10-15-2017, 08:44 AM
My dog had it one also [seizure] after the test. In fact that was the sickest she ever was. I recommend stopping those tests. They are expensive and hard on your dog. Once you have your diagnosis go for it.
August 2016, my Macy, a then 10 yr old English sheepdog was totally white. Today, one year later, she has her bounce back and her dark hair.
The get put her on lysodrene , 2 pills a day for two weeks, after that she takes 2 pills a week. I also read everything I could. And found ,Lignans for Life. She has been getting two a day. I also make her food. She loves getting real food. Through the course of this I realized she has stump pyometra so now she has one anti biotic a day and I give her 1 culturel to keep her from getting loose stools.
She is practically herself except for a circling episode now and then. And a few bm's in crazy places... the house, front porch wherever. They lose the link between brain and sphincter. I have kept vets visits to a minimum. Long story but we still have our Macy and hope to keep her happy and bouncy and alive!
August 2016, my Macy, a then 10 yr old English sheepdog was totally white. Today, one year later, she has her bounce back and her dark hair.
The get put her on lysodrene , 2 pills a day for two weeks, after that she takes 2 pills a week. I also read everything I could. And found ,Lignans for Life. She has been getting two a day. I also make her food. She loves getting real food. Through the course of this I realized she has stump pyometra so now she has one anti biotic a day and I give her 1 culturel to keep her from getting loose stools.
She is practically herself except for a circling episode now and then. And a few bm's in crazy places... the house, front porch wherever. They lose the link between brain and sphincter. I have kept vets visits to a minimum. Long story but we still have our Macy and hope to keep her happy and bouncy and alive!