View Full Version : Alternative cancer treatment I am using for my dog with a Pheo
07-05-2018, 10:47 PM
Hi everyone... my 10 1/2 yr old Rottweiler Casey, has a Pheochromocytoma on her right adrenal gland which has invaded her vena cava. We are not positive that it is malignant, but are assuming that it is for treatment sake. It has been inactive ever since we started giving her holistic treatments, we were giving her Poly MVA, Shitake mushrooms, Quercenol, IV Vitamin C infusions, etc. Then I met a man who is doing a study on dogs where owners are using Amygdalin, B17 (Laetrile). Amygdalin or B17, comes from apricot seeds, and basically when it is introduced into a normal cell, it does nothing, but when introduced to a cancerous cell it destroys the cells. Casey was diagnosed almost a year ago, 11 months ago. She has had no issues from the B17, she has been full of energy, good appetite, blood pressure has been stable. We will be taking her in for blood work and perhaps another ultrasound soon. I just wanted to share this for whatever it is worth. And remember, of course the government and veterinarians are not going to be real gung ho about a treatment like this because there is no money in it. You cannot patent apricot seeds. We are lucky, we found a laid back, open minded holistic vet, who is monitoring our treatment of Casey. I have copied links for information below.
07-06-2018, 09:40 AM
I am very happy to hear that Casey is doing well, and I surely hope this continues. However, I’m old enough to have lived through decades of controversy over the use of Laetrile, and therefore want to add information to give broader perspective here. First and foremost, it is illegal to sell Laetrile as a cancer preventative/treatment/cure in either the U.S. or the European Union due to potential risks and the lack of scientifically controlled proof that it works. Amygdalin, the chemical ingredient that is claimed to convey the benefit, is naturally found in different fruit seeds and nuts. So I guess some people are directly feeding the seeds and nuts to their animals as opposed to prepared compounds. But again, these kernels cannot legally be sold as a cancer treatment. Laetrile is legal in Mexico, and that’s where the Oasis of Hope Hospital that you’ve referenced resides. For American residents, Mexico has historically been a primary source of Laetrile.
I know it’s a common accusation, but I don’t see how government regulatory agencies or vets financially profit from withholding an effective medication from the public. Especially in the case of vets, they stand to make a lot more money from a living pet than from a dead one. On the other hand, pharmaceutical companies definitely have a vested interest in drug supplies. Many prescription drugs (including very expensive drugs) are derived from naturally-occurring compounds. If amygdalin truly had curative properties, I feel certain that Big Pharma would find a way to manipulate even an inexpensive base ingredient into a “unique” pill or injection that could command a tidy profit for them. Since they haven’t done so over these many years, I’m led to believe that there’s just no provable long term benefit to be had.
And in terms of profit, it’s not as though Laetrile doesn’t make money for the people who promote it. Whoever is selling you the seeds, kernels, or compound is profiting. I assume you’re paying the vet who’s telling you to use it. And the Oasis of Hope Hospital makes money from all the desperate cancer patients who seek out its care. I admit to personal bias in this regard, because I lost one of my best friends to pancreatic cancer after a naturopathic clinic here in the U.S. was happy to relieve her of many thousands of her own dollars for care that amounted to nothing that was genuinely therapeutic. They made a huge profit out of housing her onsite and feeding her “healthy” meals and “natural” preparations that they assured her would melt away her tumor. She died two months after entering the clinic. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean the seller doesn’t make money off it.
Not that I think Wikipedia is always the most accurate resource available, but I think they provide a history of the Laetrile controversy that seems pretty complete. I’d encourage folks to take a look if they’re interested in pursuing Laetrile further. In closing, I am truly glad that Casey is doing well. And if your personal assessment is that the Laetrile is somehow contributing to that, I understand why you’re choosing to continue with it. I have seen anecdotal reports from human patients that even though Laetrile did not cure them of cancer, it made them feel better while taking it. But for dogs for whom surgery or validated medical treatment is an option, I’d be sorry to see owners choose to rely solely on an unproven treatment instead.
Squirt's Mom
07-06-2018, 11:57 AM
I would like to second what Marianne has said and add a bit from the website posted on threads. The man who claims to have this this "cure" for cancer, Thomas Sandberg, states:
Products I have researched.
Amygdalin, laetrile, apricot seeds, artemisinin, metatrol, avemar, resveratrol, dca, poly-mva, plus more.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease .
When I was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago I started immediately researching alternative treatments to chemo and radiation that worked. That were proven to work. As a novice herbalist and one who fully believes in the power of many alternative approaches I was sure I would find something viable. But I didn't. I found claims but no proof those claims were fact. None. I talked to herbalists I trust and none knew of a cure for cancer. There are things that can help in the various stages but no cures. In my cancer groups since I have watched woman after woman after woman die because they believed red clover, coffee enemas, Vit C, on and on....the list is almost endless of the things believed to cure cancer. But they believed with all their hearts...until it was too late. I have seen women come in with stage 4, in palliative care, gain strength and spirit to fight a bit longer thanks to herbs, foods, and supplements. But none have been cured. I wish with all my being there was a cure for cancer for any and all species but that day is simply not here yet. And it's not the government, "big pharma", or any of those other entities who are blamed. It simply hasn't happened yet. But you can bet your bottom dollar when that cure does come, and cancer WILL be cured one day, our government, the pharmaceutical companies and anyone else who can make a buck from it will have control and be loudly touting their new possession. :D
I am glad Casey is doing so well on this approach and pray he continues to feel good for a very long time to come. There is an animal herbalist you may want to check out...her name is Cat Lane or Catherine Lane. She has a website and several groups on Facebook - she used to have a group devoted to canine cancer but I'm not sure it still exists. Worth a search tho. I would also highly recommend Monica Segal for a home diet for Casey. She also has a website and FB group.
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