And Peg, and Barkis of course... where did those years go? :) So many memories and beloved canines and friends are here :) We've all shared so much over a significant period of time, good and bad, laughter and tears...losses and gains, it will remain with me forever. And like so many times, in the past couple of years, I have to run since I got a cal from the home where my mom lives, she was walking outside last night at 04.00 and is very, very I have to go there, as I do daily. This is exactly why I can't make it to stay in touch regularly...but I will try and visit more often, just to keep in touch and say hi :) Thank you all so much for this reunion, it was just what I needed to stop by again :) Have a wonderful day all...big hugs from us,
Sas and Quincy :)
04-10-2019, 08:05 AM
Oh Sas, you’re such a good daughter and I know your calming presence has to be such a gift to both your mother and also the staff at her residence. My own mom passed away on January 20th at age 99 after a short period in hospice care. It was her heart that finally failed. I’m still in the midst of sorting through her belongings and all the paperwork, and so I’ve not yet had the time to really think about how my life will look or feel, now that she’s gone. During these past few years, I had spent so much time with her at her life will be so very different now, in so many ways. I already miss her so much. It’s hard :-(.
I’ll surely continue to think about you girls. Whenever you are able to stop by for even a quick chat or update, we’ll be so happy to see you. In the meantime, do take care and thanks again, so much, for joining our celebration.
Squirt's Mom
04-10-2019, 03:04 PM
Great to hear from you, Sas! I try to keep up with your youtube videos of Quincy and know she is simply is her mom! You are an angel to take such good care of your mom in this trying time...there is no doubt in my mind she is so very grateful even if she can't express that to you like she once could.
04-11-2019, 07:53 AM
It was awesome to hear about the reunion! I was an active member for many years - this board helped me save my little Haley from a vet that was clueless on how to test for cushings and administer drugs. She lived to 16 and her adopted sister Annie developed what they thought was cushings but ended up being a rare pheochromocytoma tumor. The love and wisdom shared by members on this board helped me keep what sanity I had left. I love you all! I've never gotten another dog - guess the extensive nursing just left me 'spent'. I am a regular babysitter to my brother's dog Lucy though. :) So good to know the board still exists and serves those in need. Question - what is the current drug of choice and protocol? Has it gotten any easier? Are vets more educated? I sure hope so. Sending hugs to all. Kim
04-11-2019, 08:53 AM
It was awesome to hear about the reunion! I was an active member for many years - this board helped me save my little Haley from a vet that was clueless on how to test for cushings and administer drugs. She lived to 16 and her adopted sister Annie developed what they thought was cushings but ended up being a rare pheochromocytoma tumor. The love and wisdom shared by members on this board helped me keep what sanity I had left. I love you all! I've never gotten another dog - guess the extensive nursing just left me 'spent'. I am a regular babysitter to my brother's dog Lucy though. :) So good to know the board still exists and serves those in need. Question - what is the current drug of choice and protocol? Has it gotten any easier? Are vets more educated? I sure hope so. Sending hugs to all. Kim
Kim!!!!!!! It’s so great to see you here :):):):). You are being way too modest, girl! Folks, Kim was not only an active member — she was a founding staffer, and was one of that group working so hard ten years ago. When I just now logged on myself, I can’t tell you how great it was to see “frijole’s” little green light turned on once again. Just like old times!
As far as Cushing’s protocol, I sure wish I could tell you there’ve been some great advances, but we’re still awaiting a breakthrough. We keep hearing about some new meds being researched, but trilostane and Lysodren are still the accepted treatments. And sadly, a lot of vets remain pretty uninformed. So to that extent, not a whole lot has changed. There’ve been improvements in the radiation treatment for macrotumors, though, so that’s a plus.
But boy, it’s great to see you back here. I gotta tell you, I still think of you every time the Huskers face the Hawkeyes ;-). And your little niece Lucy is a very lucky puppy to have her Aunt Kim as a babysitter. I do understand about the exhaustion of caregiving. You were such a wonderful mom to both Haley and Annie, even making all those trips down to K-State. Are you still working so hard yourself? If so, that makes the notion of another dog even more of a challenge. Now that Luna’s almost eleven, hubby’s been pressing for another pup in the household. But I’m just not ready, for several reasons. Barkis and Peg had so many health problems, and then also being responsible for hubby’s mom and my mom — I just don’t have the strength right now to start fresh again. But we’ll see what the future will hold.
Anyway, thanks so much for checking in and posting a note. You’ve started off my day with such a huge smile!
04-11-2019, 09:04 AM
I retired 3 years ago! Am loving it - other than healthcare which is a challenge since I'm 61. I'm headed to Baltimore tomorrow for a college reunion with the girlfriends. Oh yes - I bet you do think of me during those games. :) I'm still a fan and as you know we are beyond excited to finally have a competent man leading the charge. The easy wins are behind you haha. I hope some of the other retirees post. We sure shared some eventful episodes trying to save dogs from clueless vets.
