View Full Version : Gus - Recent diagnosis
02-18-2018, 03:19 PM
Our baby who is almost 10 years old was diagnosed with Cushings. We did all the testing last week. He's been on meds for 4 days now and was sick today. He vomited last night and this morning and will not eat. He just drinks and even vomited afterwards as well. This is not like him because he loves food.They put him on 30mg of Trilostane. I have been reading and it seems its too much. His weight is 28.5 pounds. We did not see the normal vet when we began the testing, we saw someone new at our vets but I think we will give them a call tomorrow and get him in to see our normal vet. HE is currently at VET ER.
I will keep you posted.
Any other info would be greatly appreciated as well.
Squirt's Mom
02-18-2018, 06:44 PM
Hi Linda and welcome to you and your precious baby boy,
I am so so sorry to hear he is not well but am very grateful he is at the ER...that is exactly where he needs to be. It does sound as if the cortisol dropped too low, which is a life-threatening situation so you did well to contact the ER asap. The new starting dose for this drug is 1mg/lb so 30mg/day for a 28.5 lb dog isn't really too high tho each pup is different. My larger concern is the accuracy of the diagnosis. But we can talk about that later. For now, I just want you to know we are with you and pray your sweet boy will be back home in your arms very soon. Please keep in touch and let us know what you learn when you can.
02-19-2018, 07:47 AM
Hi Linda, welcome to you and your boy. I am so sorry he is sick, but grateful you were able to get him to the ER. Please do let us know how he is doing when you can.
02-20-2018, 01:46 PM
Hi Leslie and Shana
He's not doing good. Our regular vet wanted to put him down today because he developed pancreatitis with kidney failure and his sugars went through the roof.
So, we took him to another hospital - with really rave reviews from many people we know and the vet told us what needed done. He did not suggest putting him down. So, I told them to please make him better. So, now hes on antibiotics, insulin to regulate his sugar. He's getting fluids and other meds as well and will be in hospital for about three days.
Please, please, please. Pray for Gus!!!! We can use all the prayers.
I have a dog reikiologist working on him from afar.
I will keep you all posted.
Thank you all.
Hi Linda and welcome to you and your precious baby boy,
I am so so sorry to hear he is not well but am very grateful he is at the ER...that is exactly where he needs to be. It does sound as if the cortisol dropped too low, which is a life-threatening situation so you did well to contact the ER asap. The new starting dose for this drug is 1mg/lb so 30mg/day for a 28.5 lb dog isn't really too high tho each pup is different. My larger concern is the accuracy of the diagnosis. But we can talk about that later. For now, I just want you to know we are with you and pray your sweet boy will be back home in your arms very soon. Please keep in touch and let us know what you learn when you can.
Squirt's Mom
02-20-2018, 01:58 PM
Healing, strengthening energies flying his way and your, and prayers rising for Gus, his docs, and his worried mom.
Hugs and gentle ear scritches!
02-20-2018, 02:51 PM
Praying for Gus...
molly muffin
02-20-2018, 06:54 PM
Oh dear, poor Gus. Well the one thing you don't need to think about right now is the cushings, you wouldn't give cushing meds to a sick dog anyway. So get the blood sugar regulated. You'll want to have electrolyte tests done which I assume the ER is doing to make sure that stays balanced and then pancreatis can take a bit to get over and is very painful, so even when he does come home, (and see we are going with the positive that he will be home soon), you'll want to make small meals, no fat, so mushy rice and boiled chicken. Just boil them both with lots of water and then just give tiny meals several times a day.
Come on Gus!!
Harley PoMMom
02-21-2018, 10:40 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Gus. Acute pancreatitis can cause kidney failure and may interfere with the stabilization of blood sugar so hopefully getting that pancreatitis under some kind of control will enable the kidneys to function better and bring down that blood sugar level. Keep us updated, please.
Hugs, Lori
02-21-2018, 02:11 PM
They have our baby on three antibiotics. One is a hefty broad spectrum, the other is targeting the pancreas. They are giving him some insulin because his sugar is on a roller coaster ride. When we took him in it was 471, then it fell to 87 by the time we left last night. We tried to feed him some baby food and his sugar spiked up again. So, they are doing insulin on him.
He's not getting any worse but a tad bit better. Last night the techs told us he was very nosy. He would lift his head and look to see what was going on. He also tried to sit up and then just plopped down.
