08-08-2018, 07:53 PM
I’ve been reading the forums for a couple of weeks now – so glad you guys are here! I could use some help interpreting the results I just got and where to go from here.. This will be long so I apologize in advance. :)
Henry is an 11-year-old miniature schnauzer. He is 27 pounds (not overweight, just big for a mini!) He has been pretty healthy all his life (knock on wood). But the week of July 16th, he was a little “off” – a little lethargic, wasn’t excited about food, but would eventually eat. A couple of days later, he started leaving his food, so I started him on a bland diet. In the middle of the week, he started having diarrhea, though he had plenty of appetite for the bland diet and seemed to get back to normal energy levels. By Saturday, July 21, the diarrhea was worse, so he went into the vet. They did blood work and the abnormal numbers were (ref range numbers in parenthesis):
TP 8.8 (5.2-8.2)
ALB 4.0 (2.2-3.9)
GLOB 4.7 (25-4.5)
ALT 223 (10-125)
ALKP 936 (23-212)
TBIL 3.3 (0.0-0.9)
They sent him home with Metronidazole and Famotidine and were going to refer him for an ultrasound.
Sunday morning, 7/22, he was not himself – wouldn’t eat anything, vomited, was whining and panting. So off to the emergency vet we went. They ended up keeping him overnight for fluids and IV meds. By the next morning he was eating and ready to come home (and has been fine since). The bloodwork when he went in showed 3 abnormal levels:
ALT 126 (10-118)
ALKP 1774 (20-150)
LYM .96- (1.00-4.80)
They did an xray and ultrasound, too, and the only thing the vet discussed as possibly being an issue was a “moderately enlarged” liver (no adrenal masses found). He suggested testing for Cushings.
Went back to the regular vet to discuss Cushings testing on 7/30/18. He drew more blood work and these were the elevated levels:
ALT 166 (10-125)
ALKP 1292 (23-212)
Cushings test was performed on 8/1/18 and just got the results yesterday:
Cortisol, Baseline: 196 (15-110 nmol/L)
Cortisol low dose dex 4h: 14 (0-30 nmol/L)
Cortisol low dose dex 8h: 103 (0-30 nmol/L)
Cortisol 1hr post ACTH: 537 (220-550 nmol/L)
Notes: “Here is a mixed message with loss of suppression of cortisol but a high-normal response to ACTH-stimulation. One possibility is that this dog does not have hyperadrenocorticism and the elevated result reflects a stress response to non-adrenal illness. More likely is that this dog has pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Any decision regarding a diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism will weigh heavily on the confidence of clinical signs.”
So, this means this is probably Cushings, right? But I don’t think he is showing any clinical signs! No potbelly, no skin issues, no excessive panting, no accidents in the house (yet), his energy is great. Of course, since then I have noticed him drinking more than he usually does, but that is not saying much because he never drank a lot of water. I have been measuring and he is drinking about 2 cups a day (today, more like 3), but I don’t think this is excessive for his size. What would be an excessive water amount for a 27 lb dog?
I started him on Denosyl last week (that was what the vet sold), though I am ordering Denamarin for next month. The e-vet also suggested switching to Royal Canin LF, which I have done. (I’m not crazy about the ingredients but Henry loves it and seems to be doing well on it, so he will stay on it for now.)
I spoke with the vet and she says the Cushings results are inconclusive, suggesting that we not treat right now, as he is not showing symptoms and because there could be a different underlying issue. She recommends just watching him and seeing how he does.
Thoughts? I agree with not treating if the signs aren’t there, but is there something else I should be doing or looking for? I don’t want to put him through excessive testing because any vet visit really stresses him out. He hates going there. But at the same time, I don’t want to be negligent if there is something obvious that I should be doing or testing for. Do these results scream something else to you? And when would symptoms be enough to start treating? Is the water-drinking itself cause for concern?
Not sure if this could be a factor, but the last month was very stressful for him, starting with July 4th, which never seemed to end. He’s become so fearful of fireworks that I had to get a Xanax prescription for him this year. It worked for a few nights, when fireworks were further away and more sporadic, but when the neighbors started setting them off on the 4th itself, it didn’t work and he worked himself into quite a state. And then I had work done on the house, which was loud, and he hates loud noises now. And then all of the vet appointments (did I mention he hates going to the vet?) Could all of this stress be affecting things?
I apologize again for the length – thank you for reading! And I would really appreciate any thoughts you might have as to test results and where to go from here.
