11-12-2017, 06:34 PM
Hello all,
This forum was recommended by the Swedish Vallhund group I am a member of. I am just beginning to dive into the issues with an elderly dog, BeeBee, with Cushings. BeeBee has been healthy for her entire life, but the diagnosis aligns with symptoms of the disease: Increased water intake, increased urination, weight gain, muscle weakness, a bit more panting. I attributed this to old age, but during a routine blood test, followed by a urine test, the disease was uncovered.
I will be reading over the postings and then, I am sure, will have questions for the group.
This forum was recommended by the Swedish Vallhund group I am a member of. I am just beginning to dive into the issues with an elderly dog, BeeBee, with Cushings. BeeBee has been healthy for her entire life, but the diagnosis aligns with symptoms of the disease: Increased water intake, increased urination, weight gain, muscle weakness, a bit more panting. I attributed this to old age, but during a routine blood test, followed by a urine test, the disease was uncovered.
I will be reading over the postings and then, I am sure, will have questions for the group.