04-11-2019, 09:07 AM
Are you a hoops fan at all? I think you also just got a really good guy in Fred Hoiberg. We loved him in Ames before he went to the Bulls.
Congrats on retiring! Have a great trip to Baltimore and please maybe do check in again throughout this next month. I’m hoping some others of the old crew will also be stopping by ;-).
04-11-2019, 09:42 AM
I've been to a few games as our arena is spectacular. We are very excited to have the Mayor in town! Hoping he can get us our first NCAA tournament win EVER - only top school to never win. No where to go but up. LOL I will definitely keep checking in.
04-11-2019, 10:15 AM
That’ll be great! We’ve heard from both Cushy and Jenny, and hopefully they’ll be posting soon, too.
So stay tuned...
Harley PoMMom
04-11-2019, 11:58 AM
Hi Kim!!!! (waving wildly!!!) man, I sure do miss you and am so happy to see that you have posted!!
04-11-2019, 02:31 PM
04-11-2019, 02:32 PM
Waving wildly back! Hugs sent too!
04-11-2019, 03:18 PM
Oh Kim, Sas, Bonnie, Leslie, Marianne, Natalie and so many others. . . . my dearest cushfriends!!!!!
It brings back so many memories all these years!!!!! It actually brings tears to my eyes thinking about all of ya'll as we rebuilt this site from scratch and scrambled for weeks to bring everyone back together again!!!! I have not been so active here these past several years as my life turned completely upside down and I am rebuilding it. I miss so many of you as you are such a part of life FOREVER, :) but am keeping all the In Loving Memory listings and photos safe and sound along with the memberships' emails so we never loose them again. For those of you who remember the very early beginning of this cush journey the - e board . . . . where we "early ones" met, supported each other, cried with each other and built a legacy for others .....Cushy you are still around (I need to give you my new Facebook name).
Saskia!!! I need to get back in touch with you ..... are you on Facebook? Kim, how can I get in touch with you?
Happy Anniversary to all!!!!!!
(Class of 2003) :)
And I am sure Rags and Patrick are smiling and remembering all of us . . .
04-11-2019, 04:06 PM
And I am sure Rags and Patrick are smiling and remembering all of us . . .
Terry!!! You’re here!!!! Yippeeeeeee! :D:D:D
And boy, does your quote ever bring a lump to my throat...! So many special souls who have graced our family. I’m soooooooooooooo glad to see you. My original partner in crime — we started out pretty much joined at the hip, and I’ll never forget all the things we’ve shared together. Thank you so much for still preserving the ILM database as well as the member emails. Never again will we lose all that info and precious memories. Never again!
I don’t even know where to begin as far as all the stories we could tell. Even though we’ve never actually gotten to meet face-to-face, I feel like we’ve always been sisters. Really, all of us girls here.
OK, I’ve got to go start dinner so I have to run for now. But what a great day so far! This is just the best, all getting together once again. I love it!
molly muffin
04-11-2019, 06:57 PM
Oh my gosh, what a wonderful idea. So good to see so many faces that bring back memories and that have been missed for so long.
I honestly cannot imagine having to go through the journey that we each went through with our own furry friends (my molly muffin for me) without this board and without the wonderful and knowledgeable people who run it, participate in it and love it.
I came in like so many, not knowing what the heck cushings is, what to do for molly to help her, nothing about medications and testing thats for sure and here I learned all of that and so much more.
Love you guys! What a fab idea this is. :)
04-11-2019, 07:19 PM
Hey, Sharlene!
So great to see you! I've missed you. How is the new puppy? How are you? How is your husband? So many questions!! I'll never forget how kind you were and how you helped me cope with Lena's diagnosis and death. I don't know what I would have done without this forum, and my friends who I love dearly!
molly muffin
04-11-2019, 08:34 PM
Hi Joan, yes I remember Lena well, and I remember the tears and sorrow too. So much of that here and I don't know how any of us would have gotten through that time without this place and the wonderful ppl here. We cried so many tears together and laughed just as often. Which is good, there has to be a balance.
Puppy is a trial and either a big or a little stinker. We have a behaviorist coming out on the 20th to try and help with her aggression and behavior issues. For a little thing she sure can cause a huge ruckus.
Hubby is good. He's tried to scale his job back more even as mine has increase. We really need to get on the same page. He is now Very involved in racquetball so that is his thing. We have another grandbaby in the family as of last month. You know all the regular hooplala. LOL
How about you? Whatsa happening in your life these days?
04-11-2019, 10:18 PM
Lol! So funny about the puppy. Sibble decided that she didn't want to be a therapy dog anymore, she started attacking Victor's clients. We decided she should stay hone, but now she's as nutty as the rest of them. She has gotten very bossy and aggressive with the other dogs. Is very mean to Gable sometimes and I worry that he might not be feeling well one day and just let her have it. But I take her everywhere with me when I'm home.
