View Full Version : 10 year old Bostie with Cushings

Jake Huberts
07-19-2018, 07:10 PM
We have two Bosties (brother and sister from same litter) My boy Bostie was diagnozed with Cushings 515 days ago. He is on 30mg Vetoryl 2 x daily since then (breakfast and dinner). He is doing ok. but seems to lack energy. I was wondering if by reducing his dose to 1 x daily or even stopping it completely whether this would be a bad thing. His appearance has deteriorated a lot and his fur is thinning out substantially. His sister is doing very well. Both are on 1.5ml x daily Liquid Hepato (support formula for liver). I'd really like to know if taking my boy off Vetoryl

07-20-2018, 09:10 PM
Hello, and welcome! Can you tell us a bit more about your boy’s overall health history, including the symptoms and testing that originally led to the Cushing’s diagnosis? Also, has his cortisol level been checked via blood testing since beginning the Vetoryl? It’s very possible that his dose needs to be adjusted, which is common among dogs taking the medication.

I apologize for keeping this reply brief, but I want you to know we’re very glad you’ve found us and I look forward to learning more about your boy.
