View Full Version : Save Louie Food Drive

Louie's Mom
07-03-2009, 12:22 AM
It looks like we won't be receiving the large shipment of food that we had anticipated. Therefore, I'm hoping that anyone who hasn't yet called around to see if they can find cans of the Royal Canin Digestive Low Fat with FISH as the first ingredient will do so, and sooner rather than later, since we have lost a couple of weeks' time.

Our original goal with the food drive was 900 cans. I have about 400 cans on hand at the moment and hope to receive at least 500 more. If you can find them, I will purchase them from you. Please call your local veterinarian to see if they have this food in stock. I have a prescription that I can give you if it is needed.

See www.savelouie.com and http://savelouie.blogspot.com for details.

Thank you,

Laura and Louie.

Louie's Mom
07-11-2009, 01:32 AM
Wanted to come back to this and let you all know that our latest diet trial, with tofu, seems to be working out and I am hopeful that we've at long last determined another protein that Louie can eat. This will help release us from our dependency on this discontinued food, and will help me stretch the food that I have on hand for quite a while.

Thank you to anyone who looked for this food. It is very much appreciated.

07-11-2009, 09:32 PM
Just saw your most recent post and I was also just at your site where I saw that you said:

We have found a protein source that Louie tolerates and are hopeful that we can use that to stretch the food we have for as long as necessary. Therefore we are no longer asking volunteers to locate food. Thank you to all who have helped us.

That's really good news! :)

07-11-2009, 11:09 PM

Really hope the tofu works out for Louie.
Please keep us posted.

~Mary Ann

Truffa's Mom
07-12-2009, 08:05 PM
Great news!!!. Hope tofu keeps working on Louie's health.

Louie's Mom
07-16-2009, 10:51 PM
So far it seems to be agreeing with him exceptionally well. His lymphangiectasia symptoms are pretty much gone and he's doing as well right now as he has since this journey started for us a couple of years ago. I think there is something in the tofu that he has needed which he's now getting, as his digestion is the best it's been.

I'm very happy about this new development and hope that now we can all just get back to living our lives without the constant worry over his health.

07-16-2009, 11:08 PM
Wow! Really really glad to hear that Louie is doing so well on the tofu! :D

I hope you can now get back to a normal life, but don't forget to come back and update us every once in a while! :)

07-16-2009, 11:11 PM
That is great news, Laura. I know how incredibly hard this has been for both of you and it's about time you got a break. We'll have fingers and paws crossed that everything continues to go well for your cutie, Louie and of course, mom too.


Louie's Mom
07-17-2009, 01:33 PM
Thanks! Lymphangiectasia is one of those diseases that is never cured, but can sometimes be managed, so I am hoping he remains in remission for a long time. He'll always have episodes if he gets into foods he shouldn't have (what dog doesn't?) but with any luck he will not have to go through anything again like he went through last year.

I have my fingers crossed, anyway!

Will pop in periodically and let you all know how he is, and will definitely be back if I start suspecting Cushing's again. For the moment I've decided to go with the encouraging suggestion that if he really did have it, he'd be a lot worse by now. I think it was Scott who suggested this and it makes a lot of sense to me.

Thank you everyone for caring so much about this little dog. I did have someone PM me about his picture because they wanted to see more pics of him. I have created an album here so that you can all see more of him :) I did not take a lot of pictures that showed how frail and thin he was during his worst days, as I didn't want to look at that, but these mainly show him before and after the very worst of his illness. The one by the pool is very recent-- he wanted his dinner, And he is a smiling boy, once again!

I hope we can move this thread to the Everything Else section and keep it there now :)

07-17-2009, 04:07 PM
I'm so glad the tofu is working!