My mom is bedridden now with the Alzheimer's and I take Sibbie with me every week to see her at my sister's. My mom doesn't know who she is, and doesn't remember Lena at all, which makes me so sad considering all the times we used to go to PA and mom would have a dish of water and food waiting, along with her favorite toy.
Josh has had some problems in the last couple of years, but is finally back on track, although he is half the size of his classmates and his brother who is 4 years younger. His sense of humor has returned and he is not so self conscious. The weight is finally coming off...
I still hate having to commute into the city. For 48 years I was only a 20-30 minute car ride away from wherever I worked. Now I am 1 1/2 hours away and two trains! That's a 3 hour commute round trip...and when there is any kind of trouble on the tracks...forget about it!
Other than that, all is well. I am so happy to hear from you again.
Much love to you, hubby and puppy!
Squirt's Mom
04-12-2019, 09:56 AM
I sit here with tears rolling down my face to see you all here again. Some of you I keep up with on Facebook but for others it has been a while and I am SO HAPPY to see you again! :):):) Kim and Terry, you were among those who helped me find sanity again when I first came here....and were patient while dealing with a woman on the brink of explosion from grief, anger, fear, and frustration. This forum gave me a reason to keep trying when so many times I wanted to lay down and give up. Truly, I don't know what I would have done or become without this forum and folks like you all who came along at the perfect time. I am LOVING this thread and hope it grows and grows with more of our family showing up!
04-12-2019, 10:49 AM
I am loving it, too!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I can’t wait to get up in the morning and see what’s happened while I’ve been gone ;-))))
04-12-2019, 04:07 PM
Terry!!! You’re here!!!! Yippeeeeeee! :D:D:D
And boy, does your quote ever bring a lump to my throat...! So many special souls who have graced our family. I’m soooooooooooooo glad to see you. My original partner in crime — we started out pretty much joined at the hip, and I’ll never forget all the things we’ve shared together. Thank you so much for still preserving the ILM database as well as the member emails. Never again will we lose all that info and precious memories. Never again!
I don’t even know where to begin as far as all the stories we could tell. Even though we’ve never actually gotten to meet face-to-face, I feel like we’ve always been sisters. Really, all of us girls here.
OK, I’ve got to go start dinner so I have to run for now. But what a great day so far! This is just the best, all getting together once again. I love it!
Yep, I remember when we were asked to be moderators in the ILM section :) so long ago. We shared so many things over the years and even though we have not met in person, you are a part of my family!!!! I was thinking this morning about the mad scramble to search on the net, every ones' computers, wayback machine etc to find photos and listings for the ILM section. We all pulled it together and I was so proud of every one.
I cannot wait to see others here post ~
04-12-2019, 04:10 PM
I sit here with tears rolling down my face to see you all here again. Some of you I keep up with on Facebook but for others it has been a while and I am SO HAPPY to see you again! :):):) Kim and Terry, you were among those who helped me find sanity again when I first came here....and were patient while dealing with a woman on the brink of explosion from grief, anger, fear, and frustration. This forum gave me a reason to keep trying when so many times I wanted to lay down and give up. Truly, I don't know what I would have done or become without this forum and folks like you all who came along at the perfect time. I am LOVING this thread and hope it grows and grows with more of our family showing up!
Oh Leslie, I remember when you first registered :) The hand holding was both ways girl!!!! I have watched as this site has grown and to all the members here ---- you will all always be part of our cush family!!!!!
molly muffin
04-12-2019, 11:07 PM
Big smiles here Missed you Terry. I hope that things are settling down and you are finding peace and happiness after what has been several very trying years with too much stress for a person to go through for so long. HUGS
Leslie I did see on facebook and here where you got the job at the Dollar store, congratulations on that. A new adventure for you and just when you needed it most. (no one wants to camp out in the brothers yard!!!)
Marianne, smiles from you after the year you've had, is great to see (read?) hahahaha so that is wonderful. I think what you need is some music in the garage, just a bit ya know. :)
Lori, always love to see you too girlfriend! Hows retirement treating you?
So many I have missed seeing. Saskia with her words of wisdom in like our wise woman. Always there to help others out.
Then the ones that we have missed for far too long, kim, and others, gosh it does the heart good to see the names back even for alittle while.
Happy Anniversary Dear Family,
I remember well finding you all and will be eternally grateful for the knowledge and support. I remember all our pups so fondly; remember especially the out pouring of love when Zoe ended her Cushing journey. Without all of you, I honestly don’t know what I would have done.
Good memories too, memories that make me smile and fill my heart with love.
Oh goodness, hearing from Kim was awesome, grateful for Sas and Terry’s updates too, all of you, really
Sending love to all.
Squirt's Mom
04-13-2019, 12:04 PM
(((((((((((((((((((((HUGSADDY))))))))))))))))))))) )))) I am so glad you dropped in to visit! Zoe will always be remembered and loved as will you!