They do have him on oxygen to help him with his breathing. He's also on morphine for the pain.
My nephew was with him this morning and he was sitting on his lap. He did drink a little water and when he was getting comfy on his lap to go to sleep which he needs badly - they came in and took him away because he had to do his treatments.
I got a call this am and they did tell me once he got his morphine he was resting.
Please continue the prayers.
Squirt's Mom
02-21-2018, 02:22 PM
That update gives me a bit hope! But prayers and healing energies will continue as long as needed.
PS You might take one of his blankets or a shirt of yours to put in his cage at the vet's - that can often bring them some comfort.
02-21-2018, 03:29 PM
Great idea!!!!
02-22-2018, 08:26 AM
Sorry for not responding again sooner, but have been silently following along and keeping you and Gus in my thoughts. How is he doing today?
02-22-2018, 12:55 PM
Hi Shana
Thank you.
Today they did blood tests. His liver values went down. His kidney values went up slightly. There is some acidity in his blood.
They are changing his fluids to bring the acidity in the blood down. They believe this is the reason why he is breathing so hard and the reason for the rise in his kidney values.
They are going to take him off the oxygen because they believe this change in fluids will help his breathing.
He is alert. When we were in this morning he tried to sit up when he saw us. His ears perked up when we talked to him. He tried to roll over many times while we were there. And he's peeing which they were excited to see.
Please keep the prayers coming.
Thank you all for caring. It really means so much to me.....
Squirt's Mom
02-22-2018, 01:59 PM
Oh that sounds better and better!! I am so glad! Prayers will most certainly continue! Thank you so much keeping us updated!
02-22-2018, 09:37 PM
Just a quick update here.
We went to see him tonight. I know, I am crazy but we try to go 2-3 times a day so he knows we are there for him.
Tonight, they brought him into us without his fluids and allowed us to sit with him in a comfort room for 45 minutes. While we had him, he sat on my nephew's lap. We gave him a rub down and he loved it. He even wagged his tail. He was very alert.
We wiped him down with baby wipes. He just loved it.
We just called here at 9:25 PM and they told us he was resting comfortably. What a God send. He has not rested comfortably for days.
We will be off tomorrow morning to see him. I will keep you posted.
Thank you all for your prayers and energy.
02-23-2018, 06:59 AM
Sounds like he feels better. It's not crazy at all. I think it comforts them knowing that you will be back.
02-23-2018, 09:20 AM
Wonderful updates!! Be as crazy as you need to be for your boy. I'm sure he loves to see you!
Squirt's Mom
02-23-2018, 10:43 AM
No, not crazy at all! I tried to live at clinics and hospitals more than once. :D Once my Squirt had to have a tumor on her spleen removed then developed pancreatitis that required her to return to the hospital for four more days. I called so often they finally told me they had put me on a schedule and one of her nurses would call ME. I wasn't allowed to see her for a few days because they wanted her to stay calm and it drove me nuts! I would go the hospital anyway and talk to the nurses or just hang out in the waiting room just in case. No, your not nuts at all! :D
It does sound like Gus is getting better every day and I am so very happy for you all! I pray this trend continues and he is soon back home where he belongs!
02-23-2018, 08:54 PM
Gus Update.
He's becoming more and more animated. He's sitting longer. His breathing is stabilizing. His kidney values are up but they said it can be managed through diet.
We now need to get him to eat. Please send energy and prayers for gus to eat.
I am grateful to all of you.
02-24-2018, 06:43 AM
Good news to start the day! Love it....
02-24-2018, 07:46 AM
Way to go, Gus! Eat your food, buddy... it'll give you more energy and make you feel better!
Squirt's Mom
02-24-2018, 09:03 AM
If they will let you try bringing something from home that smells good. I realize he will need to be on kidney friendly food but right now kick-starting the appetite is seems it would be more important. So try some chicken broth, plain no seasonings at all, with a little rice or pasta in it. Or some tuna water to pour over the food they want him to eat there. Parmesan cheese sprinkled over the vet food may work. Something stinky that will get his digestive juices started beginning in the nose then mouth with saliva.
I SOOOO hope today is even better and tomorrow the best yet! Keep up the good work, Gus! You can do this!!!
