View Full Version : Can Vetryl cause pancreatitis? Hospitalized Chi has Cushing's & is Gluten Intolerant

07-03-2018, 09:38 PM
Hi, please, please advise me. I am Jenny, mom of 10.5 year old Chi Chi- 14.5 lb Chihuahua, recently diagnosed w Cushing's and suffering severe Pancreatitis after Vetryl. -but also before Vetryl

Chi Chi was always abnormally tall and long, but very lean with a barrel chest. A year and a half ago she began to gain weight. Now she is very plump- one of the things that worried me, but I thought she was being over fed. **Though she has specific dietary needs. She used to always get a little bit of wet food on top of the dry, but when she was 5, she started having seizures. We isolated it to food. As long as she doesn't have grain or wet dog food- no more seizures! (Until now, but I will return to that.) She gets Blue Buffalo w a little bit of ground turkey or chicken or lean ground beef on top.

The last few years, Chi Chi has been uninterested in cuddling as she used to and fixated on looking out the window to bark at anything that goes by. The hair on the back of her neck stands up like spikes when people walk by! In retrospect, I blame the Cushing's, knowing she has it now. (Doesn't drink excessively, though.)

Memorial Day weekend she was not herself. She and the other dog got into some cat treats. We don't know who ate what... She waddled and wouldn't jump up and was very pitiful. Her tummy was extra swollen. I Googled it and felt the need to get her to ER quick.

They did xrays and blood work and said her liver was 3x as large as it should be and her blood indicated some high enzymes and maybe she had a bit of pancreatitis. They said take her to her regular vet for diagnostics and to check for Cushing's. They said she was a bit dehydrated, gave her fluids, and wanted to give her something for inflammatory and pain. I told them she had food allergies and asked if the meds would be ok and they assured me it would be ok. They gave her a shot of Torb and she really tweaked out and would not sleep for 36 hours. It was awful.

Our vet was out of town and she was feeling better so we waiting a week and half before going in for the ultra sound, more blood work, and ultimately the test of the pituitary gland. Pituitary Cushings. Vet prescribed Vetryl. I asked if it could be a problem and told him about the reaction to the Torb. He said it would be ok.

She didn't want to take the pills. Had to mix them with melted cheese. 4th day of meds, my mom gave her a little bit of chicken that came out of a soup. That night she was miserable. Only would lay on me, was in pain, so sad. In morning we took her to vet. (Regular vet's partner- vet out of town again) IV fluids immediately; severe pancreatitis. This was a Friday so the substitute vet said she would have to stay the day on IV there and at close of business we would have to take her to the animal ER where she could spend the weekend on IV and monitored. Fluid had antibiotic in it- we think...

Late the next day the ER said she could go because she was eating, etc., though for the record she was never vomiting nor did she have diarrhea. They gave us antibiotic pills for her Metronidazol. Again, I asked if it was ok w her weirdness with meds and they said this would be ok-plus we thought it was in her IV but maybe not... She had a seizure at home after the Metro. However, that seemed to reset her and she has been ok since.

But we haven't given her more Vetryl bc we don't know if it was the chicken she had or the Vetryl that made her sick. Her vet now says maybe we should not treat the Cushing's due to her allergies to meds. ***Does anyone know if Vetryl can cause Pancreatitis and if there is something that won't? Should she be untreated for fear the reaction to meds is worse than the Cushing's? She is the love of my life. I need her to feel good and be well. PLEASE help me. Thank you in advance!! Jenny

Harley PoMMom
07-03-2018, 10:41 PM
Hi Jenny,

Welcome to you and Chi Chi, I'm so glad you found your way here but sorry for the reasons that brought you to us. It would help us to provide you with our best possible feedback if you would get copies of all the tests that were done on Chi Chi and post those values that are abnormal with the reference ranges and reporting units. As an example from a Chemistry/CBC blood panel...ALP 200 U/L (5-50). Usually a low dose dexamethasone suppression (LDDS) and/or an ACTH stimulation test are performed to diagnose Cushing's so for a LDDS there will be 3 numbers to post; for an ACTH there will be a pre and a post number....thanks!

How much does Chi Chi weigh? And what dose of Vetoryl was she started on? Current recommendation is to initiate Vetoryl at 1 mg per pound of the dog's weight, chances of adverse effects are greater if a dog is started on a too high of a dose. Was she getting her Vetoryl with a meal? What test was used to diagnose the pancreatitis? My boy, Harley had chronic pancreatitis and it can be a bugger to get under control. One caution note with metronidazole, seizures are listed as a side effect.