04-13-2019, 03:38 PM
Oh Addy, I’ve been hoping you’d stop by!!!!!!! :):):)
Wow, so many memories, that’s for sure! We’ll never, ever forget Zoe. So many ups and downs that she weathered, and always “our” brave little girl throughout. I know you miss her dearly. We do too.
And how’s our travelin’ boy Koko doing these days?? And how about the office dog/s? And are you and hubby still happy with the condo? You need to bring us up to date, girl. So please do stop back by when you have the chance!
Love ya,
Hugs back at you, Leslie.
One of my fondest memories is the videos of Squirt swimming in the pool. The memory still brings a smile.
I love and think of everyone here, memories forever.
Big hugs to you all.
04-13-2019, 03:39 PM
We were typing at the same time!! Please come back and tell us more! ;-)))
Hi Marianne,
We were posting at the same time. My Lucy is 14, still sleeps in my office and eats lunch with me. Bob will be 3 in June so hard to believe Rocky has been gone that long.
Hubby was recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis but is doing a bit better now, doctor changed his meds.
Koko is almost 12 or 13, still a traveling man about town, loves to go visiting anyone anywhere.
He has a worrisome growth on his behind, we will have to see how that plays out but otherwise, we have been so blessed not to have many health issues with him until now.
We still love the condo and our neighbors are so nice and we have many dogs walking by the patio door which keeps Koko entertained.
He has a new cousin, my brother has a cockapoo and they have bonded well. Brody is way bigger than Koko but Koko can put him in his place if need be.
I’m still working but plan to retire in November. Hubby will be happy. Remember when I tried to give him away along with his recliner and remote? So many good memories, Mariann.
I hope you are doing well. I was so sorry to hear about your mom.
04-13-2019, 04:04 PM
I’m still working but plan to retire in November. Hubby will be happy. Remember when I tried to give him away along with his recliner and remote?
ROFLOL ;):):rolleyes::eek: Absolutely, I remember! We sure did have us some good times!
Thanks so much about my mom. I really appreciated your note on the Holiday thread. I know you’ve been right where I am, and it’s hard. Some days are just harder than others. Like today, with the Master’s golf tournament going on down the road from us in Augusta. Neither my mom nor dad ever played a stroke of golf in their lives, but my mom loved watching it. Ever since we’d moved her down here ten years ago, she’s be at our house for Master’s weekend. It’s kinda hard for me to even turn on the TV set today. But I can picture her on the couch, cheering her head off at the good shots and groaning at the bad. It’s just not the same without her. So many things will never be the same...:-(((((
I’m so glad to hear about the doggies in your life, though. And certainly good luck re: Koko. Let us know how that goes, OK?
Thank you, I will let you know about Koko.
My mom always watched The Masters too. Hubby has had it on and off, I try not to pay attention.
Love you,
Budsters Mom
04-13-2019, 09:59 PM
What an amazing reunion!!! I don't know where to start! Hello to you all! Such a joy to hear from Addy, Kim, Sharlene, among others. You were all such protective moms which held me together during my darkest hours with Buddy. I remember you all taking shifts so I would never be alone. Many of you staying with me throughout the night, until the AM shift arrived. I hope the night shift pops in also. Mel, Trish and Tina. Tina used to check in during Jasper's potty breaks during the night. It was a love fest like I have never experienced before. We hung together when there was nothing to say, discussing movies, chocolate, Addy's husband and his recliner (lol I remember!), etc. Pretty much everything and nothing! Addy, love to you and Koko Puff. Sharlene, kiss Vanilla for me. Kim, so much love and support. Those of you who have stayed with us, Lori, Marianne, Leslie, and Glynda, I can never thank you enough for keeping this going for so long and doing it so well! There are many more of you! Thank you all!
PLEASE DROP IN AND SAY HELLO!! I has missed you all so much!!!
04-14-2019, 03:40 AM
Hi everyone and Happy 10th Anniversary.
Can't believe it's 10 years ago since I came here with Spicey. It was such a relief to get so much help and support at such a worrying time. From diagnosis, through treatment and then remission everyone was so helpful and friendly and again when Brin was ill even though he didn't have Cushings. Thank you all. Miss them both so much, they were the best of friends.
Tess will be 5 in May. She is doing so well and her hip dysplasia is so much better. We had an X-ray done while she was having one for something else and it had gone back in the socket well. All that slow exercise and hydrotherapy paid off!
Sorry I've not been around but glad to see everyone still helping each other.
Love, Linda x
04-14-2019, 08:51 AM
Ooooooooooo, so this is exactly what I’m talkin’ about!!! ;);););). Love, love, love getting up in the morning and seeing more old friends! Kathy and Linda, it’s great to have you here! Yep, I remember the around-the-world and around-the-time-zone vigils as though they were yesterday. The worst of times and also the best of times all rolled into one. Our virtual pot-lucks were always the best, and always with chocolate in one form or another — of course! I’m eyeballing my Easter bunnies even as we speak (“Off with their little heads!” ;)).
