View Full Version : Me and my King Midas starting a new adventure with Cushings

04-24-2018, 06:56 AM
Hi everyone,

My King Midas (9yo lab mix) got diagnosed with Cushing's last month... After being thoroughly examed, our Vet told us the diagnose and I started with searching out almost each and every symptom my dog had (even some that my dog never had but I've read it might, haha!). We are blessed with a wonderful Vet and she provided us much helpful information and I want to thank all of you guys because I've managed to read so much about my dog's disease already.
I'm aware of the fact we're just starting our Cushing's journey, so we're definitely gonna need your advice and support in the days to come.
I'm also hoping some days our experiences could help someone else!:D

Have a great day!

04-24-2018, 07:05 AM
Hello and welcome to you and King Midas! As you can see from my avatar, I’m a Lab-lover, too ;-). We’ll surely do our best to offer our support to you two, every step of the way.

As you’ve probably already gathered from your reading here, we do prod for as much info as we can glean. So any specifics about Midas’ treatment that you’d care to share will be most appreciated: overall health history, symptoms that led to testing, numerical results of the diagnostics, and type/dose of treatment medication. All of this info will help guide us with our thoughts and suggestions.

Once again, we’re so glad you’ve found us, and welcome to the family!

Squirt's Mom
04-24-2018, 10:41 AM
Hi! Welcome to you and Midas! :)

Just wanted to say Howdy! and let you know how glad I am you found us. I look forward to learning more about you and Midas as time passes....and look forward to the test results and additional info Marianne asked about. These will help us offer more meaningful feedback! ;) One thing I want you to know - you and Midas are now part of our little family here at K9C. We will be with you every step of the journey. You will never be alone.


molly muffin
05-02-2018, 07:04 PM
Hello and welcome from me too. So glad that you found us. We look forward to getting to know you and Midas and sharing this journey with you.

05-06-2018, 05:32 AM
Thanks for your support, the forum has already been so helpful!

I've noticed some symptoms very early, but haven't really seen any connection to Cushing's (as far as I can read, no one would in the beginning -- I didn't even know so many dogs suffer from that disease until getting to this forum). I've noticed him having a pot belly and a loss of hair, but wasn't really upset over those. It was on our annual checkup when our lovely vet noticed it might be something, so if I remember correctly, we first run a urine test and the results showed a level of cortisol higher than normal. Then the LDDS, ACTH and abdominal ultrasound. The results were quite clear since our Vet diagnosed his condition is not a lot of time from our visit. Since then, we're on Vetoryl.

I'm very pleased to say I don't really see any drastic change in the quality of Midas' life - sure, there are some things and symptoms we're facing, but no sign of any neurological abnormalities, insomnia or infections. It's just his hunger and thirst being increased compared to those needs earlier during his life. But, we'll see how it all goes.

Thank you :)

molly muffin
05-14-2018, 07:04 PM
Hello, What does of vetroyl are you on? and what does Midas weigh? Just so we have a clear record of how he is doing and responding on what dosage.

05-15-2018, 09:56 AM
Hi, he is an adult lab mix weighing around 85lbs and is on 90 mg vetoryl dose (it's a starting dose of 1mg/lb as far as I'm familiar with the subject).
We had the treatment re-evaluated at 14 and 30 days from our first dose ( we have conducted an ACTH stimulation test and serum biochemical tests). Favorable clinical signs followed by the result of 7.9 μg/dL on our last check-up made our Vet belive our dogs responds well to the dosage, so we decided not to increase the inital dose.
I will post the updated info after our next check-up, which is in less than a month.

Thank you!:o

molly muffin
05-15-2018, 08:56 PM
That's great. :) yes he does seem to be responding to the dosage. The post ACTH can go up to 10ug if symptoms are controlled. If they aren't controlled you want to try to get down to under 5ug.

He seems to be on a good track right now.

05-23-2018, 12:11 PM
Thank you. I'm still not relieved and can't wait to see the results after our next checkup, which is soon. I'll update the numbers as soon as I know.
:) :) :)