View Full Version : Likely Cushings - Seizures Pomeranian Age 9

07-27-2018, 11:03 AM
Hi my name is Ann and my pup's name in Finnegan.

About a year ago, out of no where, Finnegan started to have these weird "attacks" when he was sleeping. He would arch his head, and make this terrible squealing sound. These incidents would last for about 5 seconds and he seemed to be fine afterwards. I took him to multiple vets and they didn't know what was going on, and treated conservatively. He continued to have these episodes, I would say about 1x a day usually in the early morning/late at night.

Anyway one year later, I take him in again for this particular issue, as it seem that the length and frequency of this episodes are increasing. After a few rounds of bloodwork (normal panel, and then a liver bile test) urinanalysis and x-ray, the doctor believes it is Cushings. At first he thought it was liver disease but the bile test came back normal, because of high liver enzymes. I got the call last night and have been trying to research this issue before our next doctor's appointment on Thursday. I also have a holistic vet appointment set up for Thursday.

To give you a bit more background on Finnie:
Finnie has a pretty complicated medical history. He does have a collapsing trachea and does pant/have heavy breathing, about 15 pounds, with terrible joints. Prior to all of this, he never really was a ball of fire, so his inability to climb stairs and exercise intolerance was something that I chalked up to as him getting older.
He does have a distended abdomen and his liver is enlarged.
Since last year, he has been treated for two UTIs
He does not really eat alot, would eat all the table food in the world if he could, however
I had mentioned a couple of years ago to a vet about Cushings, and was told that it was unlikely because his "coat is so beautiful". He is incredibly furry, that people stop me all the time to say how beautiful he is (Mom bragging moment :)

My head is swimming, and I am concerned that he might have a macrotumor based on what I read on this board. Because of his other issues, I don't think he could survive surgery/radiation. I am also concern reading that some of the tests to confirm Cushings, would also be very stressful for Finnie. When I brought him into the vet on Monday, he was "turning blue" and they had to be very careful with him not to stress him out and give him something to calm him down.

My question to everyone is if you where in my situation, what types of questions would you ask the vets? I just want what is best for him, and not put him through too much because I know he can't handle it. Does anyone have any suggestions.

I just love him so much, and want to make sure I am doing everything possible to keep him comfortable and happy. Because for other than the seizure episodes he is happy, and fun.


Harley PoMMom
07-27-2018, 01:34 PM
Hi Ann,

Welcome to you and Finnegan! I am so sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us and we will help in any way we can. I only have a moment to post but wanted to add a few thoughts.

I believe the first thing to do is to find out why he is having seizures and than getting them under control, medications such as phenobarbital or potassium bromide are generally prescribed. I had a Pomeranian, Marvin, with a collapsed trachea and those vet visits were very stressful for him so I do understand your concern with this. If feasible, having a MRI performed could be beneficial as it may show any abnormalities with the brain that would be causing the seizures.

Is Finnegan drinking a lot of water and has his urination increased? Was an urinalysis done, and if so, could you post those findings?


Squirt's Mom
07-27-2018, 04:02 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Finnie!

I only have a second but one thing jumped out at me and it was this statement:

...he was "turning blue"...

Has his heart been checked out? If not I would have that done asap.
Have his lungs been checked out? If not I would have that done asap.

I have had dogs with COPD and heat disease and the gums of both would literally turn blue when not getting enough oxygen so I'm not sure if "turning blue" is a phrase that may be something other than turning blue but just in case I had to speak up before things got too involved.


Harley PoMMom
07-28-2018, 11:35 PM
I know with Marvin and his collapsed trachea that when he would get really stressed, like at the vets, his breathing suffered, more than a couple of time we just had to leave because of it, it seems the more they are stressed that the trachea clamps down and they can not breathe. :(