Linda, I’m so glad to hear that Tess is doing well — that has to be such a relief to you. We’d love it if you’d continue to drop by now and then to give us more updates. You’re a charter member of our “overnight crew” after all!
OK, girls, thanks so much for brightening my morning. We’re under a tornado watch right now — UGH! — so the “brightening” is definitely welcome as the clouds come rolling in! Please do keep checking back, both of you. Hopefully some more overnight gals will soon be joining us. It would indeed be so great to see Tina, Mel, and Trish yet once again...
04-14-2019, 09:01 AM
So much activity! Just like when I started a little over three years ago...and yes, Marianne getting up in the morning and reading about everyone is wonderful. The really nice thing is that it's all good news. I wasn't around for a lot of these stories, so it's fun for me to listen to you all telling them.
Keep them coming!!
04-14-2019, 03:02 PM
Yes Marianne, I must drop by more often. I've missed that warm, welcoming feeling when someone replies to your message! I certainly remember those times when you wonder if someone on the other side of the world will be awake to answer your questions. And they were, more often than not!
We are off in our caravan on Tuesday to the seaside we were at when we had to let Spicey go. It's always sad driving past the vet hospital where she spent her last few days. But then it's happy memories of Spicey and Brin running on our favourite beach together. Awww. I might even post some photos of Tess on there when we return.
Bye for now,
Linda x
Squirt's Mom
04-14-2019, 03:42 PM
Hi Linda! So good to see you again! I remember Spicy and Brin so very well but it's hard to believe Tess will be five already! My mind knows it's been 10 years since we came back together here at K9C but in my heart it often feels like yesterday when we were all chatting and sharing daily. I hope you have a nice trip and do stop in again when you can!
04-22-2019, 08:37 AM
Just “bumping up” in the hope that some more alums may see us and stop by to post ;-))).
04-22-2019, 10:18 AM
Hi to my friends here . I now suffer the loss of my baby and the loss of the man I was going to marry . One side of my wall is pictures of my baby , on the other side pictures of him . I attend grief classes for his loss , but I still come here for support for my little baby . Only this group knows that type of loss. I do find some comfort here . I will be ok , I have no choice . Thank you for always being here .
04-22-2019, 11:37 AM
Oh Dawn, I’m so grateful that we can offer you at least a bit of comfort. I’m still in shock over the death of your fiancé last Thanksgiving. What a cruel, cruel twist of fate just as you were trying to find your legs again after losing your baby. But we’ll always honor and remember her here, and we’ll do our best to support you as you work to find a new path forward. It has to be so hard. But just as you say, I know you will find a way. And thank you for all the kind words that you’ve always offered to support others here, as well. I think that’s been the heart of our mission here, all these years — to support one another through thick and thin. So even though these are such hard times, it’s so good to see you here on this thread, Dawn. And to have you with us, always, as a member of our family.
04-27-2019, 03:14 PM
Hello to all my beautiful long time k9 friends! Wow, I cannot believe I am back here and seeing all your comments brings back so many warm memories of our time here, helping and loving one another. Finding the amazing people behind this forum was a Godsend for sure. You all helped me save my precious Princess & I will never take that for granted. As some of you may know, the last 5 years since we released Princess went spiraling down with my own health and was dxÂ’d with breast cancer. Surgeries and everything else tied to cancer. I am doing well and am an official 5 yr survivor! Whatever that means. Woot wooooot though! Lol. It is so great to come here and see so many familiar faces. I love you all to pieces & always will hold a very special place in my soul.
While we have not still rescued another puppy, a little bundle of joy kitty did fall into our arms a month after Princess departed. He is a sweet cuddly bunny & while he can never ever fill our hole in our hearts, he certainly has earned a very special place in our hearts and lives. Chico is doglike at times and very gentle soul. Seems the gentle ones always find us & we are good with that.
My dear friends, what a pleasure it has been to read all of your posts. Catching up is certainly enlightening.
I love you & all your sweet furbabies.
God Bless & tight ones OOOOOOÂ’s
Jeanette :-)
Squirt's Mom
04-27-2019, 05:02 PM
I am so very glad you were able to come back and say "HOWDY!" for our 10 year anniversary! Your precious Princess has never and will never be forgotten...and nor will you, sweet lady. Of the many blessings this forum has given me, friends like you are the greatest. We are bound through our love for our cush babies and the journeys we took with them here as well as through our darling Terri. So many joys and laughs, and yes tears, form the cement that will hold thru the years to come. Thank you so much for dropping in to say Hi and for remaining in my life.
Much love and many hugs,
molly muffin
04-27-2019, 08:51 PM
How great to see so many old friends still stopping in for the Reunion thread. Waving madly at each and every one!
04-28-2019, 08:51 AM
Oh Jeanette, as soon as I saw Princess’ face lighting up this thread, I was so happy cuz I knew you had rejoined us! I’ve always loved your avatar sooooooooo much :D. So many memories of your sweet, sweet girl. And so many memories of YOU! It’s wonderful to hear from you, and to know that you’ve reached this milestone in your health journey. That is so huge. I also love hearing about little Chico. I grew up with cats and still love them. Hubby does, too, but he’s horribly allergic, so unfortunately our house has no felines. But they make wonderful companions, too, and it sounds like that’s exactly what you’ve got with Chico.
