View Full Version : Lysodren shortage

Squirt's Mom
11-13-2018, 09:45 AM

We have become aware of a shortage of Lysodren and would like to share important information on how you can now obtain the drug. Bristol-Myers Squibb has divested this drug to HRA Pharma who will continue to manufacture the drug so it will continue to be available. You may be able to find a pharmacy with existing stock but once they run out the only way to obtain Lysodren will be through one distributor and that is Direct Success Pharmacy. Their phone number is (844) 597-6373. Cost is $7 per pill with ground shipping of a flat $10. Overnight shipping is available for an additional charge. We were advised that contact with patient/client is within 24 hours.

Members used to be able to shop Lysodren for competitive pricing but it doesn’t appear this will be possible now. There is a less expensive alternative that many of our members have used over the years and that is compounded mitotane, which is the active ingredient in Lysodren. We suggest that you contact a compounding pharmacy and ask for a quote for the dose you need for your dog. Many of our members have purchased compounded mitotane from Diamondback Drugs over the years and we consider them to be a reliable and proven source. You can either call them at (866) 578-4420 for a quote or you can use their online quote request system at https://www.diamondbackdrugs.com/get-a-quote/

Members have reported that their vets do not know why they are unable to obtain Lysodren so we suggest that members share this information with their vets so that they can readily submit prescriptions to HRA Pharmacy or a preferred compounding pharmacy.