View Full Version : Checking in for July 2009
07-01-2009, 01:53 AM
We suspect that we have a good number of folks here who read the messages regularly but who don't post very often. Maybe that's because their dogs are doing well and they don't have any questions to ask, or maybe they don't feel very comfortable about posting answers to other members' questions.
It's perfectly understandable and acceptable for folks to only post here once in a while, but when we don't hear from people, many of us find ourselves wondering what those folks have been up to recently and how their dogs are doing.
"Checking in" is a topic that we start on the first of each month, where folks can post a reply to let everyone else know how they are doing. You may just want to say "Hi! We're still here and we're doing fine" or you may want to tell us more -- about a really good test result, or something funny that your dog did recently, or a camping trip that you went on ... that sort of thing.
We'd love to hear from you! :)
07-01-2009, 08:55 AM
Still here and still checking in. We are off to visit our eldest daughter who lives in Nashville this weekend - 12 hr. drive. But, it is worth it to see two of our grandchildren. They have not met our new addition, Hyper Piper Rosebud. Should be very interesting.
Happy 4th everybody! Stay safe.
Rusty's Mom
07-01-2009, 11:47 AM
Just checking in to wish you all a very Happy and Safe 4th! May your pups enjoy the extra day home with them that many of you get to have!!
Blessings to each of you!!
07-03-2009, 06:22 PM
Corky had a good month. His Cushings symptoms disappeared about 4 1/2 months ago. So far, there haven't been any more clinical symptoms. He still has the 2 masses, but they don't seem to be bothering him or causing any problems.
His 12th birthday is today. He had a good day.
Have a Happy 4th of July.
Terri and Corky
07-05-2009, 07:26 PM
Hello and a Happy 4th from Kira and Heidi.
Kira is doing pretty well. Lately she's been her happy cheerful self again. She still sleeps a lot, but as her vet says, what else has she got to do? The last few days have been really terrific weather-wise for her. It's been in the low 70s during the day and low to mid-50s at night and has finally stopped raining. Our Canada Day fire works on the 1st made her crazy, but I left the radio on in the basement for her and she slept better than I did.
She goes out into the backyard, after her breakfast each morning and doesn't come in again until suppertime. She follows the shade, moving from one shady spot to another. She's got plenty of water that I keep refilling (because the birds drink from it too), so she's totally happy out there.
I'm happier too, because she's my old dog again.
07-06-2009, 02:27 PM
Hi all -
Have been busy with the book this summer - submitting to publishers. Zoe is hangin' in there. Summers are getting harder on her each year. She's never had much trouble with skin problems, but not so this year. She has about 3 large areas under her chin and on the side of her face and the vet thinks they are just pyodermas, but if the one under her chin doesn't improve w/antibiotics and hot compresses, vet may biopsy because it's a little bit lumpy. Other than that, we take slower walks, she 'sleeps in' in the mornings more often than not, but her appetite is still good and the cortisol is holding 'ok' on 180 mg trilo bid. She's off to our favorite petsitters later this week because my MIL passed away on Sunday and we're going back to IL for another funeral. It was only 7 mos. ago that my FIL died. But Zoe loves going to Stacy's so I'm sure she'll be fine, as long as she doesn't get carried away playing with Stacy's new black lab puppy!!!!!! Hope everybody's having a good summer and the pups are chillin'. Sue/Zo
Greyhound mom
07-06-2009, 05:34 PM
Asia (my greyhound) has been on the full dose of her meds (melatonin & flaxseed hulls) for about 3 weeks. I have started tracking her water intake the last week or so and I think she may be drinking less, but that may also be because it has been unseasonably cool in Chicago for this time of year. I'll see how it goes now that temps are back up to normal.
I'm working on a reciepe for peanut butter "cookies" which contains the flaxseed hulls and her melatonin. I think it would be great to make a batch of them and just give her it that way. My first batch are a little mushier than I'd like, (I'm not baking them--not sure what that might do to the meds) but if I ever get it perfected I will share the reciepe if anyone is interested!
07-09-2009, 12:32 AM
Hello Everyone,
It has been a rough year so far. As you know, we lost Cheri in December and Snicky in March. I almost feel like I didn't have time to mourn. We also tried to rescue Bitty Bichon during our work shut-down for one month in May/June. The day before I was to drive out to Missouri to rescue her, I was e-mailed and asked to delay my trip. She had taken ill. She had enceritis (parvo). She died the next day. She was 12 weeks old. I am still angry about this as I had asked about many health issues and offered to pay for any tests they normally do not do.
