View Full Version : Boston terriro Mix - Xena Warrior Princess

10-08-2017, 01:38 PM
I've just read your entire story. I hope all is well. I'm on yearc2 of tristolsne on my adorable warrior princess xena. Boston, jack Russell, & rat terrier, mishap. Gorgeous mix of terriers. The smartest(no training needed for complex instructions & actions) & the most loving animal I've ever known and probably will. I don't have thousands of dollars, just enough for regular ach testing, tristolsne, & creative eating initiatives for her as she gets "blah" 'ED out on same foods. Loves frozen bagged French cut green beans by the handfuls slightly ran under warm water until slightly chilled. Lives the crunch, flavor, & hydration. Vet recommended too.
Anyway, I hope all is well. I'm on year 2 of tristolsne and so far not bad. Getting bad with dementia actions, never comfortable, always barking, & sleepless nights & I work full time as a waiter at Disney in epcot in orlando. Just spent the entire weekend up 48 hours withvabout 2 hours of sleep xena had an outbreak of manic barking & inability to get comfortable. If I don't react to barking with food or water or go outside, she won't stop barking. It's happenedctwice in the pastv5 Friday-Saturday & she then sound asleep & calm on sunday morning (now).

I think it's dementia related as she's 14 & year 2 on tristolsne. I cannot afford above and beyond a huge levels quarterly. Otherwise, she's managing. She's my heart and soul & I hate to see her agitated for 48 hours maniacally barking, eating, drinking, inside, outside CONTINUALLY!
She looks at me with those big brown eyes for help & im stuck!
Anyway, everyone be strong and live your babies as long as they hold on and it's not an unhealthy treatment any longer. I'd NEVERCWANT MY BABY TO SUFFER FOR MY SELFUSHNESS!
I'm not implying anyone on here is, it's just I've done that before and the hindsight showed me via pics I should have been more assertive and let my previous pup relax forever!!!

I love my xena and will fight as long as it's right!!!

molly muffin
10-09-2017, 04:33 PM
Hello, you will see that I have moved your post on one of the member threads to create a thread just for your lovely Warrior Princess, Xena. This way you will get responses just for you and we can welcome you to the forum.

So having said that, welcome to you and Xena.

Oh dear, that is rough not getting sleep due to the constant barking. It isn't uncommon for Bostons, or those with the narrow skulls to have neurological issues due to the pituitary tumors growing and putting pressure on areas of the brain. That rather sounds like what you are describing.

We all want to give our furbabies the best quality of life possible and it certainly sounds like this is what you are doing. We'd love to know more about you and Xena if you want to share.

You said she has been on trilostane for 2 years. Good job. :) Again welcome