02-20-2018, 10:32 AM
Hi! My sweet boy Tucker, a 10 year old Maltese, was recently diagnosed with diabetes. It was kind of an incidental finding on labwork.
At the time, the vet also noted an ALP value of 829 and mentioned he may have Cushing's. His ALT was 95, GGT 12, all other lab values on the chemistry and hematology panels were normal as well. I'm a nurse and I'm familiar with both diabetes and Cushing's, but I've been doing more reading. The vet recommended the dexamethasone suppression test and an abdominal ultrasound.
Tucker hasn't really had any Cushing's symptoms. He did present with increased thirst and increased urination but ever since we have put him on insulin this has basically resolved. We haven't quite regulated his sugars yet, and the vet is pushing the Cushing's work up because he says it could make the diabetes harder to control. I'm a little skeptical because we have only done one insulin curve after the initial dosing and I know it takes time to figure out the right dose.
The vet didn't really explain much about Cushing's, so I have been reading and I know it can be caused by the pituitary or adrenal site. My questions before pursuing a costly and potentially stressful work up on my dog are always: What will this find, and what will we need to do about it?
My questions....
If my dog is not presenting with any other signs of Cushing's, is it necessary to proceed with the work up now? Would it be reasonable to recheck the ALP after a period of time, or would there basically be no other explanation for an elevated ALP?
Can the dexamethasone test diagnose Cushing's? Or will the abdominal ultrasound be necessary regardless?
What are the treatment options? Can Cushing's be controlled with oral meds solely or would surgery be part of the treatment plan?
Thank you all in advance. I trust your opinions more than my vet unfortunately. I know that vets are knowledgeable and I'm thankful for all the advances that make these work ups possible, but I have to be informed in my choices for my pup as I would be for myself...
At the time, the vet also noted an ALP value of 829 and mentioned he may have Cushing's. His ALT was 95, GGT 12, all other lab values on the chemistry and hematology panels were normal as well. I'm a nurse and I'm familiar with both diabetes and Cushing's, but I've been doing more reading. The vet recommended the dexamethasone suppression test and an abdominal ultrasound.
Tucker hasn't really had any Cushing's symptoms. He did present with increased thirst and increased urination but ever since we have put him on insulin this has basically resolved. We haven't quite regulated his sugars yet, and the vet is pushing the Cushing's work up because he says it could make the diabetes harder to control. I'm a little skeptical because we have only done one insulin curve after the initial dosing and I know it takes time to figure out the right dose.
The vet didn't really explain much about Cushing's, so I have been reading and I know it can be caused by the pituitary or adrenal site. My questions before pursuing a costly and potentially stressful work up on my dog are always: What will this find, and what will we need to do about it?
My questions....
If my dog is not presenting with any other signs of Cushing's, is it necessary to proceed with the work up now? Would it be reasonable to recheck the ALP after a period of time, or would there basically be no other explanation for an elevated ALP?
Can the dexamethasone test diagnose Cushing's? Or will the abdominal ultrasound be necessary regardless?
What are the treatment options? Can Cushing's be controlled with oral meds solely or would surgery be part of the treatment plan?
Thank you all in advance. I trust your opinions more than my vet unfortunately. I know that vets are knowledgeable and I'm thankful for all the advances that make these work ups possible, but I have to be informed in my choices for my pup as I would be for myself...