02-25-2018, 09:49 AM
Good Morning All
Here is an update on Gus. His kidney values continue to rise slowly. He will not eat or drink although he does show interest. The hospital he is at does not have the means to put a tube down him to feed him. So, we moved him to Cornell University. They have the means to test the reasons why, the underlying causes.
The ride up dehydrated him again. When he got sick on Tuesday, some of his vomit went into his lungs. So, they were concerned about that. So, last night they called us and they calmed him down, put him in the oxygen port which is climate controlled. They hooked him up and was giving him his meds and fluids and they put a tube down his nose so they can start feeding him - very slowly.
He goes to internal medicine today for all types of tests and ultra sounds.
HE's a fighter. Yesterday before we took him up to Cornell, he was walking in the Comfort Room we were in. He was peeing on his own. We briefly brought him home so I could gather financial info for Cornell and he walked around the yard sniffing and peeing.
Please pray. Please send energy if you can. He can use it all.
Thank you all so very much.
Squirt's Mom
02-25-2018, 01:35 PM
My thoughts and prayers remain with Gus, you and his medical team. I so hope Cornell can find the cause(s) and offer a viable solution to bring Gus relief and recovery so he can return home. I know he was thrilled to be able to have a good sniff of his familiar territory.
molly muffin
02-26-2018, 04:46 PM
i do hope Cornell can find the underlying cause of Gus's issue so that he can get better. What a fighter he is and you are for him. Come on Gus!!
Harley PoMMom
02-27-2018, 12:16 PM
Continued prayers for you and Gus, sending positive and healing energy with loving hugs.
02-28-2018, 03:49 PM
Hi All
Thank you, your prayers have been a great help.
I know its been a few days but we have been driving to see our baby.
They took Gus out of the Oxygen tank yesterday. He's breathing well on his own.
He's eating and drinking water. He is also very nosy at what they are doing. He is also walking some as well.
They have done blood work today but we do not have the results as of yet. We are going up tonight to see him so I think they will go over that with us. The day before yesterday his kidney values were going in the right direction. They did not do blood work on him yesterday.
The next order of business is to get him eating regularly so they can see how much insulin 2x a day he will need.
He has an ulcer in his eye they are working on, then of course his going to the bathroom will be an issue. He does not want to go in the place he sleeps.
I will keep you all posted.
Thank you again for the prayers.
Squirt's Mom
03-01-2018, 09:53 AM
I am so glad he was breathing well out of the tank!! That is great news! I pray his appetite comes roaring back very soon and he is cleared to come home.
molly muffin
03-02-2018, 07:04 PM
One day at a time. So glad there is some improvement. Long may that continue!
Come on Gus you have a cheering section. :)
03-03-2018, 09:15 AM
Continuing prayers and well wishes for you, and for Gus!
05-06-2018, 10:33 PM
Hello All
I have not been on for a while. We have had a go with our baby. He was at Cornell University Vet Hospital from the end of February 24 and finally brought him home on March 12. Its been quite the experience but we love Gus so much and would not have done anything different.
We were up and down at the hospital with their outlook being very grim. He had a lot wrong with him, he had an enlarged liver, he had pancreatitis, his kidneys were failing, he was a diabetic and he developed an ulcer in his eye. But they took him on and began to heal him. He was in oxygen for almost 10 days. All this time, we visited him every night, even though we were only able to see him for 10 minutes. (The drive was a 2.5 hour drive up and 2.5 hours back.) We needed to let him know we were there for him and fighting with him every step of the way. For the first two weeks it was very grim. They were not even sure they would be able to take him off the insulin drip and other drips and the feed tube. He had seven lines coming out of him. I was at my wits end. I cried every time the Dr talked to us because she kept saying that they might not be able to take him off the drips. I finally told them we were going to bring him home no matter what even if it was only for a few hours to a few days.
I finally decided to try some non traditional medicine, animal distant Reiki with three different Reiki masters from around the world. When we went up to see him, after the first session, we say a great improvement. The Dr was floored. She could not explain his turnaround. After three days of Reiki, he was off three drips. He still had the feeding tube and was still on an insulin drip as well as liquid antibiotics. He was getting stronger. Each time we visited he would sit up. A few days before we took him home, he began to eat. He still had the feeding tube in for precautions (just in case he needed it) and they were beginning to regulate his sugar. While he was making these strides, the doctor was very cautious but not matter what, he was getting stronger. They were able to stabilize him, and the day before we brought him home, they took him off the drips and the feeding tub
Its a long process. He was placed on a low fat diet and we had a rough go the first week at home, but we finally were able to find the food he would eat. In this whole process, he has lost 10 pounds.