Don’t be a stranger, girl! Now that you’ve checked back in, we’d love to keep the updates coming...;)
Tight hugs flying right back atcha!
04-28-2019, 09:01 AM
Happy Anniversary. Like the site, my involvement with canine Cushings' ended over a decade ago when I lost my beautiful Criss Ann. I still read and sometimes post on K9diabetes.
For the first time in 45 years, I'm without any white dogs in my life. I lost my last little dog in Sept. 2018. He was 16 years old. I travel a lot now and am too old to get another.
Bonnie and Angel Crissy Ann
04-28-2019, 11:45 AM
Bonnie, it’s so great to see you back! I try to follow the threads of our “dual diagnosis” dogs over on k9diabetes, so I do see you over there and I was so hoping you might stop back by here, as well! For sure, you and Chriss Ann were original charter members from the old website. We all learned so much together back in those early days. Chriss Ann was such a beautiful and brave girl. So many challenges to overcome, but that’s exactly what she did with you right there by her side. You were a tremendous team!
I do understand your reservations about getting another dog, but can also imagine how life-changing the decision must feel. It’s only been 25 years that my life has been shared with dogs, but hubby and I are also facing some similar decisions of our own. Our third Lab, Luna, will turn 11 this summer and we’re not exactly sure what the future will hold for us, either. But for certain, we’ve all been so lucky to share these past years with our precious pups. Nothing will ever change our love and our gratitude for all they’ve given us.
Bonnie, once again, thanks so much for joining our celebration! Have fun on all your future travels, and I’ll continue to keep my eyes peeled for you over on K9D ;-).
Squirt's Mom
04-28-2019, 12:29 PM
Hi Bonnie!
Another family member from comes to visit! How wonderful to hear from you again! I remember Crissy Ann and learned so much from you and her journey when Squirt was diagnosed first with Atypical then conventional Cushing's. She was such a beautiful baby girl through and through and I know you must still miss her so.
I understand what you mean about being too niece ended up with a stray dog 2 years ago that she couldn't care for so she brought him to me so I could find him a home. And BOY did I try! But as fate would have it, HE adopted ME so I now have a big, male, healthy dog....three qualities I have little experience with. :D I kept telling people I was too old to handle a big dog now but Bud is so sweet and so gentle there is little for me to "handle". And he is one of three - a new addition in the last couple of weeks to my Pug, Sophie, is a Long-haired Chihuahua mix. Once again I am a foster fail! LOL I tell myself there will be no more dogs then one like Tilly, the foster fail, comes along and I am done in again!:rolleyes:;)
As Marianne said, please do drop in from time to time and say HI! You will always be family here.
05-15-2019, 09:10 PM
I was supposed to be here a few weeks ago but then my gallbladder tried to kill me - apparently my Bohemian ancestors' gall bladders take the first sign of trouble as a reason to curl up and die! LOL So I got delayed for a bit.
10 years... I always feel like it's been forever and it was just yesterday! Not much new with me. K9D continues but traffic is slow with so many people going to Facebook groups - which makes me shudder a bit because of the lack of follow-up and continuity. Like all FB groups, there's a lot of drama and fighting at the canine diabetes groups and I feel like I'm kind of done with dealing with K9D on a regular basis. Chris has been gone almost 11 years now. So I am just letting K9D provide whatever help it provides and keep up with reviewing and approving new members and dumping spam registrations. But I rarely spend much time there. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing! As with the FB groups, I feel like my making quick comments/flyby advice isn't the best route so I usually only chime in when I have time to get into the details.
Otherwise, all is good. Our nondiabetic / nonCush dog Jack is turning 12. Slowing down but still generally healthy and enjoying life despite a heart murmur he developed three or four years ago. We put him on CoQ10 and a taurine supplement that I think really helped him - could be he's a dog who was taurine deficient for many years. Together, they seem to have stopped the progression of his murmur. Still has quite a bit of back pain that we treat constantly with Metacam and anxiety that resurges a bit when he doesn't feel well. But he's gotten almost cuddly in his older age and is just too cute and smart!
I'm still self-employed, finished up a stint as an animal shelter volunteer a couple of years ago. Jeff retired but is doing some private PI work and may be doing some cold case investigating, and his daughter and her husband had a baby last year and grandpa is over the moon in love. She's very cute and smart. I've never been a crazed baby person. Given the choice, I'll meet the dog over the baby every time. So it's kind of nice that grandpa wants to be so involved.
So things are good, busy, sometimes stressful - about normal! Not very newsworthy I'm afraid!
