View Full Version : Cushings and Mobilty Joint Suppliment

10-17-2017, 04:27 PM
My little old girl Emma is approx. 13-14 years old. I rescued her almost 4 years ago (she is a Chihuahua and Dachshund X). She was diagnosed with Cushings 3 years ago. She is on trilostane.

But - She also has developed arthritis in her back. The last 5 months she has slowly got increased weakness in her back legs, walks very stiffly/wobbly. (She can't do stairs at all, and I lift her up/down off of couch).

I was wondering if anyone has used 'Only Natural Pet Get Up & Go Joint Support Chewables' to help with the Cushings weakness and arthritis?

She is a happy little dog most times, but the weakness is starting to get the better of her and she does have 'off' days when I know it hurts her. I bought a small bag of the chewables mentioned above, and gave her 1/2 of one last night - but was wondering if anyone else has tried this specific supplement? Especially with the combination of cushings.


10-17-2017, 05:46 PM
Hi Sue,

Welcome to you and Emma. I don't have any experience with that supplement, nor really much time to comment but I wanted to say hi. Are you getting regular ACTH tests with her trilostane, and if so, would you happen to have the results of those? We're always interested in specific numbers of those tests. It might be that she would benefit from letting that cortisol level rise some,
to offset the difficulties from the arthritis. But I'm getting ahead of myself a bit.

Thank you for rescuing her, and taking care of her since. Welcome once again!


molly muffin
10-17-2017, 05:49 PM
I haven't tried that one personally. I used joint supplement with cosequin plus msm for my dog.

How is her ACTH levels for cortisol? Sometimes you have to do a balancing act to get what helps the cortisol just enough but allows a bit to help with the joints too.

10-17-2017, 09:40 PM
Emma's levels are being monitored very closely - I don't have her latest results handy. She is presently on15mgs of Trilostane, and she is still slightly on the lower side level wise. I won't lower the Trilostane, as the result is quite devastating for her - I actually thought in the summer I was going to lose her until the meds were upped and she snapped back. It was really touch and go....

That's why I thought of adding the supplement to ease her joints a bit. Anything that may help - but does not cost an arm and leg. I'm being very careful with the amount of supplement (under what they say) - and it is only day two, so don't know of any effect yet ( good or bad).

Oh - she is also on a grain free canned food, I switched her to that about a year ago and it did seem to help a bit with her little pot belly.

She's a real little trooper.

10-18-2017, 07:00 AM
She's adorable! I don't have any experience with the supplement either. I hope it helps~

molly muffin
10-18-2017, 07:51 PM
Aww, she is a real cutie. I'd say give it a go and see how she does on it, if it helps or not.

I use to order mine from amazon.com, as they seem to have the good prices and good delivery time.