Today, a month after being home, his liver is still enlarged but the enzymes are coming down. At one point they were over 9000, they are down to 900. His pancreas is still large. His kidney values are good. He is on Vetsulin 9 units twice a day. He is also on three different eye meds. He has an appetite like a horse. He was tested for Cushings again and it was determined he has it. They are not starting him on any meds yet because he is still healing. He does have low calcium so, we will be taking him to our new local vet for that test and for them to get to know him.
I am looking for any guidance on how we can now help him heal his liver and pancreas.
I just wanted to keep you all posted. Gus is still here with us and making strides every day.
Thank you all for your well wishes.
05-07-2018, 12:59 PM
Omigoodness, what a journey you all have taken!! Thanks so much for coming back to update us. Given the complexity of Gus’s issues, I think I’d best defer to a vet in terms of adding in any more supplements or treatments. But some of our other members may have some specific suggestions for you, and I can surely continue to wish you all well!!!! It sounds as though Gus’s comeback is little short of a miracle, and it gives us all hope to know that a recovery this remarkable is sometimes possible. I realize there are still many challenges ahead, but kudos to you for your loving care, and tons of healing hugs to your brave boy!
Please do continue to update us as you are able.
molly muffin
05-14-2018, 07:11 PM
Amazing! You and Gus really hung in there together and we are so pleased to hear that he is doing better.
I really think it is going to be a fine wire balancing act with Gus. You can't treat for cushings until he is healthy enough and yet the corisol when high works against you. I'd get the pancreas into a stable range and the other things like kidneys stable, but realize that liver enzymes are often elevated with cushings, so that one may only come back down once you start treating cushings.
Baby steps are always best.
05-14-2018, 08:51 PM
Marianne and Sharlene
Thank you for the well wishes.
Gus is going to get a parathyroid test done on Saturday - Cornell's cost was twice the amount our vet would charge. So the local vet is going to do the test.
Our local vet also suggested we might want to try acupuncture on him. So, I am going to call and see if we can make an appointment for this. He also has Reiki done on him every other week.
Every day he gets stronger and stronger. He's appetite has come back.
My sister said he rolled in the grass today - something we thought he would not be able to do for a while.
The doctor wants to make sure he is healthy enough to be able to take the meds they will put him on. We can't afford another crash as he had. So, they do want to make sure his liver is almost healed.
I agree baby steps.
I will keep you all posted.
molly muffin
05-15-2018, 09:16 PM
oh gosh a roll in the grass is quite wonderful! So glad to hear he is getting stronger!
06-12-2018, 02:47 PM
I will tell you these last three and a half months have been a real eye opener with one of our baby's Gus. I wanted to give another update.
Gus is continuing have Reiki Treatments. We do this every three weeks now. He is responding very well to them.
He was on 10 units of Vetsulin 2 times a day. We are now down to 9 units twice a day.
We just started him on acupuncture and what a difference. The doctor can read animals and and told us that Gus knew he was there for treatment and was taking it all in and that he wants to get well. So, she is treating for his pancreatitis and other aches and pains.
Anyway, we did a fourth ACHT test on him last week, the first three came back noting that he has cushings. He also took a test which indicated there is something wrong with his parathyroid. So, our doctor at Cornell thought it might be cushings thus the reason for the 4th test. Well our new vet down here just emailed me over the weekend and told me that this fourth test for cushings came back normal.
So now I have all kinds of questions, which I sent her.
He is so skinny and bony. Hes on a low fat diet for his pancreatitis so one of the questions I asked is if we could introduce a bit more fat in his food so now I wait for his answer
Anyone have any thoughts?
Thank you
Squirt's Mom
06-12-2018, 03:53 PM
I have merged your update on Gus into his original thread. We like to keep all posts about each dog in one thread. That way it is easier to keep up with the history for us and you. ;)
Harley PoMMom
06-14-2018, 09:09 PM
Carbs could help in weight gain, some that are diabetic friendly are Bulgur, Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Pasta, Sweet Potatoes, squash (acorn, butternut, spaghetti, and pumpkin varieties), Lentils and Beans.
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