As far as treating for Cushing's, that is a personal decision but I will tell you that we have many members that are having success in treating their dog with Vetoryl or Lysodren so please don't give up yet. I think the first thing that needs addressed is Chi Chi's pancreatitis, getting that under some kind of control is important because a dog that is unwell should not be given any of the medications used for Cushing's. How is Chi Chi doing now? Is she eating and drinking normally? Any diarrhea?

We will help in any way we can and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask them.


07-04-2018, 11:54 AM
Thank you for your response!! (Also sorry if I post this 2x because I tried once but I think it got lost is cyber space) Chi Chi is 10.5 years old and weighs 14.6lbs. I am very upset to realize that her prescribed dose of Vetoryl was 30mg. She did take with meal. We were told it was to be a low dose.

Her pancreatitis is currently under control. She was diagnosed by a snap test and all blood work results are below. She does not and didn't have diarrhea nor was she vomiting with it.

The Cushing's was dignosed by first an ultra sound that revealed no tumors and then a pituitary test where she was given something that I think stimulates the gland and test is run an hour and a half later. That came back from lab positive.

WBC 7.82 6.00-17.00 10^9/l
LYM 0.78 1.00-4.80 10^9/l LOW
MON 0.31 0.20-1.50 10^9/l
NEU 6.43 3.00-12.00 10^9/l
EOS 0.19 0.00-0.80 10^9/l
BAS 0.12 0.00-0.40 10^9/l
LY% 10.0 0.0-0.0 %
MO% 3.9 0.0-0.0 %
NE% 82.2 0.0-0.0 %
EO% 2.4 0.0-0.0 %
BA% 1.5 0.0-0.0 %
RBC 8.16 5.50-8.50 10^12/l
HGB 18.4 12.0-18.0 g/dl HIGH
HCT 53.62 37.00-55.00 %
MCV 66 60-77 fl
MCH 22.5 19.5-24.5 pg
MCHC 34.2 31.0-39.0 g/dl
RDWc 16.5 14.0-20.0 %
PLT 499 165-500 10^9/l
PCT 0.42 0.00-0.00 %
MPV 8.3 3.9-11.1 fl
PDWc 35.9 0.0-0.0 %
Chem Panel:
ALB 4.4 2.5-4.4 g/dL
ALP 355 20-150 U/L HIGH
ALT 93 10-118 U/L
AMY 686 200-1200 U/L
TBIL 0.4 0.1-0.6 mg/dL
BUN 14 7-25 mg/dL
CA 11.4 8.6-11.8 mg/dL
PHOS 4.3 2.9-6.6 mg/dL
CRE 0.7 0.3-1.4 mg/dL
GLU 107 60-110 mg/dL
NA+ 145 138-160 mmol/L
K+ 4.4 3.7-5.8 mmol/L
TP 7.5 5.4-8.2 g/dL
GLOB 3.1 2.3-5.2 g/dL

Thank you for any advice you can give me. I am mainly concerned that since she had the bad/pancreatic reaction following the high dose of Vetoryl- is it even safe to give her a smaller dose now? I don't want her to go untreated, but I don't want to treat her if that is going to make her worse. Thank you so much for helping us!!!

Harley PoMMom
07-04-2018, 01:29 PM
Thanks for the additional information, and quite frankly, those elevations in her blood work could be from just the pancreatitis. I'm really interested in the ultrasound findings, could you post that report for us and especially look to see if her adrenal glands were visualized...thanks! Also, the results from the test that diagnosed her Cushing's are very important, so could you get those for us too?

If you plan to restart the Vetoryl I wouldn't give her a dose that is higher than 14 mg and since Vetoryl isn't manufactured in that particular dosage strength than I would start at 10 mg, Vetoryl does come in 5 mg capsules so you could even try that instead. Did she have increased thirst/urination before starting the Vetoryl?


07-04-2018, 06:13 PM
Lori, Thank you so much. I will try to get copies of the rest. The answer to the thirst and urination is NO. She is not thirstier than usual and does not pee more than she ever did.

Her main symptoms are that she eats all the time and her liver is very large. She also seems to get extremely agitated when she sees anything out the window- and the hair on the back of her neck stands straight up. Her other conditions include situational epilepsy or seizures that result from allergies to food and meds, she has a collapsing trachea (not bad enough to operate) and now diagnosis of the Cushing's and allegedly pancreatitis, two times in the last month. Again, she didn't get diarrhea or vomit either time, just swollen and in pain.

I will obtain copies of the ultra sound and Cushing's test. Ironically, they said they lost the sample and would have to test again, but when we took her back, they found it.