View Full Version : Emerging study on CBD oil in dogs with Osteoarthritis

Squirt's Mom
07-28-2018, 05:12 PM
Results: Pharmacokinetics revealed an elimination half-life of 4.2 h at both doses and no observable side effects. Clinically, canine brief pain inventory and Hudson activity scores showed a significant decrease in pain and increase in activity (p < 0.01) with CBD oil. Veterinary assessment showed decreased pain during CBD treatment (p < 0.02). No side effects were reported by owners, however, serum chemistry showed an increase in alkaline phosphatase during CBD treatment (p < 0.01).

Clinical significance: This pharmacokinetic and clinical study suggests that 2 mg/kg of CBD twice daily can help increase comfort and activity in dogs with OA.


07-30-2018, 12:13 PM
Leslie, thanks very much for sharing this study! Our own sweet Peg's life might have been extended, or at least improved, had we been better able to manage her arthritic pain. So I'm especially interested in learning about new treatment options. I do see that ALP levels seemed to increase for the dogs in the study, so I don't know whether that might make CBD oil less attractive for treatment of Cushpups. But perhaps it would be of no major issue so long as liver enzymes remain carefully monitored.

I wonder whether it would be possible to find out from the authors exactly what type of proprietary CBD oil they tested. Do you know any specifics about obtaining/using CBD oil, generally?


Squirt's Mom
07-31-2018, 10:04 AM
No and I wish I did, Marianne. I have tried 2 different brands of CBD oil and neither helped me at all. A cream with CBD oil plus peppermint oil has helped with muscle pain a bit but I'm not convinced it's the CBD...peppermint can ease muscle aches very well. A friend in OR has told me about a powdered form he uses to make capsules with and he says it works better than anything he has tried so far. I have not been able to get that yet to try.

A friend used to send me care packages out of one of the states where medical marijuana is legal and it always had some CBD gummy bears. I could use half of one of those bears and sleep with little to no pain all night long. If memory serves those bear were made from marijuana plants not hemp plants. So I wonder if CBD oils from marijuana VS hemp are better. Of course the plants grown for those states were well regulated and tenderly cared for so that would also affect the potency of the constituents.

This is something I am interested in for my babies as well as myself so I will surely pass on anything I learn that may help us decide what to get if anything.