Thank you!
I’ve been reading the forums for a couple of weeks now – so glad you guys are here! I could use some help interpreting the results I just got and where to go from here.. This will be long so I apologize in advance. :)
Henry is an 11-year-old miniature schnauzer. He is 27 pounds (not overweight, just big for a mini!) He has been pretty healthy all his life (knock on wood). But the week of July 16th, he was a little “off” – a little lethargic, wasn’t excited about food, but would eventually eat. A couple of days later, he started leaving his food, so I started him on a bland diet. In the middle of the week, he started having diarrhea, though he had plenty of appetite for the bland diet and seemed to get back to normal energy levels. By Saturday, July 21, the diarrhea was worse, so he went into the vet. They did blood work and the abnormal numbers were (ref range numbers in parenthesis):
TP 8.8 (5.2-8.2)
ALB 4.0 (2.2-3.9)
GLOB 4.7 (25-4.5)
ALT 223 (10-125)
ALKP 936 (23-212)
TBIL 3.3 (0.0-0.9)
They sent him home with Metronidazole and Famotidine and were going to refer him for an ultrasound.
Sunday morning, 7/22, he was not himself – wouldn’t eat anything, vomited, was whining and panting. So off to the emergency vet we went. They ended up keeping him overnight for fluids and IV meds. By the next morning he was eating and ready to come home (and has been fine since). The bloodwork when he went in showed 3 abnormal levels:
ALT 126 (10-118)
ALKP 1774 (20-150)
LYM .96- (1.00-4.80)
They did an xray and ultrasound, too, and the only thing the vet discussed as possibly being an issue was a “moderately enlarged” liver (no adrenal masses found). He suggested testing for Cushings.
Went back to the regular vet to discuss Cushings testing on 7/30/18. He drew more blood work and these were the elevated levels:
ALT 166 (10-125)
ALKP 1292 (23-212)
Cushings test was performed on 8/1/18 and just got the results yesterday:
Cortisol, Baseline: 196 (15-110 nmol/L)
Cortisol low dose dex 4h: 14 (0-30 nmol/L)
Cortisol low dose dex 8h: 103 (0-30 nmol/L)
Cortisol 1hr post ACTH: 537 (220-550 nmol/L)
Notes: “Here is a mixed message with loss of suppression of cortisol but a high-normal response to ACTH-stimulation. One possibility is that this dog does not have hyperadrenocorticism and the elevated result reflects a stress response to non-adrenal illness. More likely is that this dog has pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Any decision regarding a diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism will weigh heavily on the confidence of clinical signs.”
So, this means this is probably Cushings, right? But I don’t think he is showing any clinical signs! No potbelly, no skin issues, no excessive panting, no accidents in the house (yet), his energy is great. Of course, since then I have noticed him drinking more than he usually does, but that is not saying much because he never drank a lot of water. I have been measuring and he is drinking about 2 cups a day (today, more like 3), but I don’t think this is excessive for his size. What would be an excessive water amount for a 27 lb dog?
I started him on Denosyl last week (that was what the vet sold), though I am ordering Denamarin for next month. The e-vet also suggested switching to Royal Canin LF, which I have done. (I’m not crazy about the ingredients but Henry loves it and seems to be doing well on it, so he will stay on it for now.)
I spoke with the vet and she says the Cushings results are inconclusive, suggesting that we not treat right now, as he is not showing symptoms and because there could be a different underlying issue. She recommends just watching him and seeing how he does.
Thoughts? I agree with not treating if the signs aren’t there, but is there something else I should be doing or looking for? I don’t want to put him through excessive testing because any vet visit really stresses him out. He hates going there. But at the same time, I don’t want to be negligent if there is something obvious that I should be doing or testing for. Do these results scream something else to you? And when would symptoms be enough to start treating? Is the water-drinking itself cause for concern?
Not sure if this could be a factor, but the last month was very stressful for him, starting with July 4th, which never seemed to end. He’s become so fearful of fireworks that I had to get a Xanax prescription for him this year. It worked for a few nights, when fireworks were further away and more sporadic, but when the neighbors started setting them off on the 4th itself, it didn’t work and he worked himself into quite a state. And then I had work done on the house, which was loud, and he hates loud noises now. And then all of the vet appointments (did I mention he hates going to the vet?) Could all of this stress be affecting things?
I apologize again for the length – thank you for reading! And I would really appreciate any thoughts you might have as to test results and where to go from here.
Thank you!