Sophie is doing great (but is in guarded condition). I never like it when they add that "guarded" condition. She's been to her cardiologist. She still has a bit stage 2 heart block, but not as bad as it had been. I also am displeased that her "exam evaluation" page says that she will eventually require a pacemaker. Quite unusual for a dog her age. :o
I recently had taken her to see her Neurologist near Auburn University. He is a retired Professor. We are priviledged that he will still see us as he doesn't take new patients. Sophie is doing fantastic since her last exam with him. However, she does have that extra "rib" (cervical rib C7, bilateral), hydromyelia, caudal cervical cord L>R, as he also says...cardiac dysfunction, multiple.....and encephalomyelitis, resolved (which I think caused all of her heart issues due to the reactions from her puppy shots..and I think some of her neurological issues). However, I have yet to have any vet come out and tell me YES that is it.
Researching "hydromyelia" today does not make me feel any better. She is probably in some type of pain and I may not even know it. I'm still carrying the guilt from Lucky and his pancreatic cancer. There has to be a better way of knowing whether your fluff is in pain or not. Sophie's already had many tests, MRI's, etc.
Bichons are known for having allergy issues, scratching, etc. Sophie has been doing that quite a bit lately. However, she has been tested for allergies, had skin scrapes, etc., special shampoos, foods, etc., sprays, you name it! And now I'm finding out that it all probably relates to her "hydromyelia." A possible side effect (showing discomfort) is scratching at the neck, nipping at her limb (which she is losing mobility in), scratching/nipping at other parts of the body to the point of losing hair. She isn't doing much of that, but it is coinciding with her loss of mobility in her left front leg. She has become more 'clingy' and she loves it when I rub her entire body up and down. So this all tells me that she is in some type of discomfort. Why can't vets tell me this? Why do they send me on a spending spree and off with steroids?
Marco has been wonderful. He had a few issues lately though too. Heaven forbid the POOP TRUCK (UPS) can get through the cul-de-sac and mom come home at the same time without Marco getting so excited that he rips his entire nail out. I think he did that in the floor vent. We had to go to emergency. Poor little imp!
Even with all of this, it sure has been quiet in our house without the other fluffers around. I miss my FIVE BICHONS.
Lots of hugs,
Hotty's mom
07-09-2009, 07:57 AM
Hi All,
I still feel the need to check this site even though it will be 4 months since I lost my Hotty :(
My Sausage-Elizabeth was just spayed and I'm getting to know her personality more and more.
Hope all is well with all the Cushpups!
Deanna & forever Hotty
07-16-2009, 03:25 PM
Hi All,
Allison & Emma checking in! Emma is doing really well - couldn't have hoped for anything better considering I almost lost her about a dozen times through this ordeal! She did her loading phase in March and ended up with an extremely low Potassium level which landed her 2 days in the emergency room. After she was put on a K-drip, her K just kept going up! Another day in the hospital on a saline drip. She was then diagnosed with Addison's (or at least a form of it - I don't think she was completely Addisonian, but I'm not a vet!). Her K finally got back to normal about May. Many a sleepless night during that! She was also diagnosed with Larangeal Paralysis (LP) which only allows her to breathe through one of the flaps in her trachea. This has caused a few issues, especially at night. After Tucker died, she started sleeping on his dog bed that had a bolster around it. Since it sometimes kinked her neck, she would begin to gasp for air, stop breathing, pass out and her heart would stop. Basically, she dies. Thank heavens I don't sleep very heavy and I always hear it and can get to her immediately and give her CPR. So far, she's always come back! (& I took that dog bed away) :) With the exception of trying to die occasionally, she's doing great! :D She's happy, engaging, likes to be around people, loves the new dog food I give her (along with all the treats!) and really is my dog again. I treasure each day and will give her whatever she wants for as long as I can!
Beth, you were right! Sometimes these little buggers surprise us! Emma isn't on Lyso - just her BP meds and the Pred and she's doing great. No increased water intake or anything. She goes for car rides, allows my nephew to crawl all over her, tries to chase the squirrels in the yard and enjoys laying in the sun! You really never know what will happen. :p
Take care all!
Big hugs!
Allison, Emma & forever Tucker
07-30-2009, 06:47 AM
Hi all,
My Harry is a new dog since Izzy arrived. He's positively running to the park most days to see his other girlfriends and then does an entire lap of the park keeping an eye on Izzy. He's had pituitary cushings for about 3 years now I think and apart from his front legs wobbling more now, you wouldn't know he's almost 15. His loneliness really was slowing him down since Patsy died, so it's just so wonderful to see him smiling again with this little feisty terrorist to play with. She just walks all over him and he loves it!
Stay well pups
Wendy, Harry, Izzy & always Princess Patsy's mom xx
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