View Full Version : My Dog on the Cushing medication 'Trilostane

03-09-2018, 10:50 AM
My name is Tom and our beagle Rosie is around years old and has Cushing's. The vet put her on 60mg of trilostane once a day . After 3 days she became very week and would not eat so we stopped the trilostane. We question the amount of the trilostane drug that was prescribed and Vet was taken back that we would question her. Rosie is about 32 pounds which calls for 36mg of the trilostane on the low end to start with. We are now in our 5th day of the dog not eating she is taken water. We are giving her a appetite drug but that has not worked.

The Vet wants to do more testing because the dog is not eating but to me it's a direct result of to much trilostane.

Any ideas?

03-09-2018, 11:50 AM
Hello and welcome to you and Rosie. At 32 pounds, she should only be on 30mg. The prescribed dosage is 1mg per pound, not 2 as in the past, also it needs to be given with food. If she is not eating, she shouldn't be getting the pill. Others more knowledgeable than I am will be along to comment.

Squirt's Mom
03-09-2018, 11:51 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Rosie! :)

You are absolutely correct and her vet is absolutely wrong. What you are describing is a life-threatening situation in which the cortisol has dropped too low. Rosie needs to have an ACTH and her eletrolytes checked TODAY - ASAP. If her current vet won't do them, find someone who will immediately. This **cannot** wait.

And this is for her vet - :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad:

Her attitude is dangerously arrogant and if I were you I would be finding a new vet today. One who will listen and be willing to learn. Vets like Rosie's made me mad enough to bite nails in half (in case you couldn't tell! :D )

Seriously, Rosie needs to be seen today and have an ACTH done asap at the very least. Protocol calls for the electrolytes to be checked as well.

Please let us know if you get her seen and what the test results are.


PS. If you have some prednisone you can give Rosie a bit now but only in case you CANNOT get her tested asap. The rescue dose for a dog her size would be 3 1/2 - 4 mg.

molly muffin
03-12-2018, 08:42 PM
Hello and welcome to you and Rosie. As Leslie and Joan mentioned the protocol now is to start on the low end of 1mg per 1lb due to exactly this type of situation. Dechra changed the protocol a couple years ago.

As Leslie said, she needs to be tested asap, as she is still not eating and is weak. They should test ACTH levels and electrolytes to make sure she is stable, as too low of cortisol is as leslie again said, life threatening.