Harley PoMMom
05-16-2019, 08:35 AM
Oh Natalie,
It is so good to hear from you! I don't know what we would do without you, we are continuing grateful for the temporary home you provided us with when the old forum was shut down, and the help you provide us here...thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Gosh I'm sorry to hear about your gallbladder attack and hope that never happens again. Glad to read that Jack is holding his own, CoQ10 and a taurine supplement, I'll keep that in mind when I have a dog with a heart murmur.
My life is hectic, my neice's baby girl will be 5 years old in July and I babysit her 3-4 times a week, overnight visits as her Mom works 3rd shift. Boy does she keep me busy, there's no xbox to keep her occupied at my house so we play, play, play!! I'm exhausted by the time she goes back to her Mom!!! And then need a day to recoup afterwards!
Last year I started raising Monarch butterflies, what a joy that is to do. I get the eggs right after the butterfly lays them and then place them in containers until they hatch. When the caterpillars are long enough they go in proper butterfly pens and remain there until they turn into butterflies. It's just so neat watching them go through their stages until they are butterflies...such beautiful creatures they are!
My Harley's been gone for 8 years now, boy do I miss that sweet boy. Although I've had others after him, he was my heart & soul dog. Still have Alex, the bad cat, and like your Jack, he seems to be getting more cuddly in his older age, he's 11 now but still ornery. I also have my late sister's chihuahua, she's just a tiny thing, 4 lbs, her name is Chili and she is a shy dog and not a lap dog by no means but not the typical yappy chihuahua either. So I've been pondering about getting a puppy!!
05-16-2019, 05:37 PM
Omigish Natalie — I’m so glad the gallbladder episode is behind you!!! And sooooooo glad to see you here on our reunion thread :D:D:D:D:D:D. As I wrote over on K9D, you are a “Founding Mother” here, for sure!
I can’t get over how fast the years have passed, either. Chris will forever remain an honorary Cush-angel. And I’m so glad to hear how well Jack is doing as a senior citizen. My Luna is just one year younger, and definitely showing some age. But after all my years of worrying about her intermittent limp, it’s never gotten any worse and for that I’m very grateful (of course I should probably not have tempted fate by writing that!). Thank you, though, for sharing with me all the orthopedic insight you’ve gained through Jack’s care throughout these years.
Sending you my very best wishes for whatever path you choose to follow from here on out, both personally and in terms of K9D. Our time spent together on these forums has been a joy, and selfishly, I definitely hope it’ll continue onward in one form or another ;-).
Squirt's Mom
05-17-2019, 05:22 PM
Good to hear from you, Natalie! And I second Lori's THANK YOU for giving us a temporary home when was shut down and for helping up set K9C up. That was a time I doubt I ever forget but you made it easier on us all.
I completely understand you feelings about Facebook when it comes to trying to help people. Too many want opinion and not fact and find any bit of drivel easier to accept than solid science. I still belong to a few cush groups but rarely post on any of them. Just too frustration and heart-breaking.
Jack sounds like he is doing pretty good and I'm glad to hear that! Your Chris will always be family here. I hope you find a path that brings you as much, or more, enjoyment in the years to come as you ever found in the past...tho I guess opening a daycare is not in the cards? :D I love my grandsons and miss their childhood years but as they grow older our relationship changes and grows deeper so that is some compensation for the lack of them in my arms. They still hug me and say they love me and that means the world to me! Tho I'm all too glad to hand other people's babies back to them and play with their dog! LOL
Thanks for stopping in!
05-20-2019, 08:11 AM
Well, it’s here — the big day has actually arrived...Ten years ago today, was officially born!
Ten years of Cushpups, memories, and friendships to honor and celebrate! Many, many thanks to everybody who’s already stopped by to add a post, and we hope there’ll still be more notes to come. It’s been a journey, that’s for sure. But a journey that’s best taken in the company of caring folks who understand how much this all matters.
Best wishes to all our K9C family, everywhere and always!
Harley PoMMom
05-20-2019, 05:48 PM
WOW!! Can't believe it's been 10 years! Man, time flies! A lot of beautiful, sometimes tearful but unforgettable memories on this forum.
05-22-2019, 11:34 PM
OK I finally got back. So much time has passed but the friends I made here are still fresh in my mind. So much has happened since I last visited the forum, some good some not so. My RA was causing some big issues but I have had both knees replaced and new medications so I am doing much better. My mum passed suddenly this January and so much to do to get her affairs sorted.
Buddy was my reason for finding the forum and I am so glad I did. At the time I stopped coming to the forum I lost three dogs (Bud, Nelson, Phoebe) all so quickly and gained Janey, Luke and Joey. Janey passed last year but Luke and Joey are still with me.
That's all for now
Jenny XX
I think of all the people I met here that were going through similar things and wish I had been strong enough to continue after losing Bud.
05-23-2019, 08:12 AM
Wooo Hooooooooooooooo!! Jen, it’s so great to see you here this morning (or maybe it’s tonight or tomorrow morning to you — I can’t ever keep the time zones and date lines straight!). That’s one of the many things that was so wonderful about you and Alison being here, you girls were an essential part of the round-the-clock ER team :-)))))).
