View Full Version : A little worried, symptoms coming back while on trilostane

10-10-2017, 08:39 PM
My 50 lb lab mix Lyla has been on 75 mg of trilostane for the past year or two. Recently she has started peeing inside again. For the first time ever, she has started leaving food in her bowl, and picking away at it over time. I’ve noticed today she’s a little weak in her hind legs and limping too. I have her going in to be retested at the end of the week to make sure the medicine is working correctly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

10-11-2017, 07:59 AM
Hello, and welcome to you and sweet Lyla! I think it's a very good idea that you've arranged to have her tested this week. Medication dosage frequently needs to be changed over time, and from what you're describing, it's very possible that Lyla needs an adjustment. She may even be overdosed right now. Without testing, it can be hard to tell since some of the same symptoms can be caused by cortisol levels that are either too high or too low.

In the meantime, it'll help us a lot if you'll tell us more about her overall health history, as well as the symptoms and testing that first led to the Cushing's diagnosis. Also, has she had previous monitoring ACTH blood testing? If so, how recently and what were the results?

Thanks in advance for any additional info, and once again, we're really glad you've found us!


10-11-2017, 09:56 AM
Welcome to you and Lyla! I agree with Marianne. How recently had she been tested? It's sure possible that her dose might need to be adjusted, either up or down. So I'm very glad to know that will be checked soon. That's absolutely the best thing you can do for her. :)


Squirt's Mom
10-11-2017, 11:52 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Lyla! :)

I hope you can get her asap. In addition to the cortisol level needing to be checked the fact that her appetite is waning is concerning to me as that could be an indication diabetes has joined the party. So I hope she is seen soon. Are you seeing any other signs the cortisol may be too low - ie nausea/vomiting, loose stool/diarrhea, lethargy?

I'm glad you found us and anxiously await hearing what you learn at the vet.

molly muffin
10-11-2017, 08:24 PM
Hello, I just want to say hi and welcome to you and Lyla.

I agree with everyone else, that getting her tested as soon as possible is the main issue. Make sure they also do a full blood workup along with the ACTH to see how she is doing and what might be wrong where.