Of course we’ll never forget Buddy and Nelson and Phoebe, and I’m so glad you still have your two boys with you after losing Janey. Since Barkis, I’ve loved and lost my Peg, and now my “baby” Luna will soon be turning eleven. It all goes by far too fast. And as you probably read above, my mom died in January, too. So it sounds as though you and I are facing some similar sorrows and burdens.
Anyway, it’s fabulous to see you back here! Thanks so very much for joining in. And please don’t think of yourself as not being strong enough insofar as departing us. I think we all cope with our strength and weaknesses in different ways. I ended up staying here, but not because I was feeling strong — instead, just the opposite. This forum had become a safe little cocoon for me to settle into, and in some ways distracted and buffered me from having to deal with other challenges in my life. At any time, day or night, I could log in here and rejoin my K9C family, and busy myself with the world of Cushing’s. So that has been a genuine comfort and shelter for me, but it has also been a trade-off in terms of time spent away from being more brave about trying other new things. I do believe we all come here with a clear unity of purpose — to do the very best we can for our dogs. Whether or not we then end up staying may have more to do with “us,” after all, and what we’re needing most at the time. And that’s my psychotherapy nugget for today ;-)))))).
I love remembering those early times when we were all together here, though, and I wish you the best, always! (And if you’d ever wish to tell us more about Luke and Joey, we’d love to hear...)
Squirt's Mom
05-24-2019, 09:33 AM
Some of our former members aren't able to post here; it's just too hard to revive the memories, they can't remember their log in info, or they were members at but never members of K9C. With their permission I am copying the replies they left on a Facebook private message I started about our 10 year Anniversary.
From Pia's mom:
Thank you! I don't know what I'd have done without that board when my Pia was living and dying with Cushing's. It's so important to me to see her spot on In Loving Memory. I's been 6 years, and tears are falling just tying this out.
From Shysie's mom:
This board helped my baby and me know what to ask, how to understand labs, how to react in emergency’s and truly feel the auppprt of its members saved me from a break down. Members kept me strong for my baby, held my hand, and stood by even while at doctors......angels were with us always.
From Casey's mom:
The people that I met at K9 cushings new more than my vets about how to treat my Casey girl. She passed in 2012 after a long happy life at almost 16 years of age. Bless each and everyone of you that helped me through that trying time ❤️ Love you all !! You all helped me so much with my Casey !! Could not have done it without you ��
From Max's mom:
I cant post �� but Maxwell Joseph and I will be eternally grateful for this group. Without them he would've left me so much sooner. Love you all!
From Freedom's mom:
I really appreciated this group when Freedom was dealing with Cushings. Y’all helped me very much.
From Truffa's and Nina's mom:
This group was so very special to me too, I don't think I could have make it without the support of all of you. I'd be forever GRATEFUL ��������
From Nike's (aka HRH) and Kenai's mom:
HRH ( affectionately added to her name by I can not remember who) Nike who lived till a few days before her 13 birthday. Lived 5 years with this horrible disease. Her vet contributed her longevity with Cushings was due to the close connection we had, how well I understood and knew her and could tell when her cortisol was high or low and get it treated before it got out of hand. I still miss her. I love this post as I fondly remember you all and am very thankful for the help I received when this dreadful disease was diagnosed. She was one of a kind ( she also had diabetes Insipidis) which complicated things tremendously. Hugs to all.
From Lucky's and Marco's (aka The Fluffs) mom:
You all helped me so much with Lucky and Marco. I will always appreciate all of you as well. I remember Nike too. ((HUGS))
05-25-2019, 04:26 PM
Leslie, thank you so much for enabling us to see these messages! Each and every one is so special and so meaningful. Once again, so many memories resurface about each one of these sweet pups and their moms! All throughout these years, everybody has truly helped one another -- it's been a joint effort all along the way. So many aunties and uncles stepping up to support us and our furbabies whenever help was needed. It warms my heart to know that many of these folks still find ways to keep in touch with one another. I do understand why it may not be here. But it confirms my hope that a lasting family has been formed, and contact continues among many folks in one way or another. That is a wonderful legacy, indeed!
05-11-2021, 02:29 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary my sweet cushfriends. Tears are flowing at remembering so many sad/happy times with all the faithful still here and those choosing to move on. I knew in my heart though that I would return someday seeking the love and compassion I found here 19 years ago. It has been an experience unlike any other and the bond shared through it all will never be broken. I would not trade those years for anything and will always have a love for my fellow cushmoms. God love and bless you all.
05-14-2021, 12:36 PM
Oh Shelba, I’m so glad you stopped by and bumped up this thread! Maybe some other alums may see it and check back in with us again, too. So many experiences and memories have been shared throughout the years here — I’m hoping that any time a member of our K9C family returns to us, they’ll stop by to greet us, as well. It’s so wonderful to talk with you again :-)))
Love ya!
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